102 research outputs found

    Simulación y análisis de desempeño del nuevo sistema de distribución de Calzado Andrea

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    Con el proyecto de aplicación profesional, la empresa Calzado Andrea planea facilitar la toma de decisiones en diferentes áreas concernientes a su centro de distribución en Silao. El proceso completo de sorteo es nuevo, resultado de un proyecto realizado por la empresa en su centro de distribución, además de ser el primero en el país, siendo así pioneros en el proceso de manejo de inventario. El objetivo del proyecto fue realizar un modelo simulado en el programa Flexsim para tener un panorama más claro del funcionamiento del sistema y capacidades. Gracias a su conocimiento en distribución, es de interés para la empresa el mantener la eficiencia lo más alto posible, por lo que al contar con un modelo simulado se facilita la toma de decisiones al poder experimentar con distintos escenarios y sus resultados. Los resultados que se buscaron encontrar fueron concernientes a la elección correcta del número de operarios, evaluando las capacidades del sistema, tanto en espacio como en tiempo y el número de equipo funcionales que se debieron considerar. Una vez terminado el modelo en el programa, se busca dejar en funcionamiento por un determinado periodo de tiempo para ver el comportamiento de este modelo.ITESO, A.C

    Efecto de la precipitación en la tenacidad criogénica en aceros inoxidables con nitrógeno

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    Los aceros inoxidables austeníticos JK2, JJ1 y JN1 se envejecieron isotérmicamente a temperaturas de 600 a 900 ºC por distintos tiempos, para estudiar la evolución microestructural y su efecto en la tenacidad a la fractura a temperaturas criogénicas. La energía de fractura Charpy muesca-V a 77 K muestra una significante disminución con el tiempo de envejecido en los aceros JJ1 y JN1 debido a sus altos contenidos de C y N. Las fractografias de MEB de las muestras ensayadas por CMV muestran fractura frágil cuya fracción aumenta con el tiempo y temperatura de envejecido

    UV‐selective optically transparent Zn(O,S)‐based solar cells

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    This work reports experimental evidence of a photovoltaic effect in transparent UV‐selective Zn(O,S)‐based heterojunctions. Zn(O,S) has a strong interest for the development of UV‐selective solar cells with high transparency in the visible region, required for the development of nonintrusive building‐integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) elements as transparent solar windows and glass‐based solar façades. By anion alloying, Zn(O,S) mixed crystal absorbers can be fabricated with different sulfur content across the whole compositional range. This allows adjustment of the bandgap of the absorbers in the 2.7-2.9 eV region, maximizing absorption in the UV, while keeping a high level of transparency. Zn(O,S) alloys with composition corresponding to S/(S + O) content ratios of 0.6 are successfully grown by sputtering deposition, and first glass/FTO/NiO/Zn(O,S)/ITO device prototypes are produced. The resulting devices present an average visible transmittance (AVT) of 75% and present photovoltaic effect. By introducing a thin C60 film as electron transport layer (ETL), charge extraction is enhanced, and devices show an efficiency of 0.5% and an AVT > 69%. The transparency of these devices can potentially allow for their ubiquitous installation in glazing systems as part of nonintrusive BIPV elements or to power Internet of Things (IoT) devices and sensors as an integrated transparent component

    Mutations related to Antiretroviral Resistance identified by ultra-deep sequencing in HIV-1 infected children under Structured Interruptions of HAART

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    Altres ajuts: CONACYT/GCPS/44519Although Structured Treatment Interruptions (STI) are currently not considered an alternative strategy for antiretroviral treatment, their true benefits and limitations have not been fully established. Some studies suggest the possibility of improving the quality of life of patients with this strategy; however, the information that has been obtained corresponds mostly to studies conducted in adults, with a lack of knowledge about its impact on children. Furthermore, mutations associated with antiretroviral resistance could be selected due to sub-therapeutic levels of HAART at each interruption period. Genotyping methods to determine the resistance profiles of the infecting viruses have become increasingly important for the management of patients under STI, thus low-abundance antiretroviral drug-resistant mutations (DRM's) at levels under limit of detection of conventional genotyping (<20% of quasispecies) could increase the risk of virologic failure. In this work, we analyzed the protease and reverse transcriptase regions of the pol gene by ultra-deep sequencing in pediatric patients under STI with the aim of determining the presence of high- and low-abundance DRM's in the viral rebounds generated by the STI. High-abundance mutations in protease and high- and low-abundance mutations in reverse transcriptase were detected but no one of these are directly associated with resistance to antiretroviral drugs. The results could suggest that the evaluated STI program is virologically safe, but strict and carefully planned studies, with greater numbers of patients and interruption/restart cycles, are still needed to evaluate the selection of DRM's during STI

