11 research outputs found

    Microfluidic sorting and multimodal typing of cancer cells in self-assembled magnetic arrays

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    We propose a unique method for cell sorting, “Ephesia,” using columns of biofunctionalized superparamagnetic beads self-assembled in a microfluidic channel onto an array of magnetic traps prepared by microcontact printing. It combines the advantages of microfluidic cell sorting, notably the application of a well controlled, flow-activated interaction between cells and beads, and those of immunomagnetic sorting, notably the use of batch-prepared, well characterized antibody-bearing beads. On cell lines mixtures, we demonstrated a capture yield better than 94%, and the possibility to cultivate in situ the captured cells. A second series of experiments involved clinical samples—blood, pleural effusion, and fine needle aspirates— issued from healthy donors and patients with B-cell hematological malignant tumors (leukemia and lymphoma). The immunophenotype and morphology of B-lymphocytes were analyzed directly in the microfluidic chamber, and compared with conventional flow cytometry and visual cytology data, in a blind test. Immunophenotyping results using Ephesia were fully consistent with those obtained by flow cytometry. We obtained in situ high resolution confocal three-dimensional images of the cell nuclei, showing intranuclear details consistent with conventional cytological staining. Ephesia thus provides a powerful approach to cell capture and typing allowing fully automated high resolution and quantitative immunophenotyping and morphological analysis. It requires at least 10 times smaller sample volume and cell numbers than cytometry, potentially increasing the range of indications and the success rate of microbiopsy-based diagnosis, and reducing analysis time and cost

    Tyr130 phosphorylation triggers Syk release from antigen receptor by long-distance conformational uncoupling

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    The Syk protein-tyrosine kinase plays a major role in signaling through the B cell receptor for antigen (BCR). Syk binds the receptor via its tandem pair of SH2 domains interacting with a doubly phosphorylated immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (dp-ITAM) of the BCR complex. Upon phosphorylation of Tyr-130, which lies between the two SH2 domains distant to the phosphotyrosine binding sites, Syk dissociates from the receptor. To understand the structural basis for this dissociation, we investigated the structural and dynamic characteristics of the wild type tandem SH2 region (tSH2) and a variant tandem SH2 region (tSH2pm) with Tyr-130 substituted by Glu to permanently introduce a negative charge at this position. NMR heteronuclear relaxation experiments, residual dipolar coupling measurements and analytical ultracentrifugation revealed substantial differences in the hydrodynamic behavior of tSH2 and tSH2pm. Although the two SH2 domains in tSH2 are tightly associated, the two domains in tSH2pm are partly uncoupled and tumble in solution with a faster correlation time. In addition, the equilibrium dissociation constant for the binding of tSH2pm to dp-ITAM (1.8 μM) is significantly higher than that for the interaction between dp-ITAM and tSH2 but is close to that for a singly tyrosine-phosphorylated peptide binding to a single SH2 domain. Experimental data and hydrodynamic calculations both suggest a loss of domain-domain contacts and change in relative orientation upon the introduction of a negative charge on residue 130. A long-distance structural mechanism by which the phosphorylation of Y130 negatively regulates the interaction of Syk with immune receptors is proposed

    A unique lymphotoxin αβ-dependent pathway regulates thymic emigration of Vα14 invariant natural killer T cells

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    Natural killer (NK) T cells using an invariant Vα14 (Vα14i) T cell receptor rearrangement form a distinct immunoregulatory T cell lineage. Several studies indicated that a NK1.1(−) Vα14i NKT precursor cell differentiates and expands within the thymus before export to the peripheral tissues occurs. However, little is known about the signals that cause the emigration of Vα14i NKT cells from the thymus to the periphery. Here we show that signaling of lymphotoxin (LT) αβ through the LTβ receptor (LTβR) is indispensable for regulating peripheral but not thymic Vα14i NKT cell numbers. Homing to and homeostatic proliferation of thymic Vα14i NKT cells in peripheral organs, however, was not dependent on LTβR. Instead, our data indicate that a LTβR-expressing thymic stromal cell regulates the thymic emigration of Vα14i NKT cells but not conventional T cell receptor αβ cells

    Peyer's patches are required for oral tolerance to proteins

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    To clarify the role of Peyer's patches in oral tolerance induction, BALB/c mice were treated in utero with lymphotoxin β-receptor Ig fusion protein to generate mice lacking Peyer's patches. When these Peyer's patch-null mice were fed 25 mg of ovalbumin (OVA) before systemic immunization, OVA-specific IgG Ab responses in serum and spleen were seen, in marked contrast to low responses in OVA-fed normal mice. Further, high T-cell-proliferative- and delayed-type hypersensitivity responses were seen in Peyer's patch-null mice given oral OVA before systemic challenge. Higher levels of CD4(+) T-cell-derived IFN-γ, IL-4, IL-5, and IL-10 syntheses were noted in Peyer's patch-null mice fed OVA, whereas OVA-fed normal mice had suppressed cytokine levels. In contrast, oral administration of trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS) to Peyer's patch-null mice resulted in reduced TNBS-specific serum Abs and splenic B cell antitrinitrophenyl Ab-forming cell responses after skin painting with picryl chloride. Further, when delayed-type hypersensitivity and splenic T cell proliferative responses were examined, Peyer's patch-null mice fed TNBS were unresponsive to hapten. Peyer's patch-null mice fed trinitrophenyl-OVA failed to induce systemic unresponsiveness to hapten or protein. These findings show that organized Peyer's patches are required for oral tolerance to proteins, whereas haptens elicit systemic unresponsiveness via the intestinal epithelial cell barrier

    Genetic Aspects and Molecular Testing in Prostate Cancer: A Report from a Dutch Multidisciplinary Consensus Meeting

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    Background: Germline and tumour genetic testing in prostate cancer (PCa) is becoming more broadly accepted, but testing indications and clinical consequences for carriers in each disease stage are not yet well defined. Objective: To determine the consensus of a Dutch multidisciplinary expert panel on the indication and application of germline and tumour genetic testing in PCa. Design, setting, and participants: The panel consisted of 39 specialists involved in PCa management. We used a modified Delphi method consisting of two voting rounds and a virtual consensus meeting. Outcome measurements and statistical analysis: Consensus was reached if ?75% of the panellists chose the same option. Appropriateness was assessed by the RAND/UCLA appropriateness method. Results and limitations: Of the multiple-choice questions, 44% reached consensus. For men without PCa having a relevant family history (familial PCa/BRCA-related hereditary cancer), follow-up by prostate-specific antigen was considered appropriate. For patients with low-risk localised PCa and a family history of PCa, active surveillance was considered appropriate, except in case of the patient being a BRCA2 germline pathogenic variant carrier. Germline and tumour genetic testing should not be done for nonmetastatic hormone-sensitive PCa in the absence of a relevant family history of cancer. Tumour genetic testing was deemed most appropriate for the identification of actionable variants, with uncertainty for germline testing. For tumour genetic testing in metastatic castration-resistant PCa, consensus was not reached for the timing and panel composition. The principal limitations are as follows: (1) a number of topics discussed lack scientific evidence, and therefore the recommendations are partly opinion based, and (2) there was a small number of experts per discipline. Conclusions: The outcomes of this Dutch consensus meeting may provide further guidance on genetic counselling and molecular testing related to PCa. Patient summary: A group of Dutch specialists discussed the use of germline and tumour genetic testing in prostate cancer (PCa) patients, indication of these tests (which patients and when), and impact of these tests on the management and treatment of PCa