3 research outputs found

    Effects of waveform model systematics on the interpretation of GW150914

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    PAPER Effects of waveform model systematics on the interpretation of GW150914 B P Abbott1, R Abbott1, T D Abbott2, M R Abernathy3, F Acernese4,5, K Ackley6, C Adams7, T Adams8, P Addesso9,144, R X Adhikari1, V B Adya10, C Affeldt10, M Agathos11, K Agatsuma11, N Aggarwal12, O D Aguiar13, L Aiello14,15, A Ain16, P Ajith17, B Allen10,18,19, A Allocca20,21, P A Altin22, A Ananyeva1, S B Anderson1, W G Anderson18, S Appert1, K Arai1, M C Araya1, J S Areeda23, N Arnaud24, K G Arun25, S Ascenzi15,26, G Ashton10, M Ast27, S M Aston7, P Astone28, P Aufmuth19, C Aulbert10, A Avila-Alvarez23, S Babak29, P Bacon30, M K M Bader11, P T Baker31, F Baldaccini32,33, G Ballardin34, S W Ballmer35, J C Barayoga1, S E Barclay36, B C Barish1, D Barker37, F Barone4,5, B Barr36, L Barsotti12, M Barsuglia30, D Barta38, J Bartlett37, I Bartos39, R Bassiri40, A Basti20,21, J C Batch37, C Baune10, V Bavigadda34, M Bazzan41,42, C Beer10, M Bejger43, I Belahcene24, M Belgin44, A S Bell36, B K Berger1, G Bergmann10, C P L Berry45, D Bersanetti46,47, A Bertolini11, J Betzwieser7, S Bhagwat35, R Bhandare48, I A Bilenko49, G Billingsley1, C R Billman6, J Birch7, R Birney50, O Birnholtz10, S Biscans1,12, A Bisht19, M Bitossi34, C Biwer35, M A Bizouard24, J K Blackburn1, J Blackman51, C D Blair52, D G Blair52, R M Blair37, S Bloemen53, O Bock10, M Boer54, G Bogaert54, A Bohe29, F Bondu55, R Bonnand8, B A Boom11, R Bork1, V Boschi20,21, S Bose16,56, Y Bouffanais30, A Bozzi34, C Bradaschia21, P R Brady18, V B Braginsky49,145, M Branchesi57,58, J E Brau59, T Briant60, A Brillet54, M Brinkmann10, V Brisson24, P Brockill18, J E Broida61, A F Brooks1, D A Brown35, D D Brown45, N M Brown12, S Brunett1, C C Buchanan2, A Buikema12, T Bulik62, H J Bulten11,63, A Buonanno29,64, D Buskulic8, C Buy30, R L Byer40, M Cabero10, L Cadonati44, G Cagnoli65,66, C Cahillane1, J Calderón Bustillo44, T A Callister1, E Calloni5,67, J B Camp68, K C Cannon69, H Cao70, J Cao71, C D Capano10, E Capocasa30, F Carbognani34, S Caride72, J Casanueva Diaz24, C Casentini15,26, S Caudill18, M Cavaglià73, F Cavalier24, R Cavalieri34, G Cella21, C B Cepeda1, L Cerboni Baiardi57,58, G Cerretani20,21, E Cesarini15,26, S J Chamberlin74, M Chan36, S Chao75, P Charlton76, E Chassande-Mottin30, B D Cheeseboro31, H Y Chen77, Y Chen51, H-P Cheng6, A Chincarini47, A Chiummo34, T Chmiel78, H S Cho79, M Cho64, J H Chow22, N Christensen61, Q Chu52, A J K Chua80, S Chua60, S Chung52, G Ciani6, F Clara37, J A Clark44, F Cleva54, C Cocchieri73, E Coccia14,15, P-F Cohadon60, A Colla28,81, C G Collette82, L Cominsky83, M Constancio Jr13, L Conti42, S J Cooper45, T R Corbitt2, N Cornish84, A Corsi72, S Cortese34, C A Costa13, M W Coughlin61, S B Coughlin85, J-P Coulon54, S T Countryman39, P Couvares1, P B Covas86, E E Cowan44, D M Coward52, M J Cowart7, D C Coyne1, R Coyne72, J D E Creighton18, T D Creighton87, J Cripe2, S G Crowder88, T J Cullen23, A Cumming36, L Cunningham36, E Cuoco34, T Dal Canton68, S L Danilishin36, S D'Antonio15, K Danzmann10,19, A Dasgupta89, C