303 research outputs found

    Exploring complex networks via topological embedding on surfaces

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    We demonstrate that graphs embedded on surfaces are a powerful and practical tool to generate, characterize and simulate networks with a broad range of properties. Remarkably, the study of topologically embedded graphs is non-restrictive because any network can be embedded on a surface with sufficiently high genus. The local properties of the network are affected by the surface genus which, for example, produces significant changes in the degree distribution and in the clustering coefficient. The global properties of the graph are also strongly affected by the surface genus which is constraining the degree of interwoveness, changing the scaling properties from large-world-kind (small genus) to small- and ultra-small-world-kind (large genus). Two elementary moves allow the exploration of all networks embeddable on a given surface and naturally introduce a tool to develop a statistical mechanics description. Within such a framework, we study the properties of topologically-embedded graphs at high and low `temperatures' observing the formation of increasingly regular structures by cooling the system. We show that the cooling dynamics is strongly affected by the surface genus with the manifestation of a glassy-like freezing transitions occurring when the amount of topological disorder is low.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure

    Tissue memory CD4+ T cells expressing IL-7 receptor-alpha (CD127) preferentially support latent HIV-1 infection.

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    The primary reservoir for HIV is within memory CD4+ T cells residing within tissues, yet the features that make some of these cells more susceptible than others to infection by HIV is not well understood. Recent studies demonstrated that CCR5-tropic HIV-1 efficiently enters tissue-derived memory CD4+ T cells expressing CD127, the alpha chain of the IL7 receptor, but rarely completes the replication cycle. We now demonstrate that the inability of HIV to replicate in these CD127-expressing cells is not due to post-entry restriction by SAMHD1. Rather, relative to other memory T cell subsets, these cells are highly prone to undergoing latent infection with HIV, as revealed by the high levels of integrated HIV DNA in these cells. Host gene expression profiling revealed that CD127-expressing memory CD4+ T cells are phenotypically distinct from other tissue memory CD4+ T cells, and are defined by a quiescent state with diminished NFκB, NFAT, and Ox40 signaling. However, latently-infected CD127+ cells harbored unspliced HIV transcripts and stimulation of these cells with anti-CD3/CD28 reversed latency. These findings identify a novel subset of memory CD4+ T cells found in tissue and not in blood that are preferentially targeted for latent infection by HIV, and may serve as an important reservoir to target for HIV eradication efforts

    Graph theory enables drug repurposing - how a mathematical model can drive the discovery of hidden mechanisms of action.

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    We introduce a methodology to efficiently exploit natural-language expressed biomedical knowledge for repurposing existing drugs towards diseases for which they were not initially intended. Leveraging on developments in Computational Linguistics and Graph Theory, a methodology is defined to build a graph representation of knowledge, which is automatically analysed to discover hidden relations between any drug and any disease: these relations are specific paths among the biomedical entities of the graph, representing possible Modes of Action for any given pharmacological compound. We propose a measure for the likeliness of these paths based on a stochastic process on the graph. This measure depends on the abundance of indirect paths between a peptide and a disease, rather than solely on the strength of the shortest path connecting them. We provide real-world examples, showing how the method successfully retrieves known pathophysiological Mode of Action and finds new ones by meaningfully selecting and aggregating contributions from known bio-molecular interactions. Applications of this methodology are presented, and prove the efficacy of the method for selecting drugs as treatment options for rare diseases

    Global Antifungal Profile Optimization of Chlorophenyl Derivatives against Botrytis cinerea and Colletotrichum gloeosporioides

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    Twenty-two aromatic derivatives bearing a chlorine atom and a different chain in the para or meta position were prepared and evaluated for their in vitro antifungal activity against the phytopathogenic fungi Botrytis cinerea and Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. The results showed that maximum inhibition of the growth of these fungi was exhibited for enantiomers S and R of 1-(40-chlorophenyl)- 2-phenylethanol (3 and 4). Furthermore, their antifungal activity showed a clear structure-activity relationship (SAR) trend confirming the importance of the benzyl hydroxyl group in the inhibitory mechanism of the compounds studied. Additionally, a multiobjective optimization study of the global antifungal profile of chlorophenyl derivatives was conducted in order to establish a rational strategy for the filtering of new fungicide candidates from combinatorial libraries. The MOOPDESIRE methodology was used for this purpose providing reliable ranking models that can be used later

    Semi-Empirical Topological Method for Prediction of the Relative Retention Time of Polychlorinated Biphenyl Congeners on 18 Different HR GC Columns

