251 research outputs found

    Educação inclusiva e diferença: um estudo sobre a produção do conhecimento na área

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    Esta pesquisa, de cunho bibliográfico e abordagem qualitativa, buscou compreender os discursos sobre educação inclusiva e diferença nas dissertações produzidas no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação (Mestrado) de uma universidade do município de Blumenau (Santa Catarina, Brasil) entre os anos de 2009 e 2013. Os resultados indicam que se, por um lado, observam-se permanências de um modelo médico acerca das deficiências e da inclusão escolar, por outro, percebe-se a emergência, em estudos mais recentes, da adoção de uma perspectiva dialética sobre as diferenças no cotidiano escolar, considerando-se a educação inclusiva em suas dimensões sociais, ético-política e afetiva, na busca pela superação das dicotomias que se constroem entre educação especial e educação comum, inclusão e exclusão, normal e patológico.Palavras-chave: Deficiência. Diferença. Educação Inclusiva.Inclusive education and difference: a study on the production of knowledge in the areaAbstractThis research, based on bibliographic and qualitative approach, sought to understand the discourse about inclusive education and difference in dissertations produced in the Program of Postgraduate Studies in Education (Master Degree) of a university in Blumenau (Santa Catarina, Brazil) between the years of 2009 and 2013. The results indicate that if, on the one hand, there is a continuity of a medical model about the deficiencies and the school inclusion, on the other, the emergence, in more recent studies, of adopting a dialectical perspective on the differences concerning inclusive education in its social, ethical-political and affective dimensions, looking for overcome the dichotomies built between special education and common education, inclusion and exclusion, normal and pathological.Keywords: Disability. Difference. Inclusive education

    Influência dos pais sobre o comportamento infantil no atendimento odontológico

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    The difficulty in pediatric dentistry care, caused by non-collaborative child behavior, may be associated with the stress and anxiety of the parents, who often have gone through negative experiences during dental care. This study aims to show the influence that parents have on their children during pediatric dentistry treatment. A literature review was carried out on the influence of the tutor during dental care and, based on the information collected and on the experience of experts in the area, a booklet was developed with orientations to parents of pediatric dentistry patients. There is considerable influence of parents and guardians in the behavior of children during dental care and those who receive prior treatment orientation are able to obtain better collaboration, improving the professional's performance.La dificultad en la atención odontopediátrica, causada por el comportamiento infantil no colaborativo, puede estar asociado al estrés y ansiedad de los padres, que muchas veces han pasado por experiencias negativas en el ambiente odontológico. Este estudio tiene como objetivo mostrar la influencia que los padres tienen sobre sus hijos durante la consulta odontológica. Se realizó una revisión de literatura sobre la influencia del acompañante durante la atención odontológica y, con base en las informaciones recolectadas y en la experiencia de expertos en el área, se desarrolló una cartilla con orientaciones a los padres de pacientes odontopediátricos. Hay considerable influencia de los padres y responsables en el comportamiento infantil durante la atención odontológica y aquellos que reciben orientación previa al tratamiento logran obtener una mejor colaboración, mejorando la actuación del profesional.A dificuldade no atendimento odontopediátrico, causada pelo comportamento infantil não colaborativo, pode estar associada ao estresse e ansiedade dos pais, que muitas vezes passaram por experiências negativas no ambiente odontológico. O presente estudo tem como objetivo mostrar a influência que os pais têm em seus filhos durante a consulta odontológica. Foi realizada uma revisão de literatura sobre a influência do acompanhante durante o atendimento odontológico e, com base nas informações coletadas e na experiência de experts na área, foi desenvolvido uma cartilha com orientações aos pais de pacientes odontopediátricos. Há considerável influência dos pais e responsáveis no comportamento infantil durante o atendimento odontológico e aqueles que recebem orientação prévia ao tratamento, conseguem obter uma melhor colaboração melhorando a atuação do profissional

    QuEChERS: um método moderno de preparo de amostra para determinação multirresíduo de pesticidas em alimentos por métodos cromatográficos acoplados à espectrometria de massas

