39 research outputs found

    Zufrieden - kritisch - distanziert: Einstellungen junger Deutscher in West und Ost zur Demokratie

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    'War die Zufriedenheit mit dem Alltag der Demokratie in der Anfangseuphorie des Vereinigungsprozesses - insbesondere in den neuen Bundesländern - relativ groß, so erlitt sie bald deutliche Einbußen. Die 90er Jahre ließen erkennen, daß die Unterstützung für die Idee der Demokratie nachläßt, wenn die Diskrepanz zwischen Ideal und Realität im politischen Alltag zu groß wird. Dies ist eines der zentralen Ergebnisse des replikativen DJI-Jugendsurveys. Das Autorenteam stellt deshalb die Frage in den Mittelpunkt, wie es mit der Akzeptanz des demokratischen Systems und seiner Verfahrensregeln bei der jungen Generation bestellt ist. Die Antworten hierauf zeigen, daß die Urteile abhängig sind von unterschiedlichen Lebenslagen und den daraus resultierenden Beurteilungen gesellschaftlicher Verhältnisse. Wie gut sich das demokratische System im ersten Jahrzehnt des vereinigten Deutschlands bewährt hat, findet aus der Sicht der heranwachsenden Generation deshalb unterschiedliche Antworten: 'Zufriedene Demokraten' einerseits, 'kritische Demokraten' und 'Distanzierte' andererseits - mit den für West und Ost spezifischen Ausprägungen.' (Autorenreferat)'The level of satisfaction with everyday democracy was relatively high in the initial euphoria of German reunification, particularly in the new 'Laender', but soon declined considerably. The 1990s showed that support for the democratic idea weakens when the discrepancy between the ideal and the reality of everyday politics becomes too wide. This is one of the key results of the recurrent youth surveys carried out by the German Youth Institute. For this reason, the authors focus on the question of how young people accept the democratic system and its procedural rules. The answers show that their opinions depend on their respective circumstances and the resulting assessment of social relations. This is why young people give different answers to the question of whether and to which extent the democratic system has proved its worth in the first decade of reunified Germany. Some are content, and others are critical or distanced democrats in ways typical for the Western and for the Eastern parts of Germany.' (author's abstract)

    Wandel der Einstellungen junger Menschen zur Demokratie in West- und Ostdeutschland: Ideal, Zufriedenheit, Kritik

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    'Der Beitrag entwickelt durch die Verbindung von Einstellungen zum Ideal und zu Bewertungen der Realität der Demokratie unter Berücksichtigung von politischem Interesse eine Typologie von vier unterschiedlichen Haltungen gegenüber dem politischen System: zufriedene Demokraten, kritisch-politische sowie kritisch-unpolitische Demokraten, Distanzierte. Im Hinblick auf diese Typen von Demokratieeinstellungen werden objektive und subjektive Bedingungsfaktoren sowie Auswirkungen auf politisches Vertrauen und Partizipation analysiert. Empirische Basis sind dabei die drei Erhebungswellen des DJl-Jugendsurvey (1992, 1997, 2003). Es zeigt sich, dass die Gruppe der zufriedenen Demokraten in den alten Bundesländern fast doppelt so groß ist wie in den neuen Bundesländern. Die gestiegene Unzufriedenheit mit der Demokratie in der vereinigten Bundesrepublik drückt sich im Osten in einer stärkeren Distanz, im Westen in einer eher kritisch-unpolitischen Weise aus. Niedrigeres Bildungsniveau, Wahrnehmung sozialer Benachteiligung und soziale Verunsicherung rühren zu einem distanzierten Verhältnis zur Demokratie und zu politischen Beteiligungsmöglichkeiten.' (Autorenreferat)'Combining attitudes towards the ideal of democracy, evaluations of the reality of democracy and political interest a typology of four different groups was developed: satisfied, critical-political, critical-unpolitical and detached democrats. Using the data of the three waves (1992, 1997, 2003) of the 'Youth Survey' of the German Youth Institute (DJI) objective and subjective factors of influence were analysed as well as consequences for political trust and participation. The results show that the group of satisfied democrats is nearly double the size in Western Germany in comparison to Eastern Germany. In Eastern Germany, the increase in dissatisfaction with democracy in unified Germany leads to an increase in detachment, in Western Germany to a rise of critical-unpolitical attitudes. Low level of education, feeling disprivileged and socially insecure leads to detached attitudes towards democracy and political participation.' (author's abstract)

