50 research outputs found

    Proposed interior design scheme of Number Eight Guesthouse for S-A Two Sdn. Bhd. at Lot 1, Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah 31400 Ipoh, Perak Darul Ridzuan / Muhd Shahreen Houd

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    This project is about Proposed Interior Design Scheme of Number Eight Guesthouse for S-A Two Sdn Bhd at Lot 1, Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah 31400 Ipoh, Perak Darul Ridzuan. Number Eight Guesthouse was well known as a Budget Hotel since opened in 2005. The client of this project is S-A Two Development Sdn. Bhd which is the company is a hotel development company. The reason to proposed this project is because the client decided to widen its business outside Kuala Lumpur, preferably those of tourist attraction cities especially ones with tradition heritage like Ipoh, Perak. For this proposed project site at Ipoh, Perak was choose after had done survey in few place and it seems that the site choose gives good impact and the surroundings suit the business purpose. The objective is to create a very well Budget Hotel with comfort and style with a good price related to the area has been chosen. This proposed interior design scheme for Number Eight Guesthouse is to attract more customers either from Malaysia and the tourist came to Ipoh since Malaysia Government wants to enhance tourism sector than previous year. The target market for the customers of this hotel is the tourist who needed and interest a accommodation with a low price, comfort and style

    Mobilité urbaine et navigation socio-spatiale à Bobo-Dioulasso, un angle pour saisir une ville africaine

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    Research on perception and characterisation of African cities is generally divided between two theses. The first, known as Euro-centric because of its analytical capacity based exclusively on the European cities model results on image of African cities as elusive, unknowable, informal entities. Faced with this vision, a postcolonial vision has emerged urban studies, calling for a change of paradigm. The latter's main objective is to revisit these criticisms about African cities through an approach that refutes these characterisations by placing at the heart of the debate the way in which African cities are perceived and experienced by their inhabitants and by looking closely at the often-inventive practices of these populations. To achieve this objective, this thesis focuses on the social universe of taxi drivers using the concept of socio-spatial navigation conceived as a form of mobility in the wake of New mobility paradigm. The methodology combines an ethnographic approach which consisted of participant observation to understand the practices of the populations and an inductive approach (Grounded Theory) to identify the ideas and perspectives of the actors. To this end, 125 taxi drivers, 50 tricycle drivers and 3 bus drivers corresponding to 5% of their self-declared were monitored. The results about the use of collective taxis, buses and tricycles revealed a number of tensions. These tensions are between what is legal, i.e. authorised by the authority, and what is illegal (taxi using gas, tricycle as a mean of transportation), i.e. forbidden by the authority, but generated by the people (from below) in close relation to their daily reality and above all as a response to the gap between the institutional planning and management model and their own city. This situation brings out a pattern of a moral economy of mobility The second category of results relates to spatial knowledge of the city. The study revealed that the city of Bobo-Dioulasso is an entity that can be known and understood through a learning process. This process consists of memorising two types of landmarks (visible and invisible) through practical experiences and information received from other city dwellers. Furthermore, the games played by the actors during collective taxi ride revealed that the taxi is not just a simple means of transportation. It is a place of important interactions. Depending on the taxi driver's skills of Know-how and Know how to be, the taxi space oscillates between a non-place, non non-place and a heterotopia of deviance.La recherche sur la perception et la caractérisation des villes africaines est globalement partagée entre deux thèses. La première qualifiée d’euro-centrique par ses analyses qui s’inspirent exclusivement du modèle européen abouti à des images de la ville africaine comme des entités insaisissables, inconnaissables, informelles, etc. Face à cette vision a émergé une vision postcoloniale qui appel à un changement de paradigme dans les études urbaines. Cette dernière a pour objectif majeur de revisiter ces critiques sur la ville africaine par une approche qui réfute ces caractérisations en replaçant au cœur du débat la façon dont les villes africaines sont perçues et vécues par les habitants et en regardant de près les pratiques souvent inventives de ces populations. Pour atteindre cet objectif, cette thèse s’intéresse à l’univers social des chauffeurs de taxi à l’aide du concept de la navigation socio-spatiale conçu comme une forme de mobilité dans le sillage de la New mobility paradigm. La méthodologie combine une approche ethnographique qui a consisté à une observation participante pour comprendre les pratiques des populations et une approche inductive (Grounded Theory) pour cerner les idées et les perspectives des acteurs. A cet effet, ce sont 125 chauffeurs de taxi, 50 chauffeurs de tricycles et 3 chauffeurs de bus correspondant à 5% de leurs effectifs déclarés par les acteurs eux-mêmes qui ont été suivis. Les résultats sur l’utilisation des taxis collectifs, du bus et des tricycles ont fait ressortir un certain nombre de tension. Ces tensions se situent entre ce qui est légal, c’est-à-dire autorisé par l’autorité et ce qui est illégale (taxi à gaz, tricycle transportant des passagers) donc interdit par cette autorité, mais généré par les populations (par le bas) en étroite relation avec leur réalité quotidienne et surtout en guise de réponse à l’écart entre le modèle de planification et de gestion institutionnelle et leur ville à eux. Cette situation fait ressortir un schéma d’une économie morale de la mobilité. Les résultats relatifs à la connaissance spatiale de la ville. L’étude a révélé que la ville de Bobo-Dioulasso est une entité que l’on peut connaitre, saisir à travers un apprentissage de la ville. Ce processus consiste à mémoriser deux types de repères (visibles et invisibles) à travers des expériences pratiques et des informations reçues d'autres citadins. Par ailleurs, les jeux d’acteurs lors des déplacements en taxi collectif ont permis de révéler que le taxi n’est pas seulement un simple moyen de déplacement. Il est le lieu d’importantes interactions. En fonction des compétences de savoir-faire et de savoir être du chauffeur de taxi, l’espace du taxi oscille entre un non-lieu, au non non-lieu à une hétérotopie de déviance

