245 research outputs found

    Modeling the resonant planetary system GJ876

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    The two planets about the star GJ 876 appear to have undergone extensive migration from their point of origin in the protoplanetary disk -- both because of their close proximity to the star (30 and 60 day orbital periods) and because of their occupying three stable orbital resonances at the 2:1 mean-motion commensurability. The resonances were most likely established by converging differential migration of the planets leading to capture into the resonances. A problem with this scenario is that continued migration of the system while it is trapped in the resonances leads to orbital eccentricities that rapidly exceed the observational upper limits of e_1 = 0.31 and e_2 = 0.05. As seen in forced 3-body simulations, lower eccentricities would persist during migration only for an applied eccentricity damping. Here we explore the evolution of the GJ 876 system using two-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations that include viscous heating and radiative effects. We find that a hydrodynamic evolution within the resonance, where only the outer planet interacts with the disk, always rapidly leads to large values of eccentricities that exceed those observed. Only if mass is removed from the disk on a time scale of the order of the migration time scale (before there has been extensive migration after capture), as might occur for photoevaporation in the late phases of planet formation, can we end up with eccentricities that are consistent with the observations.Comment: Paper accepted by A&A, 17 Pages, 17 Figure

    3D-radiation hydro simulations of disk-planet interactions: I. Numerical algorithm and test cases

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    We study the evolution of an embedded protoplanet in a circumstellar disk using the 3D-Radiation Hydro code TRAMP, and treat the thermodynamics of the gas properly in three dimensions. The primary interest of this work lies in the demonstration and testing of the numerical method. We show how far numerical parameters can influence the simulations of gap opening. We study a standard reference model under various numerical approximations. Then we compare the commonly used locally isothermal approximation to the radiation hydro simulation using an equation for the internal energy. Models with different treatments of the mass accretion process are compared. Often mass accumulates in the Roche lobe of the planet creating a hydrostatic atmosphere around the planet. The gravitational torques induced by the spiral pattern of the disk onto the planet are not strongly affected in the average magnitude, but the short time scale fluctuations are stronger in the radiation hydro models. An interesting result of this work lies in the analysis of the temperature structure around the planet. The most striking effect of treating the thermodynamics properly is the formation of a hot pressure--supported bubble around the planet with a pressure scale height of H/R ~ 0.5 rather than a thin Keplerian circumplanetary accretion disk. We also observe an outflow of gas above and below the planet during the gap opening phase.Comment: 14 pages, 15 figures, A&A in pres

    Eccentricity of radiative discs in close binary-star systems

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    Discs in binaries have a complex behavior because of the perturbations of the companion star. Planet formation in binary-star systems both depend on the companion star parameters and on the properties of the circumstellar disc. An eccentric disc may increase the impact velocity of planetesimals and therefore jeopardize the accumulation process. We model the evolution of discs in close binaries including the effects of self-gravity and adopting different prescriptions to model the disc's radiative properties. We focus on the dynamical properties and evolutionary tracks of the discs. We use the hydrodynamical code FARGO and we include in the energy equation heating and cooling effects. Radiative discs have a lower disc eccentricity compared to locally isothermal discs with same temperature profile. As a consequence, we do not observe the formation of an internal elliptical low density region as in locally isothermal disc models. However, the disc eccentricity depends on the disc mass through the opacities. Akin to locally isothermal disc models, self-gravity forces the disc's longitude of pericenter to librate about a fixed orientation with respect to the binary apsidal line (π\pi). The disc's radiative properties play an important role in the evolution of discs in binaries. A radiative disc has an overall shape and internal structure that are significantly different compared to a locally isothermal disc with same temperature profile. This is an important finding both for describing the evolutionary track of the disc during its progressive mass loss, and for planet formation since the internal structure of the disc is relevant for planetesimals growth in binary systems. The non-symmetrical distribution of mass in these discs causes large eccentricities for planetesimals that may affect their growth.Comment: accepted for publication in A&A (abstract truncated to comply with astro-ph rules

