295 research outputs found

    The double population of Chamaeleon I detected by Gaia DR2

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    Context. Chamaeleon I represents an ideal laboratory to study the cluster formation in a low-mass environment. Recently, two sub clusters spatially located in the northern and southern parts of Chamaeleon I were found with different ages and radial velocities. Aims. In this letter we report new insights into the structural properties, age, and distance of Chamaeleon I based on the astrometric parameters from Gaia data-release 2 (DR2). Methods. We identified 140 sources with a reliable counterpart in the Gaia DR2 archive. We determined the median distance of the cluster using Gaia parallaxes and fitted the distribution of parallaxes and proper motions assuming the presence of two clusters. We derived the probability of each single source of belonging to the northern or southern sub-clusters, and compared the HR diagram of the most probable members to pre-main sequences isochrones. Results. The median distance of Chamaeleon I is ~190 pc. This is about 20 pc larger than the value commonly adopted in the literature. From a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test of the parallaxes and proper-motion distributions we conclude that the northern and southern clusters do not belong to the same parent population. The northern population has a distance dN = 192.7+/-0.4 pc, while the southern one dS = 186.5+/-0.7 pc. The two sub-clusters appear coeval, at variance with literature results, and most of the sources are younger than 3 Myr. The northern cluster is more elongated and extends towards the southern direction partially overlapping with the more compact cluster located in the south. A hint of a relative rotation between the two sub-clusters is also found.Comment: Letter accepted by A&

    A 3D view of the Taurus star-forming region by <i>Gaia </i>and <i>Herschel</i>:multiple populations related to the filamentary molecular cloud

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    Context. Taurus represents an ideal region to study the three-dimensional distribution of the young stellar population and relate it to the associated molecular cloud. Aims. The second Gaia data release (DR2) enables us to investigate the Taurus complex in three dimensions, starting from a previously defined robust membership. The molecular cloud structured in filaments can be traced in emission using the public far-infrared maps from Herschel. Methods. From a compiled catalog of spectroscopically confirmed members, we analyze the 283 sources with reliable parallax and proper motions in the Gaia DR2 archive. We fit the distribution of parallaxes and proper motions with multiple populations described by multivariate Gaussians. We compute the cartesian Galactic coordinates (X,Y,Z) and, for the populations associated with the main cloud, also the galactic space velocity (U,V,W). We discuss the spatial distribution of the populations in relation to the structure of the filamentary molecular cloud traced by Herschel. Results. We discover the presence of six populations which are all well defined in parallax and proper motions, with the only exception being Taurus D. The derived distances range between 130 and 160 pc. We do not find a unique relation between stellar population and the associated molecular cloud: while the stellar population seems to be on the cloud surface, both lying at similar distances, this is not the case when the molecular cloud is structured in filaments. Taurus B is probably moving in the direction of Taurus A, while Taurus E appears to be moving towards them. Conclusions. The Taurus region is the result of a complex star formation history which most probably occurred in clumpy and filamentary structures that are evolving independently

    The Herschel/PACS view of the Cep OB2 region: Global protoplanetary disk evolution and clumpy star formation

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    Astronomy and Astrophysics 573 (2015): A19 reproduced with permission from Astronomy & AstrophysicsContext. The Cep OB2 region, with its two intermediate-aged clusters Tr 37 and NGC7160, is a paradigm of sequential star formation and an ideal site for studies of protoplanetary disk evolution. Aims. We use Herschel data to study the protoplanetary disks and the star formation history of the region. Methods. Herschel/PACS observations at 70 and 160 μm probe the disk properties (mass, dust sizes, structure) and the evolutionary state of a large number of young stars. Far-IR data also trace the remnant cloud material and small-scale cloud structure. Results. We detect 95 protoplanetary disks at 70 μm, 41 at 160 μm, and obtain upper limits for more than 130 objects. The detection fraction at 70 μm depends on the spectral type (88% for K4 or earlier stars, 17% for M3 or later stars) and on the disk type (∼50% for full and pre-transitional disks, ∼35% for transitional disks, no low-excess/depleted disks detected). Non-accreting disks are not detected, suggesting significantly lower masses. Accreting transition and pre-transition disks have systematically higher 70 μm excesses than full disks, suggestive of more massive, flared and/or thicker disks. Herschel data also reveal several mini-clusters in Tr 37, which are small, compact structures containing a few young stars surrounded by nebulosity. Conclusions. Far-IR data are an excellent probe of the evolution of disks that are too faint for sub-millimetre observations. We find a strong link between far-IR emission and accretion, and between the inner and outer disk structure. Herschel confirms the dichotomy between accreting and non-accreting transition disks. Accretion is a powerful measure of global disk evolution: substantial mass depletion and global evolution need to occur to shut down accretion in a protoplanetary disk, even if the disk has inner holes. Disks likely follow different evolutionary paths: low disk masses do not imply opening inner holes, and having inner holes does not require low disk masses. The mini-clusters reveal multi-episodic star formation in Tr 37. The long survival of mini-clusters suggest that they formed from the fragmentation of the same core. Their various morphologies favour different formation/triggering mechanisms acting within the same cluster. The beads-on-a-string structure in one mini-cluster is consistent with gravitational fragmentation or gravitational focusing, acting on very small scales (solar-mass stars in ∼0.5 pc filaments). Multi-episodic star formation could also produce evolutionary variations between disks in the same region. Finally, Herschel also unveils what could be the first heavy mass loss episode of the O6.5 star HD206267 in Tr 37A.S.A. acknowledges support by the Spanish MICINN/MINECO “Ramón y Cajal” program, grant number RYC-2010-06164. A.S.A. and M.F. acknowledge support by the action “Proyectos de Investigación fundamental no orientada”, grant number AYA2012-35008. C.E. is partly supported by Spanish MICINN/MINECO grant AYA2011-26202. V.R. is supported by the DLR grant number 50 OR 1109 and by the Bayerischen Gleichstellungsförderung (BGF). T.B. acknowledges support from NASA Origins of Solar Systems grant NNX12AJ04G. This research has made use of the SIMBAD database, operated at CDS, Strasbourg, Franc