    Прогнозирование социальной успешности студентов-бойцов стройотрядов с использованием методов Data Mining

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    Работа посвящена вопросам исследованиям контингента бойцов стройотрядов университета для формирования управленческого резерва с использованием методов Data MiningThe work be devoted to the question of research student who also amember of student brigades for the formation of reserve management with the use of Data Mining technique

    Влияние геометрии вертикальных ребер на производительность емкостей для десублимации газообразного UF6

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    Объектом исследования является вертикальная погружная емкость с вертикальным оребрением. В процессе исследования проводился расчет зависимостей средней производительности емкостей объемом от 1 до 4 кубометров с вертикальным оребрением от длины и ширины вертикальных ребер. Для данных емкостей были определены оптимальные значения ширины и длины вертикальных ребер.The object of study is a vertical immersion tank with vertical fins. In the course of the study, the dependences of the average productivity of containers with a volume of 1 to 4 cubic meters with vertical ribbing on the length and width of vertical ribs were calculated. For these containers, the optimal values of the width and length of the vertical ribs were determined

    Highlights of the ERS Lung Science Conference and Sleep and Breathing Conference 2021 and the new ECMC members

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    The Lung Science Conference (LSC) and the Sleep and Breathing Conference (SBC) are two conferences organised by the European Respiratory Society (ERS), the latter held in association with the European Sleep Research Society. This year, the LSC and SBC were both held in a virtual format with the participation of researchers and clinicians from around the world. The participation of Early Career Members (ECMs) was notable in both events: 216 of 363 (60%) delegates attending the LSC were under 40?years old, and 315 of 920 (34%) delegates were ?40?years of age at the SBC. Both conferences included outstanding talks on the most recent advances in respiratory medicine and science, oral/poster communication sessions on novel research, exciting opportunities to network with peers, and much more!This paper provides a brief overview of some of the most remarkable sessions of the LSC and SBC, written by ECMs attending the sessions.We also present the new members of the Early Career Member Committee (ECMC) of the ERS from Assemblies 1, 4, 10, 12 and 13, who were elected in the latest round of ERS elections. Welcome aboard

    Altimetry for the future: Building on 25 years of progress

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    In 2018 we celebrated 25 years of development of radar altimetry, and the progress achieved by this methodology in the fields of global and coastal oceanography, hydrology, geodesy and cryospheric sciences. Many symbolic major events have celebrated these developments, e.g., in Venice, Italy, the 15th (2006) and 20th (2012) years of progress and more recently, in 2018, in Ponta Delgada, Portugal, 25 Years of Progress in Radar Altimetry. On this latter occasion it was decided to collect contributions of scientists, engineers and managers involved in the worldwide altimetry community to depict the state of altimetry and propose recommendations for the altimetry of the future. This paper summarizes contributions and recommendations that were collected and provides guidance for future mission design, research activities, and sustainable operational radar altimetry data exploitation. Recommendations provided are fundamental for optimizing further scientific and operational advances of oceanographic observations by altimetry, including requirements for spatial and temporal resolution of altimetric measurements, their accuracy and continuity. There are also new challenges and new openings mentioned in the paper that are particularly crucial for observations at higher latitudes, for coastal oceanography, for cryospheric studies and for hydrology. The paper starts with a general introduction followed by a section on Earth System Science including Ocean Dynamics, Sea Level, the Coastal Ocean, Hydrology, the Cryosphere and Polar Oceans and the ‘‘Green” Ocean, extending the frontier from biogeochemistry to marine ecology. Applications are described in a subsequent section, which covers Operational Oceanography, Weather, Hurricane Wave and Wind Forecasting, Climate projection. Instruments’ development and satellite missions’ evolutions are described in a fourth section. A fifth section covers the key observations that altimeters provide and their potential complements, from other Earth observation measurements to in situ data. Section 6 identifies the data and methods and provides some accuracy and resolution requirements for the wet tropospheric correction, the orbit and other geodetic requirements, the Mean Sea Surface, Geoid and Mean Dynamic Topography, Calibration and Validation, data accuracy, data access and handling (including the DUACS system). Section 7 brings a transversal view on scales, integration, artificial intelligence, and capacity building (education and training). Section 8 reviews the programmatic issues followed by a conclusion

