311 research outputs found

    A Framework for Incorporating the Impact of Water Quality on Water Supply Stress: An Example from Louisiana

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    Water of poor quality can directly impact the budget of water available for key user groups. Despite this importance, methods for quantifying the impact of water quality on water availability remain elusive. Here, we develop a new framework for incorporating the impact of water quality on water supply by modifying the Water Supply Stress Index (WaSSI). We demonstrate the usefulness of the framework by investigating the impact of high salinity waters on the availability of irrigation water for agriculture in Louisiana. The WaSSI was deconstructed into sectoral components such that the total available water supply could be reduced for a particular demand sector (agricultural irrigation in this example) based on available water quality information. The results for Louisiana highlight substantial impacts on water supply stress for farmers attributable to the landward encroachment of saline surface water and groundwater near the coast. Areas of high salinity near the coast also increased the competition for freshwater resources among the industrial, municipal, and agricultural demand sectors in the vicinities of the municipal areas of Lake Charles, Lafayette, and Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The framework developed here is easily adaptable for other water quality concerns and for other demand sectors, and as such can serve as a useful tool for water managers

    Transport of Pb and Zn by carboxylate complexes in basinal ore fluids and related petroleum-field brines at 100°C: the influence of pH and oxygen fugacity

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    It is well established through field observations, experiments, and chemical models that oxidation (redox) state and pH exert a strong influence on the speciation of dissolved components and the solubility of minerals in hydrothermal fluids. log [Image: see text] –pH diagrams were used to depict the influence of oxygen fugacity and pH on monocarboxylate- and dicarboxylate-transport of Pb and Zn in low-temperature (100°C) hydrothermal ore fluids that are related to diagenetic processes in deep sedimentary basins, and allow a first-order comparison of Pb and Zn transport among proposed model fluids for Mississippi Valley-type (MVT) and red-bed related base metal (RBRBM) deposits in terms of their approximate pH and [Image: see text] conditions. To construct these diagrams, total Pb and Zn concentrations and Pb and Zn speciation were calculated as a function of log [Image: see text] and pH for a composite ore-brine with concentrations of major elements, total sulfur, and total carbonate that approximate the composition of MVT and RBRBM model ore fluids and modern basinal brines. In addition to acetate and malonate complexation, complexes involving the ligands Cl(-), HS(-), H(2)S, and OH(- )were included in the model of calculated total metal concentration and metal speciation. Also, in the model, Zn and Pb are competing with the common-rock forming metals Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, and Al for the same ligands. Calculated total Pb concentration and calculated total Zn concentration are constrained by galena and sphalerite solubility, respectively. Isopleths, in log [Image: see text] –pH space, of the concentration of Pb and concentration of Zn in carboxylate (acetate + malonate) complexes illustrate that the oxidized model fluids of T. H. Giordano (in Organic Acids in Geological Processes, ed. E. D. Pittman and M. D. Lewan, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1994, pp. 319–354) and G. M. Anderson (Econ. Geol., 1975, 70, 937–942) are capable of transporting sufficient amounts of Pb (up to 10 ppm) and Zn (up to 100 ppm) in the form of carboxylate complexes to form economic deposits of these metals. On the other hand, the reduced ore fluid models of D. A. Sverjensky (Econ. Geol., 1984, 79, 23–37) and T. H. Giordano and H. L. Barnes (Econ. Geol., 1981, 76, 2200–2211) can at best transport amounts of Pb and Zn, as carboxylate complexes, that are many orders of magnitude below the 1 to 10 ppm minimum required to form economic deposits. Lead and zinc speciation (mol% of total Pb or Zn) in the model ore fluid was calculated at specific log [Image: see text] –pH conditions along the 100, 0.01, and 0.001 ppm total Pb and total Zn isopleths. Along the 100 ppm isopleth conditions are oxidized (∑SO(4 )>> ∑H(2)S) with Pb and Zn predominantly in the form of chloride complexes under acid to mildly alkaline conditions (pH from 3 to approximately 7.5), while hydroxide complexes dominate Pb and Zn speciation under more alkaline conditions. Sulfide complexes are insignificant under these oxidized conditions. For more reduced conditions along the 0.01 and 0.001 ppm isopleths chloride complexes dominate Pb and Zn speciation in the SO(4)(2- )field and near the SO(4)(2-)-reduced sulfur boundary from pH = 4 to approximately 7.5, while hydroxide complexes dominate Pb and Zn speciation under alkaline conditions above pH = 7.5 in the SO(4)(2- )field. In the most reduced fluids (∑H(2)S >> ∑SO(4)) along the 0.01 and 0.001 isopleths, sulfide complexes account for almost 100% of the Pb and Zn in the model fluid. Acetate (monocarboxylate) complexation is significant only under conditions of chloride and hydroxide complex dominance and its effect is maximized in the pH range 5 to 7, where it complexes 2 to 2.6% of the total Pb and 1 to 1.25% of the total Zn. Malonate (dicarboxylate) complexes are insignificant along all isopleths. The speciation results from this study show that deep formation waters characterized by temperatures near 100°C, high oxidation states and ∑H(2)S < 0.03 mg L(-1 )([Image: see text] < 10(-6)), high chlorinities (~ 100000 mg L(-1)), and high but reasonable concentrations of carboxylate anions can mobilize up to 3% of the total Pb and up to 1.3% of the total Zn as carboxylate complexes. Furthermore, these percentages, under the most favorable conditions, correspond to approximately 1 to 100 ppm of these metals in solution; concentrations that are adequate to form economic deposits of these metals. However, the field evidence suggests that all of these optimum conditions for carboxylate complexation are rarely met at the same time. A comparison of the composite ore fluid compositions from this study and modern brine data shows that the ore brines, corresponding to log [Image: see text] –pH conditions based on the Anderson (1975) and Giordano (1994) model fluids, are similar in many respects to modern, high trace-metal petroleum-field brines. The principal differences between modern high trace-metal brines and the composite ore fluids of Anderson (1975) and Giordano (1994) relate to their carboxylate anion content. The reported concentrations of monocarboxylate anions (∑monocbx) and dicarboxylate anions (Edicbx) in high trace-metal petroleum-field brines (< 1 to 300 mg L(-1 )and < 1 mg L(-1), respectively) are significantly lower than the concentrations assumed in the modelled brines of this study (∑monocbx = 7 700 mg L(-1 )and ∑dicbx = 300 mg L(-1)). There are also major differences in the corresponding total chloride to carboxylate ratio (∑m(Cl)/∑m(cbx)) and monocarboxylate to dicarboxylate ratio (∑m(monocbx)/∑m(dicbx)). Modern high trace-metal brines have much higher ∑m(Cl)/∑m(cbx )values and, therefore, the contribution of carboxylate complexes to the total Pb and Zn content in these modern brines is likely to be significantly less than the 1 to 3 percent for the composite ore fluids of Anderson (1975) and Giordano (1994). The composite ore-brine based on the Giordano and Barnes (1981) MVT ore fluid is comparable to the high salinity (> 170 000 mg L(-1 )TDS) subset of modern brines characterized by low trace-metal content and high total reduced sulfur (∑H(2)S). A comparison of the Sverjensky (1984) composite ore-brine with modern petroleum-field brines in terms of ∑H(2)S and Zn content, reveals that this ore fluid corresponds to a "border-type" brine, between modern high trace-metal brines and those with low trace-metal content and high ∑H(2)S. A brine of this type is characterized by values of ∑H(2)S, ∑Zn, and/or ∑Pb within or near the 1 to 10 mg L(-1 )range. Based on brine-composition data from numerous references cited in this paper, border-type brines do exist but are rare. The model results and field evidence presented in this study are consistent with other chemical simulation studies of carboxylate complexation in modern petroleum-field brines. Thus, it appears that carboxylate complexation plays a minor, if not insignificant, role as a transport mechanism for Pb and Zn in high salinity Na–Cl and Na–Ca–Cl basinal brines and related ore fluids

