113 research outputs found

    Bodenschätzung in Deutschland - MÜglichkeiten und Grenzen der Nutzung

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    Die Bodenschätzung ist ein etabliertes Verfahren um die Ertragsfähigkeit der landwirtschaftlich genutzten Flächen zu schätzen. Sie beruht jedoch auf den bodenkundlichen Erkenntnissen der 1920er und 1930er Jahre. Durch die Prßfung und den Vergleich der Bodenschätzungsdaten mit Kriterien und Methoden der modernen Bodenkunde werden die Bodenschätzungsergebnisse nachvollziehbarer, plausibler und besser abgesichert ohne die Methode grundsätzlich zu verändern. Dies verbessert die Aussagekraft und Auswertbarkeit fßr steuerliche Zwecke, den Bodenschutz und Bodeninformationssysteme

    BFD50 - Differenzierung der Auen auf Grundlage der Bodenschätzung

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    Die Bodeneinheiten in den Bodenflächendaten 1:50.000 (BFD50)sind in den Auen der Mittelgebirgslagen teils nur unzureichend differenziert. Durch Auswertung der digitalen Bodenschätzungsdaten lassen sich unterschiedliche Substrattypen unterscheiden, nasse und trockene Standorte voneinander abgrenzen und Moorstandorte kenntlich machen. Die Vergleichsstßcke dienen dabei als Referenzprofile

    Between Two Worlds: Mixed-Race Ostracism by the Minority Group in Leslie Marmon Silko’s Ceremony, Matt De La Peña’s Mexican Whiteboy, and Heidi Durrow’s The Girl Who Fell From the Sky

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    In the three texts that will be discussed, the authors chose young protagonists who come to terms with the contradictions their background creates. In some ways, each of the novels presents the idea of mixed-race as being a problem to overcome. However, the authors’ representations of the problematic nature of growing up between cultures and trying to fit in also highlight the mono-racial community of colors’ perception of mixed-race individuals. Bi- or multi-racial individuals may be ridiculed by their own mono-racial family members and peers for a perceived inauthenticity to an established racial norm. The authors of the three texts share the experiences of bi-racial individuals on journeys of self-discovery, as the main characters untangle the intersection of cultural differences to construct their own identities

    Differenzierung der Grünlandschätzung durch Einbeziehung des Ökologischen Feuchtegrades

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    Im Rahmen einer Masterarbeit der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen wurde die Differenzierung der Wasserstufe der Bodenschätzung durch Berücksichtigung des Pflanzenbestandes an 60 Vergleichsstücken der Bodenschätzung im Raum Gießen untersucht. Da-zu wurde der Ökologische Feuchte-grad (ÖF) nach der Methode von Kunzmann ermittelt. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass der ÖF als ein praxisorientiertes Hilfsmittel herangezogen werden kann, um gesicherte und differenzierte Aussagen über die aktuellen Wasserverhältnisse des Bodens treffen. Damit lässt sich die Einstufung in die korrekte Wasserstufe nach der Bodenschätzung absichern

    Abschätzung des Erosionsgeschehens in Mittelgebirgslagen durch den Vergleich von Bodenschätzungsdaten der Erstschätzung und aktuellen Nachschätzungen

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    Seit der Novellierung des BodSchätzG (2007) steht neben der Erhebung der Bodenschätzungsdaten für fiskalische Zwecke, verstärkt die Verwendung für den Bodenschutz und Bodeninformationssysteme im Vordergrund. Aus den Bodenschätzungsdaten der Erst- und den aktuellen Nachschätzungen wird das Erosionsgeschehen in der osthessischen Gemarkung Großenmoor modelliert. Ausgewertet werden die Boden- und Grünlandgrundzahl, die Bodenart und die Zustandsstufe der Ackerschätzung sowie die bestimmenden Grablöcher - im Wandel der Zeit

    Body mass index change in gastrointestinal cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is associated with Dedicator of Cytokinesis 1