    Altimetry for the future: building on 25 years of progress

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    In 2018 we celebrated 25 years of development of radar altimetry, and the progress achieved by this methodology in the fields of global and coastal oceanography, hydrology, geodesy and cryospheric sciences. Many symbolic major events have celebrated these developments, e.g., in Venice, Italy, the 15th (2006) and 20th (2012) years of progress and more recently, in 2018, in Ponta Delgada, Portugal, 25 Years of Progress in Radar Altimetry. On this latter occasion it was decided to collect contributions of scientists, engineers and managers involved in the worldwide altimetry community to depict the state of altimetry and propose recommendations for the altimetry of the future. This paper summarizes contributions and recommendations that were collected and provides guidance for future mission design, research activities, and sustainable operational radar altimetry data exploitation. Recommendations provided are fundamental for optimizing further scientific and operational advances of oceanographic observations by altimetry, including requirements for spatial and temporal resolution of altimetric measurements, their accuracy and continuity. There are also new challenges and new openings mentioned in the paper that are particularly crucial for observations at higher latitudes, for coastal oceanography, for cryospheric studies and for hydrology. The paper starts with a general introduction followed by a section on Earth System Science including Ocean Dynamics, Sea Level, the Coastal Ocean, Hydrology, the Cryosphere and Polar Oceans and the “Green” Ocean, extending the frontier from biogeochemistry to marine ecology. Applications are described in a subsequent section, which covers Operational Oceanography, Weather, Hurricane Wave and Wind Forecasting, Climate projection. Instruments’ development and satellite missions’ evolutions are described in a fourth section. A fifth section covers the key observations that altimeters provide and their potential complements, from other Earth observation measurements to in situ data. Section 6 identifies the data and methods and provides some accuracy and resolution requirements for the wet tropospheric correction, the orbit and other geodetic requirements, the Mean Sea Surface, Geoid and Mean Dynamic Topography, Calibration and Validation, data accuracy, data access and handling (including the DUACS system). Section 7 brings a transversal view on scales, integration, artificial intelligence, and capacity building (education and training). Section 8 reviews the programmatic issues followed by a conclusion

    Wertorientierungen von Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen Eine Bestandsaufnahme

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    'Die Wertorientierungen von Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen werden anhand von Umfragedaten in den 90er Jahren dargestellt. Basis fuer die praesentierten Ergebnisse ist der Jugendsurvey des Deutschen Jugendinstituts, eine fuer die gesamte Bundesrepublik repraesentative Studie. 1992 und 1997 wurden jeweils 7000 junge Deutsche im Alter von 16 bis 29 Jahren zu ihrer Lebenssituation, ihren Befindlichkeiten, Wertorientierungen und politischen Haltungen in muendlichen Interviews befragt.... Die vom Autor formulierte These zur Wertekonstitution junger Menschen in der BRD lautet: Der gesellschaftliche Wandel ... schlaegt sich auf der Werteebene in einer pluralen Struktur des Werteraumes nieder. Alte, traditionelle Werte werden nicht einfach durch neue, moderne ersetzt ... sondern gehen vielfaeltige Mischungsverhaeltnisse ein. Wertewandel ist also ein mehrdimensionales Geschehen. Einzelne Wertedimensionen koennen dabei unterschiedlichen Wandlungstendenzen unterliegen.' (Textauszug)Available from http://www.blk-bonn.de/papers/forum-bildung/band03.pdf / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman