10 research outputs found

    Use of bivalirudin for heparin-induced thrombocytopaenia after thrombolysis in massive pulmonary embolism: a case report

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    A 68-year-old man was referred to the emergency department 6 h after onset of sudden acute dyspnoea. Immediate ECG showed sinus tachycardia with the typical S1-Q3-T3 pattern and incomplete right bundle branch block. The echocardiogram showed the presence of mobile thrombus in the right atrium, a distended right ventricle with free wall hypokinesia and displacement of the interventricular septum towards the left ventricle. Lung spiral computed tomography (CT) showed bilateral pulmonary involvement and confirmed the picture of a thrombotic system in the right atrium and caval vein. Thrombolytic treatment with recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rt-PA) and heparin (alteplase 10 mg bolus, then 90 mg over 2 h) was administered. Six hours after thrombolysis bleeding gums and significant reduction in platelet count (around 50,000) were observed. Heparin was discontinued and bivalirudin (0.1 mg/kg bolus and 1.75 mg/kg per h infusion) plus warfarin was initiated and continued for 5 days until the international normalised ratio (INR) was within the therapeutic range (2.0–3.0) for 2 consecutive days, with concomitant platelet count normalisation. Lung spiral and lower abdominal CT before discharge did not show the presence of clots in the pulmonary arteries of the right and left lung. This case suggests that bivalirudin could offer promise for use in patients with heparin-induced thrombocytopaenia (HIT) after thrombolysis for massive pulmonary embolism

    Thrombolysis for massive pulmonary embolism in pregnancy: a case report

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    Mortality from pulmonary embolism (PE) in pregnancy might be related to challenges in targeting the right population for prevention. Such targeting could help ensure that the correct diagnosis is suspected and adequately investigated, and allow the initiation of the timely and best possible treatment of this disease. In the literature to date only 18 case reports of thrombolysis in pregnant women with PE have been reported, and showed beneficial effects for both mother and fetus in terms of mortality and complications with acceptable bleeding risks. We present here the case of a pregnant patient with massive PE who underwent successful thrombolysis. A 26-year-old pregnant (at 24 weeks) woman was admitted 4 h after onset of sudden acute dyspnea and chest pain. An immediate electrocardiogram showed a typical S1-Q3-T3 pattern. The echocardiogram showed a distended right ventricle with free-wall hypokinesia and displacement of the interventricular septum toward the left ventricle. Thrombolysis with recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (alteplase 10 mg bolus, then 90 mg over 2 h) was administered. Pelvic examination and ultrasound showed regular fetal heart beat, and regular placental and liquid presence. No problems developed for the mother or fetus in the subsequent days or at discharge. In conclusion, in pregnant patients with life-threatening massive PE, thrombolytic therapy can be administered, and the use of echocardiographic, laboratory, and clinical data can be useful tools to achieve a rapid diagnosis and make a therapeutic decision, but additional studies need to be performed to further define its use

    Winning during a pandemic: epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 during EURO2020 in Italy

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    Introduction EURO2020 generated a growing media and population interest across the month period, that peaked with large spontaneous celebrations across the country upon winning the tournament. Methods We retrospectively analysed data from the national surveillance system (indicator-based) and from event-based surveillance to assess how the epidemiology of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS CoV-2) changed in June–July 2021 and to describe cases and clusters linked with EURO2020. Results Widespread increases in transmission and case numbers, mainly among younger males, were documented in Italy, none were linked with stadium attendance. Vaccination coverage against SARS-CoV-2 was longer among cases linked to EURO2020 than among the general population. Conclusions Transmission increased across the country, mainly due to gatherings outside the stadium, where, conversely, strict infection control measures were enforced. These informal ‘side’ gatherings were dispersed across the entire country and difficult to control. Targeted communication and control strategies to limit the impact of informal gatherings occurring outside official sites of mass gathering events should be further developed

    Substance P mediates inflammatory oedema in acute pancreatitis via activation of the neurokinin-1 receptor in rats and mice

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    1. Pancreatic oedema occurs early in the development of acute pancreatitis, and the overall extent of fluid loss correlates with disease severity. The tachykinin substance P (SP) is released from sensory nerves, binds to the neurokinin-1 receptor (NK1-R) on endothelial cells and induces plasma extravasation, oedema, and neutrophil infiltration, a process termed neurogenic inflammation. We sought to determine the importance of neurogenic mechanisms in acute pancreatitis. 2. Pancreatic plasma extravasation was measured using the intravascular tracers Evans blue and Monastral blue after administration of specific NK1-R agonists/antagonists in rats and NK1-R(+/+)/(−/−) mice. The effects of NK1-R genetic deletion/antagonism on pancreatic plasma extravasation, amylase, myeloperoxidase (MPO), and histology in cerulein-induced pancreatitis were characterized. 3. In rats, both SP and the NK1-R selective agonist [Sar(9) Met(O(2))(11)]SP stimulated pancreatic plasma extravasation, and this response was blocked by the NK1-R antagonist CP 96,345. Selective agonists of the NK-2 or NK-3 receptors had no effect. 4. In rats, cerulein stimulated pancreatic plasma extravasation and serum amylase. These responses were blocked by the NK1-R antagonist CP 96,345. 5. In wildtype mice, SP induced plasma extravasation while SP had no effect in NK1-R knockout mice. 6. In NK1-R knockout mice, the effects of cerulein on pancreatic plasma extravasation and hyperamylasemia were reduced by 60%, and pancreatic MPO by 75%, as compared to wildtype animals. 7. Neurogenic mechanisms of inflammation are important in the development of inflammatory oedema in acute interstitial pancreatitis