    Memoria del Derecho y disciplinas jurídicas. Estudios

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    Esta es una obra colectiva que recoge las contribuciones realizadas en el III Seminario Internacional Memoria del derecho y disciplinas jurídicas (siglos XIX-XX) celebrado los días 25 y 26 de mayo de 2022 en la Sede de Santa María de la Rábida de la Universidad Internacional de Andalucía, en Palos de la Frontera, Huelva. En estas páginas se da cuenta de la memoria del jurista, así como de la formación de las disciplinas y enseñanzas jurídicas, durante el largo período que va de la Ley Moyano de Instrucción Pública (1857) hasta Ley de Reforma Universitaria (1983).This work collects the presentations made at the III International Seminar Memory of Law and Legal Disciplines (XIX-XX centuries) held on May 25 and 26, 2022 at the Santa María de la Rábida Campus of the International University of Andalusia, in Palos de la Frontera, Huelva. The following pages discuss the lives of legal scholars as well as the emergence of legal disciplines and legal education in Spain in the period spanning from the Moyano Law of Public Instruction (1857) to the University Reform Law (1983).Esta publicación forma parte de los proyectos de I+D+i PID2019-109351GB-C31 / PID2019-109351GB-C32 financiado por MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. Proyecto “Evolución en la comprensión de la víctima: de la compensación a la reparación”. Acción financiada por la Comunidad de Madrid a través de la línea de “Excelencia del Profesorado Universitario” del Convenio Plurianual con la UC3M (EPUC3M07), en el marco del V PRICIT (V Plan Regional de Investigación Científica e Innovación Tecnológica)”.Presentación / Víctor Saucedo (pp. 9-10).-- La represión de los docentes en regímenes despóticos. Purificación-depuración del profesorado universitario a la caída del Trienio Constitucional y en los inicios de la Dictadura Franquista / Clara Álvarez Alonso (pp. 13-106). -- Entre planes y manuales. La enseñanza penal en el siglo XIX en Cuba. / Adrian J. Cabrera Bibilonia (pp. 107-130). -- José María de Porcioles. El regionalismo franquista y la modernización del derecho catalán / Jaume Claret Miranda, Alfons Aragoneses (pp. 131-160). -- Catedráticos y asignaturas de derecho civil: 1847-1868 / Jesús Delgado Echeverría (pp. 161-194). -- El origen de los prolegómenos del derecho en la universidad española (1842) / Alessandra Giuliani (pp. 195-212). -- La lista de Rojas. Protección diplomática de los sefardíes en la Rumanía del Eje (1940-1943) / Dámaso de Lario (pp. 213-260). -- Reforma de la tutela y doctrina civilística (1983) / Elena López Barba (pp. 261-282). -- El CEU, vivero de catedráticos: 1932-1956 / Manuel Martínez Neira (pp. 283-320). -- El derecho mercantil de la Segunda República. Leyes, textos, figuras / Carlos Petit (pp. 321-376). -- El derecho laboral en las aulas de las escuelas sociales: del Ministerio de Trabajo al Ministerio de Educación, un periplo social / Eugenia Torijano (pp. 377-404). -- Los inicios de la escuela del profesor Girón en Valladolid (1945-1970) / Luis Antonio Velasco San Pedro (pp. 405-426

    Memoria del Derecho y disciplinas jurídicas. Estudios

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    This work collects the presentations made at the III International Seminar Memory of Law and Legal Disciplines (XIX-XX centuries) held on May 25 and 26, 2022 at the Santa María de la Rábida Campus of the International University of Andalusia, in Palos de la Frontera, Huelva. The following pages discuss the lives of legal scholars as well as the emergence of legal disciplines and legal education in Spain in the period spanning from the Moyano Law of Public Instruction (1857) to the University Reform Law (1983).PublishedEsta es una obra colectiva que recoge las contribuciones realizadas en el III Seminario Internacional Memoria del derecho y disciplinas jurídicas (siglos XIX-XX) celebrado los días 25 y 26 de mayo de 2022 en la Sede de Santa María de la Rábida de la Universidad Internacional de Andalucía, en Palos de la Frontera, Huelva. En estas páginas se da cuenta de la memoria del jurista, así como de la formación de las disciplinas y enseñanzas jurídicas, durante el largo período que va de la Ley Moyano de Instrucción Pública (1857) hasta Ley de Reforma Universitaria (1983)

