70,891 research outputs found

    Contribution to fusion research from IAEA coordinated research projects and joint experiments

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    The paper presents objectives and activities of IAEA Coordinated Research Projects 'Conceptual development of steady-state compact fusion neutron sources' and 'Utilisation of a network of small magnetic confinement fusion devices for mainstream fusion research'. The background and main projects of the CRP on FNS are described in detail, as this is a new activity at IAEA. Recent activities of the second CRP, which continues activities of previous CRPs, are overviewed

    Comprehensive inter-laboratory calibration of reference materials for ÎŽ18O versus VSMOW using various on-line high-temperature conversion techniques

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    Internationally distributed organic and inorganic oxygen isotopic reference materials have been calibrated by six laboratories carrying out more than 5300 measurements using a variety of high-temperature conversion techniques (HTC) in an evaluation sponsored by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). To aid in the calibration of these reference materials, which span more than 125‰, an artificially enriched reference water (ή18O of +78.91‰) and two barium sulfates (one depleted and one enriched in 18O) were prepared and calibrated relative to VSMOW2 and SLAP reference waters. These materials were used to calibrate the other isotopic reference materials in this study. The seemingly large estimated combined uncertainties arise from differences in instrumentation and methodology and difficulty in accounting for all measurement bias. They are composed of the 3-fold standard errors directly calculated from the measurements and provision for systematic errors discussed in this paper. A primary conclusion of this study is that nitrate samples analyzed for ή18O should be analyzed with internationally distributed isotopic nitrates, and likewise for sulfates and organics. Authors reporting relative differences of oxygen-isotope ratios (ή18O) of nitrates, sulfates, or organic material should explicitly state in their reports the ή18O values of two or more internationally distributed nitrates (USGS34, IAEA-NO-3, and USGS35), sulfates (IAEA-SO-5, IAEA-SO-6, and NBS 127), or organic material (IAEA-601 benzoic acid, IAEA-602 benzoic acid, and IAEA-600 caffeine), as appropriate to the material being analyzed, had these reference materials been analyzed with unknowns. This procedure ensures that readers will be able to normalize the ή18O values at a later time should it become necessary. The high-temperature reduction technique for analyzing ή18O and ή2H is not as widely applicable as the well-established combustion technique for carbon and nitrogen stable isotope determination. To obtain the most reliable stable isotope data, materials should be treated in an identical fashion; within the same sequence of analyses, samples should be compared with working reference materials that are as similar in nature and in isotopic composition as feasible.

    Laboratory colonisation and genetic bottlenecks in the tsetse fly Glossina pallidipes

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    Background The IAEA colony is the only one available for mass rearing of Glossina pallidipes, a vector of human and animal African trypanosomiasis in eastern Africa. This colony is the source for Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) programs in East Africa. The source population of this colony is unclear and its genetic diversity has not previously been evaluated and compared to field populations.<p></p> Methodology/Principal Findings We examined the genetic variation within and between the IAEA colony and its potential source populations in north Zimbabwe and the Kenya/Uganda border at 9 microsatellites loci to retrace the demographic history of the IAEA colony. We performed classical population genetics analyses and also combined historical and genetic data in a quantitative analysis using Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC). There is no evidence of introgression from the north Zimbabwean population into the IAEA colony. Moreover, the ABC analyses revealed that the foundation and establishment of the colony was associated with a genetic bottleneck that has resulted in a loss of 35.7% of alleles and 54% of expected heterozygosity compared to its source population. Also, we show that tsetse control carried out in the 1990's is likely reduced the effective population size of the Kenya/Uganda border population.<p></p> Conclusions/Significance All the analyses indicate that the area of origin of the IAEA colony is the Kenya/Uganda border and that a genetic bottleneck was associated with the foundation and establishment of the colony. Genetic diversity associated with traits that are important for SIT may potentially have been lost during this genetic bottleneck which could lead to a suboptimal competitiveness of the colony males in the field. The genetic diversity of the colony is lower than that of field populations and so, studies using colony flies should be interpreted with caution when drawing general conclusions about G. pallidipes biology.<p></p&gt

    Penolakan Pemerintah Iran Terhadap International Atomic Energy Agency (Iaea) Untuk Melakukan Pemeriksaan Pengembangan Energi Nuklir Di Wilayah Negara Iran Ditinjau Dari Perspektif Statuta Iaea

