274 research outputs found


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    In this paper, we describe pleurodire turtle material from the island of Sardinia, Italy, originating from two Eocene localities of the Cixerri Formation. The more complete among the two specimens bears strong resemblance with the continental Western European Eocenochelus eremberti and is tentatively referred to the same species, while the second, less complete specimen is only provisionally referred to the genus Eocenochelus. The new Sardinian turtles add to the so far scarcely documented fossil record of pleurodires in Italy, while it ranks as among the very few Paleogene vertebrates known from the island. The identification of the widespread Eocene Western European genus Eocenochelus in the fossil record of Sardinia supports recent palaeogeographic reconstructions of the island, according to which the Sardinia-Corsica Massif was located rather close to mainland Europe and was subjected to a significant, counterclockwise rotation during the Paleogene

    Infecção pelo vírus Epstein Barr e início de lúpus eritematoso sistêmico (LES) em adolescente

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    Marcos Delfino: Profesor Adjunto de Clínica Pediátrica de la Universidad de la República, Uruguay. Infectología Pediátrica. Pediatra en CASMU IAMPP, Montevideo, Uruguay. Correo electrónico: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-0910-1935.-- Sofía García: 2Doctora en Medicina. Ex Residente de Pediatría del CASMU IAMPP, Montevideo, Uruguay. ORCID: 0000-0002-3402-3257.-- Rodrigo Suárez: Pediatra. Reumatología pediátrica en CASMU IAMPP, Montevideo, Uruguay. ORCID: 0000-0003-1018-9225.-- Stella Gutiérrez: Ex Profesora Agregada de Clínica Pediátrica de la Universidad de la República, Uruguay. Infectología Pediátrica. Jefe del Departamento de Pediatría de CASMU IAMPP, Montevideo, Uruguay. ORCID: 0000-0001-7529-788XIntroducción: El lupus eritematoso sistémico (LES), prototipo de enfermedad autoinmune, cursa con empujes y remisiones. Dada la diversidad de presentaciones posibles, su diagnóstico y tratamiento son un reto para el clínico, y se requiere tener un alto índice de sospecha. Objetivo: presentar el caso clínico de un adolescente que debuta con LES a forma de anemia hemolítica, probablemente gatillado por infección por virus de Epstein Barr. Caso clínico: Varón de 14 años, sin antecedentes a destacar. Consulta por fiebre de 7 días de evolución de hasta 39º C, odinofagia, astenia y adinamia. Al examen físico se constata palidez cutáneo mucosa, ictericia, adenopatías cervicales y hepatoesplenomegalia. El laboratorio muestra anemia severa regenerativa con aumento de las bilirrubinas a expensas de la indirecta sin hepatitis. Prueba de Coombs positiva. Anticuerpos específicos para Epstein Barr positivos, con lo que se diagnostica anemia hemolítica secundaria a mononucleosis y se inicia tratamiento corticoideo. En la evolución agrega eritema malar y limitación en flexión de codos y rodillas. Se reciben anticuerpos antinucleares y anti ADN nativo positivos con hipocomplementemia severa. Con diagnóstico de LES se inicia hidroxicloroquina y azatioprina, manteniéndose la prednisona. Conclusiones: Muchos virus (hepatitis C, Parvovirus B19, Epstein Barr y Citomegalovirus) se han descrito como posibles inductores o simuladores de LES. Es necesario mantener un alto índice de sospecha para realizar un diagnóstico oportuno y tratamiento precoz.Introduction: Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), prototype of autoimmune disease, progresses with flares and remissions. Given the diversity of possible presentations, its diagnosis and treatment are a challenge for the clinician, and a high index of suspicion is required. Objective: To present the clinical case of an adolescent who debuted with SLE in the form of hemolytic anemia, probably triggered by Epstein Barr virus infection. Clinical case: 14 – year – old male, with no history to highlight. Consultation for fever of 7 days of evolution of up to 39º C, odynophagia, asthenia and adynamia. Physical examination revealed mucous skin pallor, jaundice, cervical lymphadenopathy, and hepatosplenomegaly. The laboratory shows severe regenerative anemia with increased bilirubin at the expense of indirect without hepatitis. Positive Coombs test. Specific antibodies for Epstein Barr were positive, with which hemolytic anemia secondary to mononucleosis was diagnosed and corticosteroid treatment was started. In the evolution, it adds malar erythema and limitation in flexion of the elbows and knees. Positive antinuclear and anti-native DNA antibodies are received with severe hypocomplementemia. With a diagnosis of SLE, hydroxychloroquine and azathioprine were started, maintaining prednisone. Conclusions: Many viruses (hepatitis C, Parvovirus B19, Epstein Barr and Cytomegalovirus) have been described as possible inducers or mimics of SLE. It is necessary to maintain a high index of suspicion for timely diagnosis and early treatment.Introdução: O lúpus eritematoso sistêmico (LES), protótipo de doença autoimune, evolui com impulsos e remissões. Dada a diversidade de apresentações possíveis, seu diagnóstico e tratamento são um desafio para o clínico, sendo necessário um alto índice de suspeição. Objetivo: apresentar o caso clínico de uma adolescente que iniciou com LES na forma de anemia hemolítica, provavelmente desencadeada por infecção pelo vírus Epstein Barr. Caso clínico: Homem de 14 anos, sem antecedentes a destacar. Consulta por febre de 7 dias de evolução de até 39º C, odinofagia, astenia e adinamia. O exame físico revelou palidez cutânea mucosa, icterícia, linfadenopatia cervical e hepatoesplenomegalia. O laboratório mostra anemia regenerativa grave com aumento da bilirrubina em detrimento da indireta sem hepatite. Teste de Coombs positivo. Anticorpos específicos para Epstein Barr foram positivos, com o qual foi diagnosticada anemia hemolítica secundária à mononucleose e iniciado tratamento com corticosteróides. Na evolução, acrescenta eritema malar e limitação na flexão dos cotovelos e joelhos. Anticorpos antinucleares e anti-DNA nativos positivos são recebidos com hipocomplementemia grave. Com diagnóstico de LES, iniciou-se hidroxicloroquina e azatioprina, mantendo-se prednisona. Conclusões: Muitos vírus (hepatite C, Parvovírus B19, Epstein Barr e Citomegalovírus) têm sido descritos como possíveis indutores ou mimetizadores do LES. É necessário manter um alto índice de suspeição para diagnóstico oportuno e tratamento precoce

