2 research outputs found
Chapter 10 Heat transfer
- Author
- Abbott
- Ackley
- Akers
- Akers
- Al-Zakri
- Anderson
- Baasel
- Baasel
- Baen
- Bailey
- Baker
- Baker
- Banchero
- Barrington
- Bell
- Bell
- Berg
- Bergelin
- Bergles
- Bergles
- Blackwell
- Blackwell
- Bolliger
- Bondy
- Bonem
- Bornt
- Bott
- Bowman
- Bowman
- Boyer
- Boyer
- Bras
- Bras
- Bras
- Bras
- Bras
- Bras
- Bras
- Bras
- Briggs
- Brogden
- Bromley
- Brooks
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
- Buecker
- Burley
- Buthod
- Buthod
- Buthod
- Cairns
- Cairns
- Carlson
- Carnavas
- Cary
- Cassata
- Centry
- Centry
- Challand
- Chantry
- Chapman
- Chapman
- Chapman
- Characklis
- Chase
- Chato
- Chen
- Chen
- Chen
- Chen
- Chen
- Chen
- Chen
- Chen
- Chen
- Cheng
- Chenoweth
- Chenoweth
- Chenoweth
- Chilton
- Christman
- Cichelli
- Clements
- Coates
- Colburn
- Colburn
- Colburn
- Colburn
- Colburn
- Colburn
- Collins
- Collins
- Cook
- Cook
- Cooper
- Cooper
- Cooper
- Corsi
- Coss
- Cousins
- Cowan
- Crittenden
- Cross
- Crozier
- Devore
- Devore
- Diehl
- Dmytryszyn
- Donohue
- Donohue
- Donohue
- Donohue
- Donohue
- Donohue
- Dukler
- Durand
- Durand
- Eckert
- Edimster
- Elshout
- English
- Epstein
- Epstein
- Fabregas
- Fair
- Fair
- Fair
- Fair
- Fair
- Fair
- Fair
- Fair
- Fan
- Fararitis
- Fischer
- Foo
- Foo
- Foo
- Foo
- Foxall
- Frank
- Frank
- Franks
- Frenier
- Fried
- Furman
- Gaddis
- Gambill
- Ganapathy
- Ganapathy
- Ganapathy
- Ganapathy
- Ganapathy
- Ganapathy
- Ganapathy
- Ganapathy
- Ganapathy
- Ganapathy
- Ganapathy
- Ganapathy
- Gentry
- Gilliand
- Gilmour
- Gilmour
- Gilmour
- Gilmour
- Gilmour
- Gilmour
- Gilmour
- Gilmour
- Glausser
- Gottyman
- Greene
- Greve
- Griffith
- Grimison
- Grimison
- Gruver
- Guerrieri
- Guffey
- Gulley
- Gully
- Gupta
- Gutterman
- Hahne
- Hargis
- Harris
- Hashizume
- Hedrick
- Heilman
- Helzner
- Henderson
- Herkenhoff
- Hinkle
- Homer
- Hsu
- Huang
- Huang
- Hughmark
- Hughmark
- Hughmark
- Hughmark
- Hulden
- Hutton
- Iloege
- Ishehara
- Jacobs
- Jacobs
- Jacobs
- Jacobs
- Jens
- Jensem
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Joshi
- Karanth
- Katz
- Kenny
- Kern
- Kern
- Kern
- Kern
- Kern
- Kern
- Kern
- Kern
- Kern
- Kern
- Kern
- Kern
- Kistler
- Knudsen
- Konak
- Konak
- Konings
- Kraus
- Kreith
- Lam
- Larinoff
- Lauer
- Lee
- Lee
- Lerner
- Levee
- Levy
- Lewis
- Lonsdale
- Lord
- Lord
- Lowry
- Madejski
- Magrini
- Malek
- Malone
- Markovitz
- Marriott
- Martin
- Martin
- Martin
- Marto
- Mathews
- Mathur
- Maze
- Maze
- Maze
- McAdams
- McAdams
- McAdams
- McAdams
- McAdams
- McCarthy
- McKetta
- McNelly
- Medwell
- Mikic
- Milton
- Minton
- Minton
- Monroe
- Morcos
- Mori
- Mori
- Mukherjee
- Mukherjee
- Mukherjee
- Mukherjee
- Murtha
- Murty
- Murty
- Myers
- Najjar
- Nakayama
- Nauss
- Nauss
- Oldshue
- Orrell
- Palen
- Palen
- Palen
- Parker
- Pase
- Patel
- Peck
- Peiser
- Perkins
- Perry
- Pick
- Pierce
- Piret
- Plant
- Plant
- Polley
- Raben
- Radle
- Raju
- Ramalho
- Ramdas
- Ratnam
- Revilock
- Rodriguez
- Rodriguez
- Rohsenow
- Rohsenow
- Rohsenow
- Rohsenow
- Rose
- Rothenberg
- Rubin
- Rubin
- Rubin
- Rubin
- Rubin
- Rubin
- Rubin
- Rubin
- Rubin
- Rubin
- Rubin
- Sanatgar
- Sandberg
- Scaccia
- Schroder
