340 research outputs found

    Revealing without a Veil: New Realism of Wassily Kandinsky

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    Bu makalede soyut sanatın öncü isimlerinden Rus sanatçı Wassily Kandinsky’ nin eserleri vasıtasıyla, gerçekliğin tek boyutlu olmayıp, görünenden, algılanandan ve duyulandan farklı bir gerçeklik boyutunun da olabileceği gösterilmek istenmiştir. Soyut sanat bize bu gerçekliği gösterebilecek ruhsal bir alandır. Soyut sanat yeni bir dil oluşturarak bizlere sanatın sadece görülecek bir şey değil, aynı zamanda üzerinde düşünülecek ve tartışılabilecek bir alan olduğunu da göstermektedir

    Le baromètre de l\u27esprit critique

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    Dans la suite des actions déjà réalisées (colloque « Post-vérité et infox : où allons-nous ? », formation professionnelle « Esprit critique et médiation scientifique », exposition itinérante sur l’esprit critique...), Universcience a souhaité réaliser une étude portant sur le degré de développement et de représentation de l’esprit critique dans l’opinion publique. Une enquête par panel a été réalisée entre le 17 et le 28 février 2022 auprès de 3 218 Français selon la méthode des quotas (quotas portant le genre, l\u27âge, la catégorie socioprofessionnelle, le niveau de diplôme et la région UDA des répondants. Afin de garantir la représentativité des réponses, l\u27échantillon a été redressé selon les variables de quotas ainsi que selon la taille de la commune d\u27habitation

    Proposta de um novo modelo de folha de instrução de trabalho: um estudo de caso em uma empresa de eletrodomésticos

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Mecânica.Com o processo de globalização em curso, a competição entre as empresas se intensificou de forma acirrada, e o aumento da estabilidade dos processos produtivos é tido como parte essencial do desenvolvimento de competências estratégicas. A lógica da produção em massa tinha como foco a melhoria das operações, limitada à produção. Por outro lado, a Manufatura Enxuta, desenvolvida na Toyota como uma nova abordagem de gestão da produção, focaliza o aperfeiçoamento das técnicas norte-americanas relacionadas à melhoria das operações e a eliminação de desperdícios, buscando a estabilidade e sustentação dos resultados. Com isso, estabeleceu-se a padronização das operações de montagem representada pela FIT ( Folha de Instrução de Trabalho). No âmbito deste trabalho verificou-se que a prática atual de projeto das FITs responde com atraso em cenários caracterizados por mudanças na demanda, que implicam na alteração dos conteúdos de trabalho e no número de operadores. Esta dissertação propõe um novo modelo de FIT, estruturada em formato modular, de fácil redação e atualização, que foi aplicado em uma linha de montagem de eletrodomésticos. Ainda no âmbito do trabalho padrão se investigou um caso de montagem em numa indústria de eletrodomésticos em que medida se cumpre o trabalho padrão. Observou-se três grupos de estações de montagem de ciclo curto (30s e 200s). Os dados foram coletados por meio da cronometragem e gravação em vídeo das operações, foram avaliadas as variáveis: tempo, consumo de materiais e os atributos de movimento de cada um dos postos de trabalho estudados. Os dados levantados em campo nas três linhas de montagem foram tabulados em um formato padrão, que foram comparados sob o ponto de vista da variabilidade nos tempos de realização das tarefas e consumo de materiais, e permitiram confirmar com fatos e dados a proposição existente na literatura de que nos ciclos longos comparativamente aos ciclos curtos o cumprimento do padrão de trabalho é pobre tanto no tempo de ciclo como no conteúdo e na sequência. Regarding existing globalization process in worldwide, competitiveness among companies has increased in a very keen manner. Hence, process stability improvement is regarded as a main part of development of strategic capabilities. In that way, the Mass Production paradigm aims production operations improvement but restricted to production settings. On the other hand, Lean Manufacturing - developed by Toyota Motor Mfg as a broader approach for operations management - focus on most of American techniques related to production operations improvement plus waste elimination concept to pursue operations stability and sustainable results. With this, assembly operations standardization was established in a Work Instruction Sheet (WIS). On this research it was verified that the actual project of the WIS answers in a delayed manner in scenarios of changing demand, what automatically implies on working content changes and the amount of operators necessary to do the work. This research proposes a new model of WIS, structured in a modular format, easy to be written and actualized, that was applied in a home appliances assembly line. Furthermore on the standardized work subject, a case study was done to investigate assembly lines attendance level to standardized work requirements. Three assembly stations groups, a short cycle time ( 30s and 200 s) were studied. The data were collected using stopwatch and video recordings, the variables that have been analyzed were: time, material consumption-rate, assembly sequence and operators' movements in each of workstations studied. The data obtained in the field experimentation were compiled in a standard format, and were compared concerning time variability to make the operations and materials consumptions, which allowed the researcher to confirm with facts and data the literature proposition that mentions that for long cycles operations in comparison to short cycles operations, the attendance on standardized work is poor on cycle time achievement, on content and assembly sequence by the operator