F Da Silva Costa6, V Dattilo34, I Dave48, M Davier24, G S Davies36, D Davis35, E J Daw90, B Day44, R Day34, S De35, D DeBra40, G Debreczeni38, J Degallaix65, M De Laurentis5,67, S Deléglise60, W Del Pozzo45, T Denker10, T Dent10, V Dergachev29, R De Rosa5,67, R T DeRosa7, R DeSalvo91, J Devenson50, R C Devine31, S Dhurandhar16, M C Díaz87, L Di Fiore5, M Di Giovanni92,93, T Di Girolamo5,67, A Di Lieto20,21, S Di Pace28,81, I Di Palma28,29,81, A Di Virgilio21, Z Doctor77, V Dolique65, F Donovan12, K L Dooley73, S Doravari10, I Dorrington94, R Douglas36, M Dovale Álvarez45, T P Downes18, M Drago10, R W P Drever1,146, J C Driggers37, Z Du71, M Ducrot8, S E Dwyer37, T B Edo90, M C Edwards61, A Effler7, H-B Eggenstein10, P Ehrens1, J Eichholz1, S S Eikenberry6, R A Eisenstein12, R C Essick12, Z Etienne31, T Etzel1, M Evans12, T M Evans7, R Everett74, M Factourovich39, V Fafone14,15,26, H Fair35, S Fairhurst94, X Fan71, S Farinon47, B Farr77, W M Farr45, E J Fauchon-Jones94, M Favata95, M Fays94, H Fehrmann10, M M Fejer40, A Fernández Galiana12, I Ferrante20,21, E C Ferreira13, F Ferrini34, F Fidecaro20,21, I Fiori34, D Fiorucci30, R P Fisher35, R Flaminio65,96, M Fletcher36, H Fong97, S S Forsyth44, J-D Fournier54, S Frasca28,81, F Frasconi21, Z Frei98, A Freise45, R Frey59, V Frey24, E M Fries1, P Fritschel12, V V Frolov7, P Fulda6,68, M Fyffe7, H Gabbard10, B U Gadre16, S M Gaebel45, J R Gair99, L Gammaitoni32, S G Gaonkar16, F Garufi5,67, G Gaur100, V Gayathri101, N Gehrels68, G Gemme47, E Genin34, A Gennai21, J George48, L Gergely102, V Germain8, S Ghonge17, Abhirup Ghosh17, Archisman Ghosh11,17, S Ghosh11,53, J A Giaime2,7, K D Giardina7, A Giazotto21, K Gill103, A Glaefke36, E Goetz10, R Goetz6, L Gondan98, G González2, J M Gonzalez Castro20,21, A Gopakumar104, M L Gorodetsky49, S E Gossan1, M Gosselin34, R Gouaty8, A Grado5,105, C Graef36, M Granata65, A Grant36, S Gras12, C Gray37, G Greco57,58, A C Green45, P Groot53, H Grote10, S Grunewald29, G M Guidi57,58, X Guo71, A Gupta16, M K Gupta89, K E Gushwa1, E K Gustafson1, R Gustafson106, J J Hacker23, B R Hall56, E D Hall1, G Hammond36, M Haney104, M M Hanke10, J Hanks37, C Hanna74, M D Hannam94, J Hanson7, T Hardwick2, J Harms57,58, G M Harry3, I W Harry29, M J Hart36, M T Hartman6, C-J Haster45,97, K Haughian36, J Healy107, A Heidmann60, M C Heintze7, H Heitmann54, P Hello24, G Hemming34, M Hendry36, I S Heng36, J Hennig36, J Henry107, A W Heptonstall1, M Heurs10,19, S Hild36, D Hoak34, D Hofman65, K Holt7, D E Holz77, P Hopkins94, J Hough36, E A Houston36, E J Howell52, Y M Hu10, E A Huerta108, D Huet24, B Hughey103, S Husa86, S H Huttner36, T Huynh-Dinh7, N Indik10, D R Ingram37, R Inta72, H N Isa36, J-M Isac60, M Isi1, T Isogai12, B R Iyer17, K Izumi37, T Jacqmin60, K Jani44, P Jaranowski109, S Jawahar110, F Jiménez-Forteza86, W W Johnson2, D I Jones111, R Jones36, R J G Jonker11, L Ju52, J Junker10, C V Kalaghatgi94, V Kalogera85, S Kandhasamy73, G Kang79, J B Kanner1, S Karki59, K S Karvinen10, M Kasprzack2, E Katsavounidis12, W Katzman7, S Kaufer19, T Kaur52, K Kawabe37, F Kéfélian54, D Keitel86, D B Kelley35, R Kennedy90, J S Key112, F Y Khalili49, I Khan14, S Khan94, Z