    Obedience to authority, cognitive and affective responses and leadership style in relation to a non-normative order: the Milgram experiment

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    is an experimental between-within study of five scenarios by two conditions (Milgram, 1974). Personal and collective obedience of other military, emotional reactions and values of Schwartz (2012) were measured. Showing enhancement of self-bias it is reported that the pairs would be more likely to shoot than one would. Replicating Milgrams’s results, obedience is greater when the order is given directly by an authority, and lower when there is conflict between authorities and peers rebel. Confirming that identification with humanity and not just with the in-group may prompt respondents to reject an anti-normative order, values of transcendence of the self are associated with less obedience and congruent emotional reactions. Self-perceived transformational leadership was associated with positive emotions towards peer that disobey to fire. However a transformational style perceived in the superior was associated to positive emotions by respect to soldier who open fire, adding information on the potential dark side of this leadership style. The relevance of personal values, leadership style and affectivity in military context is discussed

    Subgrupos de dependencia multidimensional en adultos mayores que viven en la comunidad: un análisis de clase latente

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    Objetivo: Utilizar el análisis de clase latente (ACL) para la identificación de patrones de dependencia multidimensional en una muestra de adultos mayores y evaluar factores sociodemográficos predictivos de pertenencia a una clase. Métodos: Se utilizaron datos longitudinales del Estudio Nacional de Salud y Envejecimiento en México (ENASEM). Se analizaron 7,920 adultos mayores, el 55% eran mujeres. El ACL fue utilizado para la identificación de subgrupos significativos. Para el ACL se realizó con el software MPlus. El modelo de clase final se eligió con base a la comparativa de estadísticas de ajuste múltiple y parsimonia teórica, con modelos de complejidad creciente analizados secuencialmente hasta que se identificó el modelo de mejor ajuste. Se incorporaron covariables para explorar la asociación entre estas variables y la pertenencia a clases. Resultados: Se identificaron tres grupos de clases basados en los nueve identificadores. “Adultos mayores activos” estaba compuesto por el 64%. “Relativamente independiente” y “Discapacidad física” comprenden el 26% y el 10% de la muestra, respectivamente. Los perfiles de “Adultos mayores activos” y “Relativamente independiente” eran comparativamente más uniformes. El grupo de “discapacidad física” comprenden a los individuos más propensos a un perfil de dependencia. Conclusiones: Estos hallazgos resaltan la utilidad de adoptar un enfoque centrado en la persona lo que sugiere nuevos horizontes de investigación e intervención a medida de las características particulares de los adultos mayores. Basado en patrones de dependencia multidimensional, este estudio identificó una tipología de dependencia utilizando datos de una encuesta representativa a nivel nacional. Objectives: Use latent class analysis (LCA) to identify patterns of multidimensional dependency in a sample of older adults and assess sociodemographic, predictors of class membership. Material and methods: Longitudinal data were used from the Mexican Health and Aging Study (MHAS). 7,920 older adults, 55% women, were recruited. LCA were used to identify meaningful subgroups. LCA was conducted using MPlus version. The final class model was chosen based on the comparison of multiple fit statistics and theoretical parsimony, with models of increasing complexity analyzed sequentially until the best fitting model was identified. Covariates were incorporated to explore the association between these variables and class membership. Results: Three classes groups based on the nine indicators were identified: “Active older adults” was comprised of 64% of the sample participants, “Relatively independent” and “Physically impaired” were comprised of 26% and 10% of the sample. The “Active older adults” profile comprised the majority of respondents who exhibited high endorsement rates across all criteria. The profiles of the “Active older adults” and “Relatively independent” were comparatively more uniform. Finally, respondents belonging to the “Physically impaired” profile, the smallest subgroup, encompassed the individuals most susceptible to a poor dependency profile. Conclusions: These findings highlighted the usefulness to adopt a person-centered approach rather than a variable-centered approach, suggesting directions for future research and tailored interventions approaches to older adults with particular characteristics. Based on patterns of multidimensional dependency, this study identified a typology of dependency using data from a large, nationally representative survey.&nbsp

