24 research outputs found

    The geomorphology and radar facies of Kaitorete Spit, Canterbury, New Zealand

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    Kaitorete Spit is a mixed sand and gravel barrier beach complex that is located at the northeastern end of the Canterbury Bight. Kaitorete Spit was examined during this study using a combination of ground penetrating radar surveys, sedimentological and geomorphological examinations of the barrier beach complex. The geomorphology formed on Kaitorete has developed in three different environments. At the northeastern end of Kaitorete low elevation spit recurves are formed. South of these are numerous parallel beach ridges, formed by the tops of prograded storm berms. Lacustrine geomorphic features have developed over the marine geomorphology. Small scale cuspate ridges have formed in shallow lake water and associated with lake bottom sediments. Lacustrine beach ridges, lacustrine beach ridge plains and lacustrine spit complexes all formed along the shore of a higher lake. Nine different radar facies were found developed in the radar profiles collected on Kaitorete Spit. The facies are defined on the basis of their internal reflector patterns. Generally, the reflector patterns could be predicted by interpreting the geomorphic features over which the radar profiles ran. Three of the radar facies revealed reflector patterns that could not be predicted using geomorphology alone. At the eastern end of Kaitorete Spit, the radar profiles revealed that the marine spit recurves comprise a spit beach overlying a spit platform. It also reveals that the distal end of the spit platform was reworked by tidal currents into a series of seaward prograding foresets. The radar profiles also revealed that immediately the barrier beach reached the edge of the spit platform, a rise in the elevation of the beach crest occurred due to an increase in the wave energy expended on the beach. In the centre of the barrier beach complex the radar profiles revealed that two long overwash barriers developed, which fill two long (up to 12 km), thin lake outlet lagoons. These lagoons developed as a result of breaching due to a large river overfilling the lake basin. After the initial breach, the longshore drift and lake outflow developed a dynamic equilibrium, resulting in the progressive eastward dislocation of the outlet mouth. The large volume of lake water acted to buffer the high flows of the river thereby, maintaining flow conditions at the outlet channel which were conducive to lagoon elongation. Associated with the lacustrine spit complexes are scarp-like ridges which have steep reflectors which dip away from the lake. These developed in a similar way to shore-parallel bars, with material moving up the stoss side and avalanching down the lee side. The combined application of ground penetrating radar and geomorphology reveals a much more complete geological history of an area where outcrop is sparse

    Sinkholes and uvalas in evaporite karst: spatio-temporal development with links to base-level fall on the eastern shore of the Dead Sea

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    Enclosed topographic depressions are characteristic of karst landscapes on Earth. The developmental relationship between depression types, such as sinkholes (dolines) and uvalas, has been the subject of debate, mainly because the long developmental timescales in classical limestone karst settings impede direct observation. Here we characterize the morphometric properties and spatio-temporal development of ∼1150 sinkholes and five uvalas formed from ∼1980 to 2017 in an evaporite karst setting along the eastern coast of the hypersaline Dead Sea (at Ghor Al-Haditha, Jordan). The development of sinkhole populations and individual uvalas is intertwined in terms of onset, evolution and cessation. The sinkholes commonly develop in clusters, within which they may coalesce to form compound or nested sinkholes. In general, however, the uvalas are not defined by coalescence of sinkholes. Although each uvala usually encloses several clusters of sinkholes, it develops as a larger-scale, gentler and structurally distinct depression. The location of new sinkholes and uvalas shows a marked shoreline-parallel migration with time, followed by a marked shoreline-perpendicular (i.e. seaward) growth with time. These observations are consistent with theoretical predictions of karstification controlled by a laterally migrating interface between saturated and undersaturated groundwater, as induced by the 35 m fall in the Dead Sea water level since 1967. More generally, our observations indicate that uvalas and the sinkhole populations within them, although morphometrically distinct, can develop near-synchronously by subsidence in response to subsurface erosion

    Estimation and validation of InSAR-derived surface displacements at temperate raised peatlands

