95 research outputs found

    Comparação entre os efeitos de soluções salinas hiper e isotônicas no pincamento e liberação da aorta abdominal infra-renal em cães

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    A mortalidade e morbidez na cirurgia para o tratamento das doenças da aorta dependem de uma série de fatores, entre eles, medidas terapêuticas trans-operatórias. De capital importância são os critérios adotados para a infusão de soluções, tanto no que diz respeito ao volume quanto à qualidade. o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de soluções salinas hiper e isotônicas durante o pinçamento e após a liberação da aorta abdominal infra-renal. Foram avaliados parâmetros hematológico-bioquímicos, hemodinâmicos e fluxo sangüíneo regional utilizando a técnica de distribuição de partículas radioativas com referencial arterial. Foram estudados 23 cães distribuídos aleatoriamente em três grupos experimentais. O grupo solução hipertônica se constituiu de 9 animais nos quais foi infundida solução de NaCI a 7,5% durante o período de pinçamento da aorta abdominal infra-renal. O grupo solução isotônica se constituiu de 8 animais nos quais foi infundida solução de NaCI a 0,9% durante o período de pinçamento da aorta. Um terceiro grupo controle, constituído de 6 animais, não era submetido ao pinçamento da aorta, e nele se determinava o fluxo regional basal e a interferência do próprio modelo experimental no comportamento dos parâmetros estudados. Conclui-se que a infusão de solução hipertônica provocou aumento significante da osmolalidade e da concentração de sódio séricos. Não foram observadas diferenças significantes entre os grupos experimentais quanto aos parâmetros hemodinâmicos estudados. Constatou-se fluxo pulmonar significantemente maior no grupo tratado com solução hipertônica.Aortic surgery morbidity and mortality depends on multiple factors and some of them are related to intra-operative fluid management. The management of solution's infusion is of paramount importance regarding composition and volume. The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the effect of hyper and isotoníc saline solutions in dogs submited to clamping and unclamping of the infra-renal abdominal aorta. Haematological and biochemical parameters, haemodynamics and regional blood flow were evaluated. Twenty three dogs were studied, randomly distributed in three experimental groups.The hypertoníc solution group had 9 dogs in whom a 7.5% NaCI solution was infused during the clamping period. The isotoníc solution group had 8 dogs in whom a 0.9% NaCI solution was infused during the same period. These two groups were matched against a control group of 6 dogs in whom there was no aortic clamping. In this last group the basic regional blood flow and the possible interferences of the experimental model upon the studied parameters were determined. In conclusion, the infusion of hypertoníc solution was followed by a significant osmolality an sodium concentration increase. Significant differences were not observed in haemodynamic parameters. The pulmonary blood flow was significantly higher in the hypertoníc group

    Improving adhesion between luting cement and zirconia-based ceramic with an alternative surface treatment

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    This study evaluated the influence of an alternative surface treatment on the microshear bond strength (mu sbs) of zirconia-based ceramic. Thirty-five zirconia disks were assigned to five groups according to the following treatments: Control (CO), glass and silane were not applied to the zirconia surface; G1, air blasted with 100 mu m glass beads + glaze + silane; G2, a gel containing 15% (by weight) glass beads applied to the ceramic surface + glaze + silane; G3, a gel containing 25% (by weight) glass beads applied to the ceramic surface + glaze + silane; and G4, a gel containing 50% (by weight) glass beads applied to the ceramic surface + glaze + silane. The specimens were built up using RelyX ARC (R), according to the manufacturer's recommendations, and inserted in an elastomeric mold with an inner diameter of 0.8 mm. The mu sbs test was performed using a testing machine at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min. ANOVA and Tukey's test (p < 0.05) were applied to the bond strength values (in MPa). CO (15.6 +/- 4.1) showed the lowest mu sbs value. There were no statistical differences between the G1 (24.9 +/- 7.4), G2 (24.9 +/- 2.3), G3 (35.0 +/- 10.3) and G4 (35.3 +/- 6.0) experimental groups. Those groups submitted to surface treatments with higher concentrations of glass showed a lower frequency of adhesive failures. In conclusion, the glass application improved the interaction between the ceramic and the luting cement29

    Genetic variants of ABC and SLC transporter genes and chronic myeloid leukaemia: impact on susceptibility and prognosis