    Hydrogen as an energy vector to optimize the energy exploitation of a self-consumption solar photovoltaic facility in a dwelling house

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    Solar photovoltaic (PV) plants coupled with storage for domestic self-consumption purposes seem to be a promising technology in the next years, as PV costs have decreased significantly, and national regulations in many countries promote their installation in order to relax the energy requirements of power distribution grids. However, electrochemical storage systems are still unaffordable for many domestic users and, thus, the advantages of self-consumption PV systems are reduced. Thus, in this work the adoption of hydrogen systems as energy vectors between a PV plant and the energy user is proposed. As a preliminary study, in this work the design of a PV and hydrogen-production self-consumption plant for a single dwelling is described. Then, a technical and economic feasibility study conducted by modeling the facility within the Homer Energy Pro energy systems analysis tool is reported. The proposed system will be able to provide back not only electrical energy but also thermal energy through a fuel cell or refined water, covering the fundamental needs of the householders (electricity, heat or cooling and water). Results show that, although the proposed system effectively increases the energy local use of the PV production and reduces significantly the energy injections or demands into/from the power grid, avoiding power grid congestions and increasing the nano-grid resilience, operation and maintenance costs may reduce its economic attractiveness for a single dwelling. Keywords: Hydrogen, Solar photovoltaics, Energy vector, Power storage, Smart grids, Nano-grid

    Jóvenes, participación y comunicación. Análisis de las prácticas comunicacionales y políticas actuales de estudiantes universitarios en Chile y Ecuador

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    The university is an appropriate field to explore the changes that student movements have undergone, and the ways in which they operate communicationally and politically to influence public and private affairs. This study problematizes the practices of political participation and the communication strategies carried out by students to make their demands visible in two Chilean universities and in one Ecuadorian one. It is sought to analyze and compare the processes of planning and implementation of communication actions from the most representative student movements of each university, in order to understand the moment in which the groups are found in terms of legitimacy, mobilization capacity, and incidence. The methodology included semi-structured interviews with members of the groups, and through the critical analysis of discourse, the meeting and disagreement points were established on the categories analyzed. The results indicate that, although certain forms of communication and organizational production that are close to traditional political parties still persist, the almost generalized depoliticization of students has led to the implementation of tactics ranging from individual rather than collective interests, such as clubs and the generation of interests and affects through social networks, among which Facebook is located as the main means of information and interaction.A universidade é um campo propício para explorar as mudanças pelas quais os movimentos estudantis passam e as formas nas quais operam comunicacional e politicamente para incidir nos assuntos de ordem pública e privada. Este estudo problematiza as práticas de participação política e as estratégias de comunicação que os estudantes realizam para visibilizar suas demandas em duas universidades chilenas e em uma equatoriana. Pretende-se analisar e comparar os processos de planejamento e implantação de ações comunicacionais a partir dos movimentos estudantis mais representativos de cada universidade para entender o momento em que essas agrupações se encontram em termos de legitimidade, capacidade de mobilização e incidência. Como metodologia, foram utilizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas a integrantes dos coletivos e, por meio da análise crítica do discurso, foram estabelecidos os pontos de encontro e desencontro sobre as categorias analisadas. Os resultados indicam que, embora persistam certas formas de produção comunicacional e organizacional próximas dos partidos políticos tradicionais, a despolitização quase generalizada dos estudantes tem conduzido à implantação de táticas que consideram interesses individuais mais do que coletivos, como os clubes, e à geração de interesse e afetos por meio das redes sociais, entre as quais o Facebook se posiciona como meio principal de informação e interação.La universidad es un campo propicio para explorar los cambios por los que han pasado los movimientos estudiantiles y las formas en las que operan comunicacional y políticamente para incidir en los asuntos de orden público y privado. Este estudio problematiza las prácticas de participación política y las estrategias de comunicación que llevan a cabo los estudiantes para visibilizar sus demandas en dos universidades chilenas y en una ecuatoriana. Se busca analizar y comparar los procesos de planeación e implementación de acciones comunicacionales, desde los movimientos estudiantiles más representativos de cada universidad, para entender el momento en el que se encuentran las agrupaciones, en términos de legitimidad, capacidad de movilización e incidencia. La metodología consideró entrevistas semiestructuradas a integrantes de los colectivos y, a través del análisis crítico de discurso, se establecieron los puntos de encuentro y desencuentro sobre las categorías analizadas. Los resultados indican que, aunque persisten ciertas formas de producción comunicacional y organizacional cercanas a los partidos políticos tradicionales, la despolitización casi generalizada de los estudiantes ha conducido a la implementación de tácticas que van desde intereses individuales, más que colectivos, como los clubes y la generación de intereses y afectos a través de redes sociales, entre las cuales Facebook se ubica como medio principal de información e interacción.https://revistas.udem.edu.co/index.php/anagramas/article/view/215

