1,503 research outputs found

    ITERL: A Wireless Adaptive System for Efficient Road Lighting

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    This work presents the development and construction of an adaptive street lighting system that improves safety at intersections, which is the result of applying low-power Internet of Things (IoT) techniques to intelligent transportation systems. A set of wireless sensor nodes using the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 802.15.4 standard with additional internet protocol (IP) connectivity measures both ambient conditions and vehicle transit. These measurements are sent to a coordinator node that collects and passes them to a local controller, which then makes decisions leading to the streetlight being turned on and its illumination level controlled. Streetlights are autonomous, powered by photovoltaic energy, and wirelessly connected, achieving a high degree of energy efficiency. Relevant data are also sent to the highway conservation center, allowing it to maintain up-to-date information for the system, enabling preventive maintenance.Consejería de Fomento y Vivienda Junta de Andalucía G-GI3002 / IDIOFondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional G-GI3002 / IDI

    Improvement of Edge Brightening by Means of Q Factor Minimization in Circular Antenna Apertures: High Efficient Taylor-Like Patterns

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    Implications and improvements of edge brightening effects led by Q factor minimization restricted to keep the same level of directivity for high efficiency continuous circular aperture distributions are here reported. In this manner, an optimization strategy for a minimum Q value-keeping the same level of efficiency and restricting the maximum sidelobe level (SLL)- is envisaged. As application of the method, a design procedure devoted to reduce the Q factor of the antenna aperture distributions while keeping a high level of efficiency is outlined. Then, these optimal Taylor distributions are used as initial point to develop an optimization strategy. This procedure is devoted to search Taylor-like distributions which offer a good compromise between low Q factor and high efficiency values with potentials for the antenna design scenario, based on a decrease in edge brightening effects led by the minimization of the aforementioned Q ratioS

    L’évolution du naturel paysage à travers toponymie: Lillo (La Mancha, Toledo)

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    This work deals with the study of the landscape evolution in the vicinity of the town of Lillo (La Mancha, Toledo) through the analysis of toponyms contained in various documentary sources (Cadastre of the Marquis of Ensenada, 1752 and Rustic, 1944) and cartography for different scales and years. The studied period is thus extended over a wide temporal space (mid-eighteenth century to the present). The determination and typology of place names, persistence or disappearance become the working methodology for evolutionary study of the environment. Only 3% of the names have been preserved over time. Wetlands from Lillo that are, like many others characterized by seasonality and salinity were scarcely considered by the people belonging to their environments. Their buckets often served as places where garbage and other waste were disposed, and only occasionally were exploited to obtain salt; at present those which have been preserved are the focus for various projects aimed at their restoration and/or preservation.El presente trabajo aborda el estudio de la evolución del paisaje en el entorno de localidad de Lillo (La Mancha, Toledo) a través del análisis de la toponimia contenida en diversas fuentes documentales (Catastros del Marqués de la Ensenada, 1752 y de Rústica, 1944) y cartográficas de diferentes escalas y años. El periodo de estudio se prolonga así en un amplio periodo (mediados del siglo XVIII hasta la actualidad). La determinación y tipología de los topónimos, su persistencia o desaparición se convierten en la metodología de trabajo para el estudio evolutivo del medio natural. Solo un 3% de los topónimos se han conservado a lo largo del tiempo. Los humedales de Lillo, como otros muchos caracterizados por su estacionalidad y salinidad, no fueron considerados apenas por la población emplazada en sus entornos pues sus cubetas frecuentemente sirvieron como parajes donde se depositaron desperdicios y otros residuos y sólo, en algunas ocasiones, fueron aprovechados para la obtención de sal; en el momento actual los que se han conservado son foco de atención de diferentes proyectos tendentes a su restauración y/o conservación.Ce travail s’agit de l’étude de l’évolution du paysage dans les environs de la ville de Lillo (La Mancha, Toledo ) à travers de l’analyse des toponymes qui figurent dans diverses sources documentaires (Cadastre du Marquis de Ensenada, 1752 et de Rustique, 1944) et dans la cartographie des différentes échelles et années. La période d›étude se développe sur un espace temporel large (milieu du XVIIIe siècle à nos jours). La détermination et la typologie des toponymes, sa persistance ou sa disparition deviennent la méthodologie de travail pour l›étude de l›évolution de l›environnement. Seulement 3% des noms ont été conservés le long des temps. Par rapport au zones humides de Lillo, comme beaucoup d›autres, marqués par la saisonnalité et la salinité n’ont pas été considérées par des personnes appartenant à leur environnement, parceque leurs cuvettes ont été utilisées, souvent, pour se défaire des ordures et d’autres déchets. Parfois, ont été exploitées pour obtenir le sel. Á l›heure actuelle celles-là qu’ont été conservées sont objet de divers projets visant à sa restauration et/ou sa conservation