    Social Network Analysis: A useful tool for studying Innovation diffusion processes

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    In our note, we tried to realise a comprehensive document dedicated to Social Network Analysis, in which we focused on its origin, application and adoption in analysing the diffusion of innovation, with particular attention paid to the agriculture sector, because we believe that farmers can easily exchange knowledge with each other and boost the diffusion of innovation in terms of agricultural techniques. Most of the scientific researches reported in our note in which SNA was applied are carried out in developing countries, we reckon that in these countries information is not usually recorded in a database, and farmers can easily get innovation through their system of acquaintances. We noted that SNA is a flexible and useful tool because it can be applied jointly with several approaches and theories. Through SNA, we can get relevant information about the network to understand how innovation gets shared and to assess the role and importance of different actors involved in the network

    The Noc-Domain Containing C-Terminus of Noc4p Mediates Both Formation of the Noc4p-Nop14p Submodule and Its Incorporation into the SSU Processome

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    Noc1p, Noc3p and Noc4p are eukaryotic proteins which play essential roles in yeast ribosome biogenesis and contain a homologous stretch of about 45 aminoacids (Noc-domain) of unknown function. Yeast Noc4p is a component of the small ribosomal subunit (SSU) processome, can be isolated as a stable Noc4p-Nop14p SSU-processome submodule from yeast cells, and is required for nuclear steps of small ribosomal subunit rRNA maturation. We expressed a series of mutated alleles of NOC4 in yeast cells and analysed whether the corresponding protein variants support vegetative growth, interact with Nop14p, and are incorporated into the SSU-processome. The data reveal that the essential C-terminus of Noc4p which contains 237 aminoacids including the Noc-domain represents a protein-protein interaction module. It is required and sufficient for its association with Nop14p and several nuclear precursors of the small ribosomal subunit. The N-terminal Noc4-part seems to be targeted to pre-ribosomes via the C-terminus of Noc4p and plays there an essential role in SSU-processome function. Replacement of the Noc4p-Noc-domain by its homologues Noc1p-counterpart results in a hybrid Noc4p variant which fails to associate with Nop14p and pre-ribosomes. On the other hand, exchange of 6 amino acids in the Noc1-Noc-domain of this hybrid Noc4p protein is sufficient to restore its essential in vivo functions. These data suggest that Noc-domains of Noc1p and Noc4p share a common structural backbone in which diverging amino acids play crucial roles in mediating specific regulated interactions. Our analysis allows us to distinguish between different functions of certain domains within Noc4p and contribute to the understanding of how incorporation of Noc4p into ribosomal precursors is coupled to rRNA processing and maturation of the small ribosomal subunit

    Spatio-temporal distribution of Myriapods in an anthropized site and a natural site in north-eastern Algeria

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    Chilopoda and Diplopoda, were studied in two areas located in north-eastern Algeria (anthropized site of Annaba and natural site of El Tarf). Pitfall traps were used to collect individuals during one year (June 2006 to May 2007). In total, 901 Chilopoda and 411 Diplopoda were collected. Spatio- temporal diversities were evaluated for the two taxa. Our results suggest that the soil physico-chemical edaphic parameters such as the quantity of alluvium, the proportion of organic matter or the pH but also climatic parameters such as the amount of precipitation and the relative humidity of air have a significant influence on the abundance and spatial distribution of Chilopoda and Diplopoda with a clear difference of behaviour between the two taxa. The estimation of the intensity of perturbation due to human activities influencing the ecological diversity of the two taxonomic groups studied indicated that Annaba area, which is more anthropized than that of El Tarf, loosed in terms of Chilopoda and Diplopoda diversityLes Chilopodes et les Diplopodes présents au niveau de deux sites localisés dans le nord-est de l'Algérie (site anthropisé d'Annaba et site naturel d'El Tarf) ont été étudiés par piégeage durant une année (juin 2006 à mai 2007). Au total 901 Chilopodes et 411 Diplopodes ont été récoltés. Les diversités spatio-temporelles des deux taxons ont été évaluées. Nos résultats suggèrent que les paramètres physico-chimiques édaphiques tels que le taux de limon, le pourcentage de matière organique ou le pH mais aussi les paramètres climatiques tels que le volume de précipitation et le taux d'hygrométrie qui en résulte ont une influence significative sur l'abondance et la répartition spatiale des Chilopodes et des Diplopodes avec une nette différence de comportement entre les deux taxons. L'estimation de l'intensité des perturbations introduites par l'homme influençant la diversité écologique des deux taxons indique que la région d'Annaba, qui est plus anthropisée que celle d'El Tarf, subit une perte en matière de diversité concernant à la fois les Chilopodes et les Diplopodes

