47 research outputs found

    Direct Estimation of Evoked Hemoglobin Changes by Multimodality Fusion Imaging

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    In the last two decades, both diffuse optical tomography (DOT) and blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD)-based functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) methods have been developed as noninvasive tools for imaging evoked cerebral hemodynamic changes in studies of brain activity. Although these two technologies measure functional contrast from similar physiological sources, i.e., changes in hemoglobin levels, these two modalities are based on distinct physical and biophysical principles leading to both limitations and strengths to each method. In this work, we describe a unified linear model to combine the complimentary spatial, temporal, and spectroscopic resolutions of concurrently measured optical tomography and fMRI signals. Using numerical simulations, we demonstrate that concurrent optical and BOLD measurements can be used to create cross-calibrated estimates of absolute micromolar deoxyhemoglobin changes. We apply this new analysis tool to experimental data acquired simultaneously with both DOT and BOLD imaging during a motor task, demonstrate the ability to more robustly estimate hemoglobin changes in comparison to DOT alone, and show how this approach can provide cross-calibrated estimates of hemoglobin changes. Using this multimodal method, we estimate the calibration of the 3tesla BOLD signal to be −0.55%±0.40% signal change per micromolar change of deoxyhemoglobin

    Neural correlates of early deliberate emotion regulation: Young children\u27s responses to interpersonal scaffolding.

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    Deliberate emotion regulation, the ability to willfully modulate emotional experiences, is shaped through interpersonal scaffolding and forecasts later functioning in multiple domains. However, nascent deliberate emotion regulation in early childhood is poorly understood due to a paucity of studies that simulate interpersonal scaffolding of this skill and measure its occurrence in multiple modalities. Our goal was to identify neural and behavioral components of early deliberate emotion regulation to identify patterns of competent and deficient responses. A novel probe was developed to assess deliberate emotion regulation in young children. Sixty children (age 4-6 years) were randomly assigned to deliberate emotion regulation or control conditions. Children completed a frustration task while lateral prefrontal cortex (LPFC) activation was recorded via functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS). Facial expressions were video recorded and children self-rated their emotions. Parents rated their child\u27s temperamental emotion regulation. Deliberate emotion regulation interpersonal scaffolding predicted a significant increase in frustration-related LPFC activation not seen in controls. Better temperamental emotion regulation predicted larger LPFC activation increases post- scaffolding among children who engaged in deliberate emotion regulation interpersonal scaffolding. A capacity to increase LPFC activation in response to interpersonal scaffolding may be a crucial neural correlate of early deliberate emotion regulation

    Putting our heads together: interpersonal neural synchronization as a biological mechanism for shared intentionality

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    Shared intentionality, or collaborative interactions in which individuals have a shared goal and must coordinate their efforts, is a core component of human interaction. However, the biological bases of shared intentionality and, specifically, the processes by which the brain adjusts to the sharing of common goals, remain largely unknown. Using functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), coordination of cerebral hemodynamic activation was found in subject pairs when completing a puzzle together in contrast to a condition in which subjects completed identical but individual puzzles (same intention without shared intentionality). Interpersonal neural coordination was also greater when completing a puzzle together compared to two control conditions including the observation of another pair completing the same puzzle task or watching a movie with a partner (shared experience). Further, permutation testing revealed that the time course of neural activation of one subject predicted that of their partner, but not that of others completing the identical puzzle in different partner sets. Results indicate unique brain-to-brain coupling specific to shared intentionality beyond what has been previously found by investigating the fundamentals of social exchange

    Functional imaging of cognition in an old-old population: A case for portable functional near-infrared spectroscopy

