173 research outputs found

    Bangen an der Oder: Ängste und Hoffnungen spiegeln sich

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    On the eve of EU enlargement, survey data revealed political hopes and specific fears concerning the economic future on both sides of the German-Polish border. They show that high expectations of welfare and an improved labour market on the Polish side are accompanied by worries about new competition on the German side. However, the number of people likely to migrate into Brandenburg in order to work there should not be overestimated.Vor Polens EU-Beitritt hegten die Menschen in der deutsch-polnischer Grenzregion neben politischen Hoffnungen auch spezifische Befürchtungen in Bezug auf die künftige ökonomische Entwicklung. Umfragen in beiden Grenzregionen zeigen, dass Hoffnungen auf Wohlfahrtsgewinne und bessere Arbeitsmarktchancen auf westpolnischer Seite Sorgen der Ostbrandenburger über neue Konkurrenzbedingungen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt gegenüberstehen. Das Potential polnischer Arbeitsmigration nach Brandenburg sollte nicht überschätzt werden

    Ehemalige Ostblockstaaten: Transformation gelungen?

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    Knapp 20 Jahre nach dem Systemwechsel und fünf Jahre nach dem Beitritt der ersten acht mittel- und osteuropäischen Länder zur Europäischen Union werden die ehemaligen Ostblockstaaten in ihrem wirtschaftlichen Aufschwung durch die globale Finanzkrise aufgehalten. Wie haben sich die Transformationsländer in den letzten 20 Jahren entwickelt? Wie stabil sind ihre politischen und ökonomischen Systeme

    Focus talk on interactions between jets and medium

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    The energy and momentum lost by a hard parton propagating through hot and dense matter has to be redistributed during the nuclear medium evolution. Apart from heating the medium, there is the possibility that collective modes are excited leading to the emergence of Mach cones or Cherenkov radiation. Recent two-particle correlation measurements by STAR \cite{Wang:2004kf} and PHENIX \cite{Adler:2005ee} at RHIC indicate that such phenomena may play an important role in understanding the jet-medium interactions. Possible collective modes are discussed and it is demonstrated that Mach cones as created by colorless or colored sound are a possible explanation of the hardronic two-particle correlation data.Comment: Talk given at Quark Matter 2005, 18th Internationl Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Interactions, August 4-9, 2005, Budapest, Hungar

    Integrated multilayer stretchable printed circuitboards paving the way for deformable active matrix

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    Conventional rigid electronic systems use a number of metallization layers to route all necessary connections to and from isolated surface mount devices using well-established printed circuit board technology. In contrast, present solutions to prepare stretchable electronic systems are typically confined to a single stretchable metallization layer. Crossovers and vertical interconnect accesses remain challenging; consequently, no reliable stretchable printed circuit board (SPCB) method has established. This article reports an industry compatible SPCB manufacturing method that enables multilayer crossovers and vertical interconnect accesses to interconnect isolated devices within an elastomeric matrix. As a demonstration, a stretchable (260%) active matrix with integrated electronic and optoelectronic surface mount devices is shown that can deform reversibly into various 3D shapes including hemispherical, conical or pyramid

    Nanoparticle gas phase electrodeposition: fundamentals, fluid dynamics, and deposition kinetics

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    This communication uncovers missing fundamental elements and an expanded model of gas phase electrodeposition; a relatively new and in large parts unexplored process, which combines particle generation, transport zone and deposition zone in an interacting setup. The process enables selected area deposition of charged nanoparticles that are dispersed and transported by a carrier gas at atmospheric pressure conditions. Two key parameters have been identified: carrier gas flow rate and spark discharge power. Both parameters affect electrical current carried by charged species, nanoparticle mass, particle size and film morphology. In combination, these values enable to provide an estimate of the gas flow dependent Debye length. Together with Langmuir probe measurements of electric potential and field distribution, the transport can be described and understood. First, the transport of the charged species is dominated by the carrier gas flow. In close proximity, the transport is electric field driven. The transition region is not fixed and correlates with the electric potential profile, which is strongly dependent on the deposition rate. Considering the film morphology, the power of the discharge turns out to be the most relevant parameter. Low spark power combined with low gas flow leads to dendritic film growth. In contrast, higher spark power combined with higher gas flow produces compact layers

