42 research outputs found

    Sub-Arcsecond Imaging of 3C123:108-GHz Continuum Observations of the Radio Hotspots

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    We present the results of sub-arcsecond 108 GHz continuum interferometric observations toward the radio luminous galaxy 3C123. Using multi-array observations, we utilize the high u,v dynamic range of the BIMA millimeter array to sample fully spatial scales ranging from 0.5" to 50". This allows us to make one-to-one comparisons of millimeter-wavelength emission in the radio lobes and hotspots to VLA centimeter observations at 1.4, 4.9, 8.4, and 15 GHz. At 108 GHz, the bright, eastern double hotspot in the southern lobe is resolved. This is only the second time that a multiple hotspot region has been resolved in the millimeter regime. We model the synchrotron spectra of the hotspots and radio lobes using simple broken power-law models with high energy cutoffs, and discuss the hotspot spectra and their implications for models of multiple hotspot formation.Comment: 16 pages, 3 Figures, ApJ Accepte

    Exploring cancer survivors’ views of health behavior change: "Where do you start, where do you stop with everything?"

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    International audienceObjective: Physical activity (PA) and a healthy diet can improve the well‐being of cancer survivors. However, cancer survivors often do not engage in these behaviours. This study aimed to explore barriers and facilitators to engaging in these behaviours following cancer treatment.Methods: During the development of a web‐based intervention to enhance health‐related quality of life in cancer survivors, 32 people who had completed treatment for breast, colon or prostate cancer were presented with an intervention for PA and healthy eating. In‐depth think‐aloud and semi‐structured interviewing techniques were used to elicit perceptions of both behaviours. Data were analysed using thematic analysis.Results: Some individuals reported implementing positive health behaviour changes to maintain health and prevent recurrence, or to help them to move forward after cancer. However, others reported feeling abandoned, and many did not report an intention to engage in lifestyle changes. Individuals discussed contextual and health‐related barriers that were specifically linked to their situation as post‐treatment cancer survivors: individuals described uncertainty about how to implement adaptive changes and perceived a lack of support from healthcare providers. Others viewed behaviour change as unnecessary or undesirable, with some arguing that non‐modifiable factors contributed more to their cancer diagnosis than lifestyle‐related factors.Conclusions: For many participants in this study, the period that follows treatment for cancer did not represent a ‘teachable moment’. A variety of complex and heterogeneous factors appeared to impact motivation, and may limit cancer survivors from engaging with diet and PA changes

    LOFAR/H-ATLAS: The low-frequency radio luminosity - star-formation rate relation

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    This article has been accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. © 2018 The Author(s). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society.Radio emission is a key indicator of star-formation activity in galaxies, but the radio luminosity-star formation relation has to date been studied almost exclusively at frequencies of 1.4 GHz or above. At lower radio frequencies the effects of thermal radio emission are greatly reduced, and so we would expect the radio emission observed to be completely dominated by synchrotron radiation from supernova-generated cosmic rays. As part of the LOFAR Surveys Key Science project, the Herschel-ATLAS NGP field has been surveyed with LOFAR at an effective frequency of 150 MHz. We select a sample from the MPA-JHU catalogue of SDSS galaxies in this area: the combination of Herschel, optical and mid-infrared data enable us to derive star-formation rates (SFRs) for our sources using spectral energy distribution fitting, allowing a detailed study of the low-frequency radio luminosity--star-formation relation in the nearby Universe. For those objects selected as star-forming galaxies (SFGs) using optical emission line diagnostics, we find a tight relationship between the 150 MHz radio luminosity (L150L_{150}) and SFR. Interestingly, we find that a single power-law relationship between L150L_{150} and SFR is not a good description of all SFGs: a broken power law model provides a better fit. This may indicate an additional mechanism for the generation of radio-emitting cosmic rays. Also, at given SFR, the radio luminosity depends on the stellar mass of the galaxy. Objects which were not classified as SFGs have higher 150-MHz radio luminosity than would be expected given their SFR, implying an important role for low-level active galactic nucleus activity.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Population screening for colorectal cancer: the implications of an ageing population