    Identical repeated backbone of the human genome

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Identical sequences with a minimal length of about 300 base pairs (bp) have been involved in the generation of various meiotic/mitotic genomic rearrangements through non-allelic homologous recombination (NAHR) events. Genomic disorders and structural variation, together with gene remodelling processes have been associated with many of these rearrangements. Based on these observations, we identified and integrated all the 100% identical repeats of at least 300 bp in the NCBI version 36.2 human genome reference assembly into non-overlapping regions, thus defining the Identical Repeated Backbone (IRB) of the reference human genome.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The IRB sequences are distributed all over the genome in 66,600 regions, which correspond to ~2% of the total NCBI human genome reference assembly. Important structural and functional elements such as common repeats, segmental duplications, and genes are contained in the IRB. About 80% of the IRB bp overlap with known copy-number variants (CNVs). By analyzing the genes embedded in the IRB, we were able to detect some identical genes not previously included in the Ensembl release 50 annotation of human genes. In addition, we found evidence of IRB gene copy-number polymorphisms in raw sequence reads of two diploid sequenced genomes.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In general, the IRB offers new insight into the complex organization of the identical repeated sequences of the human genome. It provides an accurate map of potential NAHR sites which could be used in targeting the study of novel CNVs, predicting DNA copy-number variation in newly sequenced genomes, and improve genome annotation.</p

    The immune-checkpoint HLA-G/ILT4 is involved in the regulation of VEGF expression in clear cell renal cell carcinoma