    Identification of Important Chemical Features of 11β-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type1 Inhibitors: Application of Ligand Based Virtual Screening and Density Functional Theory

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    11β-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type1 (11βHSD1) regulates the conversion from inactive cortisone to active cortisol. Increased cortisol results in diabetes, hence quelling the activity of 11βHSD1 has been thought of as an effective approach for the treatment of diabetes. Quantitative hypotheses were developed and validated to identify the critical chemical features with reliable geometric constraints that contribute to the inhibition of 11βHSD1 function. The best hypothesis, Hypo1, which contains one-HBA; one-Hy-Ali, and two-RA features, was validated using Fischer’s randomization method, a test and a decoy set. The well validated, Hypo1, was used as 3D query to perform a virtual screening of three different chemical databases. Compounds selected by Hypo1 in the virtual screening were filtered by applying Lipinski’s rule of five, ADMET, and molecular docking. Finally, five hit compounds were selected as virtual novel hit molecules for 11βHSD1 based on their electronic properties calculated by Density functional theory

    Corrosion protection of Al(111) by 8-hydroxyquinoline: a comprehensive DFT study

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    8-Hydroxyquinoline (8HQ) is a new green corrosion inhibitor. DFT-D calculations are performed to investigate the adsorption of 8HQ and derivatives on the Al(111) surface from low to high coverage. From θ = 0.20 to 0.66, the adsorption energies are −1.12, −2.41, −1.66 and −3.44 eV per molecule for 8HQ, and its tautomer, its hydrogenated and its dehydrogenated species, independently of the coverage. In contrast, the geometry of the adsorbates changes between coverage up to 0.66 and the full monolayer (θ = 1). The creation of a dipole at the molecule/metal interface reduces the work function of aluminum. To further evaluate the modification of the reactivity of the surface, adsorption of O2 on the Al(111) surface covered by the organic layer is investigated. O2 dissociation takes place for θ = 0.66. When the Al surface is fully covered (θ = 1), the reduction of O2 and the oxidation of Al atoms do not occur

    Mikroalgal ve anaerobik mikrobiyel kültürlerin kullanımı ile entegre besiyer madde giderimi, sera gazı mitigasyonu ve biyo-yakıt ve biyo-ürün eldesi

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    TÜBİTAK ÇAYDAG15.08.2015Mikro algal kültürlerin kullanımı ile önemli bir sera gazı olan CO2’in mitigasyonu çok yeni bir araştırma alanıdır. Mikro algal kültürler ile besiyer madde giderimi ve atık mikro algal biyokütleden biyogaz, hidrojen ve gübre eldesi çeşitli araştırmalara tek başına ya da birlikte konu olmuş uygulamalardır. Ancak, bu projenin konusunu oluşturan mikro algal ve anaerobik mikrobiyel kültürlerin entegre besiyer madde giderimi, sera gazı mitigasyonu ve biyo-yakıt ve biyo-ürün eldesi için birlikte kullanıldığı entegre bir biyoproses konfigürasyonun geliştirilmesi özgün bir yaklaşımdır. Bu inovatif konfigürasyon sadece atık su arıtımı ve CO2 mitigasyonu gibi önemli atık yönetimi sorunlarına bir katkıda bulunmakla kalmayacak, biyoyakıt (biyogaz ve biyohidrojen) ve biyoürün (gübre) eldesi de sağlayabilecektir. Bu projenin en önemli çıktısı hem evsel hem de endüstriyel atık suların atık CO2 kaynakları (örneğin endüstriyel baca gazları) ile birlikte arıtılabilmesini sağlayan özgün bir biyoteknolojik proses konfigürasyonunun geliştirilmesi olacaktır. Bu sürece paralel olarak sağlanacak olan biyoyakıt ve biyoürün eldesi, sadece atık valorizasyonuna değil, sürdürülebilir atık yönetimine de önemli bir örnek oluşturabilecektir. Atık sulardan azot ve fosforun %90-100 arasında değişen verimle giderimi, fotobiyoreaktörlerde sağlanan 0,16-0,26 g/L.gün CO2 tutma hızı, mikro algal biyokütleden elde edilen metan verimi (249 mL CH4/g TUKM), hidrojen verimi (2,47 mL H2/g TUKM) ve detayları bu raporda sunulan projemizin diğer sonuçları hipotezimizi destekler bir ilk adım niteliğindedir. Diğer bir deyişle, mikro algal ve anaerobik mikrobiyel kültürlerin entegre besiyer madde giderimi, sera gazı mitigasyonu ve biyo-yakıt ve biyo-ürün eldesinde birlikte kullanımı olasıdır. Bu üç farklı amaca aynı anda hizmet edecek olan bir inovatif biyoproses konfigürasyonunun optimizasyonu çalışmalarımızın bundan sonraki aşamasını oluşturacaktır.The mitigation of CO2 which is an important greenhouse gas by using microalgal cultures is a very new research area. Nutrient removal by microalgal cultures and anaerobic digestion of waste microalgal biomass and subsequent biogas, biohydrogen and fertilizer production were relatively investigated in the past. However, the research on these areas concentrated on only one or two of these tasks. Therefore, the integrated bioprocess configuration which is investigated in this project to provide integrated nutrient removal, greenhouse gas mitigation and bio-fuel and fertilizer production by using both microalgal and anaerobic microbial cultures is an innovative approach. This innovative configuration will not only contribute to nutrient removal from wastewaters and CO2 mitigation but also generate bio- fuels (biogas, biohydrogen) and bio-products (fertilizer). The impact of this project will be a cost-efficient biotechnological process configuration for the treatment of both domestic and industrial wastewaters as well as waste CO2 sources such as flue gas. Moreover, the parallel bio-fuel and bio-product generation will be a good example of waste valorization and sustainable waste management approach. Nitrogen and phosphorus removal from wastewaters with 90-100% efficiency, achievement of significant CO2 mitigation rates (0,16-0,26 g/L.day) in photobioreactors, methane production from microalgal biomass with a yield of 249 mL CH4/g VS, dark fermentative hydrogen production with a yield of 2.47 mL H2/g VS and other results of our project which are presented in this report not only support our initial hyphothesis but also constitute the first step toward its realization. In other words, an integrated approach enabling nutrient removal, greenhouse gas mitigation and bio-fuel and fertilizer production by using microalgal and anaerobic cultures is possible. Optimization of an inovative bioprocess configuration which will serve for all these three objectives will be the next phase of our research