    Active matrix-based collection of airborne analytes: an analyte recording chip providing exposure history and finger print

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    In the field of sensors that target the detection of airborne analytes, Corona/lens‐based‐collection provides a new path to achieve a high sensitivity. An active‐matrix‐based analyte collection approach referred to as “airborne analyte memory chip/recorder” is demonstrated, which takes and stores airborne analytes in a matrix to provide an exposure history for off‐site analysis

    Experimental Quantum Teleportation of a Two-Qubit Composite System

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    Quantum teleportation, a way to transfer the state of a quantum system from one location to another, is central to quantum communication and plays an important role in a number of quantum computation protocols. Previous experimental demonstrations have been implemented with photonic or ionic qubits. Very recently long-distance teleportation and open-destination teleportation have also been realized. Until now, previous experiments have only been able to teleport single qubits. However, since teleportation of single qubits is insufficient for a large-scale realization of quantum communication and computation2-5, teleportation of a composite system containing two or more qubits has been seen as a long-standing goal in quantum information science. Here, we present the experimental realization of quantum teleportation of a two-qubit composite system. In the experiment, we develop and exploit a six-photon interferometer to teleport an arbitrary polarization state of two photons. The observed teleportation fidelities for different initial states are all well beyond the state estimation limit of 0.40 for a two-qubit system. Not only does our six-photon interferometer provide an important step towards teleportation of a complex system, it will also enable future experimental investigations on a number of fundamental quantum communication and computation protocols such as multi-stage realization of quantum-relay, fault-tolerant quantum computation, universal quantum error-correction and one-way quantum computation.Comment: 16pages, 4 figure

    A silent cry for leadership : organizing for leading (in) clusters

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    Leadership research so far has neglected clusters as a particular context for leadership, while research on networks and clusters has hardly studied leadership issues. This paper fills this dual gap in the abundant research on leadership on the one hand and on networks/clusters on the other by investigating leadership in photonics clusters from a structuration perspective. Apart from giving an insight into the variety and patterns of leadership practices observed, the paper addresses the dilemma that regional innovation systems such as clusters usually have a critical need of some kind of leadership, but that neither individual nor organizational actors wish to be led. This dilemma can only be ‘managed’ by organizing for leading (in) clusters in a certain way

    Modelling Catalyst Surfaces Using DFT Cluster Calculations

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    We review our recent theoretical DFT cluster studies of a variety of industrially relevant catalysts such as TiO2, γ-Al2O3, V2O5-WO3-TiO2 and Ni/Al2O3. Aspects of the metal oxide surface structure and the stability and structure of metal clusters on the support are discussed as well as the reactivity of surfaces, including their behaviour upon poisoning. It is exemplarily demonstrated how such theoretical considerations can be combined with DRIFT and XPS results from experimental studies

    Ethylene supports colonization of plant roots by the mutualistic fungus Piriformospora indica

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    The mutualistic basidiomycete Piriformospora indica colonizes roots of mono- and dicotyledonous plants, and thereby improves plant health and yield. Given the capability of P. indica to colonize a broad range of hosts, it must be anticipated that the fungus has evolved efficient strategies to overcome plant immunity and to establish a proper environment for nutrient acquisition and reproduction. Global gene expression studies in barley identified various ethylene synthesis and signaling components that were differentially regulated in P. indica-colonized roots. Based on these findings we examined the impact of ethylene in the symbiotic association. The data presented here suggest that P. indica induces ethylene synthesis in barley and Arabidopsis roots during colonization. Moreover, impaired ethylene signaling resulted in reduced root colonization, Arabidopsis mutants exhibiting constitutive ethylene signaling, -synthesis or ethylene-related defense were hyper-susceptible to P. indica. Our data suggest that ethylene signaling is required for symbiotic root colonization by P. indica