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    Peatland surface motion derived from satellite-based Interferometry of Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) is potentially a proxy for groundwater level variations and greenhouse gas emissions from peat soils. Ground validation of these motions at equivalent temporal resolution has proven problematic, either because of limitations of traditional surveying methods or because of limitations with past InSAR time-series approaches. Novel camera-based instrumentation has enabled in-situ measurement of peat surface from mid-2019 to mid-2022 at two large temperate raised bogs undergoing restoration – Cors Fochno and Cors Caron, in mid-Wales, United Kingdom. The cameras provided continuous measurements at sub-millimetre precision and sub-daily temporal resolution. From these data and Sentinel-1 acquisitions spanning mid-2015 to early-2023, we demonstrate that accurate peat surface motion can be derived by InSAR when a combination of interferometric networks with long and short temporal baselines is used. The InSAR time series data closely match the in-situ data at both bogs, and in particular recover well the annual peat surface oscillations of 10-40 mm. Pearson's values for the point-wise correlation of in-situ and InSAR displacements are 0.8–0.9, while 76% of differences are < ±5 mm and 93% are < ±10 mm. RMSE values between multi-annual in-situ and InSAR peat surface displacement rates are ~7 mm·yr−1 and decrease to ∼3.5 mm for individual peat surface motion measurements. Larger differences mainly occur during drought periods. Multi-annual displacement velocities rates based on InSAR indicate long-term subsidence at Cors Caron (maximum −7 mm·yr−1), while Cors Fochno exhibits subsidence at the centre and uplift at the margins (−9 mm·yr−1 to +5 mm·yr−1). Because of the annual peat surface oscillations, however, more robust ground validation of the long-term peat surface motion rates derived from InSAR requires longer time-series of in-situ measurements than are presently available. Nonetheless, the InSAR-derived surface motion rates correlate well spatially with both peat dome elevation and peat thickness. In addition, the annual oscillations in surface motion are synchronous with or lag slightly behind groundwater level changes. A coarse ratio of 10:1 is observed between annual changes in groundwater level and peat surface displacement. Satellite-based InSAR derived from a fusion of short- and long-term temporal baseline networks can thus enable accurate monitoring of hydrologically driven surface motions of moderately degraded to intact temperate raised peatlands

    An Inside Perspective on Magma Intrusion: Quantifying 3D Displacement and Strain in Laboratory Experiments by Dynamic X-Ray Computed Tomography

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    Magma intrusions grow to their final geometries by deforming the Earth's crust internally and by displacing the Earth's surface. Interpreting the related displacements in terms of intrusion geometry is key to forecasting a volcanic eruption. While scaled laboratory models enable us to study the relationships between surface displacement and intrusion geometry, past approaches entailed limitations regarding imaging of the laboratory model interior or simplicity of the simulated crustal rheology. Here we apply cutting-edge medical wide beam X-ray Computed Tomography (CT) to quantify in 4D the deformation induced in laboratory models by an intrusion of a magma analog (golden syrup) into a rheologically-complex granular host rock analog (sand and plaster). We extract the surface deformation and we quantify the strain field of the entire experimental volume in 3D over time by using Digital Volume Correlation (DVC). By varying the strength and height of the host material, and intrusion velocity, we observe how intrusions of contrasting geometries grow, and induce contrasting strain field characteristics and surface deformation in 4D. The novel application of CT and DVC reveals that distributed strain accommodation and mixed-mode (opening and shear) fracturing dominates in low-cohesion material overburden, and leads to the growth of thick cryptodomes or cup-shaped intrusions. More localized strain accommodation and opening-mode fracturing dominates in high-cohesion material overburden, and leads to the growth of cone sheets or thin dikes. The results demonstrate how the combination of CT and DVC can greatly enhance the utility of optically non-transparent crustal rock analogs in obtaining insights into shallow crustal deformation processes. This unprecedented perspective on the spatio-temporal interaction of intrusion growth coupled with host material deformation provides a conceptual framework that can be tested by field observations at eroded volcanic systems and by the ever increasing spatial and temporal resolution of geodetic data at active volcanoes

    Gradual caldera collapse at Bárdarbunga volcano, Iceland, regulated by lateral magma outflow

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    Large volcanic eruptions on Earth commonly occur with a collapse of the roof of a crustal magma reservoir, forming a caldera. Only a few such collapses occur per century, and the lack of detailed observations has obscured insight into the mechanical interplay between collapse and eruption.We usemultiparameter geophysical and geochemical data to show that the 110-squarekilometer and 65-meter-deep collapse of Bárdarbunga caldera in 2014-2015 was initiated through withdrawal of magma, and lateral migration through a 48-kilometers-long dike, from a 12-kilometers deep reservoir. Interaction between the pressure exerted by the subsiding reservoir roof and the physical properties of the subsurface flow path explain the gradual, nearexponential decline of both collapse rate and the intensity of the 180-day-long eruption.</p