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    In this study, functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) was used to record brain activa- tion during cognitive testing in older individuals (88±6yo; N = 19) living in residential care communities. This population, which is often associated with loss of personal independence due to physical or cognitive decline associated with aging, is also often under-represented in neuroscience research because of a limited means to participate in studies which often take place in large urban or university centers. In this study, we demonstrate the feasibility and initial results using a portable 8-source by 4-detector fNIRS system to measure brain activity from participants within residential care community centers. Using fNIRS, brain sig- nals were recorded during a series of computerized cognitive tests, including a Symbol Digit Coding test (SDC), Stroop Test (ST), and Shifting Attention Test (SAT). The SDC and SAT elicited greater activity in the left middle frontal region of interest. Three components of the ST produced increases in the right middle frontal and superior frontal, and left superior frontal regions. An association between advanced age and increased activation in the right middle frontal region was observed during the incongruent ST. Although none of the partici- pants had clinical dementia based on the short portable mental status questionnaire, the group performance was slightly below age-normed values on these cognitive tests. These results demonstrate the capability for obtaining functional neuroimaging measures in resi- dential settings, which ultimately may aid in prognosis and care related to dementia in older adults

    Validating an image-based fNIRS approach with fMRI and a working memory task

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    In the current study, we extend a previous methodological pipeline by adding a novel image reconstruction approach to move functional near-infrared (fNIRS) signals from channel-space on the surface of the head to voxel-space within the brain volume. We validate this methodology by comparing voxel-wise fNIRS results to functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) results from a visual working memory (VWM) task using two approaches. In the first approach, significant voxel-wise correlations were observed between fNIRS and fMRI measures for all experimental conditions across brain regions in the fronto-parieto-temporal cortices. In the second approach, we conducted separate multi-factorial ANOVAs on fNIRS and fMRI measures and then examined the correspondence between main and interaction effects within common regions of interest. Both fMRI and fNIRS showed similar trends in activation within the VWM network when the number of items held in working memory increases. These results validate the image-based fNIRS approach

    Correction of global physiology in resting-state functional near-infrared spectroscopy

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    Significance: Resting-state functional connectivity (RSFC) analyses of functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) data reveal cortical connections and networks across the brain. Motion artifacts and systemic physiology in evoked fNIRS signals present unique analytical challenges, and methods that control for systemic physiological noise have been explored. Whether these same methods require modification when applied to resting-state fNIRS (RS-fNIRS) data remains unclear. Aim: We systematically examined the sensitivity and specificity of several RSFC analysis pipelines to identify the best methods for correcting global systemic physiological signals in RS-fNIRS data. Approach: Using numerically simulated RS-fNIRS data, we compared the rates of true and false positives for several connectivity analysis pipelines. Their performance was scored using receiver operating characteristic analysis. Pipelines included partial correlation and multivariate Granger causality, with and without short-separation measurements, and a modified multivariate causality model that included a non-traditional zeroth-lag cross term. We also examined the effects of pre-whitening and robust statistical estimators on performance. Results: Consistent with previous work on bivariate correlation models, our results demonstrate that robust statistics and pre-whitening are effective methods to correct for motion artifacts and autocorrelation in the fNIRS time series. Moreover, we found that pre-filtering using principal components extracted from short-separation fNIRS channels as part of a partial correlation model was most effective in reducing spurious correlations due to shared systemic physiology when the two signals of interest fluctuated synchronously. However, when there was a temporal lag between the signals, a multivariate Granger causality test incorporating the short-separation channels was better. Since it is unknown if such a lag exists in experimental data, we propose a modified version of Granger causality that includes the non-traditional zeroth-lag term as a compromising solution. Conclusions: A combination of pre-whitening, robust statistical methods, and partial correlation in the processing pipeline to reduce autocorrelation, motion artifacts, and global physiology are suggested for obtaining statistically valid connectivity metrics with RS-fNIRS. Further studies should validate the effectiveness of these methods using human data

    The Effect of Prolonged Walking With Intermittent Standing on Erector Spinae and Soleus Muscle Oxygenation and Discomfort