Khan89, E A Khazanov113, N Kijbunchoo37, Chunglee Kim114, J C Kim115, Whansun Kim116, W Kim70, Y-M Kim114,117, S J Kimbrell44, E J King70, P J King37, R Kirchhoff10, J S Kissel37, B Klein85, L Kleybolte27, S Klimenko6, P Koch10, S M Koehlenbeck10, S Koley11, V Kondrashov1, A Kontos12, M Korobko27, W Z Korth1, I Kowalska62, D B Kozak1, C Krämer10, V Kringel10, B Krishnan10, A Królak118,119, G Kuehn10, P Kumar97, R Kumar89, L Kuo75, A Kutynia118, B D Lackey29,35, M Landry37, R N Lang18, J Lange107, B Lantz40, R K Lanza12, A Lartaux-Vollard24, P D Lasky120, M Laxen7, A Lazzarini1, C Lazzaro42, P Leaci28,81, S Leavey36, E O Lebigot30, C H Lee117, H K Lee121, H M Lee114, K Lee36, J Lehmann10, A Lenon31, M Leonardi92,93, J R Leong10, N Leroy24, N Letendre8, Y Levin120, T G F Li122, A Libson12, T B Littenberg123, J Liu52, N A Lockerbie110, A L Lombardi44, L T London94, J E Lord35, M Lorenzini14,15, V Loriette124, M Lormand7, G Losurdo21, J D Lough10,19, G Lovelace23, H Lück10,19, A P Lundgren10, R Lynch12, Y Ma51, S Macfoy50, B Machenschalk10, M MacInnis12, D M Macleod2, F Magaña-Sandoval35, E Majorana28, I Maksimovic124, V Malvezzi15,26, N Man54, V Mandic125, V Mangano36, G L Mansell22, M Manske18, M Mantovani34, F Marchesoni33,126, F Marion8, S Márka39, Z Márka39, A S Markosyan40, E Maros1, F Martelli57,58, L Martellini54, I W Martin36, D V Martynov12, K Mason12, A Masserot8, T J Massinger1, M Masso-Reid36, S Mastrogiovanni28,81, F Matichard1,12, L Matone39, N Mavalvala12, N Mazumder56, R McCarthy37, D E McClelland22, S McCormick7, C McGrath18, S C McGuire127, G McIntyre1, J McIver1, D J McManus22, T McRae22, S T McWilliams31, D Meacher54,74, G D Meadors10,29, J Meidam11, A Melatos128, G Mendell37, D Mendoza-Gandara10, R A Mercer18, E L Merilh37, M Merzougui54, S Meshkov1, C Messenger36, C Messick74, R Metzdorff60, P M Meyers125, F Mezzani28,81, H Miao45, C Michel65, H Middleton45, E E Mikhailov129, L Milano5,67, A L Miller6,28,81, A Miller85, B B Miller85, J Miller12, M Millhouse84, Y Minenkov15, J Ming29, S Mirshekari130, C Mishra17, S Mitra16, V P Mitrofanov49, G Mitselmakher6, R Mittleman12, A Moggi21, M Mohan34, S R P Mohapatra12, M Montani57,58, B C Moore95, C J Moore80, D Moraru37, G Moreno37, S R Morriss87, B Mours8, C M Mow-Lowry45, G Mueller6, A W Muir94, Arunava Mukherjee17, D Mukherjee18, S Mukherjee87, N Mukund16, A Mullavey7, J Munch70, E A M Muniz23, P G Murray36, A Mytidis6, K Napier44, I Nardecchia15,26, L Naticchioni28,81, G Nelemans11,53, T J N Nelson7, M Neri46,47, M Nery10, A Neunzert106, J M Newport3, G Newton36, T T Nguyen22, A B Nielsen10, S Nissanke11,53, A Nitz10, A Noack10, F Nocera34, D Nolting7, M E N Normandin87, L K Nuttall35, J Oberling37, E Ochsner18, E Oelker12, G H Ogin131, J J Oh116, S H Oh116, F Ohme10,94, M Oliver86, P Oppermann10, Richard J Oram7, B O'Reilly7, R O'Shaughnessy107, D J Ottaway70, H Overmier7, B J Owen72, A E Pace74, J Page123, A Pai101, S A Pai48, J R Palamos59, O Palashov113, C Palomba28, A Pal-Singh27, H Pan75, C Pankow85, F Pannarale94, B C Pant48, F Paoletti21,34, A Paoli34, M A Papa10,18,29, H R Paris40, W Parker7, D Pascucci36, A Pasqualetti34, R Passaquieti20,21, D Passuello21, B