11 research outputs found

    Subclinical immune reactions to viral infections may correlate with child and adolescent diagnosis of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: A preliminary study from Turkey

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    Background: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common neuro-developmental disorders of childhood and  adolescence. Studies focusing on the relationship of infectious agents and ADHD are scarce. It is also known that cerebellar injury may lead to  hyperactive behavior. This study aimed to evaluate the relationship  between viral agents of cerebellitis and the diagnosis of ADHD.Methods: The study group was formed of 60 consecutive ADHD patients and 30 healthy children. IgG levels for VZV; HSV-1, CMV, Measles, Mumps, Rubella and EBV were evaluated.Results: Males were significantly higher among patients with ADHD (65% vs. 40%, p=0.025). Patients with ADHD displayed significantly higher positivity for measles IgG (80% vs. 60%, p=0.044). When patients with ADHD were classified according to their pubertal status, adolescents with ADHD displayed higher positivity for mumps (100% vs. 74.4%, p=0.043). Most of the patients were diagnosed with ADHD-Combined or  Hyperactive/Impulsive Subtypes (56.6%) while 43.3% were diagnosed with ADHD-predominantly inattentive type. When patients with subtypes of ADHD were compared in terms of seropositivity, it was found that patients with ADHD-Combined/ Hyperactive-Impulsive subtypes had significantly elevated reactions for Rubella (100% vs. 88.5%, p=0.044).Conclusion: Although limited to a single center and may be prone to sampling biases, our results may support the notion that immune reactions may be related with ADHD among children and adolescents. Further,  prospective studies from multiple centers are needed to support our  findings and establish causality.Key words: ADHD, infection, immunology, measles, rubella, mumps, Ig

    Congenital nephrotic syndrome: Case report and review of literature

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    Konjenital nefrotik sendrom (KNS), doğumdan sonra kendini belli eden ciddi proteinüri, hipoalbüminemi ve ödemle karakterize nadir bir böbrek hastalığıdır. Özellikle nefrin ve podocin adlı genlerde oluşan mutasyon sonucu glomerular filtrasyon bariyerinin bozulmasıyla ortaya çıkan genetik bir bozukluktur. KNS perinatal enfeksiyonların sonucunda olabileceği gibi, genetik bir sendromunda parçası da olabilir. İmmün süpresif tedavi genetik kaynaklı KNS'de etkisizdir ancak böbrek transplantasyonu küratif tedavi sağlamaktadır. Birçok vakada hayatı tehdit eden ödemden korumak için günlük albümin infüzyonu gerekmektedir. Ek olarak yüksek kalorili diyet, tiroksin ve mineral desteği uygulanır. Tromboembolik komplikasyonların ve immünite yetersizliğinden dolayı gelişebilecek firsatçı infeksiyonların proflaksisi gerekmektedir. Yazımızda ödemi olmayan ancak sebat eden hipoalbüminemi ve proteinüri nedeniyle KNS tanısı alan bir yenidoğan olgusunu sunarak hastalığı literatür eşliğinde tartıştıkCongenital nephrotic syndrome (CNS) is a rare kidney disease which reveals itself after birth and characterized with severe proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia and edema. It is a genetic disorder that occurs with deterioration of glomerular filtration barrier especially as a result of mutation that develops in genes called nephrin and podocin. CNS could be as a result of perinatal infection as well as a part of a genetic syndrome. Immune suppressive treatment is ineffective in genetically originated CNS, however renal transplantation yields curative treatment. In many cases to prevent from life threatening edema, daily albumin infusion is needed. Additionally, high caloric diet, thyroxin and mineral supply are applied. Also prophylaxis of thrombolytic complications and opportunistic infection that could develop due to immune deficiency is needed. In this report we discussed a case with the review of literature by reporting a newborn which had CNS diagnosis as a result of persistent hypoalbuminemia and proteinuria without edema

    Incidence, risk factors and severity of retinopathy of prematurity in Turkey (TR-ROP study): a prospective, multicentre study in 69 neonatal intensive care units

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    Background To evaluate the prevalence, risk factors and treatment of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) in Turkey and to establish screening criteria for this condition. Methods A prospective cohort study (TR-ROP) was performed between 1 April 2016 and 30 April 2017 in 69 neonatal intensive care units (NICUs). Infants with a birth weight (BW)=1500 g or gestational age (GA) 1500 g or GA> 32 weeks with an unstable clinical course were included in the study. Predictors for the development of ROP were determined by logistic regression analyses. Results The TR-ROP study included 6115 infants: 4964 (81%) with a GA 32 weeks. Overall, 27% had any stage of ROP and 6.7% had severe ROP. A lower BW, smaller GA, total days on oxygen, late-onset sepsis, frequency of red blood cell transfusions and relative weight gain were identified as independent risk factors for severe ROP in infants with a BW=1500 g. Of all infants, 414 needed treatment and 395 (95.4%) of the treated infants had a BW <= 1500 g. Sixty-six (16%) of the treated infants did not fulfil the Early Treatment for Retinopathy of Prematurity requirements for treatment. Conclusions Screening of infants with a GA <= 34 weeks or a BW<1700 g appears to be appropriate in Turkey. Monitoring standards of neonatal care and conducting quality improvement projects across the country are recommended to improve neonatal outcomes in Turkish NICUs