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    SIDalam Jurnal Ilmiah ini Penulis membahas tentang apakah yang melatarbelakangi penolakan Pemerintah Iran terhadap International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) untuk melakukan pemeriksaan pengembangan energi nuklir di wilayah Negara Iran. Hal ini dilatarbelakangi oleh munculnya dugaan dari berbagai pihak tentang kepemilikan dan pengembangan senjata nuklir oleh Iran seiring dengan kegiatan pengembangan energi nuklir yang dilakukan oleh Iran. Penulis juga berusaha mengetahui alasan-alasan yuridis yang disampaikan oleh Iran kemudian bagaimana alasan tersebut apabila ditinjau berdasarkan Statuta IAEA serta alasan pembenar bagi pihak Iran dalam melakukan penolakan terhadap IAEA. Dari hasil telaah dan analisa, Penulis memperoleh kesimpulan bahwa alasan utama Iran melakukan penolakan terhadap kunjungan IAEA adalah Iran beranggapan bahwa IAEA telah melanggar kesepakatan untuk menjaga informasi yang bersifat rahasia dan bukan konsumsi publik karena dianggap telah membahayakan keamanan Nasional Iran. Selain itu IAEA dianggap menggunakan Resolusi PBB 1696 dalam melakukan kunjungan padahal Iran belum terbukti melakukan kegiatan yang mengancam keamanan dan perdamaian dunia Internasional dan bahwa IAEA merupakan Badan yang bersifat otonom dalam menjalankan tugas sehingga cukup menggunakan Statuta IAEA sebagai rujukan. Sementara dari pihak IAEA beranggapan bahwa tindakan penolakan oleh Iran tersebut telah melanggar ketentuan dalam Statuta IAEA Article VIII tentang Exchange Information atau pertukaran informasi. Hal ini mengakibatkan gagalnya setiap Perundingan yang membahas tentang kunjungan IAEA ke wilayah Iran. Untuk menyikapi hal tersebut, seharusnya kedua pihak mengadakan Perundingan tentang pembentukan kerangka kerjasama yang menguntungkan keduanya dan sesuai dengan Statuta IAEA serta Safeguard

    Public perceptions of unreliability in examination results in England: a new perspective

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    Presented at the 36th International Association for Educational Assessment (IAEA) Annual Conference in Bangkok, Thailand, 22-27 August 2010. This report is about a quantitative study on public perceptions of unreliability in examination results, using an online questionnaire survey

    Tracer-aided ecohydrological modelling across climate, land cover, and topographical gradients in the tropics

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    Funding Information: We thank the Leverhulme Trust funded ISOLAND (RPG‐2018‐375) project, the IAEA‐CRP F31005 contract 22904, the IAEA‐CRP F31006, and the IAEA‐CRP F31006 and UCR C1038 funded the IsoRSM project. We also acknowledge the many suggestions by two anonymous reviewers that improved this paper. Funding Information: We thank the Leverhulme Trust funded ISOLAND (RPG-2018-375) project, the IAEA-CRP F31005 contract 22904, the IAEA-CRP F31006, and the IAEA-CRP F31006 and UCR C1038 funded the IsoRSM project. We also acknowledge the many suggestions by two anonymous reviewers that improved this paper. Publisher Copyright: © 2023 The Authors. Hydrological Processes published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.Peer reviewedPublisher PD


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    Tujuan penulisan ini sebagai suatu syarat untuk kelulusan dan mendapatkan gelar Sarjana Hukum di Fakultas Hukum Universitas Surabaya. Tujuan praktis yaitu, untuk mengetahui Untuk mengetahui bagaimanakah peran IAEA sebagai Organisasi Internasional yang mengatur atau mengawasi pengembangan nuklir di dunia untuk menjaga keamanan dan stabilitas perdamaian di dunia.. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa, Dalam kasus Nuklir Korea Utara, IAEA sudah menjalankan peran sebagaimana mestinya. Dalam masa menjadi anggota dari NPT IAEA, Korea Utara mendapatkan pemantauan secara langsung oleh IAEA, yaitu mengenai pengembangan nuklir yang awalnya dijadikan sebagai pembangkit listrik. Kemudian IAEA mengirimkan tim investigasinya langsung untuk mencari kebenaran isu rudal yang dibuat oleh Korut. Setelah itu ternyata ditemukan bukti – bukti bahwa benar Korea Utara sedang melakukan uji kelayakan senjata tenaga nuklir berupa torpedo. IAEA melaporkan hal tersebut kepada dewan keamanan PBB yang kemudian akan memberikan sanksi kepada Korea Utara. Namun pada tahun 2003 Korea Utara mengundurkan diri dari perjanjian NPT IAEA

    Finnish Support Programme to the IAEA Safeguards : Annual Report 2020

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    SUMMARY The Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK) coordinates and implements the Finnish Support Programme to the IAEA safeguards (FINSP). FINSP is financed by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland (MFA). MFA and STUK have made an agreement for implementation of FINSP for the term of three years 2019 – 2021. For 2020 MFA reserved funding of 149 000€. Actual expenditures of the Programme in 2020 was 85 669,49 €. The results of the FINSP are presented in this report. Main goals of the FINSP are training of IAEA inspectors and development of IAEA safeguards methods and concepts. FINSP had an annual review meeting with the IAEA on 18th October as a videoconference. The Some goals of the programme were difficult to achieve because of travel restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Altogether three training events in Finland were cancelled. Two NDA training courses were postponed to the year 2021. FINSP hopes to fulfil the emerged gap of IAEA inspectors training needs in the coming years. A workshop for so called newcomer states was also postponed. To compensate this, FINSP was able to arrange ad-hoc instruction sessions to IAEA trainees and participate to the development of the IAEA guide for newcomers. At the end of the year 2020 FINSP has 14 active tasks and one stand-by task. Two new task proposals were accepted in 2020 and four are pending. Three tasks were completed during 2020