    La desecación de humedales en los inicios del siglo XIX: un proyecto de ingenieros militares en La Mancha

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    Bajo el término de humedales se incluye una amplia serie de espacios lacustres, pantanosos o, simplemente, encharcados que siempre han ejercido una notable influencia sobre los moradores de sus entornos. En ella destacan, como elementos favorables, la utilización de sus aguas y, en ocasiones, la explotación de sus precipitados; pero han ofrecido también aspectos muy negativos en lo que respecta a la imposibilidad del aprovechamiento agrario de sus cubetas y, sobre todo, a los efectos nocivos que conllevaron sus estancadas aguas al ser un foco palúdico que diezmó a los lugareños de numerosos territorios en el pasado. Estos efectos perjudiciales motivaron que muchos humedales, especialmente los emplazados cerca de los núcleos de población, fueran objeto de tentativas de desecación destinadas a su eliminación desde épocas relativamente tempranas. El objeto de este trabajo es dar a conocer los planes de desecación ideados en los inicios del siglo xix para un conjunto de humedales del centro peninsular (La Mancha y Campo de Calatrava) y que, en su mayoría, no se llevaron a cabo debido a la guerra de la Independencia y al elevado coste de muchas de aquellas iniciativas. El análisis de los proyectos pone de manifiesto no solo el enorme impacto que los encharcamientos tenían en las localidades inmediatas, sino también la responsabilidad originada por la gran recurrencia de eventos de inundación que asolaron los campos de estas regiones. Dos hechos primordiales convergieron en este fenómeno, por un lado, los eventos meteorológicos vinculados a la Pequeña Edad del Hielo y, por otro, las inadecuadas actuaciones antrópicas sobre las vertientes, cauces fluviales y sus llanuras de inundació

    Real-time embedded eye detection system

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    The detection of a person’s eyes is a basic task in applications as important as iris recognition in biometric identification or fatigue detection in driving assistance systems. Current commercial and research systems use software frameworks that require a dedicated computer, whose power consumption, size, and price are significantly large. This paper presents a hardware-based embedded solution for eye detection in real-time. From an algorithmic point-of-view, the popular Viola-Jones approach has been redesigned to enable highly parallel, single-pass image-processing implementation. Synthesized and implemented in an All-Programmable System-on-Chip (AP SoC), this proposal allows us to process more than 88 frames per second (fps), taking the classifier less than 2 ms per image. Experimental validation has been successfully addressed in an iris recognition system that works with walking subjects. In this case, the prototype module includes a CMOS digital imaging sensor providing 16 Mpixels images, and it outputs a stream of detected eyes as 640 × 480 images. Experiments for determining the accuracy of the proposed system in terms of eye detection are performed in the CASIA-Iris-distance V4 database. Significantly, they show that the accuracy in terms of eye detection is 100%.This work has been partially developed within the project RTI2018-099522-B-C4X, funded by the Gobierno de España and FEDER funds, and the ARMORI project (CEIATECH-10) funded by the University of Málaga. Portions of the research in this paper use the CASIA-Iris V4 collected by the Chinese Academy of Sciences - Institute of Automation (CASIA)