Patricelli20,21, B L Pearlstone36, M Pedraza1, R Pedurand65,132, L Pekowsky35, A Pele7, S Penn133, C J Perez37, A Perreca1, L M Perri85, H P Pfeiffer97, M Phelps36, O J Piccinni28,81, M Pichot54, F Piergiovanni57,58, V Pierro9, G Pillant34, L Pinard65, I M Pinto9, M Pitkin36, M Poe18, R Poggiani20,21, P Popolizio34, A Post10, J Powell36, J Prasad16, J W W Pratt103, V Predoi94, T Prestegard18,125, M Prijatelj10,34, M Principe9, S Privitera29, G A Prodi92,93, L G Prokhorov49, O Puncken10, M Punturo33, P Puppo28, M Pürrer29, H Qi18, J Qin52, S Qiu120, V Quetschke87, E A Quintero1, R Quitzow-James59, F J Raab37, D S Rabeling22, H Radkins37, P Raffai98, S Raja48, C Rajan48, M Rakhmanov87, P Rapagnani28,81, V Raymond29, M Razzano20,21, V Re26, J Read23, T Regimbau54, L Rei47, S Reid50, D H Reitze1,6, H Rew129, S D Reyes35, E Rhoades103, F Ricci28,81, K Riles106, M Rizzo107, N A Robertson1,36, R Robie36, F Robinet24, A Rocchi15, L Rolland8, J G Rollins1, V J Roma59, J D Romano87, R Romano4,5, J H Romie7, D Rosińska43,134, S Rowan36, A Rüdiger10, P Ruggi34, K Ryan37, S Sachdev1, T Sadecki37, L Sadeghian18, M Sakellariadou135, L Salconi34, M Saleem101, F Salemi10, A Samajdar136, L Sammut120, L M Sampson85, E J Sanchez1, V Sandberg37, J R Sanders35, B Sassolas65, B S Sathyaprakash74,94, P R Saulson35, O Sauter106, R L Savage37, A Sawadsky19, P Schale59, J Scheuer85, E Schmidt103, J Schmidt10, P Schmidt1,51, R Schnabel27, R M S Schofield59, A Schönbeck27, E Schreiber10, D Schuette10,19, B F Schutz29,94, S G Schwalbe103, J Scott36, S M Scott22, D Sellers7, A S Sengupta137, D Sentenac34, V Sequino15,26, A Sergeev113, Y Setyawati11,53, D A Shaddock22, T J Shaffer37, M S Shahriar85, B Shapiro40, P Shawhan64, A Sheperd18, D H Shoemaker12, D M Shoemaker44, K Siellez44, X Siemens18, M Sieniawska43, D Sigg37, A D Silva13, A Singer1, L P Singer68, A Singh10,19,29, R Singh2, A Singhal14, A M Sintes86, B J J Slagmolen22, B Smith7, J R Smith23, R J E Smith1, E J Son116, B Sorazu36, F Sorrentino47, T Souradeep16, A P Spencer36, A K Srivastava89, A Staley39, M Steinke10, J Steinlechner36, S Steinlechner27,36, D Steinmeyer10,19, B C Stephens18, S P Stevenson45, R Stone87, K A Strain36, N Straniero65, G Stratta57,58, S E Strigin49, R Sturani130, A L Stuver7, T Z Summerscales138, L Sun128, S Sunil89, P J Sutton94, B L Swinkels34, M J Szczepańczyk103, M Tacca30, D Talukder59, D B Tanner6, M Tápai102, A Taracchini29, R Taylor1, T Theeg10, E G Thomas45, M Thomas7, P Thomas37, K A Thorne7, E Thrane120, T Tippens44, S Tiwari14,93, V Tiwari94, K V Tokmakov110, K Toland36, C Tomlinson90, M Tonelli20,21, Z Tornasi36, C I Torrie1, D Töyrä45, F Travasso32,33, G Traylor7, D Trifirò73, J Trinastic6, M C Tringali92,93, L Trozzo21,139, M Tse12, R Tso1, M Turconi54, D Tuyenbayev87, D Ugolini140, C S Unnikrishnan104, A L Urban1, S A Usman94, H Vahlbruch19, G Vajente1, G Valdes87, N van Bakel11, M van Beuzekom11, J F J van den Brand11,63, C Van Den Broeck11, D C Vander-Hyde35, L van der Schaaf11, J V van Heijningen11, A A van Veggel36, M Vardaro41,42, V Varma51, S Vass1, M Vasúth38, A Vecchio45, G Vedovato42, J Veitch45, P J Veitch70, K Venkateswara141, G Venugopalan1, D