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    Population screening for colorectal cancer (CRC) has recently commenced in the United Kingdom supported by the evidence of a number of randomised trials and pilot studies. Certain factors are known to influence screening cost-effectiveness (e.g. compliance), but it remains unclear whether an ageing population (i.e. demographic change) might also have an effect. The aim of this study was to simulate a population-based screening setting using a Markov model and assess the effect of increasing life expectancy on CRC screening cost-effectiveness. A Markov model was constructed that aimed, using a cohort simulation, to estimate the cost-effectiveness of CRC screening in an England and Wales population for two timescales: 2003 (early cohort) and 2033 (late cohort). Four model outcomes were calculated; screened and non-screened cohorts in 2003 and 2033. The screened cohort of men and women aged 60 years were offered biennial unhydrated faecal occult blood testing until the age of 69 years. Life expectancy was assumed to increase by 2.5 years per decade. There were 407 552 fewer people entering the model in the 2033 model due to a lower birth cohort, and population screening saw 30 345 fewer CRC-related deaths over the 50 years of the model. Screening the 2033 cohort cost £96 million with cost savings of £43 million in terms of detection and treatment and £28 million in palliative care costs. After 30 years of follow-up, the cost per life year saved was £1544. An identical screening programme in an early cohort (2003) saw a cost per life year saved of £1651. Population screening for CRC is costly but enables cost savings in certain areas and a considerable reduction in mortality from CRC. This Markov simulation suggests that the cost-effectiveness of population screening for CRC in the United Kingdom may actually be improved by rising life expectancies

    Extremely deep 150 MHz source counts from the LoTSS Deep Fields

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    International audienceWith the advent of new generation low-frequency telescopes, such as the LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR), and improved calibration techniques, we have now started to unveil the subgigahertz radio sky with unprecedented depth and sensitivity. The LOFAR Two Meter Sky Survey (LoTSS) is an ongoing project in which the whole northern radio sky will be observed at 150 MHz with a sensitivity better than 100 μJy beam−1 at a resolution of 6′′. Additionally, deeper observations are planned to cover smaller areas with higher sensitivity. The Lockman Hole, the Boötes, and the Elais-N1 regions are among the most well known northern extra-galactic fields and the deepest of the LoTSS Deep Fields so far. We exploited these deep observations to derive the deepest radio source counts at 150 MHz to date. Our counts are in broad agreement with those from the literature and show the well known upturn at ≤1 mJy, mainly associated with the emergence of the star-forming galaxy population. More interestingly, our counts show, for the first time a very pronounced drop around S ~ 2 mJy, which results in a prominent “bump” at sub-mJy flux densities. Such a feature was not observed in previous counts’ determinations (neither at 150 MHz nor at a higher frequency). While sample variance can play a role in explaining the observed discrepancies, we believe this is mostly the result of a careful analysis aimed at deblending confused sources and removing spurious sources and artifacts from the radio catalogs. This “drop and bump” feature cannot be reproduced by any of the existing state-of-the-art evolutionary models, and it appears to be associated with a deficiency of active galactic nuclei (AGN) at an intermediate redshift (1 < z < 2) and an excess of low-redshift (z < 1) galaxies and/or AGN.Key words: galaxies: evolution / surveys / radio continuum: genera

    The VLA-COSMOS 3 GHz Large Project: continuum data and source catalog release

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    We present the VLA-COSMOS 3 GHz Large Project based on 384 hours of observations with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) at 3 GHz (10 cm) toward the two square degree Cosmic Evolution Survey (COSMOS) field. The final mosaic reaches a median rms of 2.3 uJy/beam over the two square degrees at an angular resolution of 0.75". To fully account for the spectral shape and resolution variations across the broad (2 GHz) band, we image all data with a multiscale, multifrequency synthesis algorithm. We present a catalog of 10,830 radio sources down to 5 sigma, out of which 67 are combined from multiple components. Comparing the positions of our 3 GHz sources with those from the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA)-COSMOS survey, we estimate that the astrometry is accurate to 0.01" at the bright end (signal-to-noise ratio, S/N_3GHz > 20). Survival analysis on our data combined with the VLA-COSMOS 1.4~GHz Joint Project catalog yields an expected median radio spectral index of alpha=-0.7. We compute completeness corrections via Monte Carlo simulations to derive the corrected 3 GHz source counts. Our counts are in agreement with previously derived 3 GHz counts based on single-pointing (0.087 square degrees) VLA data. In summary, the VLA-COSMOS 3 GHz Large Project simultaneously provides the largest and deepest radio continuum survey at high (0.75") angular resolution to date, bridging the gap between last-generation and next-generation surveys

