1,102 research outputs found

    Modelling Transient Terahertz Magneto-Spectroscopy measurements of p-type CVD Graphene leading to a negative photoconductivity.

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    Ultrafast Terahertz (THz) Magneto-Spectroscopy (UTMS) measurements were performed on p-type CVD graphene sample to investigate the intrinsic carrier dynamics of the material. We investigated static and time-resolved THz transmission measurements, in which the sample was photo-excited by a near infrared (NIR) pump pulse, in order to study its behavior in a magnetic field. In these measurements the free carriers were probed to independently measure the carrier density and scattering rate in this film. We observed, in our graphene sample, an increase in transmission related to a negative photoconductivity (decrease in conductivity after photoexcitation) consistent with previous research. This decrease is predicted by our model and relate to the energy dependence of the scattering process considered in this paper

    Growth Kinetics of ZnO by Magnetron Sputtering for Solar Cell Application

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    The goal of this work is study the mechanism of ZnO thin film deposition by rf magnetron sputtering with an argon plasma. This research will help understand the growth kinetics of the ZnO layer in relation to the growth conditions for solar cell application. We study the rate of growth, the electrical properties, the optical transmission and the zinc to oxygen ratio of each sample as a function of growth temperature. We conclude that Zn evaporation competes with incorporation into the film by combining with an arriving O atom

    Analisis Pendapatan dan Keuntungan Relatif Usahatani Jagung di Desa Bitefa Kecamatan Miomaffo Timur Kabupaten TTU

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui 1) gambaran umum USAhatani jagung; 2) besarnya pendapatan yang diperoleh dari petani; 3) keuntungan relatif yang diperoleh para petani jagung di Desa Bitefa Kecamatan Miomaffo Timur  Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Desember sampai bulan April 2014. Penentuan sampel dilakukan menggunakan rumus Slovin, sehingga dari 460 orang yang berusahatani jagung di Desa Bitefa akan di ambil 46 responden. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa total pendapatan USAhatani jagung di Desa Bitefa adalah Rp 623.145.000 dengan rata-rata pendapatan sebesar Rp 13.546.630.43 / musim tanam. Dengan total luas lahan 3.513 are   dan rata-rata luas lahan 76,37 are. Sedangkan Rata-rata Keuntungan relatif dalam kegiatan USAhatani jagung  yang diperoleh petani sebesar 25,83 artinya kegiatan USAhatani jagung menguntungkan secara ekonomis karena hasil perhitungannya lebih besar dari 1 (25,83 ≥1). ©2017 dipublikasikan oleh Agrimor

    Lowering the Risk of Rectal Cancer among Habitual Beer Drinkers by Dietary Means

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    Whole-life beer consumption and a quantitative measurement of several dietary micronutrients consumed in adult life were obtained from the dietary and alcohol data of the case-control arm of the population-based Melbourne Colorectal Cancer Study. There was a statistically significant risk, adjusted for other established risk factors, among habitual beer drinkers (AOR 1.75, 95% CI 1.28–2.41) with a significant positive dose-response effect (AOR trend 1.34, 95% CI 1.16–1.55). Among beer consumers the data were interpreted as showing an attenuation of this risk with consumption of the four micronutrients involved in methylation: folate, methionine, vitamins B6 and B12, and the four micronutrients examined with antioxidant properties: selenium, vitamins E, C, and lycopene. The strongest effects were noted with vitamins E, C, and lycopene, and the weakest with methionine and selenium. Whilst not condoning excessive beer drinking, the regular consumption of foods rich in these micronutrients may provide a simple and harmless preventative strategy among persistent habitual beer drinkers and deserves further study with larger study numbers


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    The purpose of this research is to find out the increase in learning outcomes of the inquiry learning model on Plantae material can improve student learning outcomes in class X SMA Negeri 1 Sarudu. This research is a class action research which is often referred to as Classroom Action Research. This research was conducted in class X SMA Negeri 1 Sarudu which is located at Jln. Nunu, Sarudu sub-district, West Sulawesi Province, was held in the even semester from October to December, the first week of 2020. The subjects in this study were class X students in the Plantae biology subject. The selection of this subject was based on interviews with teachers and observations that when the learning process took place in class X, there were 30 students. above can be seen in Cycle I the average student learning completeness was 55.56% as many as 10 students who completed exceeding the KKM while 44.44% as many as 8 students who did not complete learning using the inquiry method. While in Cycle II, the average student learning completeness was 77.78%, 14 students who completed exceeded the KKM, while 22.22%, 4 students did not complete. The conclusions from this study are: the use of the inquiry method can increase the activity and learning outcomes of class X students of SMA Negeri 1 Sarudu.Keywords

    Innovation Camps Methodology Handbook: Realising the potential of the Entrepreneurial Discovery Process for Territorial Innovation and Development.

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    The present Methodology Handbook is conceived to encourage regions and cities from all over Europe to adopt the Innovation Camps methodology as a tool to address collectively and effectively societal and economic challenges concerning local societies in a European context - notably in the field of Research and Innovation Smart Specialisation Strategies (RIS3) through an open, collaborative and inclusive Entrepreneurial Discover Process (EDP) between Quadruple Helix actors (i.e. government, industry, academia, and civil society).JRC.B.3-Territorial Developmen

    Implementasi Program Desa Siaga Aktif di Desa Karya Tani Kecamatan Kempas Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir

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    Development of Villages Active Standby is an advanced program and the acceleration of the development of alert village which began in 2006. And the development of Villages Active Standby implemented through community empowerment, which seeks to facilitate the learning process of rural communities and villages in solving health problems. The main objective of the implementation of this program is the establishment of rural communities and urban neighborhoods caring, responsive, and able to recognize, prevent and address the health problems faced independently, so the degree of health improved. The theory used in this research is the theory of Policy Implementation by Riant Nugroho (2003: 158), which explains the meaning of the implementation of the policy in principle is a way for a policy can achieve its objectives. And to implement public policy, then there are two options available measures, which directly implemented in the form of programs or through policy formulation derivatives or derivatives of such public policy. And also use the Theory of Van Meter Van Horn in Winarno (2014: 158-174), which describes factors that affect to assess the implementation of a policy can be measured or assessed on six indicators, namely the presence of basic measures and goals policy, policy resources, communication between the organization and implementation activities, the characteristics of the implementing agencies, economic conditions, social and political tendency implementers (implementors).Based on research conducted by the researchers, it can be concluded Active Standby Program Implementation Village in Desa Karya Tani District of Kempas not run as expected, and has not reached the output end or purpose of these programs. It can be seen from the indicators that researchers use in assessing or measuring the implementation of this program, not entirely as it should be. It can be seen from the liveliness of village forums are still only run two times a year, a cadre of empowerment that is not yet fully understand the duties and responsibilities, the ease of access to services is affected by midwives who do not apply the village, UKBM that have not been fully implemented, the financial support is not maximized from the village authorities and the private sector, there are still 25-30% of rural communities are less understood and less concerned with the program, the village level regulations have not been fully implemented and not specifically explain the content of the regulation, and also coaching PHBs are not maximized