245 research outputs found

    Bioaccessibility In Vitro

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    The aim of this study was to investigate and to compare the extractability, bioaccessibility, and bioavailability in vitro of antioxidative compounds from bark of selected Salix species: S. alba (SA), S. daphnoides (SD), S. purpurea (SP), and S. daphnoides x purpurea (SDP) hybrid willow clones originating from their natural habitats and cultivated on the sandy soil. The highest amount of phenolic glycosides was found in the bark of SDP and SD. The best source of phenolics was bark of SDP. The highest content of flavonoids were found in SD bark samples, whereas the highest concentration of bioaccessible and bioavailable phenolic acids was determined in SDP bark. Bark of all tested Salix species showed significant antiradical activity. This properties are strongly dependent on extraction system and genetic factors. Regardless of Salix genotypes, the lowest chelating power was found for chemically-extractable compounds. Bark of all Salix species contained ethanol-extractable compounds with reducing ability. Besides this, high bioaccessibility and bioavailability in vitro of Salix bark phytochemicals were found. Obtained results indicate that extracts from bark tested Salix genotypes can provide health promoting benefits to the consumers; however, this problem requires further study

    Quality of wholemeal wheat bread enriched with green coffee beans

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    Scientific studies have revealed that bioactive components of coffee play a preventive role against various degenerative diseases. Green coffee, in particular, is characterized by its unique composition and properties. The objective of this work was to investigate the influence of green coffee (Coffea arabica) beans (GCB) addition on the quality and antioxidant properties (AA) of the wholemeal bread. For bread preparation, flour form GCB, and wholemeal wheat flour, type 2000 were used. Wholemeal wheat flour was replaced with GCB flour at 1 to 5% levels. Loaf volume, texture, color and sensory properties of bread were determined. Furthermore, total phenolic content and antioxidant activity were evaluated. The results showed that bread supplementation with GCB had little influence on the bread volume. The highest volume of bread was obtained with 3 and 4% of GCB flour. The texture properties of bread crumb (hardness, elasticity, cohesiveness and chewiness) were slightly changed as a result of the GCB addition. The lightness of bread crumb decreased with the GCB addition (average from 46.3 to 42.6). Besides, the addition of GCB significantly enriched wheat bread with hydrophilic phenolic compounds. The phenolic compounds were highly bioaccessible in vitro. Moreover, the GCB addition enhanced antiradical activity of bread

    Wheat Bread with Pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima L.) Pulp as a Functional Food Product