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    Prolonged periods of walking have been associated with musculoskeletal discomfort and injuries. Previous research has shown that muscle fatigue is related to decreases in muscle oxygenation during short term walking. The objective of the proposed research is to determine the impact of prolonged walking with intermittent standing on musculoskeletal discomfort and muscle oxygenation measures in young adults. Nine young adults walked for a period of 2 hours. Ratings of perceived discomfort were recorded using a questionnaire. Muscle oxygenation and hemoglobin levels were collected from the lower back erector spinae and soleus muscles using near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). Subjective discomfort significantly increased throughout the 2 hours. Prolonged walking generally induced increased oxygenation of the erector spinae and soleus across walking periods, within walking periods and across standing periods. These increases were more pronounced at the beginning of the walking session and continued through the second or third periods. Erector spinae and soleus total hemoglobin increased within walking period one and two. Only the soleus total hemoglobin significantly increased after the first walking and standing periods and during all the transitions from walking to standing. Increased oxygenation and total hemoglobin during prolonged walking with intermittent standing are likely a result of the repeated dynamic contractions and exercise-induced blood volume expansion. Increased discomfort was found; however, this was not explained by detrimental changes in oxygenation or total hemoglobin

    Changes in cerebral activation in individuals with and without visual vertigo during optic flow: A functional near-infrared spectroscopy study

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    Background and purpose: Individuals with visual vertigo (VV) describe symptoms of dizziness, disorientation, and/or impaired balance in environments with conflicting visual and vestibular information or complex visual stimuli. Physical therapists often prescribe habituation exercises using optic flow to treat these symptoms, but it is not known how individuals with VV process the visual stimuli. The primary purpose of this study was to use functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) to determine if individuals with VV have different cerebral activation during optic flow compared with control subjects. Methods: Fifteen individuals (5 males and 10 females in each group) with VV seeking care for dizziness and 15 healthy controls (CON) stood in a virtual reality environment and viewed anterior-posterior optic flow. The support surface was either fixed or sway-referenced. Changes in cerebral activation were recorded using fNIRS during periods of optic flow relative to a stationary visual environment. Postural sway of the head and center of mass was recorded using an electromagnetic tracker. Results: Compared with CON, the VV group displayed decreased activation in the bilateral middle frontal regions when viewing optic flow while standing on a fixed platform. Despite both groups having significantly increased activation in most regions while viewing optic flow on a sway-referenced surface, the VV group did not have as much of an increase in the right middle frontal region when viewing unpredictable optic flow in comparison with the CON group. Discussion and conclusions: Individuals with VV produced a pattern of reduced middle frontal cerebral activation when viewing optic flow compared with CON. Decreased activation in the middle frontal regions of the cerebral cortex may represent an alteration in control over the normal reciprocal inhibitory visual-vestibular interaction in visually dependent individuals. Although preliminary, these findings add to a growing body of literature using functional brain imaging to explore changes in cerebral activation in individuals with complaints of dizziness, disorientation, and unsteadiness. Future studies in larger samples should explore if this decreased activation is modified following a rehabilitation regimen consisting of visual habituation exercises. Keywords: Brain imaging, Brain function, Neuroimaging, Balance, Near-infrared spectroscop

    The neural substrates of cognitive flexibility are related to individual differences in preschool irritability: A fNIRS investigation

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    Preschool (age 3–5) is a phase of rapid development in both cognition and emotion, making this a period in which the neurodevelopment of each domain is particularly sensitive to that of the other. During this period, children rapidly learn how to flexibly shift their attention between competing demands and, at the same time, acquire critical emotion regulation skills to respond to negative affective challenges. The integration of cognitive flexibility and individual differences in irritability may be an important developmental process of early childhood maturation. However, at present it is unclear if they share common neural substrates in early childhood. Our main goal was to examine the neural correlates of cognitive flexibility in preschool children and test for associations with irritability. Forty-six preschool aged children completed a novel, child-appropriate, Stroop task while dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) activation was recorded using functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS). Parents rated their child’s irritability. Results indicated that left DLPFC activation was associated with cognitive flexibility and positively correlated with irritability. Right DLPFC activation was also positively correlated with irritability. Results suggest the entwined nature of cognitive and emotional neurodevelopment during a developmental period of rapid and mutual acceleration. Keywords: Cognitive flexibility, Irritability, fNIRS, Neurodevelopment, Early childhoo