57 research outputs found

    Thermonuclear Supernovae: Simulations of the Deflagration Stage and Their Implications

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    Large-scale three-dimensional numerical simulations of the deflagration stage of a thermonuclear supernova explosion show the formation and evolution of a highly convoluted turbulent flame in a gravitational field of an expanding carbon-oxygen white dwarf. The flame dynamics is dominated by the gravity-induced Rayleigh-Taylor instability that controls the burning rate. The thermonuclear deflagration releases enough energy to produce a healthy explosion. The turbulent flame, however, leaves large amounts of unburnt and partially burnt material near the star center, whereas observations imply these materials only in outer layers. This disagreement could be resolved if the deflagration triggers a detonation.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures. To appear in Science, January 200

    Signature of Electron Capture in Iron-Rich Ejecta of SN 2003du

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    Late-time near-infrared and optical spectra are presented for the normal-bright SN2003du. At about 300 days after the explosion, the emission profiles of well isolated [FeII] lines (in particular that of the strong 1.644mu feature) trace out the global kinematic distribution of radioactive material in the expanding. In SN2003du, the 1.644 mu [FeII] line shows a flat-topped, profile, indicative of a thick but hollow-centered expanding shell, rather than a strongly-peaked profile that would be expected from a ``center-filled'' distribution.Based on detailed models for exploding Chandrasekhar mass white dwarfs, we show that the feature is consistent with spherical explosion models.Our model predicts central region of non-radioactive electron-capture elements up to 2500--3000km/s as a consequence of burning under high density, and an extended region of 56Ni up to 9,000--10,000km/s. Furthermore our analysis indicates that the 1.644mu [FeII] profile is not consistent with strong mixing between the regions of electron- capture isotopes and the 56Ni layers as is predicted by detailed 3D models for nuclear deflagration fronts. We discuss the possibility that the flat-topped profile could be produced as a result of an infrared catastrophe and conclude that such an explanation is unlikely. We put our results in context to other SNeIa and briefly discuss the implications of our result for the use of SNe Ia as cosmological standard candles.Comment: 12 pages + 8 figures, ApJ (in press, Dec. 20, 2004) For high resolution figures send E-mail to [email protected]

    A low energy core-collapse supernova without a hydrogen envelope

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    The final fate of massive stars depends on many factors, including mass, rotation rate, magnetic fields and metallicity. Theory suggests that some massive stars (initially greater than 25-30 solar masses) end up as Wolf-Rayet stars which are deficient in hydrogen because of mass loss through strong stellar winds. The most massive of these stars have cores which may form a black hole and theory predicts that the resulting explosion produces ejecta of low kinetic energy, a faint optical display and a small mass fraction of radioactive nickel(1,2,3). An alternative origin for low energy supernovae is the collapse of the oxygen-neon core of a relatively lowmass star (7-9 solar masses) through electron capture(4,5). However no weak, hydrogen deficient, core-collapse supernovae are known. Here we report that such faint, low energy core-collapse supernovae do exist, and show that SN2008ha is the faintest hydrogen poor supernova ever observed. We propose that other similar events have been observed but they have been misclassified as peculiar thermonuclear supernovae (sometimes labelled SN2002cx-like events(6)). This discovery could link these faint supernovae to some long duration gamma-ray bursts. Extremely faint, hydrogen-stripped core-collapse supernovae have been proposed to produce those long gamma-ray bursts whose afterglows do not show evidence of association with supernovae (7,8,9).Comment: Submitted 12 January 2009 - Accepted 24 March 200

    The early spectral evolution of SN 2004dt

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    Aims. We study the optical spectroscopic properties of Type Ia Supernova (SN Ia) 2004dt, focusing our attention on the early epochs. Methods. Observation triggered soon after the SN 2004dt discovery allowed us to obtain a spectrophotometric coverage from day -10 to almost one year (~353 days) after the B band maximum. Observations carried out on an almost daily basis allowed us a good sampling of the fast spectroscopic evolution of SN 2004dt in the early stages. To obtain this result, low-resolution, long-slit spectroscopy was obtained using a number of facilities. Results. This supernova, which in some absorption lines of its early spectra showed the highest degree of polarization ever measured in any SN Ia, has a complex velocity structure in the outer layers of its ejecta. Unburnt oxygen is present, moving at velocities as high as ~16,700 km/s, with some intermediate-mass elements (Mg, Si, Ca) moving equally fast. Modeling of the spectra based on standard density profiles of the ejecta fails to reproduce the observed features, whereas enhancing the density of outer layers significantly improves the fit. Our analysis indicates the presence of clumps of high-velocity, intermediate-mass elements in the outermost layers, which is also suggested by the spectropolarimetric data.Comment: 13 pages, 15 figures, accepted for pubblication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Effect of Initial Disturbance on The Detonation Front Structure of a Narrow Duct