    VizieR Online Data Catalog: LoTSS Deep Fields DR1 photometric redshifts (Duncan+, 2021)

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    Photometric redshifts are calculated using the optical photometry catalogs presented in Kondapally et al. (Paper III. 2020, in prep.), using a hybrid template + machine learning approach. Stellar masses assume a Chabrier (2003PASP..115..763C) initial mass function. Values presented have not been corrected to total fluxes/magnitudes. (3 data files)

    Impacts of land use change to short rotation forestry for bioenergy on soil greenhouse gas emissions and soil carbon

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    Short Rotation Forestry (SRF) for bioenergy could be used to meet biomass requirements and contribute to achieving renewable energy targets. As an important source of biomass it is important to gain an understanding of the implications of large-scale application of SRF on the soil-atmosphere greenhouse gas (GHG) exchange. This study examined the effects of land use change (LUC) from grassland to SRF on soil fluxes of methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2), and the important drivers in action. Examining soils from a range of sites across the UK, CO2 emission potentials were reduced under SRF with differences between coniferous and broadleaved transitions; these changes were found to be related to changes in soil pH and microbial biomass. However, there were limited effects of SRF tree species type on CH4 and N2O fluxes. A detailed study at an experimental SRF site over 16 months demonstrated a reduction in CH4 and net CO2 emissions from soils under SRF and revealed intriguing temporal dynamics of N2O under Sitka spruce and common alder. A significant proportion of the variation in soil N2O fluxes was attributed to differences between tree species, water table depth, spatial effects, and their interactions. The effects of microtopography (ridges, troughs, flats), and its interactions with water table depth on soil GHG fluxes under different tree species was tested using mesocosm cores collected in the field. Microtopography did not significantly affect soil GHG fluxes but trends suggested that considering this spatial factor in sampling regimes could be important. N2O fluxes from Sitka spruce soils did not respond to water table depth manipulation in the laboratory suggesting that they may also be determined by tree-driven nitrogen (N) availability, with other research showing N deposition to be higher in coniferous plantations. An N addition experiment lead to increased N2O emissions with greatest relative response in the Sitka spruce soils. Overall, LUC from rough grassland to SRF resulted in a reduction in soil CH4 emissions, increased N2O emissions and a reduction or no change in net CO2 emissions. These changes in emissions were influenced both directly and indirectly by tree species type with Sitka spruce having the greatest effect on N2O in particular, thus highlighting the importance of considering soil N2O emissions in any life cycle analysis or GHG budgets of LUC to SRF for bioenergy. This research can help inform decisions around SRF tree species selection in future large-scale bioenergy planting

    Towards ‘smart cities’ as ‘healthy cities’: health equity in a digital age

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    International audienceThe advent of 'smart' technologies has already transformed urban life, with important consequences for physical, mental, and social well-being. Population health and equity have, however, been conspicuously absent from much of the 'smart cities' research and policy agenda. With this in mind, we argue for a re-conceptualization of 'digital divides' in terms of socioeconomic gradients at the individual level, and we draw attention to digitally mediated connections as crucial elements for health promotion at an institutional level and for remedying inequities. We do so in part by reporting on a recent symposium. Overall, we begin to integrate the 'healthy cities' tradition with the current interest in 'smart cities'. Résumé Le déploiement des technologies numériques a d'ores et déjà transformé la vie urbaine, et entraîné des conséquences importantes sur le bien-être physique, mental et social. La santé des populations et l'équité sont cependant restées largement absentes des discussions politiques et académiques sur les « villes intelligentes ». Afin de contribuer à instruire ce débat, nous proposons de reconceptualiser la notion de « fracture numérique » en l'associant, à l'échelle de l'individu, à l'idée de gradients socio-économiques. De plus, nous transposons cette notion à l'échelle des organisations engagées dans la promotion de la santé et dans la lutte contre les inégalités, et pour qui l'accès aux technologies numériques et aux données est un enjeu de plus en plus décisif. Ce travail s'appuie sur les réflexions engagées lors d'un colloque organisé récemment, qui a permis d'esquisser un rapprochement entre le champ bien établi des « villes en santé » et l'intérêt actuel pour les « villes intelligentes »