137 research outputs found


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    A set of four test regions covering a total celestial area of 520 deg2 at low galactic latitude is investigated on a set of 130 century-old astrographic plates. About 8% of the 2 × 105 stars with apparent B magnitude 10–14 and with total proper-motion component larger than 002 yr-1 show a significant flickering greater than 0.4 mag in B over a timescale shorter than 20 minutes. About 25% of these stellar flare candidates concern stars with B-V ~ 0.2 (spectral type A7). A procedure to select pre–main-sequence stellar candidates from the distance-limited sample of 16 × 103 disk dwarfs with detected flickering in B magnitude ≥0.4 is presented in view of a mass loss of 10-8 M☉ yr-1, derived from the analysis of the angular momentum distribution of stellar orbits. Follow-up UBV photoelectric photometry at the present epoch of 200 nearby stellar flares along the Vulpecula Rift shows an effect of reddening in B-V and of blueing in U-B for about 10% of the targets. The detection of optically thin or thick disks around the selected targets is suggested. The success rate in detecting optical flares in nearby stars of ~1.5 M☉ with as much as 5 × 10-6 M☉ dumped onto the central star during the past 100 years, from deep astrographic plates coupled with 1 m–class telescope is estimated to 10% with a kinematical bias that can be dealt with

    Localizing INTEGRAL Sources with Chandra: X-Ray and Multi-Wavelength Identifications and Energy Spectra

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    We report on Chandra observations of 18 hard X-ray (>20 keV) sources discovered with the INTEGRAL satellite near the Galactic plane. For 14 of the INTEGRAL sources, we have uncovered one or two potential Chandra counterparts per source. These provide soft X-ray (0.3-10 keV) spectra and sub-arcsecond localizations, which we use to identify counterparts at other wavelengths, providing information about the nature of each source. Despite the fact that all of the sources are within 5 degrees of the plane, four of the IGR sources are AGN (IGR J01545+6437, IGR J15391-5307, IGR J15415-5029, and IGR J21565+5948) and four others are likely AGN (IGR J03103+5706, IGR J09189-4418, IGR J16413-4046, and IGR J16560-4958) based on each of them having a strong IR excess and/or extended optical or near-IR emission. We compare the X-ray and near-IR fluxes of this group of sources to those of AGN selected by their 2-10 keV emission in previous studies and find that these IGR AGN are in the range of typical values. There is evidence in favor of four of the sources being Galactic (IGR J12489-6243, IGR J15293-5609, IGR J16173-5023, and IGR J16206-5253), but only IGR J15293-5609 is confirmed as a Galactic source as it has a unique Chandra counterpart and a parallax measurement from previous optical observations that puts its distance at 1.56+/-0.12 kpc. The 0.3-10 keV luminosity for this source is 1.4e32 erg/s, and its optical/IR spectral energy distribution is well described by a blackbody with a temperature of 4200-7000 K and a radius of 12.0-16.4 Rsun. These values suggest that IGR J15293-5609 is a symbiotic binary with an early K-type giant and a white dwarf accretor. We also obtained likely Chandra identifications for IGR J13402-6428 and IGR J15368-5102, but follow-up observations are required to constrain their source types.Comment: 17 pages, accepted by Ap

    SoLid : Search for Oscillations with Lithium-6 Detector at the SCK-CEN BR2 reactor

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    Sterile neutrinos have been considered as a possible explanation for the recent reactor and Gallium anomalies arising from reanalysis of reactor flux and calibration data of previous neutrino experiments. A way to test this hypothesis is to look for distortions of the anti-neutrino energy caused by oscillation from active to sterile neutrino at close stand-off (similar to 6-8m) of a compact reactor core. Due to the low rate of anti-neutrino interactions the main challenge in such measurement is to control the high level of gamma rays and neutron background. The SoLid experiment is a proposal to search for active-to-sterile anti-neutrino oscillation at very short baseline of the SCK center dot CEN BR2 research reactor. This experiment uses a novel approach to detect anti-neutrino with a highly segmented detector based on Lithium-6. With the combination of high granularity, high neutron-gamma discrimination using 6LiF:ZnS(Ag) and precise localization of the Inverse Beta Decay products, a better experimental sensitivity can be achieved compared to other state-of-the-art technology. This compact system requires minimum passive shielding allowing for very close stand off to the reactor. The experimental set up of the SoLid experiment and the BR2 reactor will be presented. The new principle of neutrino detection and the detector design with expected performance will be described. The expected sensitivity to new oscillations of the SoLid detector as well as the first measurements made with the 8 kg prototype detector deployed at the BR2 reactor in 2013-2014 will be reported

    Identification of Moving Groups and Member Selection using Hipparcos Data

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    A new method to identify coherent structures in velocity space --- moving groups --- in astrometric catalogues is presented: the Spaghetti method. It relies on positions, parallaxes, and proper motions and is ideally suited to search for moving groups in the Hipparcos Catalogue. No radial velocity information is required. The method has been tested extensively on synthetic data, and applied to the Hipparcos measurements for the Hyades and IC2602 open clusters. The resulting lists of members agree very well with those of Perryman et al. for the Hyades and of Whiteoak and Braes for IC2602.Comment: 14 pages, 9 encapsulated postscript figures, LaTeX using mn.sty; accepted for publication in the MNRA