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    High resolution gas chromatographic relative retention time (HRGC-RRT) models were developed to predict relative retention times of the 209 individual polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) congeners. To estimate and predict the HRGC-RRT values of all PCBs on 18 different stationary phases, a multiple linear regression equation of the form RRT = ao + a1 (no. o-Cl) + a2 (no. m-Cl) + a3 (no. p-Cl) + a4 (VM or SM) was used. Molecular descriptors in the models included the number of ortho-, meta-, and para-chlorine substituents (no. o-Cl, m-Cl and p-Cl, respectively), the semi-empirically calculated molecular volume (VM), and the molecular surface area (SM). By means of the final variable selection method, four optimal semi-empirical descriptors were selected to develop a QSRR model for the prediction of RRT in PCBs with a correlation coefficient between 0.9272 and 0.9928 and a leave-one-out cross-validation correlation coefficient between 0.9230 and 0.9924 on each stationary phase. The root mean squares errors over different 18 stationary phases are within the range of 0.0108–0.0335. The accuracy of all the developed models were investigated using cross-validation leave-one-out (LOO), Y-randomization, external validation through an odd–even number and division of the entire data set into training and test sets

    Raman spectroscopy uncovers biochemical tissue-related features of extracellular vesicles from mesenchymal stromal cells

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    Extracellular vesicles (EVs) from mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) are emerging as valuable therapeutic agents for tissue regeneration and immunomodulation, but their clinical applications have so far been limited by the technical restraints of current isolation and characterisation procedures. This study shows for the first time the successful application of Raman spectroscopy as label-free, sensitive and reproducible means of carrying out the routine bulk characterisation of MSC-derived vesicles before their use in vitro or in vivo, thus promoting the translation of EV research to clinical practice. The Raman spectra of the EVs of bone marrow and adipose tissue-derived MSCs were compared with human dermal fibroblast EVs in order to demonstrate the ability of the method to distinguish the vesicles of the three cytotypes automatically with an accuracy of 93.7%. Our data attribute a Raman fingerprint to EVs from undifferentiated and differentiated cells of diverse tissue origin, and provide insights into the biochemical characteristics of EVs from different sources and into the differential contribution of sphingomyelin, gangliosides and phosphatidilcholine to the Raman spectra themselves

    The use of 2D fingerprint methods to support the assessment of structural similarity in orphan drug legislation.

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    In the European Union, medicines are authorised for some rare disease only if they are judged to be dissimilar to authorised orphan drugs for that disease. This paper describes the use of 2D fingerprints to show the extent of the relationship between computed levels of structural similarity for pairs of molecules and expert judgments of the similarities of those pairs. The resulting relationship can be used to provide input to the assessment of new active compounds for which orphan drug authorisation is being sought

    Prediction of bioconcentration factors in fish and invertebrates using machine learning

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    © 2018 The Authors The application of machine learning has recently gained interest from ecotoxicological fields for its ability to model and predict chemical and/or biological processes, such as the prediction of bioconcentration. However, comparison of different models and the prediction of bioconcentration in invertebrates has not been previously evaluated. A comparison of 24 linear and machine learning models is presented herein for the prediction of bioconcentration in fish and important factors that influenced accumulation identified. R2 and root mean square error (RMSE) for the test data (n = 110 cases) ranged from 0.23–0.73 and 0.34–1.20, respectively. Model performance was critically assessed with neural networks and tree-based learners showing the best performance. An optimised 4-layer multi-layer perceptron (14 descriptors) was selected for further testing. The model was applied for cross-species prediction of bioconcentration in a freshwater invertebrate, Gammarus pulex. The model for G. pulex showed good performance with R2 of 0.99 and 0.93 for the verification and test data, respectively. Important molecular descriptors determined to influence bioconcentration were molecular mass (MW), octanol-water distribution coefficient (logD), topological polar surface area (TPSA) and number of nitrogen atoms (nN) among others. Modelling of hazard criteria such as PBT, showed potential to replace the need for animal testing. However, the use of machine learning models in the regulatory context has been minimal to date and is critically discussed herein. The movement away from experimental estimations of accumulation to in silico modelling would enable rapid prioritisation of contaminants that may pose a risk to environmental health and the food chain.Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) CASE industrial scholarship scheme (Reference BB/K501177/1), iNVERTOX project (Reference BB/P005187/1) and AstraZeneca Global SHE research programme. This work was additionally supported by the Francis Crick Institute which receives its core funding from Cancer Research UK (FC001999), the UK Medical Research Council (FC001999), and the Wellcome Trust (FC001999)
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