509 research outputs found

    Ueber Landes-Cultur und Vertheilung der Allmenden oder gemeinen Hütungen : vorgelesen in der ersten General-Versammlung des landwirthschaftlichen Vereins der Abtheilung für den Kinzig-Kreis

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    Wenn auch schon jede Gelegenheit, durch welche einsichtsvolle, die Wissenschaften liebende Männer sich einander nähern und kennen lernen, schätzbar bleibt: so muß die gegenwärtige Veranlassung dem Freunde des Vaterlandes zwiefach willkommen seyn. Nützlicher Anbau des Landes, Verbesserung unserer Landwirthschaft in ihren vielen, so manchfaltigen Zweigen sind die Absicht, der Zweck dieser Versammlung. ..

    Kinematic structure of massive star-forming regions - I. Accretion along filaments

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    The mid- and far-infrared view on high-mass star formation, in particular with the results from the Herschel space observatory, has shed light on many aspects of massive star formation. However, these continuum studies lack kinematic information. We study the kinematics of the molecular gas in high-mass star-forming regions. We complemented the PACS and SPIRE far-infrared data of 16 high-mass star-forming regions from the Herschel key project EPoS with N2H+ molecular line data from the MOPRA and Nobeyama 45m telescope. Using the full N2H+ hyperfine structure, we produced column density, velocity, and linewidth maps. These were correlated with PACS 70micron images and PACS point sources. In addition, we searched for velocity gradients. For several regions, the data suggest that the linewidth on the scale of clumps is dominated by outflows or unresolved velocity gradients. IRDC18454 and G11.11 show two velocity components along several lines of sight. We find that all regions with a diameter larger than 1pc show either velocity gradients or fragment into independent structures with distinct velocities. The velocity profiles of three regions with a smooth gradient are consistent with gas flows along the filament, suggesting accretion flows onto the densest regions. We show that the kinematics of several regions have a significant and complex velocity structure. For three filaments, we suggest that gas flows toward the more massive clumps are present.Comment: accepted by A&

    A multi-scale, multi-wavelength source extraction method: getsources

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    We present a multi-scale, multi-wavelength source extraction algorithm called getsources. Although it has been designed primarily for use in the far-infrared surveys of Galactic star-forming regions with Herschel, the method can be applied to many other astronomical images. Instead of the traditional approach of extracting sources in the observed images, the new method analyzes fine spatial decompositions of original images across a wide range of scales and across all wavebands. It cleans those single-scale images of noise and background, and constructs wavelength-independent single-scale detection images that preserve information in both spatial and wavelength dimensions. Sources are detected in the combined detection images by following the evolution of their segmentation masks across all spatial scales. Measurements of the source properties are done in the original background-subtracted images at each wavelength; the background is estimated by interpolation under the source footprints and overlapping sources are deblended in an iterative procedure. In addition to the main catalog of sources, various catalogs and images are produced that aid scientific exploitation of the extraction results. We illustrate the performance of getsources on Herschel images by extracting sources in sub-fields of the Aquila and Rosette star-forming regions. The source extraction code and validation images with a reference extraction catalog are freely available.Comment: 31 pages, 27 figures, to be published in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    What determines the density structure of molecular clouds? A case study of Orion B with <i>Herschel</i>

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    A key parameter to the description of all star formation processes is the density structure of the gas. In this Letter, we make use of probability distribution functions (PDFs) of Herschel column density maps of Orion B, Aquila, and Polaris, obtained with the Herschel Gould Belt survey (HGBS). We aim to understand which physical processes influence the PDF shape, and with which signatures. The PDFs of Orion B (Aquila) show a lognormal distribution for low column densities until AV ~ 3 (6), and a power-law tail for high column densities, consistent with a ρα r-2 profile for the equivalent spherical density distribution. The PDF of Orion B is broadened by external compression due to the nearby OB stellar aggregates. The PDF of a quiescent subregion of the non-star-forming Polaris cloud is nearly lognormal, indicating that supersonic turbulence governs the density distribution. But we also observe a deviation from the lognormal shape at AV > 1 for a subregion in Polaris that includes a prominent filament. We conclude that (1) the point where the PDF deviates from the lognormal form does not trace a universal AV -threshold for star formation, (2) statistical density fluctuations, intermittency, and magnetic fields can cause excess from the lognormal PDF at an early cloud formation stage, (3) core formation and/or global collapse of filaments and a non-isothermal gas distribution lead to a power-law tail, and (4) external compression broadens the column density PDF, consistent with numerical simulations

    <i>Herschel</i> observations of B1-bS and B1-bN: two first hydrostatic core candidates in the Perseus star-forming cloud

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    We report far-infrared Herschel observations obtained between 70 μm and 500 μm of two star-forming dusty condensations, [HKM99] B1-bS and [HKM99] B1-bN, in the B1 region of the Perseus star-forming cloud. In the western part of the Perseus cloud, B1-bS is the only source detected in all six PACS and SPIRE photometric bands, but it is not visible in the Spitzer map at 24 μm. B1-bN is clearly detected between 100 μm and 250 μm. We have fitted the spectral energy distributions of these sources to derive their physical properties, and find that a simple greybody model fails to reproduce the observed spectral energy distributions. At least a two-component model is required, consisting of a central source surrounded by a dusty envelope. The properties derived from the fit, however, suggest that the central source is not a Class 0 object. We then conclude that while B1-bS and B1-bN appear to be more evolved than a pre-stellar core, the best-fit models suggest that their central objects are younger than a Class 0 source. Hence, they may be good candidates to be examples of the first hydrostatic core phase. The projected distance between B1-bS and B1-bN is a few Jeans lengths. If their physical separation is close to this value, this pair would allow studying the mutual interactions between two forming stars at a very early stage of their evolution