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    This review attempts to provide an updated overview of the Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Ruged and Safe (QuEChERS) multiresidue extraction method, that involves initial extraction in acetonitrile, an extraction/partition step after the addition of salt, and a cleanup step utilizing dispersive solid phase extraction. QuEChERS method is nowadays the most applied extraction method for the determination of pesticide residues in food samples, providing acceptable recoveries for acidic, neutral and basic pesticides. Several applications for various food matrices (fruits, vegetables, cereals and others) in combination with chromatographic mass spectrometry analysis were presented

    Micromorfologia do Esmalte Decíduo Intacto ou Desgastado em Função do Agente Condicionador

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    The aim of this study was to examina te under scanning electron microscopy (SEM) the micromorphology of grounded and ungrounded primary enamel after conditioning with 37% phosphoric acid, single or two-step self etching adhesive systems. Fiftheen primary teeth were selected and divided into three groups (n=5), according to the etchant and then sub-divided maintaining the enamel surface ungrounded or grounded. G1: 37% phosphoric acid (Condicionador Dental Gel – Dentsply). G1A: ungrounded enamel. G1B; grounded enamel. G2: etching with primer of a two-step adhesive system Adhese (Ivoclar – Vivadent). G2A: ungrounded enamel. G2B: grounded enamel. G3: etching with a single-step adhesive system (Xeno III – Dentsply). G3A: ungrounded enamel. G3B: grounded enamel. After enamel etching, all the samples were dehydrated, mounted on metal stubs and observed by SEM for etching pattern. G1A samples showed a non-uniform pattern of enamel etching (with etched and unetched areas). In G1B samples it was observed an uniform Type 2 etching pattern, according Silverstone etal. (1975). G2A and G2B samples did not reveal an uniform etching pattern, for both grounded and ungrounded enamel. It was concluded that the use of phosphoric acid seems to be more suitable to create a micro retentive surface, specially when enamel surface was grounded. Use of a self etching adhesive system on grounded or ungrounded primary enamel did not propitiate the formation of a microretentive enamel pattern.O objetivo deste estudo foi observar, ao microscópio eletrônico de varredura (MEV), a micromorfologia do esmalte de dentes decíduos intacto ou desgastado após condicionamento com ácido fosfórico a 37% ou com sistemas adesivos autocondicionantes de uma ou duas etapas. Foram selecionados 15 dentes decíduos, que foram divididos em três grupos, com 5 dentes em cada, de acordo com o agente condicionador e dentre eles, sub-divididos mantendo-se a superfície do esmalte intacta ou desgastada. G1: ácido fosfórico a 37% (Condicionador Dental Gel - Dentsply). G1A: esmalte intacto. G1B: esmalte desgastado. G2: condicionamento com primer do sistema adesivo autocondicionante de duas etapas (Adhese - Ivoclar Vivadent). G2A: esmalte intacto. G2B: esmalte desgastado. G3: condicionamento com sistema adesivo autocondicionante de etapa única (Xeno III – Dentsply). G3A: esmalte intacto. G3B: esmalte desgastado. Após os tratamentos propostos, todas as amostras foram desidratadas, montadas em bases metálicas e observadas ao MEV quanto ao padrão de condicionamento ácido. As amostras do G1A revelaram um padrão não homogêneo de condicionamento (áreas de esmalte condicionado e outras não condicionadas). No G1B foi observado um padrão homogêneo de condicionamento, prevalecendo o padrão Tipo 2 de Silverstone et al. (1975). As amostras dos G2A e G2B não revelaram um padrão homogêneo de condicionamento, tanto no esmalte íntegro como no desgastado. Concluiu-se que o uso do ácido fosfórico parece ser mais favorável para a formação de uma superfície micro retentiva, notadamente no esmalte desgastado. O uso de sistemas adesivos autocondicionantes, tanto no esmalte intacto como no desgastado não propiciou a formação de uma superfície do esmalte micro retentiv

    Baterias estruturais e suas aplicações em veículos elétricos: uma revisão / Structural batteries and their applications in electric vehicles: a review

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    Trata-se neste trabalho como a tecnologia pode trazer mudanças que viabilizam o uso de veículos elétricos e híbridos e os torna uma opção mais interessante que os veículos à combustão interna. O petróleo pode se tornar escasso e seus combustíveis derivados poderão ficar mais caros conforme a escassez. Por outro lado, o custo de produção de baterias e soluções elétricas para veículos cai a cada ano. Essa potencial economia pode ser impulsionada por tecnologias como: baterias estruturais, que são mais leves para automóveis, fibras de carbono e supercapacitores, que podem compor sistemas híbridos muito econômicos. Assim, os futuros veículos elétricos ou híbridos podem se tornar tão economicamente viáveis quanto ecológicos