    Water safety plan enhancements with improved drinking water quality detection techniques

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    Drinking water quality has been regulated in most European countries for nearly two decades by the drinking water directive 98/83/EC. The directive is now under revision with the goal of meeting stricter demands for safe water for all citizens, as safe water has been recognized as a human right by the United Nations. An important change to the directive is the implementation of a risk-based approach in all regulated water supplies. The European Union Framework Seventh Programme Aquavalens project has developed several new detection technologies for pathogens and indicators and tested them in water supplies in seven European countries. One of the tasks of the project was to evaluate the impact of these new techniques on water safety and on water safety management. Data were collected on risk factors to water safety for five large supplies in Denmark, Germany, Spain and the UK, and for fifteen small water supplies in Scotland, Portugal and Serbia, via a questionnaire aiming to ascertain risk factors and the stage of implementation of Water Safety Plans, and via site-specific surveys known as Sanitary Site Inspection. Samples were collected from the water supplies from all stages of water production to delivery. Pathogens were detected in around 23% of the 470 samples tested. Fecal contamination was high in raw water and even in treated water at the small supplies. Old infrastructure was considered a challenge at all the water supplies. The results showed that some of the technique, if implemented as part of the water safety management, can detect rapidly the most common waterborne pathogens and fecal pollution indicators and therefore have a great early warning potential; can improve water safety for the consumer; can validate whether mitigation methods are working as intended; and can confirm the quality of the water at source and at the tap

    Nuclear expression of Rac1 in cervical premalignant lesions and cervical cancer cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Abnormal expression of Rho-GTPases has been reported in several human cancers. However, the expression of these proteins in cervical cancer has been poorly investigated. In this study we analyzed the expression of the GTPases Rac1, RhoA, Cdc42, and the Rho-GEFs, Tiam1 and beta-Pix, in cervical pre-malignant lesions and cervical cancer cell lines.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Protein expression was analyzed by immunochemistry on 102 cervical paraffin-embedded biopsies: 20 without Squamous Intraepithelial Lesions (SIL), 51 Low- grade SIL, and 31 High-grade SIL; and in cervical cancer cell lines C33A and SiHa, and non-tumorigenic HaCat cells. Nuclear localization of Rac1 in HaCat, C33A and SiHa cells was assessed by cellular fractionation and Western blotting, in the presence or not of a chemical Rac1 inhibitor (NSC23766).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Immunoreacivity for Rac1, RhoA, Tiam1 and beta-Pix was stronger in L-SIL and H-SIL, compared to samples without SIL, and it was significantly associated with the histological diagnosis. Nuclear expression of Rac1 was observed in 52.9% L-SIL and 48.4% H-SIL, but not in samples without SIL. Rac1 was found in the nucleus of C33A and SiHa cells but not in HaCat cells. Chemical inhibition of Rac1 resulted in reduced cell proliferation in HaCat, C33A and SiHa cells.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Rac1 is expressed in the nucleus of epithelial cells in SILs and cervical cancer cell lines, and chemical inhibition of Rac1 reduces cellular proliferation. Further studies are needed to better understand the role of Rho-GTPases in cervical cancer progression.</p

    Influenza Vaccination for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in the Americas: Consensus document of the Inter-American Society of Cardiology and the Word Heart Federation

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    Background Cardiovascular mortality is decreasing but remains the leading cause of death world-wide. Respiratory infections such as influenza significantly contribute to morbidity and mortality in patients with cardiovascular disease. Despite of proven benefits, influenza vaccination is not fully implemented, especially in Latin America. Objective The aim was to develop a regional consensus with recommendations regarding influenza vaccination and cardiovascular disease. Methods A multidisciplinary team composed by experts in the management and prevention of cardiovascular disease from the Americas, convened by the Inter-American Society of Cardiology (IASC) and the World Heart Federation (WHF), participated in the process and the formulation of statements. The modified RAND/UCLA methodology was used. This document was supported by a grant from the WHF. Results An extensive literature search was divided into seven questions, and a total of 23 conclusions and 29 recommendations were achieved. There was no disagreement among experts in the conclusions or recommendations. Conclusions There is a strong correlation between influenza and cardiovascular events. Influenza vaccination is not only safe and a proven strategy to reduce cardiovascular events, but it is also cost saving. We found several barriers for its global implementation and potential strategies to overcome them