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    Background: There have been a number of candidate gene association studies of cancer cachexia-related traits, but no genome-wide association study (GWAS) has been published to date. Cachexia presents in patients with a number of complex traits, including both cancer and COPD. The objective of the current investigation was to search for a shared genetic aetiology for change in body mass index (ΔBMI) among cancer and COPD by using GWAS data in the Framingham Heart Study. Methods: A linear mixed effects model accounting for age, sex, and change in smoking status was used to calculate ΔBMI in participants over 40 years of age with three consecutive BMI time points (n = 4162). Four GWAS of ΔBMI using generalized estimating equations were performed among 1085 participants with a cancer diagnosis, 204 with gastrointestinal (GI) cancer, 112 with lung cancer, and 237 with COPD to test for association with 418 365 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Results: Two SNPs reached a level of genome-wide significance (P < 5 × 10−8) with ΔBMI: (i) rs41526344 within the CNTN4 gene, among COPD cases (β = 0.13, P = 4.3 × 10−8); and (ii) rs4751240 in the gene Dedicator of Cytokinesis 1 (DOCK1) among GI cancer cases (β = 0.10, P = 1.9 × 10−8). The DOCK1 SNP association replicated in the ΔBMI GWAS among COPD cases (βmeta-analyis = 0.10, Pmeta-analyis = 9.3 × 10−10). The DOCK1 gene codes for the dedicator of cytokinesis 1 protein, which has a role in myoblast fusion. Conclusions: In sum, one statistically significant common variant in the DOCK1 gene was associated with ΔBMI in GI cancer and COPD cases providing support for at least partially shared aetiology of ΔBMI in complex diseases

    Phytotoxins Produced by Fungi Associated with Grapevine Trunk Diseases

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    Up to 60 species of fungi in the Botryosphaeriaceae family, genera Cadophora, Cryptovalsa, Cylindrocarpon, Diatrype, Diatrypella, Eutypa, Eutypella, Fomitiporella, Fomitiporia, Inocutis, Phaeoacremonium and Phaeomoniella have been isolated from decline-affected grapevines all around the World. The main grapevine trunk diseases of mature vines are Eutypa dieback, the esca complex and cankers caused by the Botryospheriaceae, while in young vines the main diseases are Petri and black foot diseases. To understand the mechanism of these decline-associated diseases and the symptoms associated with them, the toxins produced by the pathogens involved in these diseases were isolated and characterised chemically and biologically. So far the toxins of only a small number of these decline fungi have been studied. This paper presents an overview of the toxins produced by the most serious of these vine wood pathogens: Eutypa lata, Phaeomoniella chlamydospora, Phaeoacremonium aleophilum and some taxa in the Botryosphaeriaceae family, and examines how these toxins produce decline symptoms. The chemical structure of these metabolites and in some cases their vivotoxin nature are also discussed

    Spotlights on Contemporary Family Life

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    Spotlights on Contemporary Family Life covers four issues of cross-cutting importance to families Structures and forms of families: issues relating to a diversification of families away from the ‘traditional nuclear family form’ are relatively uncontroversial from an academic perspective, but much more so for policy makers and family associations. Chapter 1 provides a thorough overview of the state of contemporary European families. Solidarities in families: too often the issue of an ‘ageing society’ is simply reduced to the problem of over-burdening social care systems, but longevity also represents opportunities for new kinds of solidarities inside families and family networks, and new relations between family members – not to mention the satisfaction felt by people who can continue to live fulfilling and rewarding lives long after they’re considered ‘elderly’. Chapter 2 gives voice to authors who identify these new opportunities and challenges. Demographic change: women are having fewer children and having them later in life. Having children is now a conscious decision and fertility rates have declined below the level required to sustain our current populations. At the same time we witness the ‘greying’ of Europe, which brings with it a whole host of opportunities and challenges. Chapter 3 raises important issues for policy makers today. Volunteering: inspired by family associations who could not survive without the support of volunteers, this chapter gives an overview of what’s known - and what isn’t - about volunteering. Coinciding with the European Year of Volunteering 2011, this chapter takes a timely look at the efforts that families put into volunteering across Europe and the important benefits that Europe gains from all of this combined voluntary effort. Linden Farrer and William Lay work for the Confederation of Family Organisations in the European Union (COFACE). This publication was produced by FAMILYPLATFORM, a project funded by the European Commission

    Doing business in Libya: assessing the nature and effectiveness of international marketing programs in an evolving economy

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    The aim of this paper is to investigate, in one emerging Arab economy (Libya), the strategic and tactical choices of MNE (multinational enterprise) domestic appliance brands and, also, the attitudes of local consumers towards those choices. Various choice characteristics are investigated - including marketing mix standardization/adaptation - and, also, country-of-origin brand (COB). To establish extant organizational choices, local representatives of four established brands were interviewed and survey responses from 609 consumer were analyzed. No statistically discernible relationship between standardization/adaptation choices and consumer attitude towards marketing programs was found, but the study identified one especially successful brand that appeared to owe its achievements to an especially holistic approach to marketing that demonstrated 'fit' with the market concerned. Coincidentally, findings also address the conventional country-of-origin wisdom, and this is investigated/speculated upon accordingly. This is one of few marketing studies concerning Libya, and it adds to the limited literature on an increasingly relevant region
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