62 research outputs found

    L’Épargne au QuĂ©bec : sa mesure et son importance, 1981-2006

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    Parce que les mesures traditionnelles de l’épargne ne tiennent pas compte de l’épargne en capital humain et en capital naturel, elles ont tendance Ă  sous-estimer systĂ©matiquement le taux d’épargne national au pays et dans les provinces canadiennes. Traditionnellement, on dĂ©finit le taux d’épargne nationale en additionnant l’épargne financiĂšre des mĂ©nages, des entreprises et des gouvernements et en l’exprimant en pourcentage du PIB sur un territoire donnĂ©. L’épargne financiĂšre est gĂ©nĂ©ralement obtenue par mĂ©thode rĂ©siduelle, c’est-Ă -dire en faisant la diffĂ©rence entre les revenus et les dĂ©penses. Le taux d’épargne vĂ©ritable ajoute Ă  l’épargne financiĂšre la mesure de l’épargne en capital humain et soustrait la dĂ©sĂ©pargne en capital naturel non-renouvelable. Bien qu’encore imparfaite, la mesure de l’épargne vĂ©ritable donne un meilleur portrait de l’épargne sur un territoire. Le rapport « L’épargne au QuĂ©bec : sa mesure et son importance, 1981-2006 » fait un survol des diffĂ©rentes mesures de l’épargne au Canada, au QuĂ©bec et en Ontario. Il prĂ©sente Ă©galement une Ă©valuation de l’épargne vĂ©ritable au QuĂ©bec et au Canada. DES DIFFÉRENCES MAJEURES L’inclusion du capital humain et du capital naturel aux mesures traditionnelles de l’épargne a pour effet de modifier substantiellement le portrait de l’épargne au QuĂ©bec. Ainsi, lorsqu’on compare le taux d’épargne nationale et le taux d’épargne vĂ©ritable du QuĂ©bec, on observe que l’épargne des agents Ă©conomiques quĂ©bĂ©cois en pourcentage du PIB passe du simple au double environ. Par exemple, alors que le taux d’épargne nationale Ă©tait de 7,42 % au QuĂ©bec en 2005 son taux d’épargne vĂ©ritable Ă©tait de l’ordre de 13,08 % (p. 56 du document principal). En 1997, le taux d’épargne nationale du QuĂ©bec Ă©tait de 4,49 % alors que son taux d’épargne vĂ©ritable Ă©tait de 10,27 %. La relation du simple au double s’est maintenue tout au long de la pĂ©riode 1997-2005. Le concept d’épargne vĂ©ritable a Ă©tĂ© mis de l’avant par la Banque mondiale. Celle-ci publie un ensemble de statistiques sur l’épargne vĂ©ritable des pays, mais pas des entitĂ©s sous-nationales. Une validation de la mĂ©thodologie retenue pour calculer le taux d’épargne vĂ©ritable du QuĂ©bec, mais appliquĂ© aux donnĂ©es canadiennes, a toutefois permis d’établir que la divergence entre la mĂ©thode retenue dans le rapport et celle adoptĂ©e par la Banque mondiale n’était pas majeure.

    Interplay of Sequence and Environment in Membrane Protein Folding

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    Membrane proteins act as the gates, outposts and switches of cellular activity, performing numerous functions required for survival. These hydrophobic macromolecules insert into the complex environment of the lipid bilayer by adopting two types of fold: alpha-helical bundles and beta-barrels. In both structures, hydrophobic segments span the membrane and are separated by loop regions facing the water-head group-hydrophobic core interface - a chemically heterogenous environment. Membrane protein sequence must not only dictate the protein fold, but must also match the anisotropic environment of cellular membranes. Indeed, this solvent can also respond to the presence of a membrane protein, potentially affecting its fold. In order to evaluate the interplay between sequence and environment in membrane protein folding, systematic mutations in the environment-ambiguous loop region were used to probe the sequence of two membrane protein model transmembrane (TM) hairpins: TM 3 and 4 of CFTR, and the subunit c of the FoF1-ATP synthase. These helix-loop-helix constructs were used as minimal tertiary folding models in an array of biophysical and biochemical methods. First, the connection between the solvent and sequence changes was investigated in CFTR TM3/4 hairpins, with the finding that certain environments can be exquisitely sensitive to sequence changes upon solubilization of membrane proteins. Then, a sequence-dependent change from alpha-helix to beta-sheet in the membrane protein fold irrespective of the environment is described, where short-turn inducing sequence changes switch the secondary structure of CFTR TM3/4. Finally, this discovery was extended to the ancient membrane protein subunit c hairpins, hinting at a possible alpha-helical-to-beta-sheet conversion as a potential evolutionary impetus for the divergence of alpha-helical bundles to beta-barrel membrane proteins. The overall findings define a membrane protein folding paradigm in which both sequence and environment tailor the final fold of a membrane protein, whether alpha-helical or beta-sheet.Ph.D

    A newborn with spinal muscular atrophy type 0 presenting with a clinicopathological picture suggestive of myotubular myopathy.

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    We report a male term newborn with genetically confirmed spinal muscular atrophy type 0, presenting with arthrogryposis and severe generalized weakness and requiring ventilatory support. Muscle biopsy revealed fibers with central nuclei resembling myotubes and negative myotubularin immunohistochemical staining compared with a control muscle biopsy. The absence of myotubularin associated with survival motor neuron protein deficiency suggests that survival motor neuron protein may have a role in muscle fiber maturation and myotubularin expression. Studying the pathology of this rare and lethal neonatal form of spinal muscular atrophy may further our understanding of spinal muscular atrophy pathogenesis

    B) La parole aux etudiants

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    Philippe A’CLOQUE – Gestion Je suis allĂ© au QuĂ©bec, Ă  HEC MontrĂ©al, qui est affiliĂ©e Ă  l’universitĂ© de MontrĂ©al entre septembre 1983 et dĂ©cembre 85. C’est donc assez rĂ©cent. Auparavant j’avais fait toutes mes Ă©tudes en France, une maĂźtrise de sciences Ă©conomiques et un DSS de marketing Ă  Aix-en-Provence. J’ai par la suite travaillĂ© pendant trois ans dans la distribution et dans le marketing, et un beau jour j’ai pris conscience que j’étouffais un peu en France. L’idĂ©e de partir en AmĂ©rique du..

    Non-canonical ATM/MRN activities temporally define the senescence secretory program.

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    Senescent cells display senescence-associated (SA) phenotypic programs such as stable proliferation arrest (SAPA) and a secretory phenotype (SASP). Senescence-inducing persistent DNA double-strand breaks (pDSBs) cause an immediate DNA damage response (DDR) and SAPA, but the SASP requires days to develop. Here, we show that following the immediate canonical DDR, a delayed chromatin accumulation of the ATM and MRN complexes coincides with the expression of SASP factors. Importantly, histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACi) trigger SAPA and SASP in the absence of DNA damage. However, HDACi-induced SASP also requires ATM/MRN activities and causes their accumulation on chromatin, revealing a DNA damage-independent, non-canonical DDR activity that underlies SASP maturation. This non-canonical DDR is required for the recruitment of the transcription factor NF-ÎșB on chromatin but not for its nuclear translocation. Non-canonical DDR further does not require ATM kinase activity, suggesting structural ATM functions. We propose that delayed chromatin recruitment of SASP modulators is the result of non-canonical DDR signaling that ensures SASP activation only in the context of senescence and not in response to transient DNA damage-induced proliferation arrest