Verkindt8, F Vetrano57,58, A Viceré57,58, A D Viets18, S Vinciguerra45, D J Vine50, J-Y Vinet54, S Vitale12, T Vo35, H Vocca32,33, C Vorvick37, D V Voss6, W D Vousden45, S P Vyatchanin49, A R Wade1, L E Wade78, M Wade78, M Walker2, L Wallace1, S Walsh10,29, G Wang14,58, H Wang45, M Wang45, Y Wang52, R L Ward22, J Warner37, M Was8, J Watchi82, B Weaver37, L-W Wei54, M Weinert10, A J Weinstein1, R Weiss12, L Wen52, P Weßels10, T Westphal10, K Wette10, J T Whelan107, B F Whiting6, C Whittle120, D Williams36, R D Williams1, A R Williamson94, J L Willis142, B Willke10,19, M H Wimmer10,19, W Winkler10, C C Wipf1, H Wittel10,19, G Woan36, J Woehler10, J Worden37, J L Wright36, D S Wu10, G Wu7, W Yam12, H Yamamoto1, C C Yancey64, M J Yap22, Hang Yu12, Haocun Yu12, M Yvert8, A Zadrożny118, L Zangrando42, M Zanolin103, J-P Zendri42, M Zevin85, L Zhang1, M Zhang129, T Zhang36, Y Zhang107, C Zhao52, M Zhou85, Z Zhou85, S J Zhu10,29, X J Zhu52, M E Zucker1,12, J Zweizig1 (LIGO Scientific Collaboration, Virgo Collaboration), M Boyle143, T Chu97, D Hemberger51, I Hinder29, L E Kidder143, S Ossokine29, M Scheel51, B Szilagyi51, S Teukolsky143 and A Vano Vinuales94 Hide full author list Published 12 April 2017 • © 2017 IOP Publishing Ltd Classical and Quantum Gravity, Volume 34, Number 10 Focus Issue: Gravitational Waves Article PDF Figures References Citations PDF 258 Total downloads Cited by 1 articles Article has an altmetric score of 3 Turn on MathJax Get permission to re-use this article Share this article Article information Abstract Parameter estimates of GW150914 were obtained using Bayesian inference, based on three semi-analytic waveform models for binary black hole coalescences. These waveform models differ from each other in their treatment of black hole spins, and all three models make some simplifying assumptions, notably to neglect sub-dominant waveform harmonic modes and orbital eccentricity. Furthermore, while the models are calibrated to agree with waveforms obtained by full numerical solutions of Einstein's equations, any such calibration is accurate only to some non-zero tolerance and is limited by the accuracy of the underlying phenomenology, availability, quality, and parameter-space coverage of numerical simulations. This paper complements the original analyses of GW150914 with an investigation of the effects of possible systematic errors in the waveform models on estimates of its source parameters. To test for systematic errors we repeat the original Bayesian analysis on mock signals from numerical simulations of a series of binary configurations with parameters similar to those found for GW150914. Overall, we find no evidence for a systematic bias relative to the statistical error of the original parameter recovery of GW150914 due to modeling approximations or modeling inaccuracies. However, parameter biases are found to occur for some configurations disfavored by the data of GW150914: for binaries inclined edge-on to the detector over a small range of choices of polarization angles, and also for eccentricities greater than ~0.05. For signals with higher signal-to-noise ratio than GW150914, or in other regions of the binary parameter space (lower masses, larger mass ratios, or higher spins), we expect that systematic errors in current waveform models may impact gravitational-wave measurements, making more accurate models desirable for future observations