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    U ovom je radu prikazan novi način uporabe pulpe bundeve u proizvodnji kruha. Svrha je rada bila odrediti utjecaj svježe pulpe bundeve na fizička, senzorska i biološka svojstva pšeničnog kruha, a ispitana je i biološka dostupnost aktivnih sastojaka. Povećanjem se udjela pulpe bundeve od 5 do 20 % (izraženo kao suha tvar) smanjio volumen kruha, a povećala se tvrdoća i kohezivnost mrvica. Senzorska su svojstva kruha bila bolja pri zamjeni do 10 % brašna s pulpom bundeve. Najbolje su ocjene okusa, arome i ukupne prihvatljivosti dobili kontrolni uzorak kruha (bez pulpe bundeve), te kruh s dodatkom 5 ili 10 % pulpe. Dodatkom veće količine pulpe dobiven je kruh lošije arome i okusa. Pulpa bundeve obogaćuje kruh biološki dostupnim fenolnim spojevima (ponajprije flavonoidima), a naročito peptidima. Najveća je antioksidativna aktivnost izmjerena u uzorcima s 10 i 15 % pulpe bundeve. Dodatak pulpe znatno je povećao udjel bioraspoloživih inhibitora angiotenzin konvertirajućeg enzima (engl. ACE). Najveća je aktivnost izmjerena u kruhu s 15 i 20 % pulpe bundeve. Biološka je dostupnost ACE inhibitora u ispitanom kruhu bila vrlo velika in vitro. Pulpa je bundeve bogat izvor aktivnih sastojaka, a njezinim dodavanjem izravno u brašno postignuti su dobri rezultati pečenja i smanjeni troškovi proizvodnje. Osim toga, pulpa bundeve često zaostaje kao otpad pri proizvodnji koštica, pa se njezinim iskorištenjem povećava i ekološka te ekonomska dobit.In this study, a new application of pumpkin pulp in bread production is shown. The aim of this work is to determine the influence of the addition of fresh pumpkin pulp directly into wheat flour on physical, sensorial and biological properties of bread. The bioaccessibility of active compounds was also studied. An increase in the addition of pumpkin pulp from 5 to 20 % (converted to dry matter) caused a decrease of bread volume and increase of crumb hardness and cohesiveness. The sensory characteristics of the bread showed that a partial replacement of wheat fl our with up to 10 % of pumpkin pulp gave satisfactory results. The taste, aroma and overall acceptability of control bread and bread containing 5 or 10 % of pulp had the highest degree of liking. The addition of higher levels of pumpkin pulp caused an unpleasant aroma and taste. Pumpkin pulp is a good material to complement the bread with potentially bioaccessible phenolics (including flavonoids) and, especially, with peptides. The highest antioxidant activity was observed, in most cases, of the samples with added 10 and 15 % of pumpkin pulp. The addition of the pulp significantly enriched the bread with potentially bioaccessible angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors. The highest activity was determined in the bread with 15 and 20 % pumpkin pulp. ACE inhibitors from the tested bread were highly bioaccessible in vitro. Pumpkin pulp seems to be a valuable source of active compounds to complement the wheat bread. Adding the pulp directly to the wheat flour gives satisfactory baking results and reduces the cost of production. Additionally, pumpkin pulp is sometimes treated as waste material after the acquisition of seeds, thus using it as bread supplement also has environmental and economic benefi ts

    In Vitro Models for Studying Secondary Plant Metabolite Digestion and Bioaccessibility

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    There is an increased interest in secondary plant metabolites, such as polyphenols and carotenoids, due to their proposed health benefits. Much attention has focused on their bioavailability, a prerequisite for further physiological functions. As human studies are time consuming, costly, and restricted by ethical concerns, in vitro models for investigating the effects of digestion on these compounds have been developed and employed to predict their release from the food matrix, bioaccessibility, and assess changes in their profiles prior to absorption. Most typically, models simulate digestion in the oral cavity, the stomach, the small intestine, and, occasionally, the large intestine. A plethora of models have been reported, the choice mostly driven by the type of phytochemical studied, whether the purpose is screening or studying under close physiological conditions, and the availability of the model systems. Unfortunately, the diversity of model conditions has hampered the ability to compare results across different studies. For example, there is substantial variability in the time of digestion, concentrations of salts, enzymes, and bile acids used, pH, the inclusion of various digestion stages; and whether chosen conditions are static (with fixed concentrations of enzymes, bile salts, digesta, and so on) or dynamic (varying concentrations of these constituents). This review presents an overview of models that have been employed to study the digestion of both lipophilic and hydrophilic phytochemicals, comparing digestive conditions in vitro and in vivo and, finally, suggests a set of parameters for static models that resemble physiological conditions

    Oat–buckwheat breads – technological quality, staling and sensory properties

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    peer reviewedThe technological and sensory properties and the staling of breads made from oat flour (OF) and buckwheat flour (BF) were analysed. Significant differences in protein and ash content were found in the experimental breads due to significant differences in the composition of the BF and OF used. As the proportion of BF in the recipe increased, a deterioration in the technological properties of the dough and bread as well as an increase in the crumb hardness were observed. The presence of OF in the recipe increased the bread volume, significantly enhanced the lightness of the crust and crumb and improved the overall sensory quality. The OF used in the recipe decreased the starch retrogradation enthalpy value, which is strongly related to a delay in bread staling. The proposed bakery products can be attractive to consumers who are looking for new food products