    Composite MRI measures and short-term disability in patients with clinically isolated syndrome suggestive of MS

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    The use of composite magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) measures has been suggested to better explain disability in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). However, little is known about the utility of composite scores at the earliest stages of the disease

    Further Constraints on the Presence of a Debris Disk in the Multiplanet System Gliese 876

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    Using both the Very Large Array (VLA) at 7mm wavelength, and the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) at 3mm, we have searched for microwave emission from from cool dust in the extrasolar planetary system Gliese 876 (Gl 876). Having detected no emission above our 3-sigma detection threshold of 135 microJy, we rule out any dust disk with either a mass greater than 0.0006 Earth masses or less than ~250 AU across. This result improves on previous detection aperture thresholds an order of magnitude greater, and it has some implications for the dynamical modeling of the system. It also is consistent with the Greaves et al. hypothesis that relates the presence of a debris disk to close-in planets. Due to the dust-planetesimal relationship, our null result may also provide a constraint on the population or composition of the dust and small bodies around this nearby M dwarf.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astonomical Journal. 13 pages including 1 tabl

    Squeezed between shells? On the origin of the Lupus I molecular cloud. - II. APEX CO and GASS HI observations

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    Accepted for publication in a future issue of Astronomy & Astrophysics. Reproduced with permission from Astronomy & Astrophysics. © 2018 ESO.Context. The Lupus I cloud is found between the Upper-Scorpius (USco) and the Upper-Centaurus-Lupus (UCL) sub-groups of the Scorpius-Centaurus OB-association, where the expanding USco H I shell appears to interact with a bubble currently driven by the winds of the remaining B-stars of UCL. Aims. We investigate if the Lupus I molecular could have formed in a colliding flow, and in particular, how the kinematics of the cloud might have been influenced by the larger scale gas dynamics. Methods. We performed APEX 13CO(2–1) and C 18O(2–1) line observations of three distinct parts of Lupus I that provide kinematic information on the cloud at high angular and spectral resolution. We compare those results to the atomic hydrogen data from the GASS H i survey and our dust emission results presented in the previous paper. Based on the velocity information, we present a geometric model for the interaction zone between the USco shell and the UCL wind bubble. Results. We present evidence that the molecular gas of Lupus I is tightly linked to the atomic material of the USco shell. The CO emission in Lupus I is found mainly at velocities between vLSR = 3–6 km s−1 which is in the same range as the H i velocities. Thus, the molecular cloud is co-moving with the expanding USco atomic H i shell. The gas in the cloud shows a complex kinematic structure with several line-of-sight components that overlay each other. The non-thermal velocity dispersion is in the transonic regime in all parts of the cloud and could be injected by external compression. Our observations and the derived geometric model agree with a scenario where Lupus I is located in the interaction zone between the USco shell and the UCL wind bubble. Conclusions. The kinematics observations are consistent with a scenario where the Lupus I cloud formed via shell instabilities. The particular location of Lupus I between USco and UCL suggests that counter-pressure from the UCL wind bubble and pre-existing density enhancements, perhaps left over from the gas stream that formed the stellar subgroups, may have played a role in its formation.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    A peculiar class of debris disks from Herschel/DUNES - A steep fall off in the far infrared

