77 research outputs found

    Sin3A recruits Tet1 to the PAH1 domain via a highly conserved Sin3-Interaction Domain.

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    The Sin3A complex acts as a transcriptional hub, integrating the function of diverse transcription factors with histone modifying enzymes, notably, histone deacetylases (HDAC) 1 and 2. The Sin3A protein sits at the centre of the complex, mediating multiple simultaneous protein-protein interactions via its four paired-amphipathic helix (PAH) domains (PAH1-4). The PAH domains contain a conserved four helical bundle, generating a hydrophobic cleft into which the single-helix of a Sin3-interaction domain (SID) is able to insert and bind with high affinity. Although they share a similar mode of interaction, the SIDs of different repressor proteins bind to only one of four potential PAH domains, due to the specific combination of hydrophobic residues at the interface. Here we report the identification of a highly conserved SID in the 5-methylcytosine dioxygenase, Tet1 (Tet1-SID), which interacts directly with the PAH1 domain of Sin3A. Using a combination of NMR spectroscopy and homology modelling we present a model of the PAH1/Tet1-SID complex, which binds in a Type-II orientation similar to Sap25. Mutagenesis of key residues show that the 11-amino acid Tet1-SID is necessary and sufficient for the interaction with Sin3A and is absolutely required for Tet1 to repress transcription in cells

    Traditional Biomolecular Structure Determination by NMR Spectroscopy Allows for Major Errors

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    One of the major goals of structural genomics projects is to determine the three-dimensional structure of representative members of as many different fold families as possible. Comparative modeling is expected to fill the remaining gaps by providing structural models of homologs of the experimentally determined proteins. However, for such an approach to be successful it is essential that the quality of the experimentally determined structures is adequate. In an attempt to build a homology model for the protein dynein light chain 2A (DLC2A) we found two potential templates, both experimentally determined nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) structures originating from structural genomics efforts. Despite their high sequence identity (96%), the folds of the two structures are markedly different. This urged us to perform in-depth analyses of both structure ensembles and the deposited experimental data, the results of which clearly identify one of the two models as largely incorrect. Next, we analyzed the quality of a large set of recent NMR-derived structure ensembles originating from both structural genomics projects and individual structure determination groups. Unfortunately, a visual inspection of structures exhibiting lower quality scores than DLC2A reveals that the seriously flawed DLC2A structure is not an isolated incident. Overall, our results illustrate that the quality of NMR structures cannot be reliably evaluated using only traditional experimental input data and overall quality indicators as a reference and clearly demonstrate the urgent need for a tight integration of more sophisticated structure validation tools in NMR structure determination projects. In contrast to common methodologies where structures are typically evaluated as a whole, such tools should preferentially operate on a per-residue basis

    NRG-CING: integrated validation reports of remediated experimental biomolecular NMR data and coordinates in wwPDB

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    For many macromolecular NMR ensembles from the Protein Data Bank (PDB) the experiment-based restraint lists are available, while other experimental data, mainly chemical shift values, are often available from the BioMagResBank. The accuracy and precision of the coordinates in these macromolecular NMR ensembles can be improved by recalculation using the available experimental data and present-day software. Such efforts, however, generally fail on half of all NMR ensembles due to the syntactic and semantic heterogeneity of the underlying data and the wide variety of formats used for their deposition. We have combined the remediated restraint information from our NMR Restraints Grid (NRG) database with available chemical shifts from the BioMagResBank and the Common Interface for NMR structure Generation (CING) structure validation reports into the weekly updated NRG-CING database (http://nmr.cmbi.ru.nl/NRG-CING). Eleven programs have been included in the NRG-CING production pipeline to arrive at validation reports that list for each entry the potential inconsistencies between the coordinates and the available experimental NMR data. The longitudinal validation of these data in a publicly available relational database yields a set of indicators that can be used to judge the quality of every macromolecular structure solved with NMR. The remediated NMR experimental data sets and validation reports are freely available online

    Structure calculation, refinement and validation using CcpNmr Analysis

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    CcpNmr Analysis provides a streamlined pipeline for both NMR chemical shift assignment and structure determination of biological macromolecules. In addition, it encompasses tools to analyse the many additional experiments that make NMR such a pivotal technique for research into complex biological questions. This report describes how CcpNmr Analysis can seamlessly link together all of the tasks in the NMR structure-determination process. It details each of the stages from generating NMR restraints [distance, dihedral,hydrogen bonds and residual dipolar couplings (RDCs)],exporting these to and subsequently re-importing them from structure-calculation software (such as the programs CYANA or ARIA) and analysing and validating the results obtained from the structure calculation to, ultimately, the streamlined deposition of the completed assignments and the refined ensemble of structures into the PDBe repository. Until recently, such solution-structure determination by NMR has been quite a laborious task, requiring multiple stages and programs. However, with the new enhancements to CcpNmr Analysis described here, this process is now much more intuitive and efficient and less error-prone

    A Novel Mechanism for Calmodulin Dependent Inactivation of Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 6

