20 research outputs found

    A Multi-Parameter Dynamical Diagnostics for Upper Tropospheric and Lower Stratospheric Studies

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    Ozone trend estimates have shown large uncertainties in the upper troposphere/lower stratosphere (UTLS) region despite multi-decadal observations available from ground-based, balloon, aircraft, and satellite platforms. These uncertainties arise from large natural variability driven by dynamics (reflected in tropopause and jet variations) as well as the strength in constituent transport and mixing. Additionally, despite all the community efforts there is still a lack of representative high-quality global UTLS measurements to capture this variability. The Stratosphere-troposphere Processes And their Role in Climate (SPARC) Observed Composition Trends and Variability in the UTLS (OCTAV-UTLS) activity aims to reduce uncertainties in UTLS composition trend estimates by accounting for this dynamically induced variability. In this paper, we describe the production of dynamical diagnostics using meteorological information from reanalysis fields that facilitate mapping observations from several platforms into numerous geophysically-based coordinates (including tropopause and upper tropospheric jet relative coordinates). Suitable coordinates should increase the homogeneity of the air masses analyzed together, thus reducing the uncertainty caused by spatio-temporal sampling biases in the quantification of UTLS composition trends. This approach thus provides a framework for comparing measurements with diverse sampling patterns and leverages the meteorological context to derive maximum information on UTLS composition and trends and its relationships to dynamical variability. The dynamical diagnostics presented here are the first comprehensive set describing the meteorological context for multi-decadal observations by ozonesondes, lidar, aircraft, and satellite measurements in order to study the impact of dynamical processes on observed UTLS trends by different sensors on different platforms. Examples using these diagnostics to map multi-platform datasets into different geophysically-based coordinate systems are provided. The diagnostics presented can also be applied to analysis of greenhouse gases other than ozone that are relevant to surface climate and UTLS chemistry.</p

    Inter-model comparison of global hydroxyl radical (OH) distributions and their impact on atmospheric methane over the 2000–2016 period

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    The modeling study presented here aims to estimate how uncertainties in global hydroxyl radical (OH) distributions, variability, and trends may contribute to resolving discrepancies between simulated and observed methane (CH4) changes since 2000. A multi-model ensemble of 14 OH fields was analyzed and aggregated into 64 scenarios to force the offline atmospheric chemistry transport model LMDz (Laboratoire de Meteorologie Dynamique) with a standard CH4 emission scenario over the period 2000–2016. The multi-model simulated global volume-weighted tropospheric mean OH concentration ([OH]) averaged over 2000–2010 ranges between 8:7*10^5 and 12:8*10^5 molec cm-3. The inter-model differences in tropospheric OH burden and vertical distributions are mainly determined by the differences in the nitrogen oxide (NO) distributions, while the spatial discrepancies between OH fields are mostly due to differences in natural emissions and volatile organic compound (VOC) chemistry. From 2000 to 2010, most simulated OH fields show an increase of 0.1–0:3*10^5 molec cm-3 in the tropospheric mean [OH], with year-to-year variations much smaller than during the historical period 1960–2000. Once ingested into the LMDz model, these OH changes translated into a 5 to 15 ppbv reduction in the CH4 mixing ratio in 2010, which represents 7%–20% of the model-simulated CH4 increase due to surface emissions. Between 2010 and 2016, the ensemble of simulations showed that OH changes could lead to a CH4 mixing ratio uncertainty of > 30 ppbv. Over the full 2000–2016 time period, using a common stateof- the-art but nonoptimized emission scenario, the impact of [OH] changes tested here can explain up to 54% of the gap between model simulations and observations. This result emphasizes the importance of better representing OH abundance and variations in CH4 forward simulations and emission optimizations performed by atmospheric inversions