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    Aims. We present photometric data of debris disks around HIP 103389 (HD 199260), HIP 107350 (HN Peg, HD206860), and HIP 114948 (HD 219482), obtained in the context of our Herschel Open Time Key Program DUNES (DUst around NEarby Stars). Methods. We used Herschel/PACS to detect the thermal emission of the three debris disks with a 3 sigma sensitivity of a few mJy at 100 um and 160 um. In addition, we obtained Herschel/PACS photometric data at 70 um for HIP 103389. Two different approaches are applied to reduce the Herschel data to investigate the impact of data reduction on the photometry. We fit analytical models to the available spectral energy distribution (SED) data. Results. The SEDs of the three disks potentially exhibit an unusually steep decrease at wavelengths > 70 um. We investigate the significance of the peculiar shape of these SEDs and the impact on models of the disks provided it is real. Our modeling reveals that such a steep decrease of the SEDs in the long wavelength regime is inconsistent with a power-law exponent of the grain size distribution -3.5 expected from a standard equilibrium collisional cascade. In contrast, a very distinct range of grain sizes is implied to dominate the thermal emission of such disks. However, we demonstrate that the understanding of the data of faint sources obtained with Herschel is still incomplete and that the significance of our results depends on the version of the data reduction pipeline used. Conclusions. A new mechanism to produce the dust in the presented debris disks, deviations from the conditions required for a standard equilibrium collisional cascade (grain size exponent of -3.5), and/or significantly different dust properties would be necessary to explain the potentially steep SED shape of the three debris disks presented. (abridged)Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, accepted by A&

    The Gaia-ESO Survey: A new diagnostic for accretion and outflow activity in the young cluster NGC 2264

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    Context. NGC 2264 is a young cluster whose accretion properties can be investigated in detail by taking advantage of the FLAMES data in the context of the Gaia-ESO Survey. In fact, the analysis of the Hα emission line profile can provide us with information about the accretion and ejection activity of young stars. However, a strong nebular emission that contributes to the Hα emission can alter the profiles, with consequences for their physical interpretation. Aims. Our study is aimed at investigating the accretion and ejection properties of NGC 2264 by applying a proper treatment of the sky contribution to the Hα and forbidden emission lines (FELs; [SII] and [NII] doublets). Methods. We developed a tool, the OHαNA-method, to handle the strong nebular contribution and spectra with spurious profiles of the Hα and FELs, namely altered Hα profiles or absorption features artificially created where emission lines (FELs) are expected. We derived the quantitative measurements of relevant parameters to describe the accretion and ejection processes in young members of NGC 2264, focusing on reliable quantities derived from the width of the lines, which is relatively unaffected by the nebular emission, unlike the intensity peak, which can be altered significantly. Results. We derive the quantitative measurements related to the Hα emission line and discuss the comparison between the original and sky-subtracted spectra. We thus reveal possible profile alterations with consequences for their physical interpretation. Furthermore, we show the analysis of the variability for multi-epoch observations, also deriving the velocity of the infalling and outflowing plasma from the wings of the broad Hα emission line (in accreting stars). We also explore the mass accretion rate versus full width at zero intensity of the Hα line, namely Ṁ versus FWZI(Hα), a correlation based on the width of the emission line, which is expected to be more robust with respect to any measurement derived from the peak (e.g., Hα10%) and possibly altered by the nebular contribution. Conclusions. We are able to ascertain that more than 20% of the confirmed accretors, which have already been identified in NGC 2264, are affected by the alteration of their line profiles due to the contribution of the nebular emission. Therefore, this is an important issue to consider when investigating accretion and ejection processes in young stellar clusters. While a small fraction of spectra can be unequivocally classified as either unaffected by nebular emission or dominated by nebular emission, the majority (&gt; 90%) represent intermediate cases whose spectral features have to be investigated in detail to derive reliable measurements of the relevant parameters and their physical implications.</jats:p

    Walk your talk: Real-world adherence to guidelines on the use of MRI in multiple sclerosis

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    (1) Although guidelines about the use of MRI sequences for Multiple Sclerosis (MS) diagnosis and follow-up are available, variability in acquisition protocols is not uncommon in everyday clinical practice. The aim of this study was to evaluate the real-world application of MS imaging guidelines in different settings to clarify the level of adherence to these guidelines. (2) Via an on-line anonymous survey, neuroradiologists (NR) were asked about MRI protocols and parameters routinely acquired when MS patients are evaluated in their center, both at diagnosis and followup. Furthermore, data about report content and personal opinions about emerging neuroimaging markers were also retrieved. (3) A total of 46 participants were included, mostly working in a hospital or university hospital (80.4%) and with more than 10 years of experience (47.9%). We found a relatively good adherence to the suggested MRI protocols regarding the use of T2-weighted sequences, although almost 10% of the participants routinely acquired 2D sequences with a slice thickness superior to 3 mm. On the other hand, a wider degree of heterogeneity was found regarding gadolinium administration, almost routinely performed at follow-up examination (87.0% of cases) in contrast with the current guidelines, as well as a low use of a standardized reporting system (17.4% of cases). (4) Although the MS community is getting closer to a standardization of MRI protocols, there is still a relatively wide heterogeneity among NR, with particular reference to contrast administration, which must be overcome to guarantee an adequate quality of patients’ care in MS