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    The effect of an initial disturbance on the detonation front structure in a narrow duct is studied by three-dimensional numerical simulation. The numerical method used includes a high resolution fifth-order weighted essentially non-oscillatory scheme for spatial discretization, coupled with a third order total variation diminishing Runge-Kutta time stepping method. Two types of disturbances are used for the initial perturbation. One is a random disturbance which is imposed on the whole area of the detonation front, and the other is a symmetrical disturbance imposed within a band along the diagonal direction on the front. The results show that the two types of disturbances lead to different processes. For the random disturbance, the detonation front evolves into a stable spinning detonation. For the symmetrical diagonal disturbance, the detonation front displays a diagonal pattern at an early stage, but this pattern is unstable. It breaks down after a short while and it finally evolves into a spinning detonation. The spinning detonation structure ultimately formed due to the two types of disturbances is the same. This means that spinning detonation is the most stable mode for the simulated narrow duct. Therefore, in a narrow duct, triggering a spinning detonation can be an effective way to produce a stable detonation as well as to speed up the deflagration to detonation transition process.Comment: 30 pages and 11 figure

    Type Ia Supernovae as Stellar Endpoints and Cosmological Tools

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    Empirically, Type Ia supernovae are the most useful, precise, and mature tools for determining astronomical distances. Acting as calibrated candles they revealed the presence of dark energy and are being used to measure its properties. However, the nature of the SN Ia explosion, and the progenitors involved, have remained elusive, even after seven decades of research. But now new large surveys are bringing about a paradigm shift --- we can finally compare samples of hundreds of supernovae to isolate critical variables. As a result of this, and advances in modeling, breakthroughs in understanding all aspects of SNe Ia are finally starting to happen.Comment: Invited review for Nature Communications. Final published version. Shortened, update

    Two transitional type~Ia supernovae located in the Fornax cluster member NGC 1404: SN 2007on and SN 2011iv

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    We present an analysis of ultraviolet (UV) to near-infrared observations of the fast-declining Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) 2007on and 2011iv, hosted by the Fornax cluster member NGC 1404. The B-band light curves of SN 2007on and SN 2011iv are characterised by dm_15(B) decline-rate values of 1.96 mag and 1.77 mag, respectively. Although they have similar decline rates, their peak B- and H-band magnitudes differ by ~0.60 mag and ~0.35 mag, respectively. After correcting for the luminosity vs. decline rate and the luminosity vs. colour relations, the peak B-band and H-band light curves provide distances that differ by ~14% and ~9%, respectively. These findings serve as a cautionary tale for the use of transitional SNe Ia located in early-type hosts in the quest to measure cosmological parameters. Interestingly, even though SN 2011iv is brighter and bluer at early times, by three weeks past maximum and extending over several months, its B-V colour is 0.12 mag redder than that of SN 2007on. To reconcile this unusual behaviour, we turn to guidance from a suite of spherical one-dimensional Chandrasekhar-mass delayed-detonation explosion models. In this context, 56Ni production depends on both the so-called transition density and the central density of the progenitor white dwarf. To first order, the transition density drives the luminosity-width relation, while the central density is an important second-order parameter. Within this context, the differences in the B-V color evolution along the Lira regime suggests the progenitor of SN~2011iv had a higher central density than SN~2007on

    Nuclear astrophysics: the unfinished quest for the origin of the elements

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    Half a century has passed since the foundation of nuclear astrophysics. Since then, this discipline has reached its maturity. Today, nuclear astrophysics constitutes a multidisciplinary crucible of knowledge that combines the achievements in theoretical astrophysics, observational astronomy, cosmochemistry and nuclear physics. New tools and developments have revolutionized our understanding of the origin of the elements: supercomputers have provided astrophysicists with the required computational capabilities to study the evolution of stars in a multidimensional framework; the emergence of high-energy astrophysics with space-borne observatories has opened new windows to observe the Universe, from a novel panchromatic perspective; cosmochemists have isolated tiny pieces of stardust embedded in primitive meteorites, giving clues on the processes operating in stars as well as on the way matter condenses to form solids; and nuclear physicists have measured reactions near stellar energies, through the combined efforts using stable and radioactive ion beam facilities. This review provides comprehensive insight into the nuclear history of the Universe and related topics: starting from the Big Bang, when the ashes from the primordial explosion were transformed to hydrogen, helium, and few trace elements, to the rich variety of nucleosynthesis mechanisms and sites in the Universe. Particular attention is paid to the hydrostatic processes governing the evolution of low-mass stars, red giants and asymptotic giant-branch stars, as well as to the explosive nucleosynthesis occurring in core-collapse and thermonuclear supernovae, gamma-ray bursts, classical novae, X-ray bursts, superbursts, and stellar mergers.Comment: Invited Review. Accepted for publication in "Reports on Progress in Physics" (version with low-resolution figures

    Binary systems and their nuclear explosions

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