    Fast and accurate frequency-dependent radiation transport for hydrodynamics simulations in massive star formation

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    Context: Radiative feedback plays a crucial role in the formation of massive stars. The implementation of a fast and accurate description of the proceeding thermodynamics in pre-stellar cores and evolving accretion disks is therefore a main effort in current hydrodynamics simulations. Aims: We introduce our newly implemented three-dimensional frequency dependent radiation transport algorithm for hydrodynamics simulations of spatial configurations with a dominant central source. Methods: The module combines the advantage of the speed of an approximate Flux Limited Diffusion (FLD) solver with the high accuracy of a frequency dependent first order ray-tracing routine. Results: We prove the viability of the scheme in a standard radiation benchmark test compared to a full frequency dependent Monte-Carlo based radiative transfer code. The setup includes a central star, a circumstellar flared disk, as well as an envelope. The test is performed for different optical depths. Considering the frequency dependence of the stellar irradiation, the temperature distributions can be described precisely in the optically thin, thick, and irradiated transition regions. Resulting radiative forces onto dust grains are reproduced with high accuracy. The achievable parallel speedup of the method imposes no restriction on further radiative (magneto-) hydrodynamics simulations. Conclusions: The proposed approximate radiation transport method enables frequency dependent radiation hydrodynamics studies of the evolution of pre-stellar cores and circumstellar accretion disks around an evolving massive star in a highly efficient and accurate manner.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figure

    Relativistic simulations of rotational core collapse. I. Methods, initial models, and code tests

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    We describe an axisymmetric general relativistic code for rotational core collapse. The code evolves the coupled system of metric and fluid equations using the ADM 3+1 formalism and a conformally flat metric approximation of the Einstein equations. The relativistic hydrodynamics equations are formulated as a first-order flux-conservative hyperbolic system and are integrated using high-resolution shock-capturing schemes based on Riemann solvers. We assess the quality of the conformally flat metric approximation for relativistic core collapse and present a comprehensive set of tests which the code successfully passed. The tests include relativistic shock tubes, the preservation of the rotation profile and of the equilibrium of rapidly and differentially rotating neutron stars (approximated as rotating polytropes), spherical relativistic core collapse, and the conservation of rest-mass and angular momentum in dynamic spacetimes. The application of the code to relativistic rotational core collapse, with emphasis on the gravitational waveform signature, is presented in an accompanying paper.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figure

    Black hole formation via hypercritical accretion during common envelope evolution

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    Neutron stars inspiralling into a stellar envelope can accrete at rates vastly exceeding the Eddington limit if the flow develops pressures high enough to allow neutrinos to radiate the released gravitational energy. It has been suggested that this hypercritical mode of accretion leads inevitably to the formation of stellar mass black holes during common envelope evolution. We study the hydrodynamics of this flow at large radii (R >> R_ns), and show that for low Mach number flows, in two dimensions, modest density gradients in the stellar envelope suffice to produce a hot, advection dominated accretion disk around the accreting object. The formation of outflows from such a disk is highly probable, and we discuss the impact of the resultant mass loss and feedback of energy into the envelope for the survival of the neutron star. Unless outflows are weaker than those inferred for well observed accreting systems, we argue that in most cases insufficient accretion occurs to force collapse to a black hole before the envelope has been ejected. This conclusions is of interest for black hole formation in general, for some models of gamma ray bursts, and for predictions of the event rate in future LIGO observations.Comment: ApJ, submitte

    2-D models of layered protoplanetary discs: I. The ring instability

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    In this work we use the radiation hydrodynamic code TRAMP to perform a two-dimensional axially symmetric model of the layered disc. Using this model we follow the accumulation of mass in the dead zone due to the radially varying accretion rate. We found a new type of instability which causes the dead zone to split into rings. This "ring instability" works due to the positive feedback between the thickness of the dead zone and the mass accumulation rate. We give an analytical description of this instability, taking into account non-zero thickness of the dead zone and deviations from the Keplerian rotational velocity. The analytical model agrees reasonably well with results of numerical simulations. Finally, we speculate about the possible role of the ring instability in protoplanetary discs and in the formation of planets.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Antithrombotic therapy in patients undergoing TAVI: an overview of Dutch hospitals