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    Solute carrier (SLC) and ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters comprise a variety of proteins expressed on cell membranes responsible for intrusion or extrusion of substrates, respectively, including nutrients, xenobiotics, and chemotherapeutic agents. These transporters mediate the cellular disposition of tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs), and their genetic variants could affect its function, potentially predisposing patients to chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) and modulating treatment response. We explored the impact of genetic variability (single nucleotide variants—SNVs) of drug transporter genes (ABCB1, ABCG2, SLC22A1, and SLC22A5) on CML susceptibility, drug response, and BCR-ABL1 mutation status. We genotyped 10 SNVs by tetra-primers-AMRS-PCR in 198 CML patients and 404 controls, and assessed their role in CML susceptibility and prognosis. We identified five SNVs associated with CML predisposition, with some variants increasing disease risk, including TT genotype ABCB1 (rs1045642), and others showing a protective effect (GG genotype SLC22A5 rs274558). We also observed different haplotypes and genotypic profiles associated with CML predisposition. Relating to drug response impact, we found that CML patients with the CC genotype (rs2231142 ABCG2) had an increased risk of TKI resistance (six-fold). Additionally, CML patients carrying the CG genotype (rs683369 SLC22A1) presented a 4.54-fold higher risk of BCR-ABL1 mutations. Our results suggest that drug transporters’ SNVs might be involved in CML susceptibility and TKI response, and predict the risk of BCR-ABL1 mutations, highlighting the impact that SNVs could have in therapeutic selection.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Evidence for a contribution of the APOE (but not the ACE) gene to the sleep profile of non-demented elderly adults

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    This study aims to investigate alleles of the human apolipoprotein E (APOE) and of the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) genes as risk factors for poor quality of sleep in elderly individuals with no major cognitive decline. This cross-sectional, analytical study was conducted with 163 participants aged 75 years in average and 85% female. Sociodemographic, anthropometric and clinical data were gathered, and sleep quality was assessed using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and the Epworth scale, with patient followed for years prior to these evaluations to rule out onset of major mental disorders. Genotyping of classic polymorphic sites for the ApoE (rs429358 and rs7412) and the ACE (rs4646994) genes used peripheral DNA. A total of 63% of the subjects reported poor quality of sleep assessed by the PSQI whereas 54 (33%) reported daytime sleepiness through the Epworth scale. A significant correlation was observed between APOE and PSQI, with a greater frequency of the poor nighttime sleep quality phenotype among ε2 carriers, whereas no correlation was found among any of the sleep scores and the ACE genotypes. Thus, we suggest a correlation between APOE alleles and scale-assessed sleep quality scores in older adults, with no implications for ACE alleles, in a context devoid of cognitive impairment

    Yield and chemical properties of rubber of Hevea clones according to phenological stages

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the yield performance and macronutrient content of rubber extracted from four Hevea brasiliensis clones, under different tapping systems and plant phenological stages. The experiment was carried out in the 2010 and 2011 crop seasons, in a split-plot randomized complete block design, with four replicates. The main treatments - GT 1, PB 235, IAN 873, and RRIM 600 clones - were allocated in the plots, and the secondary treatments, which were the tapping systems 1/2S d/2, 1/2S d/4 ET 2.5%, and 1/2S d/7 ET 2.5%, were allocated in the subplots. The analyzed variables were natural rubber yield and macronutrient contents. Samples of natural rubber were obtained in the leaf development, mature leaf, and leaf senescence phenological stages. Rubber yield and its macronutrient contents are more influenced by tapping practice than by genetic material in the restrictive phenological stages of foliage.El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el desempeño productivo y el contenido de macronutrientes del \ud caucho extraído de cuatro clones de Hevea brasiliensis, en diferentes sistemas de sangría y estados fenológicos \ud de las plantas. El experimento fue realizado en los años agrícolas de 2010 y 2011, en diseño experimental de \ud bloques completos al azar, en parcelas subdivididas, con cuatro repeticiones. Los tratamientos principales \ud – clones GT 1, PB 235, IAN 873 e RRIM 600 – fueron ubicados en las parcelas, y los subtratamientos, que \ud fueron los sistemas de sangría ½S d/2, ½S d/4 ET 2,5% y ½S d/7 ET 2,5%, se ubicaron en las subparcelas. Las \ud variables analizadas fueron producción y contenido de macronutrientes. Las muestras fueron obtenidas en los \ud estados fenológicos de brotación foliar, hojas maduras y senescencia foliar. La producción y los contenidos de \ud macronutrientes del caucho son más influenciados por la práctica de sangría que por el material genético en los \ud estados fenológicos más restrictivos para el follaje de caucho

    Multiobjective evolutionary algorithms for multivariable PI controller design

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    A multiobjective optimisation engineering design (MOED) methodology for PI controller tuning in multivariable processes is presented. The MOED procedure is a natural approach for facing multiobjective problems where several requirements and specifications need to be fulfilled. An algorithm based on the differential evolution technique and spherical pruning is used for this purpose. To evaluate the methodology, a multivariable control benchmark is used. The obtained results validate the MOED procedure as a practical and useful technique for parametric controller tuning in multivariable processes.This work was partially supported by the FPI-2010/19 grant and the project PAID-06-11 from the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia and the projects DPI2008-02133, TIN2011-28082 and ENE2011-25900 from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.Reynoso Meza, G.; Sanchís Saez, J.; Blasco Ferragud, FX.; Herrero Durá, JM. (2012). Multiobjective evolutionary algorithms for multivariable PI controller design. Expert Systems with Applications. 39(9):7895-7907. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2012.01.111S7895790739
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