64 research outputs found

    Real time interactive graphics systems identification

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    “This thesis describes the implementation of an identification procedure as a package of graphic programs. This package of graphic programs will allow the user to perform a least squares parameter estimation, a recursive least squares parameter estimation, and a maximum likelihood parameter estimation of a linear second-order transfer function model. This model describes in a linear form the dynamic response of an automobile in a field operating environment. The model is to reasonably reproduce the physical behavior of an automobile through two of its dynamic variables. These are the yaw rate as output and wheel angle as input. The model will make subsequent control designs easier to perform mathematically”--Abstract, page ii


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    Pada setiap proses permesinan akan menghasilkan getaran yang timbul dari berbagai sumber pemicu dan akan mempengaruhi kualitas hasil permesinan. Penelitian ini tentang karakteristik getaran dan tingkat kekasaran permukaan (surface roughness) akibat pengaruh parameter pemotongan pada operasi up-milling. Penelitian ini mengkombinasikan tiga parameter pemotongan yaitu gerak insut benda kerja, kedalaman pemotongan dan kecepatan putaran spindel. Ketiga parameter ini dilakukan pada pemotongan up-milling pada mesin fris horisontal pada material baja ST 42 dan ST 60. Karakteristik kekasaran permukaan dan getaran selama proses pemotongan adalah dua variabel output yang diteliti. Dari hasil pengujian diperoleh tingkat kekasaran permukaan terkecil terjadi pada material ST 42 sebesar 1.4 ??m dengan amplitudo getaran 1.0 ??m terjadi pada putaran spindel 240 rpm pada kedalaman potong 0.2 mm dengan gerak ingsut 12 mm/menit sedangkan kekasaran maksimum terjadi pada material ST 60 yaitu sebesar 11.0 ??m pada putaran spindel 180 rpm, kedalaman potong 1.0 mm, dengan gerak insut 38 mm/menit menghasilkan amplitudo getaran sebesar 17.0 ??

    Effect of financial structure on value of the company An empirical study on the non-financial companies listed in Kuwait Stock Exchange 2010-2014

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    هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى بحث أثر البنية المالية على قيمة الشركة. وقد اختبرت تسع عشرة شركة غير مالية مدرجة في سوق الكويت للأوراق المالية خلال الفترة من 2010 إلى 2014. ويتم إنشاء بيانات لوحة الشركات وتحليلها باستخدام التأثيرات الثابتة والتأثيرات العشوائية وتقديرات. استخدمنا نموذج الانحدار المتعدد لفحص العلاقة بين المتغير التابع وهي قيمة الشركة والمتغيرات المستقلة وهي: هيكل رأس المال وربحية الشركة وحجم الشركة وسيولة الشركة. أشارت النتائج التجريبية إلى وجود علاقة سلبية وهامة بين قيمة الشركة وهيكل رأس المال؛ وهذا يشير إلى أن الاستخدام الواسع للديون يؤثر سلبًا على القيمة السوقية للشركة، مما يعني أن الشركات قيد الدراسة غير قادرة على تحقيق فوائد استخدام الديون. كما أظهرت النتائج وجود علاقة إيجابية وكبيرة بين قيمة الشركة وربحية الشركة. العلاقة بين قيمة الشركة وحجمها إيجابية، وهي ذات دلالة إحصائية، مما يشير إلى أن الشركة تستخدم إجمالي أصولها بشكل فعال لزيادة قيمتها.This study aimed to investigate the effect of financial structure on value of the company. It has sampled nineteen non-financial companies listed in Kuwait Stock Exchange during the period from 2010 to 2014. Panel data for the firms are generated and analyzed using fixed-effects, random-effects and Hausman Chi Square estimations. We used a multiple regression model to examine the relationship between a dependent variable which is the company value and independent variables which are: capital structure, profitability of the company, size of the company and company liquidity. Empirical findings indicated existence of negative and significant relationship between the company value and the capital structure; this indicates that extensive use of debt affect negatively the market value of the company, which means that companies under study are not able to realize the benefits of using debt. Also, the results show a positive and significant relationship between company value and profitability of the company. The relationship between the company value and its size is positive, and it is statistically significant, which indicates that the company uses its total assets affectively to increase its value

    Optimization of the cyclone separator performance using taguchi method and multi-response pcr-topsis

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    Pollutant control uses cyclone separators as pre-cleaners and is widely used in manufacturing and mining industries. Research on cyclone performance is carried out with changes in various variations that affect it, the problem that occurs is that multi-response can give results of different factors and levels as a result of equipment design cannot provide optimal results and research topics on inlet scroll types have not been widely carried out, this study aims to improve cyclone performance inlet scroll type separator with helical angle, experimental and development methods to get optimal performance where pressure drop and efficiency are indications of cyclone separator performance, to get optimal performance the use of Taguchi experimental design produces different factors and levels so that multi-response methods such as PCR and TOPSIS was used to produce the best combination of factors and levels, confirmation experiments and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) methods were carried out to ensure the validity of the study, the results showed that the scroll inlet prototype cyclone separator with a helical angle of 150, inlet velocity of 10m/s, outlet diameter of 72 mm provides empirical values ​​for pressure drop and the best particle separation efficiency for multi-parameter responses, further research can be done by modifying the shape and dimensions of the bottom outlet

    Kejadian Infeksi Cacing Saluran Pencernaan pada Ular Sanca Batik (Phyton Reticulatus)