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    To assess current antithrombotic treatment strategies in the Netherlands in patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI). For every Dutch hospital performing TAVI (n = 14) an interventional cardiologist experienced in performing TAVI was interviewed concerning heparin, aspirin, thienopyridine and oral anticoagulation treatment in patients undergoing TAVI. The response rate was 100 %. In every centre, a protocol for antithrombotic treatment after TAVI was available. Aspirin was prescribed in all centres, concomitant clopidogrel was prescribed 13 of the 14 centres. Duration of concomitant clopidogrel was 3 months in over two-thirds of cases. In 2 centres, duration of concomitant clopidogrel was based upon type of prosthesis: 6 months versus 3 months for supra-annular and intra-annular prostheses, respectively. Leaning on a small basis of evidence and recommendations, the antithrombotic policy for patients undergoing TAVI is highly variable in the Netherlands. As a standardised regimen might further reduce haemorrhagic complications, large randomised clinical trials may help to establish the most appropriate approac

    Investigation of mechanical losses of thin silicon flexures at low temperatures

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    The investigation of the mechanical loss of different silicon flexures in a temperature region from 5 to 300 K is presented. The flexures have been prepared by different fabrication techniques. A lowest mechanical loss of 3×1083\times10^{-8} was observed for a 130 μ\mum thick flexure at around 10 K. While the mechanical loss follows the thermoelastic predictions down to 50 K a difference can be observed at lower temperatures for different surface treatments. This surface loss will be limiting for all applications using silicon based oscillators at low temperatures. The extraction of a surface loss parameter using different results from our measurements and other references is presented. We focused on structures that are relevant for gravitational wave detectors. The surface loss parameter αs\alpha_s = 0.5 pm was obtained. This reveals that the surface loss of silicon is significantly lower than the surface loss of fused silica.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure

    Differential proteomic analysis of abnormal intramyoplasmic aggregates in desminopathy

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    Desminopathy is a subtype of myofibrillar myopathy caused by desmin mutations and characterized by protein aggregates accumulating in muscle fibers. The aim of this study was to assess the protein composition of these aggregates. Aggregates and intact myofiber sections were obtained from skeletal muscle biopsies of five desminopathy patients by laser microdissection and analyzed by a label-free spectral count-based proteomic approach. We identified 397 proteins with 22 showing significantly higher spectral indices in aggregates (ratio >1.8, p <0.05). Fifteen of these proteins not previously reported as specific aggregate components provide new insights regarding pathomechanisms of desminopathy. Results of proteomic analysis were supported by immunolocalization studies and parallel reaction monitoring. Three mutant desmin variants were detected directly on the protein level as components of the aggregates, suggesting their direct involvement in aggregate-formation and demonstrating for the first time that proteomic analysis can be used for direct identification of a disease-causing mutation in myofibrillar myopathy. Comparison of the proteomic results in desminopathy with our previous analysis of aggregate composition in filaminopathy, another myofibrillar myopathy subtype, allows to determine subtype-specific proteomic profile that facilitates identification of the specific disorder. Biological significance Our proteomic analysis provides essential new insights in the composition of pathological protein aggregates in skeletal muscle fibers of desminopathy patients. The results contribute to a better understanding of pathomechanisms in myofibrillar myopathies and provide the basis for hypothesis-driven studies. The detection of specific proteomic profiles in different myofibrillar myopathy subtypes indicates that proteomic analysis may become a useful tool in differential diagnosis of protein aggregate myopathies. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: From Genome to Proteome: Open Innovations. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved