46 research outputs found

    Night-migratory songbirds possess a magnetic compass in both eyes

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    Previous studies on European robins, Erithacus rubecula, and Australian silvereyes, Zosterops lateralis, had suggested that magnetic compass information is being processed only in the right eye and left brain hemisphere of migratory birds. However, recently it was demonstrated that both garden warblers, Sylvia borin, and European robins have a magnetic compass in both eyes. These results raise the question if the strong lateralization effect observed in earlier experiments might have arisen from artifacts or from differences in experimental conditions rather than reflecting a true all-or-none lateralization of the magnetic compass in European robins. Here we show that (1) European robins having only their left eye open can orient in their seasonally appropriate direction both during autumn and spring, i.e. there are no strong lateralization differences between the outward journey and the way home, that (2) their directional choices are based on the standard inclination compass as they are turned 180° when the inclination is reversed, and that (3) the capability to use the magnetic compass does not depend on monocular learning or intraocular transfer as it is already present in the first tests of the birds with only one eye open

    Mirror-Induced Behavior in the Magpie (Pica pica): Evidence of Self-Recognition

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    Comparative studies suggest that at least some bird species have evolved mental skills similar to those found in humans and apes. This is indicated by feats such as tool use, episodic-like memory, and the ability to use one's own experience in predicting the behavior of conspecifics. It is, however, not yet clear whether these skills are accompanied by an understanding of the self. In apes, self-directed behavior in response to a mirror has been taken as evidence of self-recognition. We investigated mirror-induced behavior in the magpie, a songbird species from the crow family. As in apes, some individuals behaved in front of the mirror as if they were testing behavioral contingencies. When provided with a mark, magpies showed spontaneous mark-directed behavior. Our findings provide the first evidence of mirror self-recognition in a non-mammalian species. They suggest that essential components of human self-recognition have evolved independently in different vertebrate classes with a separate evolutionary history

    Asymmetry pays: visual lateralization improves discrimination success in pigeons

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    AbstractFunctional cerebral asymmetries, once thought to be exclusively human, are now accepted to be a widespread principle of brain organization in vertebrates [1]. The prevalence of lateralization makes it likely that it has some major advantage. Until now, however, conclusive evidence has been lacking. To analyze the relation between the extent of cerebral asymmetry and the degree of performance in visual foraging, we studied grain–grit discrimination success in pigeons, a species with a left hemisphere dominance for visual object processing [2,3]. The birds performed the task under left-eye, right-eye or binocular seeing conditions. In most animals, right-eye seeing was superior to left-eye seeing performance, and binocular performance was higher than each monocular level. The absolute difference between left- and right-eye levels was defined as a measure for the degree of visual asymmetry. Animals with higher asymmetries were more successful in discriminating grain from grit under binocular conditions. This shows that an increase in visual asymmetry enhances success in visually guided foraging. Possibly, asymmetries of the pigeon’s visual system increase the computational speed of object recognition processes by concentrating them into one hemisphere while preventing the other side of the brain from initiating conflicting search sequences of its own

    Biokinetics and dosimetry of 111In-DOTA-NOC-ATE compared with 111In-DTPA-octreotide

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    Purpose: The biokinetics and dosimetry of 111In-DOTA-NOC-ATE (NOCATE), a high-affinity ligand of SSTR-2 and SSTR-5, and 111In-DTPA-octreotide (Octreoscan™, OCTREO) were compared in the same patients. Methods: Seventeen patients (10 men, 7 women; mean age 60years), referred for an OCTREO scan for imaging of a neuroendocrine tumour (15), thymoma (1) or medullary thyroid carcinoma (1), agreed to undergo a second study with NOCATE. Whole-body anterior-posterior scans were recorded 0.5 (100% reference scan), 4, 24 and 48h (17 patients) and 120h (5 patients) after injection. In 16 patients the OCTREO scan (178 ± 15MBq) was performed 16 ± 5days before the NOCATE scan (108 ± 14MBq) with identical timing; 1 patient had the NOCATE scan before the OCTREO scan. Blood samples were obtained from 14 patients 5min to 48h after injection. Activities expressed as percent of the initial (reference) activity in the whole body, lung, kidney, liver, spleen and blood were fitted to biexponential or single exponential functions. Dosimetry was performed using OLINDA/EXM. Results: Initial whole-body, lung and kidney activities were similar, but retention of NOCATE was higher than that of OCTREO. Liver and spleen uptakes of NOCATE were higher from the start (p < 0.001) and remained so over time. Whole-body activity showed similar α and β half-lives, but the β fraction of NOCATE was double that of OCTREO. Blood T 1/2β for NOCATE was longer (19 vs. 6h). As a result, the effective dose of NOCATE (105μSv/MBq) exceeded that of OCTREO (52μSv/MBq), and the latter result was similar to the ICRP 106 value of 54μSv/MBq. Differential activity measurement in blood cells and plasma showed an average of <5% of NOCATE and OCTREO attached to globular blood components. Conclusion: NOCATE showed a slower clearance from normal tissues and its effective dose was roughly double that of OCTRE

    Long-term expansion, genomic stability and in vivo safety of adult human pancreas organoids