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    The paralogues TRPV5 and TRPV6 belong to the vanilloid subfamily of the Transient Receptor Potential (TRP) superfamily of ion channels and both play an important role in overall Cahomeostasis. The functioning of the channels centres on a tightly controlled Ca-dependent feedback mechanism where the direct binding of the universal Ca-binding protein calmodulin (CaM) to the channel's C-terminal tail is required for channel inactivation. We have investigated this interaction at the atomic level and propose that under basal cellular [CaCaM is constitutively bound to the channel's C-tail via CaM C-lobe only contacts. When cytosolic [Ca] increases charging the apo CaM N-lobe with Ca, the CaM:TRPV6 complex rearranges and the TRPV6 C-tail further engages the CaM N-lobe via a crucial interaction involving L707. In a cellular context, mutation of L707 significantly increased the rate of channel inactivation. Finally, we present a model for TRPV6 CaM-dependent inactivation, which involves a novel so-called "two-tail" mechanism whereby CaM bridges between two TRPV6 monomers resulting in closure of the channel pore

    The Structural Basis of Calcium Dependent Inactivation of the Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 5 Channel.

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    The Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid Channel subfamily member 5 (TRPV5) is a highly selective calcium ion channel predominately expressed in the kidney epithelium that plays an essential role in calcium reabsorption from renal infiltrate. In order to maintain Ca2+ homeostasis, TRPV5 possesses a tightly regulated negative feedback mechanism, where the ubiquitous Ca2+-binding protein Calmodulin (CaM) directly binds to the intracellular TRPV5 C-terminus, thus regulating TRPV5. Here we report on the characterisation of the TRPV5 C-terminal CaM binding site and its interaction with CaM at an atomistic level. We have solved the de novo solution structure of the TRPV5 C-terminus in complex with a CaM mutant, creating conditions that mimic the cellular basal Ca2+ state. We demonstrate that under these conditions the TRPV5 C-terminus is exclusively bound to the CaM C-lobe only, while conferring conformational freedom to the CaM N-lobe. We also show that at elevated calcium levels, additional interactions between the TRPV5 C-terminus and CaM N-lobe occur, resulting in formation of a tight 1:1 complex, effectively making the N-lobe the calcium sensor. Together, these data are consistent with, and support the novel model for Ca2+/CaM-dependent inactivation of TRPV channels as proposed by Bate et al. (Biochemistry, 2018, in press)

    The TRPV5/6 calcium channels contain multiple calmodulin binding sites with differential binding properties

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    The epithelial Ca2+ channels TRPV5/6 (transient receptor potential vanilloid 5/6) are thoroughly regulated in order to fine-tune the amount of Ca2+ reabsorption. Calmodulin has been shown to be involved into calcium-dependent inactivation of TRPV5/6 channels by binding directly to the distal C-terminal fragment of the channels (de Groot et al. in Mol Cell Biol 31:2845–2853, 12). Here, we investigate this binding in detail and find significant differences between TRPV5 and TRPV6. We also identify and characterize in vitro four other CaM binding fragments of TRPV5/6, which likely are also involved in TRPV5/6 channel regulation. The five CaM binding sites display diversity in binding modes, binding stoichiometries and binding affinities, which may fine-tune the response of the channels to varying Ca2+-concentrations

    The NMR restraints grid at BMRB for 5,266 protein and nucleic acid PDB entries

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    Several pilot experiments have indicated that improvements in older NMR structures can be expected by applying modern software and new protocols (Nabuurs et al. in Proteins 55:483–186, 2004; Nederveen et al. in Proteins 59:662–672, 2005; Saccenti and Rosato in J Biomol NMR 40:251–261, 2008). A recent large scale X-ray study also has shown that modern software can significantly improve the quality of X-ray structures that were deposited more than a few years ago (Joosten et al. in J. Appl Crystallogr 42:376–384, 2009; Sanderson in Nature 459:1038–1039, 2009). Recalculation of three-dimensional coordinates requires that the original experimental data are available and complete, and are semantically and syntactically correct, or are at least correct enough to be reconstructed. For multiple reasons, including a lack of standards, the heterogeneity of the experimental data and the many NMR experiment types, it has not been practical to parse a large proportion of the originally deposited NMR experimental data files related to protein NMR structures. This has made impractical the automatic recalculation, and thus improvement, of the three dimensional coordinates of these structures. We here describe a large-scale international collaborative effort to make all deposited experimental NMR data semantically and syntactically homogeneous, and thus useful for further research. A total of 4,014 out of 5,266 entries were ‘cleaned’ in this process. For 1,387 entries, human intervention was needed. Continuous efforts in automating the parsing of both old, and newly deposited files is steadily decreasing this fraction. The cleaned data files are available from the NMR restraints grid at http://restraintsgrid.bmrb.wisc.edu

    Federating structural models and data:Outcomes from a workshop on archiving integrative structures

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    Structures of biomolecular systems are increasingly computed by integrative modeling. In this approach, a structural model is constructed by combining information from multiple sources, including varied experimental methods and prior models. In 2019, a Workshop was held as a Biophysical Society Satellite Meeting to assess progress and discuss further requirements for archiving integrative structures. The primary goal of the Workshop was to build consensus for addressing the challenges involved in creating common data standards, building methods for federated data exchange, and developing mechanisms for validating integrative structures. The summary of the Workshop and the recommendations that emerged are presented here