8 research outputs found

    Psihologia relațiilor de serviciu a conducătorilor întreprinderilor farmaceutice

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    Background. The psychology of managers' service relations is defined by the ability of managers to influence employees (subordinates) to obtain maximum efficiency and maximum socio-human satisfaction, by coordination of group efforts, organization and guidance it. Objective of the study. Highlighting the psychological aspects of the manager's activities within the service relations. Material and Methods. Bibliographic analysis of the specialized literature and sociological study of the situation regarding the relations in the work collectives from some pharmaceutical enterprises through questionnaires. Results. Studying the manager’s activity of a pharmaceutical enterprise within relations with subordinates highlighted the following compartments: the general psychological laws applied in management, the particularities of the manager's work, types and managerial stylistics, the socio-psychological climate in the work team, the behavior of the manager and the management of one's own behavior ,the thinking process in managerial activity, the organizational behavior and building of an effective work team, all these influence the result of the professional and economic activity of the enterprise. Conclusion. The activity and the way the manager works are decisive, the managerial abilities of the manager, the success in the relations with the subordinates determines the results of the team that he leads and represents an efficient tool towards the success of the pharmaceutical enterprise. Introducere. Psihologia relațiilor de serviciu a conducătorilor se definește prin abilitatea conducătorilor de a influența colaboratorii (subalternii) să obțină maximum de eficiență și maximum de satisfacții socio-umane, prin coordonarea eforturilor în grup, organizarea și îndrumarea acestuia. Scopul lucrării. Evidențierea aspectelor psihologice ale activității managerului în cadrul relațiilor de serviciu. Material și Metode. Analiza bibliografică a literaturii de specialitate și studiul sociologic al situației privind relațiile în colectivele de muncă din unele întreprinderi farmaceutice prin chestionare. Rezultate. Studierea activității conducătorului unei întreprinderi farmaceutice în cadrul relațiilor cu subalternii a scos în evidență următoarele compartimente: legitățile psihologice generale aplicate în management, particularitățile lucrului managerului, tipuri și stilistica managerială, climatul socio-psihologic în colectivele de muncă, comportamentul managerului și managementul propriului comportament, procesele gândirii în activitatea managerială, comportamentul organizațional și alcătuirea unei echipe de lucru eficace, toate influențând rezultatul activității profesionale și economice a întreprinderii. Concluzii. Activitatea și modul de a munci al conducătorului sunt decisive, capacitățile manageriale ale conducătorului, succesul în relațiile cu subalternii determină rezultatele colectivului pe care îl conduce și reprezintă un instrument eficient către succesul întreprinderii farmaceutice

    The influence of strabismus on the quality of life of the adult

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    Catedra Oftalmologie, USMF “Nicolae Testemiţanu”This article contains the results of pre- and postoperatory examination of 31 patients with strabismus that were operated in IMSP Republican Hospital from 2011 to 2012. The purpose of the study was to appreciate the degree of strabismus influence on the adult`s quality of life. The rezults show that strabismus is not only a functinal problem, it also influences all aspects of patients` life and the surgical treatment improves their quality of life greatly. În articol sunt prezentate rezultatele obţinute în urma examinării pre- şi postoperatorie a 31 pacienți cu strabism operaţi la IMSP Spitalul Clinic Republican în secţia de oftalmologie, perioada 2011-2012. Scopul studiului a fost de a aprecia gradul de influienţă a strabismului adultului asupra calităţii vieţii. Rezultatele obţinute arată că strabismul nu implică doar probleme de ordin funcţional, aşa cum se credea recent, acesta are influenţă negativă asupra tuturor aspectelor vieţii pacientului, iar tratamentul chirurgical ameliorează mult calitatea vieţii acestora

    Mastoiditis - clinical forms, diagnosis and treatment

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    Introduction. Mastoiditis is an acute or chronic inflammatory disease of the middle ear, which occurs as a result of inflammatory processes of bacterial origin of mastoid cells. It usually occurs in the absence of treatment or improper treatment of acute or chronic otitis media and consists of the spread of the infection from the middle ear to the surrounding bone - the mastoid process. Mastoiditis with a diverse clinical picture may be able to cause life-threatening complications under certain conditions. Aim of study. Mastoiditis is a common complication of acute otitis media, which manifests itself in several clinical forms that can cause complications. Mastoiditis is more common in a more vulnerable age group, which requires the application of emergency medical tactics to prevent severe complications. Methods and materials. This literary review was based on literature findings, articles related to recent statistical evidence on mastoiditis. All relevant information was obtained from the literature review of open access databases. Results. Currently, acute mastoiditis is a rare disease. Acute mastoiditis is a disease of very young people. Its incidence in children under 14 is given in the literature as 1.2-4.2 per 100,000 children per year. In most cases, children are 1-3 years old. Because children are more susceptible to middle ear infections, they are at increased risk of developing acute mastoiditis compared to adults. Mastoiditis is more common in children and people with nasopharyngeal disorders and a history of recurrent otitis media. Untreated otitis media increases the risk of acute mastoiditis and is the cause of higher incidence in developing countries. The progression of acute mastoiditis can have devastating consequences. Due to the location of the mastoid process, opportunistic infections can spread inward, intracranial, or outward, peripherally. Intracranial manifestations of acute mastoiditis occur in 6 to 23% of cases, these complications may include sigmoid sinus thrombosis, epidural abscess and meningitis. Extracranial complications of acute mastoiditis include the following: subperiosteal abscess, facial nerve palsy, labyrinthitis Gradenigo syndrome, Bezold abscess. In order to prevent the possible complications of mastoiditis as early as possible, it is necessary to apply surgical treatment - mastoidectomy, which in turn has several variations: simple mastoidectomy, radical mastoidectomy, modified radical mastoidectomy. Thus, the surgical treatment itself or in combination with the drug treatment favors the quality of the otorhinolaryngological system and of the whole organism. Conclusion. The application of effective curative tactics and as early as possible, according to the clinical form of mastoiditis, stops the appearance of severe complications that can be life threatening under certain conditions