    A Pair of Dopamine Neurons Target the D1-Like Dopamine Receptor DopR in the Central Complex to Promote Ethanol-Stimulated Locomotion in Drosophila

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    Dopamine is a mediator of the stimulant properties of drugs of abuse, including ethanol, in mammals and in the fruit fly Drosophila. The neural substrates for the stimulant actions of ethanol in flies are not known. We show that a subset of dopamine neurons and their targets, through the action of the D1-like dopamine receptor DopR, promote locomotor activation in response to acute ethanol exposure. A bilateral pair of dopaminergic neurons in the fly brain mediates the enhanced locomotor activity induced by ethanol exposure, and promotes locomotion when directly activated. These neurons project to the central complex ellipsoid body, a structure implicated in regulating motor behaviors. Ellipsoid body neurons are required for ethanol-induced locomotor activity and they express DopR. Elimination of DopR blunts the locomotor activating effects of ethanol, and this behavior can be restored by selective expression of DopR in the ellipsoid body. These data tie the activity of defined dopamine neurons to D1-like DopR-expressing neurons to form a neural circuit that governs acute responding to ethanol

    Candidate Gustatory Interneurons Modulating Feeding Behavior in the Drosophila Brain

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    Feeding is a fundamental activity of all animals that can be regulated by internal energy status or external sensory signals. We have characterized a zinc finger transcription factor, klumpfuss (klu), which is required for food intake in Drosophila larvae. Microarray analysis indicates that expression of the neuropeptide gene hugin (hug) in the brain is altered in klu mutants and that hug itself is regulated by food signals. Neuroanatomical analysis demonstrates that hug-expressing neurons project axons to the pharyngeal muscles, to the central neuroendocrine organ, and to the higher brain centers, whereas hug dendrites are innervated by external gustatory receptor-expressing neurons, as well as by internal pharyngeal chemosensory organs. The use of tetanus toxin to block synaptic transmission of hug neurons results in alteration of food intake initiation, which is dependent on previous nutrient condition. Our results provide evidence that hug neurons function within a neural circuit that modulates taste-mediated feeding behavior

    Targeted kinase inhibition relieves slowness and tremor in a Drosophila model of LRRK2 Parkinson’s disease

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    Disease models: A reflex reaction A simple reflex in flies can be used to test the effectiveness of therapies that slow neurodegeneration in Parkinson’s disease (PD). Christopher Elliott and colleagues at the University of York in the United Kingdom investigated the contraction of the proboscis muscle which mediates a taste behavior response and is regulated by a single dopaminergic neuron. Flies bearing particular mutations in the PD-associated gene leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) in dopaminergic neurons lost their ability to feed on a sweet solution. This was due to the movement of the proboscis muscle becoming slower and stiffer, hallmark features of PD. The authors rescued the impaired reflex reaction by feeding the flies l-DOPA or LRRK2 inhibitors. These findings highlight the proboscis extension response as a useful tool to identify other PD-associated mutations and test potential therapeutic compounds

    Genomic characterization of a repetitive motif strongly associated with developmental genes in Drosophila

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    BACKGROUND: Non-coding DNA represents a high proportion of all metazoan genomes. Although an undetermined fraction of this DNA may be considered devoid of any function, it also contains important information residing in specific cis-regulatory sequences. RESULTS: We report a 27 bp motif that is overrepresented within the fly genome. This motif does not show any significant similarity with transposon sequences and is strongly associated with genes involved in development and/or signal transduction. The 27 bp motif is preferentially located within introns, and has a tendency to be present in multiple copies around genes. Furthermore, it is often found embedded in known non-coding regulatory regions. The regulatory network defined by this motif is partially shared in D. pseudoobscura. CONCLUSION: We have identified a 27 bp cis-regulatory sequence widely distributed within the Drosophila genome in association with developmental genes. This motif may be very useful towards the annotation of functional regulatory regions within the Drosophila genome and the construction of regulatory networks of Drosophila development