    Trace element cycling in a subterranean estuary : part 2. Geochemistry of the pore water

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    Author Posting. © The Authors, 2005. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier B.V. for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 70 (2006): 811-826, doi:10.1016/j.gca.2005.10.019.Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) is an important source of dissolved elements to the ocean, yet little is known regarding the chemical reactions that control their flux from sandy coastal aquifers. The net flux of elements from SGD to the coastal ocean is dependent on biogeochemical reactions in the groundwater-seawater mixing zone, recently termed the "subterranean estuary". This paper is the second in a two part series on the biogeochemistry of the Waquoit Bay coastal aquifer/subterranean estuary. The first paper addressed the biogeochemistry of Fe, Mn, P, Ba, U, and Th from the perspective of the sediment composition of cores (Charette et al., 2005). This paper uses pore water data from the subterranean estuary, along with Bay surface water data, to establish a more detailed view into the estuarine chemistry and the chemical diagenesis of Fe, Mn, U, Ba and Sr in coastal aquifers. Nine high-resolution pore water (groundwater) profiles were collected from the head of the bay during July 2002. There were non-conservative additions of both Ba and Sr in the salinity transition zone of the subterranean estuary. However, the extent of Sr release was significantly less than that of its alkaline earth neighbor Ba. Pore water Ba concentrations approached 3000 nM compared with 25-50 nM in the surface waters of the bay; the pore water Sr-salinity distribution suggests a 26% elevation in the amount of Sr added to the subterranean estuary. The release of dissolved Ba to the mixing zone of surface estuaries is frequently attributed to an ion-exchange process whereby seawater cations react with Ba from river suspended clay mineral particles at low to intermediate salinity. Results presented here suggest that reductive dissolution of Mn oxides, in conjunction with changes in salinity, may also be an important process in maintaining high concentrations of Ba in the pore water of subterranean estuaries. In contrast, pore water U was significantly depleted in the subterranean estuary, a result of SGD-driven circulation of seawater through reducing permeable sediments. This finding is supported by surface water concentrations of U in the bay, which were significantly depleted in U compared with adjacent coastal waters. Using a global estimate of SGD, we calculate U removal in subterranean estuaries at 20 x 106 mol U y-1, which is the same order of magnitude as the other major U sinks for the ocean. Our results suggest a need to revisit and reevaluate the oceanic budgets for elements that are likely influenced by SGD-associated processes.This research was supported by the National Science Foundation (OCE-0095384) to M.A.C. and E.R.S., and a WHOI Coastal Ocean Institute Fellowship to M.A.C