    Quiste óseo aneurismático poliostótico

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    Se presenta un caso de quiste óseo aneurismático de localización bifocal, correspondiente a una niña de 12 años de edad. La primera lesión diagnosticada se localizó en la metáfisis proximal de la tibia izquierda y dos años más tarde, se descubrió una lesión similar en el calcáneo derecho. El estudio individualizado de estas lesiones no demuestra diferencias significativas respecto a las clásicamente descritas para los quistes óseos aneurismáticos genuinos, monostó- ticos. En una amplia revisión bibliográfica sólo hemos podido encontrar un caso de localización plurifocal.A bifocal aneurysmatic bone cyst presenting in a 12-year-old is reported. The first lesion detected was situated in the proximal metaphysis of the left tibia; the second lesion was diagnosed two years later in the right calcaneus. Individual evaluation of these lesions discovered no significant differences with respect to classical monostotic, true aneurysmatic bone cysts. An exhaustive review of the literature yielded only one case exhibiting plurifocal location

    Support vector machines for classification of input vectors with different metrics

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    In this paper, a generalization of support vector machines is explored where it is considered that input vectors have different ℓp norms for each class. It is proved that the optimization problem for binary classification by using the maximal margin principle with ℓp and ℓq norms only depends on the ℓp norm if 1 ≤ p ≤ q. Furthermore, the selection of a different bias in the classifier function is a consequence of the ℓq norm in this approach. Some commentaries on the most commonly used approaches of SVM are also given as particular cases

    Modeling a multilevel converter for radiography and fluoroscopy

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    EPE'16 ECCE Europe, 18th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, 5-9 september 2016, Karsruhe, GermanyIn this paper a mathematical model for a resonant multilevel converter is presented. The topology has been conceived to be used in X-ray power supplies. The power stage has been designed to minimize the resonant current throughout the input voltage range: 400V to 750V. The inverter stage is based on the series-parallel resonant topology, LCC, to include the parasitic elements of the step-up transformer. However, the introduction of an additional magnetic coupling provides a way to modify the reactive elements depending on the output powe

    Magneto-optical effects in interacting localized and propagating surface plasmon modes

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    We report that the effect of an external magnetic field on the propagation of surface plasmons can be effectively modified through the coupling between localized (LSP) and propagating (SPP) surface plasmons. When these plasmon modes do not interact, the main effect of the magnetic field is a modification of the wavevector of the SPP mode, leaving the LSP virtually unaffected. Once both modes start to interact, there is a strong variation of the magnetic field induced modification of the SPP dispersion curve and, simultaneously, the LSP mode becomes sensitive to the magnetic field.This work was supported by the EU (NMP3-SL- 2008-214107-Nanomagma), the Spanish MICINN (“MAGPLAS” MAT2008-06765-C02-01/NAN and “FUNCOAT” CONSOLIDER INGENIO 2010 CSD2008-00023), the Comunidad de Madrid (“NANOBIOMAGNET” S2009/MAT-1726 and “MICROSERES-CM” S2009/TIC-1476), and CSIC (“CRIMAFOT” PIF08-016-4). We thank A. Cebollada and J. M. García-Martín for growing and characterizing the Au/Co/Au trilayers and reading this manuscript, and R. Quidant and G.Badenes for fruitful discussions.Peer reviewe

    Proveedores comerciales de revistas electrónicas de ciencias sociales

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    Las revistas electrónicas son un recurso excepcional para la difusión de la investigación científica. Se presentansus principales proveedores comerciales en ciencias sociales, comentando los aspectos más importantes que identificana cada compañía, como son la trayectoria histórica, los servicios de acceso a las revistas y artículos que ofrece, la cantidad de publicaciones periódicas electrónicas a las que da acceso y las disciplinas en las que están especializados.Electronic journals are exceptional resources for the dissemination of scientific research. Covered in this paperare the principal commercial suppliers of social science e-journals, with details about each company such as its background, additional services offered, number of journals included in their electronic catalogues and their subject specialisation