- Schwieger
- Seider
- Shah
- Shah
- Shipes
- Shoot
- Short
- Short
- Short
- Silvestrini
- Sinek
- Singh
- Skiba
- Skrotzki
- Sloan
- Sloley
- Small
- Small
- Small
- Smith
- Smith
- Smittle
- Spencer
- Standiford
- Starczewski
- Starczewski
- Starczewski
- Starczewski
- Starczewski
- Starczewski
- Starczewski
- Steinmeyer
- Stewart
- Stewart
- Stoever
- Stoever
- Strigle
- Stubblefield
- Stuhlbarg
- Stuhlbarg
- Stuhlbarg
- Sultan
- Taborek
- Taborek
- Taborke
- Tarrec
- Taylor
- Test
- The Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Assoc. Inc
- Thomas
- Thompson
- Thronton
- Tinker
- Todd
- Trom
- Trom
- Turakhia
- Turissini
- Turner
- Turton
- Uhl
- Usher
- Vachon
- Vachon
- Van Stralen
- Volta
- Wachel
- Wales
- Walker
- Wayne
- Webb
- Webb
- Webb
- Webb
- Wett
- Whitcraft
- Whitley
- Whitley
- Whitley
- Wiebelt
- Willa
- Williams
- Withers
- Wohl
- Wohl
- Wolf
- Yilmaz
- Young
- Young
- Zanker
- Zanker
- Zuber
- Zuber
- Zuber
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2001
- Field of study
Heat Transfer
- Author
- A. Bras
- Abbott
- Ackley
- Akers
- Al-Zakri
- Aminian
- Anderson
- Andersson
- Baasel
- Baasel
- Baen
- Bailey
- Baker
- Baker
- Baker
- Banchero
- Barrington
- Bejan
- Bell
- Bell
- Bell
- Bell
- Benett
- Bennett
- Berg
- Bergelin
- Bergles
- Bergles
- Bergles
- Berryman
- Blackwell
- Blackwell
- Blackwell
- Boilers
- Bollinger
- Bondy
- Bondy
- Bonem
- Bornt
- Bott
- Bott
- Bouhaire
- Bowman
- Bowman
- Boyer
- Boyer
- Bras
- Bras
- Bras
- Bras
- Bras
- Briggs
- Brogden
- Bromley
- Brooks
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
- Buecker
- Bul
- Bul
- Burley
- Buthod
- Buthod
- Buthod
- Butterworth
- Butterworth
- Butterworth
- Cairns
- Cairns
- Cao
- Carlson
- Carnavas
- Cary
- Cassata
- Cavallini
- Challand
- Chantry
- Chapman
- Chapman
- Chapman
- Characklis
- Chase
- Chato
- Chen
- Chen
- Chen
- Chen
- Chen
- Chen
- Chen
- Chen
- Chen
- Cheng
- Chenoweth
- Chenoweth
- Chenoweth
- Chilton
- Chopey
- Chopey Nicolas
- Christman
- Chun
- Cichelli
- Clements
- Coates
- Colburn
- Colburn
- Colburn
- Colburn
- Colburn
- Coletti
- Collier
- Collins
- Collins
- Cook
- Cook
- Cook
- Cooper
- Cooper
- Cooper
- Corsi
- Cousins
- Cowan
- Crittenden
- Crittenden
- Crittenden
- Crittenden
- Crittenden
- Cross
- Crozier
- Das
- Deshannavar
- Devore
- Devore
- Devore
- Devore
- Dickakian
- Diehl
- Dmytryszyn
- Donohue
- Donohue
- Donohue
- Dream
- Drew
- Dukler
- Durand
- Durand
- Duvenhage
- Eaton
- Ebert
- Eckert
- Edmister
- Elshout
- English
- Epstein
- Epstein
- Epstein
- Fabregas
- Fair
- Fair
- Fair
- Fair
- Fair
- Fair
- Fair
- Fan
- Fanaritis
- Fischer
- Foo
- Foo
- Foxall
- Frank
- Frank
- Frank
- Frank
- Frenier
- Fried
- Furman
- Gaddis
- Gambill
- Ganapathy
- Ganapathy
- Ganapathy
- Ganapathy
- Ganapathy
- Ganapathy
- Ganapathy
- Ganapathy
- Ganapathy
- Ganapathy
- Ganapathy
- Ganapathy
- Ganapathy
- Gentry
- Gentry
- Gentry
- Gilliand
- Gilmour
- Gilmour
- Gilmour
- Gilmour
- Gilmour
- Gilmour
- Gilmour
- Gilmour
- Glausser
- Gottyman
- Greene
- Greve
- Griffith
- Griffiths
- Grimison
- Grimison
- Gross
- Gruver
- Guerrieri
- Guffrey
- Gulley
- Gulley
- Gulley
- Gulley
- Gulley
- Gupta
- Gupta
- Gutterman
- Hagan
- Hahne