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    The purpose of this study was to identify intestinal worm infections in reticulated pythons (Phyton reticulatus) in captivity. This study used faecal samples of 2 reticulated pythons at the Taru Jurug Animal Park, Solo. Anamnesis of the two pythons found the presence of adult nematode worms in their feces. Examination of adult worms and faeces was carried out macroscopically and microscopically. Microscopic examination of feces using native methods. The results of the examination showed that the adult worms found were Ascaridia galli worms, with characteristics of having a length of 72 mm, yellowish white color, large size, semi-transparent and including nematode worms. Stool examination found ascarid eggs with oval-shaped characteristics with thick albumin. Findings of ascarid worm eggs correlated with findings of adult Ascaridia galli worms. The factor that reticulated pythons in captivity are infected with Ascaridia galli worms is caused by the feed given, namely wild ducks. The Ascaridia galli worm generally infects poultry, such as wild ducks. Ascarid worm eggs that are excreted along with the faeces of the geese can contaminate the cage, feed and drink

    Analysis of duck eggshells as hydroxyapatite with heat treatment method

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    Duck eggshell contains very high calcium, making it a raw material for hydroxyapatite (HA) biomedical applications. The aim of this study was to synthesize natural HA from duck eggshell waste using cleaning, drying, smoothing with a smoothness level of passing is 200 meshes and heat treatment with temperature variations of 850 ºC, 900 ºC, and 950 ºC for one hour. The resulting HA material was characterized using X-ray fluorescence (XRF), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The results of the physical characteristics of raw duck eggshells without heat treatment are white, slightly bluish in color, the smell and level of smoothness is smooth. However, heated powdered duck eggshells which are heated 950 °C are whiter than the samples which are heated at 850 ºC and 900 ºC, they have no odor and their smoothness is the smoothest. The small peaks of HA from the non-heat duck eggshell powder were 64.89 % with a CaCO3 of 23.50 %, then the peak of CaO increased along with the increasing of heat treatment temperature of 900 °C that result HA in 69.31 % and reduce CaCO3 in 19.44 %. Duck egg shell powder achieved the highest diffraction with the increasing formation of HA at a heat 950 ºC by 91.87 % with a very significant decrease of CaCO3 in 2.25 %. The XRF test results of duck eggshell powder showed that the chemical composition of CaO was 99.50 %, with elemental calcium (Ca) of 99.71 %. The FTIR test results on mesh 200 observed a reduction in the intensity of CaCO3 absorption, while the intensity of CaO at 364.55 cm-1 was getting stronger, which indicated the formation of CaO at 950 °C. This showed that the CaO formation at a temperature of 950 ºC was much more than the formation at a lower temperature. The deformation from the CaO to HA phase was close to perfect with 91.87 % hydroxylapatit

    Suspect cushing’s syndrome pada kucing

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    Cushing’s syndrome yaitu sindrom klinis yang disebabkan kelebihan sekresi kortisol oleh kelenjar adrenal. Keluhan pemilik hewan kucing adalah adanya kebotakan dibagian perut kanan dan kiri, sering minum, dan sering urinasi. Temuan klinis adalah pembesaran abdomen seperti ‘pot-bellied’, polidipsia, poliuria dan alopecia bilateral pada bagian abdomen. Diagnosa penunjang melalui pemeriksaan ultrasonografi.  Diagnosa banding adalah hipotiroid, pankreatitis dan dermatophytosis. Prognosa fausta sampai dubius. Terapi yang diberikan adalah pemberian mitotane dan ketoconazol

    Evaluation of Biological Water Quality by Biological Macrophytic Index in River: Application on the Watershed of Beht River

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    The Biological macrophytic Index for River (IBMR) is based on the examination of aquatic plants (macrophytes) to determine the river quality, particularly its degree of eutrophication linked to nitrogen content and phosphorus in water . The aim of this study was to evaluate the biological quality of a Moroccan river through the IBMR in view to integrate it into the monitoring programs of water quality. Indeed, this method of assessment of biological water quality is under development and adaptation to the Moroccan hydro-biological context. Beht River on which we selected 13 stations, the quality was evaluated during a first sampling campaign in 2014. The results show a good representation of the trophic status of stations relative to environmental conditions of the environment such as the types of wastes, agricultural and other activities. Indeed, the stations with a strong trophic level often come downstream urban areas or near farms. The low average index values correspond to stations with little to very little polluting activities

    Analyse de la Biodiversité floristique des zones humides du maroc. Flore rare menacée et halophile

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    Analysis of the moroccan wetlands floristical diversity: rare, threatened and halophilous flora. The moroccan wetlands flora shows a great floristical richness of these ecosystems, estimated at more than 670 species and subspecies (83 families) which can be supplemented by at least 272 others taxa considered rather as terrestrials but can colonize periodically these biotopes. This flora shows a rate of endemism close to 6,5 %, but the most fact is the great proportion of rare or threatened taxa (estimated at 34%). The halophilous flora was a subjet of particular comment considering the prevalence of the salt biotopes in Morocco, either by the number or the extent of the sites. It counts 115 species and subspecies distributed among 20 families

    Correlation And Path Analysis Of Grain Yield Components In Exotic Maize (Zea Mays L.) Hybrids

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    Present study was aimed to investigate the genotypic and phenotypic association among grain yield components and their direct and indirect effects on yield. Correlation studies revealed significant positive genotypic and phenotypic relationship of grain yield with cob position, rows per cob and grains per row. Cob height, number of grains per row, stem diameter and cob girth had high positive direct effects on grain yield. Cob position had high negative direct effect on yield. These result depicted that cob position, no. of rows per cob and no. of grains per cob may be used as reliable criteria for improving grain yield. Heritability and genetic advance estimates described the genetic attributes of the traits under study. All the traits except no. of rows per cob and no. of grains per row had non additive type of gene action with high heritability and low genetic advance. The exploitation of these traits would be effective in hybrid maize breeding