    Study on the Sludge Capitalization as a Fertilizer for Ornamental Garden Plants

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    The paper aimed to demonstrate that the sludge from wastewater treatment plants can be used efficiently as a fertilizer in horticulture because in the near future the storage of this sludge will become a problem. For this reason, we approached the study on the recovery of the sludge from the wastewater treatment plant of Brăila as fertilizer in the crops of ornamental garden plants that are not intended for consumption. The correct management of the sludge from wastewater treatment plants may bring a positive contribution to the vegetation development rate. The main objective of the sludge treatment is the capitalization and the decrease of negative impact on the environment

    Improving English language skills through the implementation of entertaining activities in primary school students

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    This scientific article aims to analyze the impact of the implementation of recreational activities on the learning of the English language in primary school students. As indicated in the introduction, learning a foreign language can be challenging for young students, which affects their motivation and interest in learning English. Therefore, the implementation of entertainment activities in the classroom is proposed as a way to improve English learning and motivation. Entertainment activities involve engaging students in fun and interactive ways, such as role-playing, board games, songs, stories, and other interactive activities. The study will evaluate the students\u27 knowledge of English before and after carrying out these activities, through standardized tests and surveys. The expected results are the improvement of English knowledge and increased motivation to learn it.Este artículo científico pretende analizar el impacto de la implementación de actividades lúdicas en el aprendizaje de la lengua inglesa en alumnos de primaria. Como se indica en la introducción, el aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera puede suponer un reto para los jóvenes estudiantes, lo que afecta a su motivación e interés por aprender inglés. Por lo tanto, se propone la implementación de actividades de entretenimiento en el aula como una forma de mejorar el aprendizaje del inglés y la motivación. Las actividades de entretenimiento implican involucrar a los estudiantes de forma divertida e interactiva, como juegos de rol, juegos de mesa, canciones, cuentos y otras actividades interactivas. El estudio evaluará los conocimientos de inglés de los alumnos antes y después de la realización de estas actividades, mediante pruebas estandarizadas y encuestas. Los resultados esperados son la mejora de los conocimientos de inglés y el aumento de la motivación para aprenderlo

    The psychology of service relations of pharmaceutical enterprise’s managers

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    Faculty of Pharmacy, Department social pharmacy ”Vasile Procopișin”, ”Nicolae Testemitanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova, Congresul consacrat aniversării a 75-a de la fondarea Universității de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie „Nicolae Testemițanu” din Republica Moldova, Ziua internațională a științei pentru pace și dezvoltareIntroduction: The psychology of managers' service relations is defined by the ability of managers to influence employees (subordinates) to obtain maximum efficiency and maximum socio-human satisfaction, by coordination of group efforts, organization and guidance it. The leader of a pharmaceutical enterprise is, in essence, the binder, the catalyst, the driving force for change, coordination and control of the pharmaceutical enterprise. Purpose: Highlighting the psychological aspects of the manager's activities within the service relations.Material and methods: Bibliographic analysis of the specialized literature and sociological study of the situation regarding the relations in the work collectives from some pharmaceutical enterprises through questionnaires. Results: Studying the manager’s activity of a pharmaceutical enterprise within relations with subordinates highlighted that the result of the professional and economic activity of the enterprise are strictly dependent of the manager's particularities. 1. The general psychological laws applied in management (Fig. 1); These laws thoroughly reflect: personality, character, thinking, temperament, behavior, intelligence and managerial creativity. 2. The particularities of the manager's work, types and managerial stylistics (Fig. 2); The appointed or elected leader, done a lot of functions, possesses a certain type and managerial style, which in the end are all directed to success. 3. The leader’s style and attitude in interpersonal relationships (Tab. 1); From the psychosocial perspective, the leadership style can be defined as the concrete way of playing a role, of effective behavioral transposition of the requirements deriving from the leader status. Each type of leader has a unique leading style, which can be easily grouped. 4. The personality profile of the efficient and inefficient leader (Tab. 2); To be an effective leader, they must fulfill certain requirements and have certain performance, found in the literature under different names: abilities, qualities, knowledge, talents, aptitudes, skills, attributes, behaviors. 5. The socio-psychological climate in the work team, the behavior of the manager and the management of one's own behavior, the thinking process in managerial activity, the organizational behavior and building of an effective work team by motivation (Fig. 3). The socio-psychological climate is the result of reflecting the material, organizational and psychological conditions. In order to work well, people need to be strongly involved in their work and eager to achieve certain goals from the simplest to the most complex, so motivation is a process of stimulating oneself and others to achieve a goal or goals. Conclusions: The activity and the way the manager works are decisive, the managerial abilities of the manager, the success in the relations with the subordinates determines the results of the team that he leads and represents an efficient tool towards the success of the pharmaceutical enterprise

    Structure, chemistry, and applications of sol-gel derived materials

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