    Physical properties of sediment from the Mount Elbert Gas Hydrate Stratigraphic Test Well, Alaska North Slope

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    This paper is not subject to U.S. copyright. The definitive version was published in Marine and Petroleum Geology 28 (2011): 361-380, doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2010.01.008.This study characterizes cored and logged sedimentary strata from the February 2007 BP Exploration Alaska, Department of Energy, U.S. Geological Survey (BPXA-DOE-USGS) Mount Elbert Gas Hydrate Stratigraphic Test Well on the Alaska North Slope (ANS). The physical-properties program analyzed core samples recovered from the well, and in conjunction with downhole geophysical logs, produced an extensive dataset including grain size, water content, porosity, grain density, bulk density, permeability, X-ray diffraction (XRD) mineralogy, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and petrography. This study documents the physical property interrelationships in the well and demonstrates their correlation with the occurrence of gas hydrate. Gas hydrate (GH) occurs in three unconsolidated, coarse silt to fine sand intervals within the Paleocene and Eocene beds of the Sagavanirktok Formation: Unit D-GH (614.4 m–627.9 m); unit C-GH1 (649.8 m–660.8 m); and unit C-GH2 (663.2 m–666.3 m). These intervals are overlain by fine to coarse silt intervals with greater clay content. A deeper interval (unit B) is similar lithologically to the gas-hydrate-bearing strata; however, it is water-saturated and contains no hydrate. In this system it appears that high sediment permeability (k) is critical to the formation of concentrated hydrate deposits. Intervals D-GH and C-GH1 have average “plug” intrinsic permeability to nitrogen values of 1700 mD and 675 mD, respectively. These values are in strong contrast with those of the overlying, gas-hydrate-free sediments, which have k values of 5.7 mD and 49 mD, respectively, and thus would have provided effective seals to trap free gas. The relation between permeability and porosity critically influences the occurrence of GH. For example, an average increase of 4% in porosity increases permeability by an order of magnitude, but the presence of a second fluid (e.g., methane from dissociating gas hydrate) in the reservoir reduces permeability by more than an order of magnitude.This work was supported by the Coastal and Marine Geology, and Energy Programs of the U.S. Geological Survey and funding was provided by the Gas Hydrate Program of the U.S. Department of Energy

    Role of hydrodynamic factors in controlling the formation and location of unconformity-related uranium deposits: insights from reactive-flow modeling

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    The role of hydrodynamic factors in controlling the formation and location of unconformity-related uranium (URU) deposits in sedimentary basins during tectonically quiet periods is investigated. A number of reactive-flow modeling experiments at the deposit scale were carried out by assigning different dip angles and directions to a fault and various permeabilities to hydrostratigraphic units). The results show that the fault dip angle and direction, and permeability of the hydrostratigraphic units govern the convection pattern, temperature distribution, and uranium mineralization. Avertical fault results in uranium mineralization at the bottom of the fault within the basement, while a dipping fault leads to precipitation of uraninite below the unconformity either away from or along the plane of the fault, depending on the fault permeability. A more permeable fault causes uraninite precipitates along the fault plane,whereas a less permeable one gives rise to the precipitation of uraninite away from it. No economic ore mineralization can form when either very low or very high permeabilities are assigned to the sandstone or basement suggesting that these units seem to have an optimal window of permeability for the formation of uranium deposits. Physicochemical parameters also exert an additional control in both the location and grade of URU deposits. These results indicate that the difference in size and grade of different URU deposits may result from variation in fluid flow pattern and physicochemical conditions, caused by the change in structural features and hydraulic properties of the stratigraphic units involved