- Hajek
- Hall
- Hargis
- Harris
- Hashizume
- Haslego
- Haslego
- Hazlett
- Heilman
- Helzner
- Henderson
- Hendrick
- Herkenhoff
- Hewitt
- Hewitt
- Hewitt
- Hinkle
- Holland
- Holland
- Homer
- Hsu
- Huang
- Huang
- Hughmar
- Hughmark
- Hughmark
- Hughmark
- Hulden
- Hutton
- Iloege
- Ishehara
- Ishiyama
- Jacobs
- Jacobs
- Jacobs
- Jacobs
- Jens
- Jensem
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Jones
- Joshi
- Kakac
- Karami
- Karanth
- Katz
- Kenny
- Kern
- Kern
- Kern
- Kern
- Kern
- Kern
- Kern
- Kern
- Kern
- Kern
- Kern
- Kern
- Kistler
- Knudsen
- Knudsen
- Knudsen
- Koenigs
- Kohli
- Konak
- Kraus
- Kreith
- Kumar
- Kutateladze
- Lam
- Lam
- Larinoff
- Lauer
- Leach
- Lee
- Lee
- Leong
- Lerner
- Lestina
- Levee
- Levy
- Lewis
- Lieberman
- Longstaff
- Lonsdale
- Lord
- Lord
- Lord
- Lowry
- Macchietto
- Madejski
- Magrini
- Malek
- Malone
- Markovitz
- Marner
- Marner
- Marriott
- Martin
- Martin
- Marto
- Marto
- Master
- Mathews
- Mathur
- Maze
- Maze
- Maze
- McAdams
- McAdams
- McAdams
- McAdams
- McAdams
- McCarthy
- McKetta
- McNelly
- Melo
- Meyer
- Mikic
- Milton
- Minton
- Minton
- Monroe
- Moody
- Morcos
- Mori
- Mori
- Mueller
- Mukherjee
- Mukherjee
- Mukherjee
- Mukherjee
- Mukherjee
- Muller-Steinhagen
- Mumford
- Murtha
- Murty
- Murty
- Myers
- Najjar
- Nakayama
- Nasr
- Nauss
- Nauss
- Nesta
- Nesta
- Nesta
- Oldshue
- Orrell
- Palen
- Palen
- Palen
- Palen
- Panchal
- Panchal
- Parker
- Pase
- Patel
- Peck
- Peiser
- Perkins
- Perry
- Petitjean
- Pick
- Pierce
- Piret
- Pitzer
- Plant
- Polley
- Polley
- Polley
- Polley
- Polley
- Polley
- Polley
- Raben
- Radhakrishnan
- Radle
- Raju
- Ramalho
- Ramdas
- Ratnam
- Revilock
- Rodriguez
- Rodriguez
- Rohsenow
- Rohsenow
- Rohsenow
- Rohsenow
- Rohsenow
- Rose
- Rothenberg
- Rubin
- Rubin
- Rubin
- Rubin
- Rubin
- Rubin
- Rubin
- Rubin
- Rubin
- Rubin
- Rubin
- Rubin
- Saleh
- Saleh
- Sanatgar
- Sandberg
- Scaccia
- Scarborough
- Schroder
- Schwieger
- Seider
- Serth
- Shah
- Shah
- Shah
- Shah Ramesh
- Shipes
- Shoot
- Short
- Short
- Short
- Silver
- Silvestrini
- Sinek
- Singh
- Sinnott
- Sinnott
- Skiba
- Skrotzki
- Sloan
- Sloley
- Small
- Small
- Small
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Smittle
- Som
- Spencer
- Standiford
- Starczewski
- Starczewski
- Starczewski
- Starczewski
- Starczewski
- Starczewski
- Starczewski
- Steinmeyer
- Stewart
- Stewart
- Stoever
- Stoever
- Stringle
- Stubblefield
- Stuhlbarg
- Stuhlbarg
- Stuhlbarg
- Sultan
- Taborek
- Taborek
- Taborek
- Taitel
- Tarrec
- Taylor
- Test
- Thakore
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thome
- Thompson
- Thronton
- Tinker
- Tinker
- Todd
- Trom
- Trom
- Turakhia
- Turner
- Turrissini
- Turton
- Uhl
- US Chemical Safety Board
- Usher
- Vachon
- Vachon
- Van Stralen
- Volta
- Wachell
- Wales
- Walker
- Waters
- Watson
- Wayne
- Webb
- Webb
- Webb
- Webb
- Wett
- Whitcraft
- Whitley
- Whitley
- Whitley
- Wiebelt
- Wiehe
- Willa
- Williams
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Withers
- Wohl
- Wohl
- Wolf
- Xie
- Yeap
- Yeap
- Yilmaz
- Yokell
- Yokell
- Young
- Young
- Zanker
- Zanker
- Zuber
- Zuber
- Zuber
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2015
- Field of study