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    Background: Clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC), the most aggressive renal cancer, is characterized by early lymph node metastases and bad prognosis. Most therapies targeting advanced or metastatic ccRCC are based, as first-line treatment, on the administration of the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) neutralizing antibody termed Bevacizumab. Despite proven benefits, the expected results were not obtained for the majority of patients. The possibility that an intricate interplay between angiogenesis and immune-checkpoints might exist lead us to evaluate tumor angiogenesis, by means of VEGF expression together with the immune checkpoint HLA-G/ILT4. Methods: Tumor specimens were obtained from patients from two separate cohorts: One from "Evita Pueblo"Hospital from Berazategui, (Buenos Aires, Argentina) and the second includes patients surgically operated at the Urology Department of Saint-Louis Hospital (Paris, France) with a confirmed ccRCC diagnosis. Immunohistochemistry was performed with specific antibodies directed against HLA-G, VEGF-A, VEGF-C, D240, CD34, ILT4 and Ca-IX. In addition, gene expression levels were measured in a cell line derived from a ccRCC patient by semi-quantitative RT-PCR. Results: Our results show that the highly vascularized tumors of ccRCC patients express high levels of VEGF and the immune-checkpoint HLA-G. In addition, ILT4, one of the HLA-G receptors, was detected on macrophages surrounding tumor cells, suggesting the generation of an immune-tolerant microenvironment that might favor tumorigenesis. Notably, RT-qPCR analysis provided the first evidence on the transcriptional relationship between HLA-G/ILT4 and the VEGF family. Namely, in the presence of HLA-G or ILT4, the levels of VEGF-A are diminished whereas those of VEGF-C are increased. Conclusions: In an effort to find new therapeutic molecules and fight against metastasis dissemination associated with the poor survival rates of ccRCC patients, these findings provide the rationale for co-targeting angiogenesis and the immune checkpoint HLA-G.Fil: García, Marcela. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Departamento de Ciencias Morfológicas. Cátedra de Citología y Embriología A; ArgentinaFil: Palma, Maria Belen. Fundación para la Lucha contra las Enfermedades Neurológicas de la Infancia. Laboratorio de Biología del Desarrollo Celular; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Departamento de Ciencias Morfológicas. Cátedra de Citología y Embriología A; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Verine, Jerome. Ap-hp, Saint-louis Hospital; Francia. Research Division in Hematology and Immunology; FranciaFil: Miriuka, Santiago Gabriel. Fundación para la Lucha contra las Enfermedades Neurológicas de la Infancia. Laboratorio de Biología del Desarrollo Celular; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Departamento de Ciencias Morfológicas. Cátedra de Citología y Embriología A; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Inda, Ana María. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Departamento de Ciencias Morfológicas. Cátedra de Citología y Embriología A; ArgentinaFil: Errecalde, Ana Lia. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Departamento de Ciencias Morfológicas. Cátedra de Citología y Embriología A; ArgentinaFil: Desgrandchamps, François. Saint-louis Hospital; FranciaFil: Carosella, Edgardo Delfino. Universite de Paris; FranciaFil: Tronik Le Roux, Diana. Universite de Paris; Franci

    Estimación del riesgo a la exposición de partículas suspendidas en el Valle de Toluca

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    Las partículas PM10 suspendidas en la atmósfera afectan el sistema respiratorio humano, además presentan un riesgo potencial cancerígeno debido a la gran cantidad de hidrocarburos que se quema en la atmósfera. Se estimó la exposición de las partículas PM10 suspendidas en el Valle de Toluca y sus alrededores, con la información de 8 años, proporcionada por la Red Automática Monitoreo de la Zona Metropolitana del Valle de Toluca (rama t). Para la estimación de riesgo se tomó en consideración la distribución de Gumbel-1 de Valores Extremos, asimismo se utilizaron diferentes periodos de retorno y la ocurrencia probabilística en intervalos de tiempo de 1, 5, 10, 12.5, 15, 17.5 y 20 años. Se infirió, estadísticamente, un alto grado de riesgo a la salud, debido a la magnitud de la concentración media de estas partículas y se predice que, de existir las condiciones actuales, esta relación estadística permanecerá invariante dentro de los próximos 20 años

    Increased particle emissions from early fuel injection timing Diesel low temperature combustion

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    A clean premixed Diesel combustion strategy, called low temperature combustion (LTC), was able to achieve very low nitrogen oxide emissions (<35 ppm) through use of exhaust gas recirculation (12.1% inlet oxygen), and reduced particulate matter (PM) emissions (<0.05 FSN) through advanced fuel injection timing (-24°aTDC). When varying the injection timing by relatively small increments, large changes in PM mass and number emissions were measured within the premixed LTC regime. A discrepancy is investigated between expected reductions in PM emissions by simple fuel-air premixing and combustion temperature metrics, and actual PM emissions measurements when advancing the fuel injection timing earlier than -24°aTDC. For these earlier injection timings, particle numbers were seen to increase in two distinct particle size modes, whereas only one particle size mode existed at the minimum PM emissions -24°aTDC injection timing. Additional parameters from a 1D free fuel spray model were used to suggest new information that could explain the cause of these unexpected increases in PM. Using 0D and 1D calculations, the engine-out particle size and number emissions are analyzed to better understand their sensitivity to changes in the fuel injection timing within the early injection timing LTC regime. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.The authors sincerely thank Gabriel Alcantarilla, Rogerio Jorge Amorim, Simon Arthozoul, and Sara Goska for their great assistance in experimental data collection and post-analysis. The authors wish to acknowledge the Generalitat Valenciana for the financial support through the project GVA PROMETEO CMT 2010 (reference code: GR001/2009/00167539). Financial support of Christopher Kolodziej's research was provided by the Spanish Ministry of Education. This publication comes from a portion of the doctoral thesis work of Christopher Kolodziej.Benajes Calvo, JV.; García Oliver, JM.; Novella Rosa, R.; Kolodziej, CP. (2012). Increased particle emissions from early fuel injection timing Diesel low temperature combustion. Fuel. 94(1):184-190. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fuel.2011.09.014S18419094