    Adsorption and Quantum Chemical Studies on the Inhibition Potentials of Some Thiosemicarbazides for the Corrosion of Mild Steel in Acidic Medium

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    Three thiosemicarbazides, namely 2-(2-aminophenyl)-N phenylhydrazinecarbothioamide (AP4PT), N,2-diphenylhydrazinecarbothioamide (D4PT) and 2-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-N-phenyl hydrazinecarbothioamide (HP4PT), were investigated as corrosion inhibitors for mild steel in H2SO4 solution using gravimetric and gasometric methods. The results revealed that they all inhibit corrosion and their % inhibition efficiencies (%IE) follow the order: AP4PT > HP4PT > D4PT. The %IE obtained from the gravimetric and gasometric experiments were in good agreement. The thermodynamic parameters obtained support a physical adsorption mechanism and the adsorption followed the Langmuir adsorption isotherm. Some quantum chemical parameters were calculated using different methods and correlated with the experimental %IE. Quantitative structure activity relationship (QSAR) approach was used on a composite index of some quantum chemical parameters to characterize the inhibition performance of the studied molecules. The results showed that the %IE were closely related to some of the quantum chemical parameters, but with varying degrees. The calculated/theoretical %IE of the molecules were found to be close to their experimental %IE. The local reactivity has been studied through the Fukui and condensed softness indices in order to predict both the reactive centers and to know the possible sites of nucleophilic and electrophilic attacks

    Inhibitive effect of sodium (E)-4-(4-nitrobenzylidenamino) benzoate on the corrosion of some metals in sodium chloride solution

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    The inhibition performance of a novel anionic carboxylic Schiff base, sodium (E)-4-(4-nitrobenzylideneamino)benzoate (SNBB), was investigated for various metals, namely low carbon steel F111, pure iron and copper, in neutral 10 mM NaCl solution. Potentiodynamic polarization, scanning vibrating electrode technique (SVET), quantum chemical (QC) calculation, and molecular dynamics (MD) simulation were employed. The potentiodynamic polarization data showed that SNBB acts as an effective corrosion inhibitor for both iron and F111 steel, but it is not effective for the copper. In situ spatially-resolved SVET maps evidenced a major change in surface reactivity for Fe and F111 steel immersed in 10 mM aqueous solution in the absence and in the presence of SNBB. Featureless ionic current density distributions were recorded in the presence of SNBB at both their spontaneous open circuit potential (OCP) and under mild anodic polarization conditions, while major ionic flows were monitored above the metals in the absence of SNBB. On the basis of computer simulations, it is proposed that SNBB produces a stable chelate film on iron and steel surfaces that accounts for the good corrosion inhibition efficiency observed. The different inhibition efficiencies of SNBB molecules on the iron and copper was attributed to the special chemical structure of SNBB molecule and its different chelation ability with the released metal ions on the metal surface. The QC calculations also confirmed the high corrosion inhibition efficiency of SNBB. The MD simulation indicated higher binding energy of SNBB on iron surface compared to that of copper surface. The interaction mode of SNBB on iron and F111 steel surfaces corresponds to a mixed chemical and physical adsorption, and it obeys the Langmuir isother