    Molecular basis of Diamond–Blackfan anemia: structure and function analysis of RPS19

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    Diamond–Blackfan anemia (DBA) is a rare congenital disease linked to mutations in the ribosomal protein genes rps19, rps24 and rps17. It belongs to the emerging class of ribosomal disorders. To understand the impact of DBA mutations on RPS19 function, we have solved the crystal structure of RPS19 from Pyrococcus abyssi. The protein forms a five α-helix bundle organized around a central amphipathic α-helix, which corresponds to the DBA mutation hot spot. From the structure, we classify DBA mutations relative to their respective impact on protein folding (class I) or on surface properties (class II). Class II mutations cluster into two conserved basic patches. In vivo analysis in yeast demonstrates an essential role for class II residues in the incorporation into pre-40S ribosomal particles. This data indicate that missense mutations in DBA primarily affect the capacity of the protein to be incorporated into pre-ribosomes, thus blocking maturation of the pre-40S particles

    Agrammatic but numerate

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    A central question in cognitive neuroscience concerns the extent to which language enables other higher cognitive functions. In the case of mathematics, the resources of the language faculty, both lexical and syntactic, have been claimed to be important for exact calculation, and some functional brain imaging studies have shown that calculation is associated with activation of a network of left-hemisphere language regions, such as the angular gyrus and the banks of the intraparietal sulcus. We investigate the integrity of mathematical calculations in three men with large left-hemisphere perisylvian lesions. Despite severe grammatical impairment and some difficulty in processing phonological and orthographic number words, all basic computational procedures were intact across patients. All three patients solved mathematical problems involving recursiveness and structure-dependent operations (for example, in generating solutions to bracket equations). To our knowledge, these results demonstrate for the first time the remarkable independence of mathematical calculations from language grammar in the mature cognitive system

    Strategies to ensure motor learning during the treatment of vocal problems in neurodegenerative diseases

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    Los déficits del sistema sensoriomotor tienen un efecto dramático sobre la calidad de vida de las personas con enfermedades neurodegenerativas, especialmente la afectación de los nervios craneales responsables de la deglución, fonoarticulación, expresión facial y voz. Actualmente existe evidencia científica de que al entrenar sistemáticamente los grupos musculares encargados de los movimientos fonorrespiratorios, puede mejorarse o lentificarse el avance de la enfermedad y sus efectos sobre el deterioro sensoriomotor. Sin embargo aún no se ha avanzado lo suficiente en el diseño de estrategias específicas para propiciar la generalización de los resultados terapéuticos, esto es, para favorecer la transferencia de las mejorías desde la clínica a la vida cotidiana del enfermo neurodegenerativo. En este estudio se exponen los principios básicos del aprendizaje motor, sus fases y pautas de administración, centrándose en la aplicación de estos aspectos al tratamiento de personas con problemas de voz de origen neurodegenerativo. En una segunda parte se hace una revisión de la literatura sobre los factores que potencian la efectividad del método LSVT®. Se analiza cómo dicho modelo terapéutico aplica las teorías del aprendizaje motor al tratamiento de los problemas fonatorios de las personas que padecen Parkinson, proporcionando una generalización de las mejorías motoras y una repercusión de dichos beneficios a nivel de la lesión neurológica, la función vocal, la inteligibilidad del habla y la deglución, con resultados terapéuticos que han demostrado mantenerse a corto, medio y largo plazo por encima del nivel previo al tratamiento

    Real-Time Business Intelligence

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    Nowadays, terms such as the Internet of Things, Big Data analytic and Business Intelligence are very common among business leaders, managers and analysts. There is no wonder why, acquiring a huge amount of data with the ability to store it, process it and analyze it implies better and more informed business decisions made by corporate decision makers. However, some of these technologies are still maturing. Therefore, a new approach and patterns for designing solutions consisting of such technologies will play an important role in accelerating and improving their implementation. This thesis work will focus on the study, design and implementation of a real-time BI(Business Intelligence) solution that gets data from operational databases as well as other real-time platforms such as Meter Data Management Systems. The BI will allow end-users to visualize data, view reports and access dashboard for both decision-makers and operational workers. The developed prototype is able to extract data from disparate data sources and store it into a data warehouse using dimensional modelling. The solution is also able to extract real-time data from an MDMS(Meter Data Management System) to provide real-time analytics for smart meters data. Some tools and technologies that are used in the BI domain were studied, and the selected ones were used for implementing the prototype. Qlik Sense is used for data visualization and reporting. Talend Open Studio is used for the development of ETL process