    The M16 molecular complex under the influence of NGC6611. Herschel's perspective of the heating effect on the Eagle Nebula

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    We present Herschel images from the HOBYS key program of the Eagle Nebula (M16) in the far-infrared and sub-millimetre, using the PACS and SPIRE cameras at 70{\mu}m, 160{\mu}m, 250{\mu}m, 350{\mu}m, 500{\mu}m. M16, home to the Pillars of Creation, is largely under the influence of the nearby NGC6611 high-mass star cluster. The Herschel images reveal a clear dust temperature gradient running away from the centre of the cavity carved by the OB cluster. We investigate the heating effect of NGC6611 on the entire M16 star-forming complex seen by Herschel including the diffuse cloud environment and the dense filamentary structures identified in this region. In addition, we interpret the three-dimensional geometry of M16 with respect to the nebula, its surrounding environment, and the NGC6611 cavity. The dust temperature and column density maps reveal a prominent eastern filament running north-south and away from the high-mass star-forming central region and the NGC6611 cluster, as well as a northern filament which extends around and away from the cluster. The dust temperature in each of these filaments decreases with increasing distance from the NGC6611 cluster, indicating a heating penetration depth of \sim 10 pc in each direction in 3 - 6 \times 10^{22} cm-2 column density filaments. We show that in high-mass star-forming regions OB clusters impact the temperature of future star-forming sites, modifying the initial conditions for collapse and effecting the evolutionary criteria of protostars developed from spectral energy distributions. Possible scenarios for the origin of the morphology seen in this region are discussed, including a western equivalent to the eastern filament, which was destroyed by the creation of the OB cluster and its subsequent winds and radiation.Comment: 12 pages, including 3 appendix, 9 figures, accepted by A&

    World citation and collaboration networks: uncovering the role of geography in science

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    Modern information and communication technologies, especially the Internet, have diminished the role of spatial distances and territorial boundaries on the access and transmissibility of information. This has enabled scientists for closer collaboration and internationalization. Nevertheless, geography remains an important factor affecting the dynamics of science. Here we present a systematic analysis of citation and collaboration networks between cities and countries, by assigning papers to the geographic locations of their authors' affiliations. The citation flows as well as the collaboration strengths between cities decrease with the distance between them and follow gravity laws. In addition, the total research impact of a country grows linearly with the amount of national funding for research & development. However, the average impact reveals a peculiar threshold effect: the scientific output of a country may reach an impact larger than the world average only if the country invests more than about 100,000 USD per researcher annually.Comment: Published version. 9 pages, 5 figures + Appendix, The world citation and collaboration networks at both city and country level are available at http://becs.aalto.fi/~rajkp/datasets.htm

    Cluster-formation in the Rosette molecular cloud at the junctions of filaments

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    For many years feedback processes generated by OB-stars in molecular clouds, including expanding ionization fronts, stellar winds, or UV-radiation, have been proposed to trigger subsequent star formation. However, hydrodynamic models including radiation and gravity show that UV-illumination has little or no impact on the global dynamical evolution of the cloud. The Rosette molecular cloud, irradiated by the NGC2244 cluster, is a template region for triggered star-formation, and we investigated its spatial and density structure by applying a curvelet analysis, a filament-tracing algorithm (DisPerSE), and probability density functions (PDFs) on Herschel column density maps, obtained within the HOBYS key program. The analysis reveals not only the filamentary structure of the cloud but also that all known infrared clusters except one lie at junctions of filaments, as predicted by turbulence simulations. The PDFs of sub-regions in the cloud show systematic differences. The two UV-exposed regions have a double-peaked PDF we interprete as caused by shock compression. The deviations of the PDF from the log-normal shape typically associated with low- and high-mass star-forming regions at Av~3-4m and 8-10m, respectively, are found here within the very same cloud. This shows that there is no fundamental difference in the density structure of low- and high-mass star-forming regions. We conclude that star-formation in Rosette - and probably in high-mass star-forming clouds in general - is not globally triggered by the impact of UV-radiation. Moreover, star formation takes place in filaments that arose from the primordial turbulent structure built up during the formation of the cloud. Clusters form at filament mergers, but star formation can be locally induced in the direct interaction zone between an expanding HII--region and the molecular cloud.Comment: A&A Letter, in pres

    Kinematic structure of massive star-forming regions - I. Accretion along filaments

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    The mid- and far-infrared view on high-mass star formation, in particular with the results from the Herschel space observatory, has shed light on many aspects of massive star formation. However, these continuum studies lack kinematic information. We study the kinematics of the molecular gas in high-mass star-forming regions. We complemented the PACS and SPIRE far-infrared data of 16 high-mass star-forming regions from the Herschel key project EPoS with N2H+ molecular line data from the MOPRA and Nobeyama 45m telescope. Using the full N2H+ hyperfine structure, we produced column density, velocity, and linewidth maps. These were correlated with PACS 70micron images and PACS point sources. In addition, we searched for velocity gradients. For several regions, the data suggest that the linewidth on the scale of clumps is dominated by outflows or unresolved velocity gradients. IRDC18454 and G11.11 show two velocity components along several lines of sight. We find that all regions with a diameter larger than 1pc show either velocity gradients or fragment into independent structures with distinct velocities. The velocity profiles of three regions with a smooth gradient are consistent with gas flows along the filament, suggesting accretion flows onto the densest regions. We show that the kinematics of several regions have a significant and complex velocity structure. For three filaments, we suggest that gas flows toward the more massive clumps are present.Comment: accepted by A&