    Analogue models of caldera collapse in strike-slip tectonic regimes

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    International audienceRegional-scale faulting, particularly in strike-slip tectonic regimes, is a relatively poorly constrained factor in the formation of caldera volcanoes. To examine interactions between structures associated with regional-tectonic strikeslip deformation and volcano-tectonic caldera subsidence, we made scaled analogue models. Tabular (sill-like) inclusions of creamed honey in a sand/gypsum mix replicated shallow-level granitic magma chambers in the brittle upper crust. Lateral motion of a base plate sited below half the sand/gypsum pack allowed simulation of regional strike-slip deformation. Our experiments modelled: (1) strike-slip deformation of a homogeneous brittle medium; (2) strike-slip deformation of a brittle medium containing a passive magma reservoir; (3) caldera collapse into sill-like magma reservoirs without regional strike-slip deformation; and (4) caldera collapse into sill-like magma reservoirs after regional strike-slip deformation. Our results show that whilst the magma chamber shape principally influences the development and geometry of volcanotectonic collapse structures, regional-tectonic strike-slip faults (Riedel shears and Y-shears) may affect a caldera's structural evolution in two main ways. Firstly, regional strike-slip faults above the magma chamber may form a pre-collapse structural grain that is exploited and reactivated during subsidence. Our experiments show that such faults may preferentially reactivate where tangential to the collapse area and coincident with the chamber margins. In this case, volcano-tectonic extension in the caldera periphery tends to localise on regional-tectonic faults that lie just outside the chamber margins. In addition, volcano-tectonic reverse faults may link with and reactivate pre-collapse regional-tectonic faults that lie just inside the chamber margins. Secondly, where regional-tectonic strike-slip faults define corners in the magma chamber margin, they may halt the propagation of volcano-tectonic reverse faults. The experiments also highlight the potential difficulties in assessing the relative contributions of volcano-tectonic and regional-tectonic subsidence processes to the final caldera structure seen in the field. Disruption of the precollapse surface by regional-tectonic faulting was preserved during coherent volcano-tectonic subsidence to produce a caldera floor of differentially-subsided fault blocks. Without definitive evidence for syn-eruptive growth faulting, thickness changes in caldera fill across such regionaltectonic fault blocks in nature could be mistaken as evidence for piecemeal volcano-tectonic collapse

    Sinkholes, pit craters, and small calderas: analog models of depletioninduced collapse analyzed by computed X-ray microtomography

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    Volumetric depletion of a subsurface body commonly results in the collapse of overburden and the formation of enclosed topographic depressions. Such depressions are termed sinkholes in karst terrains and pit craters or collapse calderas in volcanic terrains. This paper reports the first use of computed X-ray microtomography (mu CT) to image analog models of small-scale (similar to< 2 km diameter), high-cohesion, overburden collapse induced by depletion of a near-cylindrical ("stock-like") body. Time-lapse radiography enabled quantitative monitoring of the evolution of collapse structure, velocity, and volume. Moreover, mu CT scanning enabled nondestructive visualization of the final collapse volumes and fault geometries in three dimensions. The results illustrate two end-member scenarios: (1) near-continuous collapse into the depleting body; and (2) near-instantaneous collapse into a subsurface cavity formed above the depleting body. Even within near-continuously collapsing columns, subsidence rates vary spatially and temporally, with incremental accelerations. The highest subsidence rates occur before and immediately after a surface depression is formed. In both scenarios, the collapsing overburden column undergoes a marked volumetric expansion, such that the volume of subsurface depletion substantially exceeds that of the resulting topographic depression. In the karst context, this effect is termed "bulking," and our results indicate that it may occur not only at the onset of collapse but also during progressive subsidence. In the volcanic context, bulking of magma reservoir overburden rock may at least partially explain why the volume of magma erupted commonly exceeds that of the surface depression

    Dykes, cups, saucers and sills: Analogue experiments on magma intrusion into brittle rocks

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    International audienceMagma is transported in the crust by blade-like intrusions such as dykes, sills, saucers, and also collects in thicker laccoliths, lopoliths and plutons. Recently, the importance and great number of shallow (b5 km) saucer-shaped intrusions has been recognized. Lopoliths and cup-shaped intrusions have also been reported in many geological contexts. Our field observations indicate that many intrusions, especially those emplaced into breccias or fractured rocks, have bulging, lobate margins and have shear faults at their bulbous terminations. Such features suggest that magma can propagate along a self-induced shear fault rather than a hydraulic tension-fracture. To investigate this we use analogue models to explore intrusion propagation in a brittle country rock. The models consist of the injection of analogue magma (honey or Golden syrup) in a granular material (sand or sieved ignimbrite) that is a good analogue for brittle or brecciated rocks. These models have the advantage (over other models that use gelatin) to well represent the properties of brittle materials by allowing both shear-faults and tension fractures to be produced at suitable stresses. In our experiments we mainly obtain vertical dykes and inverted-cone like structures that we call cup-shaped intrusions. Dykes bifurcate into cup-shaped intrusions at depths depending on their viscosity. All cup-shaped intrusions uplift a central block. By injecting against a vertical glass plate we obtain detailed observations of the intrusion propagation style. We observe that dykes commonly split and produce cupshaped intrusions near the surface and that shear zone-related intrusions develop at the dyke tip. We conclude that many dykes propagate as a viscous indenter resulting from shear failure of host rock rather than tensional hydraulic fracturing of host rocks. The shear propagation model provides an explanation for the shape and formation of cup-shaped intrusions, saucer-sills and lopoliths