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    Abstract: Background: Pancreatic organoid systems have recently been described for the in vitro culture of pancreatic ductal cells from mouse and human. Mouse pancreatic organoids exhibit unlimited expansion potential, while previously reported human pancreas organoid (hPO) cultures do not expand efficiently long-term in a chemically defined, serum-free medium. We sought to generate a 3D culture system for long-term expansion of human pancreas ductal cells as hPOs to serve as the basis for studies of human pancreas ductal epithelium, exocrine pancreatic diseases and the development of a genomically stable replacement cell therapy for diabetes mellitus. Results: Our chemically defined, serum-free, human pancreas organoid culture medium supports the generation and expansion of hPOs with high efficiency from both fresh and cryopreserved primary tissue. hPOs can be expanded from a single cell, enabling their genetic manipulation and generation of clonal cultures. hPOs expanded for months in vitro maintain their ductal morphology, biomarker expression and chromosomal integrity. Xenografts of hPOs survive long-term in vivo when transplanted into the pancreas of immunodeficient mice. Notably, mouse orthotopic transplants show no signs of tumorigenicity. Crucially, our medium also supports the establishment and expansion of hPOs in a chemically defined, modifiable and scalable, biomimetic hydrogel. Conclusions: hPOs can be expanded long-term, from both fresh and cryopreserved human pancreas tissue in a chemically defined, serum-free medium with no detectable tumorigenicity. hPOs can be clonally expanded, genetically manipulated and are amenable to culture in a chemically defined hydrogel. hPOs therefore represent an abundant source of pancreas ductal cells that retain the characteristics of the tissue-of-origin, which opens up avenues for modelling diseases of the ductal epithelium and increasing understanding of human pancreas exocrine biology as well as for potentially producing insulin-secreting cells for the treatment of diabetes

    Biokinetics and dosimetry of (111)In-DOTA-NOC-ATE compared with (111)In-DTPA-octreotide.

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    PURPOSE: The biokinetics and dosimetry of (111)In-DOTA-NOC-ATE (NOCATE), a high-affinity ligand of SSTR-2 and SSTR-5, and (111)In-DTPA-octreotide (Octreoscan?, OCTREO) were compared in the same patients. METHODS: Seventeen patients (10 men, 7 women; mean age 60 years), referred for an OCTREO scan for imaging of a neuroendocrine tumour (15), thymoma (1) or medullary thyroid carcinoma (1), agreed to undergo a second study with NOCATE. Whole-body anterior-posterior scans were recorded 0.5 (100 % reference scan), 4, 24 and 48 h (17 patients) and 120 h (5 patients) after injection. In 16 patients the OCTREO scan (178 ± 15 MBq) was performed 16 ± 5 days before the NOCATE scan (108 ± 14 MBq) with identical timing; 1 patient had the NOCATE scan before the OCTREO scan. Blood samples were obtained from 14 patients 5 min to 48 h after injection. Activities expressed as percent of the initial (reference) activity in the whole body, lung, kidney, liver, spleen and blood were fitted to biexponential or single exponential functions. Dosimetry was performed using OLINDA/EXM. RESULTS: Initial whole-body, lung and kidney activities were similar, but retention of NOCATE was higher than that of OCTREO. Liver and spleen uptakes of NOCATE were higher from the start (p &lt; 0.001) and remained so over time. Whole-body activity showed similar α and β half-lives, but the β fraction of NOCATE was double that of OCTREO. Blood T (1/2)β for NOCATE was longer (19 vs. 6 h). As a result, the effective dose of NOCATE (105 μSv/MBq) exceeded that of OCTREO (52 μSv/MBq), and the latter result was similar to the ICRP 106 value of 54 μSv/MBq. Differential activity measurement in blood cells and plasma showed an average of &lt;5 % of NOCATE and OCTREO attached to globular blood components. CONCLUSION: NOCATE showed a slower clearance from normal tissues and its effective dose was roughly double that of OCTREO

    Generation of Large-Scale Vorticity in a Homogeneous Turbulence with a Mean Velocity Shear

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    An effect of a mean velocity shear on a turbulence and on the effective force which is determined by the gradient of Reynolds stresses is studied. Generation of a mean vorticity in a homogeneous incompressible turbulent flow with an imposed mean velocity shear due to an excitation of a large-scale instability is found. The instability is caused by a combined effect of the large-scale shear motions (''skew-induced" deflection of equilibrium mean vorticity) and ''Reynolds stress-induced" generation of perturbations of mean vorticity. Spatial characteristics, such as the minimum size of the growing perturbations and the size of perturbations with the maximum growth rate, are determined. This instability and the dynamics of the mean vorticity are associated with the Prandtl's turbulent secondary flows. This instability is similar to the mean-field magnetic dynamo instability. Astrophysical applications of the obtained results are discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, REVTEX4, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Parallel Working Memory for Spatial Location and Food-Related Object Cues in Foraging Pigeons: Binocular and Lateralized Monocular Performance

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    During foraging, animals can increase their success by both remembering feeding sites and remembering food-related object cues. Because earlier studies have tested either the site or object memory in isolation, the aim of the present study was to evaluate how efficiently birds can utilize both memories simultaneously. Furthermore, the idea was tested that lateralization might be the principle of brain organization that allows for efficient parallel processing. Pigeons learned to search for food in a complex maze with 16 baited sites. To obtain the maximum reward they had to perform two tasks in parallel, a spatial working memory task and an object-specific working memory task. Birds performed well on this dual task but, compared with spatial working memory alone, they were impaired during the first choices of a trial (Experiment 1). When the left and the right brain hemispheres were tested separately by means of monocular occlusion (Experiment 2), object discrimination was better when birds used their right eye/left hemisphere. This was most pronounced during the first choices of a trial. On the spatial component of the task, performance on binocular trials was better than on monocular trials, but monocularly both hemispheres performed at the same level. Results show that on this dual task, discrimination of food-related object cues predominantly involved the left brain hemisphere whereas both hemispheres contributed equally to spatial performance