    All-sky search for long-duration gravitational wave transients in the first Advanced LIGO observing run

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    We present the results of a search for long-duration gravitational wave transients in the data of the LIGO Hanford and LIGO Livingston second generation detectors between September 2015 and January 2016 , with a total observational time of 49 d. The search targets gravitational wave transients of 10 – 500 s duration in a frequency band of 24 – 2048 Hz, with minimal assumptions about the signal waveform, polarization, source direction, or time of occurrence. No significant events were observed. As a result we set 90% confidence upper limits on the rate of long-duration gravitational wave transients for different types of gravitational wave signals. We also show that the search is sensitive to sources in the Galaxy emitting at least ∼ 10 − 8 M c 2 in gravitational waves

    Effects of waveform model systematics on the interpretation of GW150914

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    Parameter estimates of GW150914 were obtained using Bayesian inference, based on three semi-analytic waveform models for binary black hole coalescences. These waveform models differ from each other in their treatment of black hole spins, and all three models make some simplifying assumptions, notably to neglect sub-dominant waveform harmonic modes and orbital eccentricity. Furthermore, while the models are calibrated to agree with waveforms obtained by full numerical solutions of Einstein's equations, any such calibration is accurate only to some non-zero tolerance and is limited by the accuracy of the underlying phenomenology, availability, quality, and parameter-space coverage of numerical simulations. This paper complements the original analyses of GW150914 with an investigation of the effects of possible systematic errors in the waveform models on estimates of its source parameters. To test for systematic errors we repeat the original Bayesian analysis on mock signals from numerical simulations of a series of binary configurations with parameters similar to those found for GW150914. Overall, we find no evidence for a systematic bias relative to the statistical error of the original parameter recovery of GW150914 due to modeling approximations or modeling inaccuracies. However, parameter biases are found to occur for some configurations disfavored by the data of GW150914: for binaries inclined edge-on to the detector over a small range of choices of polarization angles, and also for eccentricities greater than  ~0.05. For signals with higher signal-to-noise ratio than GW150914, or in other regions of the binary parameter space (lower masses, larger mass ratios, or higher spins), we expect that systematic errors in current waveform models may impact gravitational-wave measurements, making more accurate models desirable for future observations