    On the nature of the Be star HR 7409 (7 Vul)

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    HR 7409 (7 Vul) is a newly identified Be star possibly part of the Gould Belt and is the massive component of a 69-day spectroscopic binary. The binary parameters and properties of the Be star measured using high-dispersion spectra obtained at Ondrejov Observatory and at Rozhen Observatory imply the presence of a low mass companion (~ 0.5-0.8 M_sun). If the pair is relatively young (<50-80 Myr), then the companion is a K V star, but, following another, older evolutionary scenario, the companion is a horizontal-branch star or possibly a white dwarf star. In the latter scenario, a past episode of mass transfer from an evolved star onto a less massive dwarf star would be responsible for the peculiar nature of the present-day, fast-rotating Be star.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Performance of prototypes for the ALICE electromagnetic calorimeter

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    The performance of prototypes for the ALICE electromagnetic sampling calorimeter has been studied in test beam measurements at FNAL and CERN. A 4×44\times4 array of final design modules showed an energy resolution of about 11% /E(GeV)\sqrt{E(\mathrm{GeV})} ⊕\oplus 1.7 % with a uniformity of the response to electrons of 1% and a good linearity in the energy range from 10 to 100 GeV. The electromagnetic shower position resolution was found to be described by 1.5 mm ⊕\oplus 5.3 mm /E(GeV)\sqrt{E \mathrm{(GeV)}}. For an electron identification efficiency of 90% a hadron rejection factor of >600>600 was obtained.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Evolutionary quantitative genetics of behavioral responses to handling in a wild passerine

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    Behavioral differences between individuals that are consistent over time characterize animal personality. The existence of such consistency contrasts to the expectation based on classical behavioral theory that facultative behavior maximizes individual fitness. Here, we study two personality traits (aggression and breath rate during handling) in a wild population of blue tits during 2007– 2012. Handling aggression and breath rate were moderately heritable (h2 = 0.35 and 0.20, respectively) and not genetically correlated (rA = 0.06) in adult blue tits, which permits them to evolve independently. Reciprocal cross-fostering (2007–2010) showed that offspring reared by more aggressive males have a higher probability to recruit. In addition, offspring reared by pairs mated assortatively for handling aggression had a higher recruitment probability, which is the first evidence that both parents’ personalities influence their reproductive success in the wild in a manner independent of their genetic effects. Handling aggression was not subjected to survival selection in either sex, but slow-breathing females had a higher annual probability of survival as revealed by capture–mark–recapture analysis. We find no evidence for temporal fluctuations in selection, and thus conclude that directional selection (via different fitness components) acts on these two heritable personality traits. Our findings show that blue tit personality has predictable fitness consequences, but that facultative adjustment of an individual’s personality to match the fitness maximum is likely constrained by the genetic architecture of personality. In the face of directional selection, the presence of heritable variation in personality suggests the existence of a trade-off that we have not identified yet.Peer reviewe

    Photoperiod affects the phenotype of mitochondrial complex I mutants

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    Plant mutants for genes encoding subunits of mitochondrial Complex I (CI, NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase), the first enzyme of the respiratory chain, display various phenotypes depending on growth conditions. Here, we examined the impact of photoperiod, a major environmental factor controlling plant development, on two Arabidopsis thaliana CI mutants: a new insertion mutant interrupted in both ndufs8.1 and ndufs8.2 genes encoding the NDUFS8 subunit, and the previously characterized ndufs4 CI mutant. In long day (LD) condition, both ndufs8.1 and ndufs8.2 single mutants were indistinguishable from Col-0 at phenotypic and biochemical levels, whereas the ndufs8.1 ndufs8.2 double mutant was devoid of detectable holo-CI assembly/activity, showed higher AOX content/activity and displayed a growth-retardation phenotype similar to that of the ndufs4 mutant. Although growth was more affected in ndufs4 than ndufs8.1 ndufs8.2 under short day (SD) condition, both mutants displayed a similar impairment of growth acceleration after transfer to LD as compared to the WT. Untargeted and targeted metabolomics showed that overall metabolism was less responsive to the SD-to-LD transition in mutants than in the WT. The typical LD acclimation of carbon, nitrogen-assimilation and redox-related parameters was not observed in ndufs8.1 ndufs8. Similarly, NAD(H) content, that was higher in SD condition in both mutants than in Col-0, did not adjust under LD. We propose that altered redox homeostasis and NAD(H) content/redox state control the phenotype of Complex I mutants and photoperiod acclimation in Arabidopsis

    Review and Recommendations for Experimentations in Earth Orbit and Beyond

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    The space environment is regularly used for experiments addressing astrobiology research goals. The specific conditions prevailing in Earth orbit and beyond, notably the radiative environment (photons and energetic particles) and the possibility to conduct long-duration measurements, have been the main motivations for developing experimental concepts to expose chemical or biological samples to outer space, or to use the reentry of a spacecraft on Earth to simulate the fall of a meteorite. This paper represents an overview of past and current research in astrobiology conducted in Earth orbit and beyond, with a special focus on ESA missions such as Biopan, STONE (on Russian FOTON capsules) and EXPOSE facilities (outside the International Space Station). The future of exposure platforms is discussed, notably how they can be improved for better science return, and how to incorporate the use of small satellites such as those built in cubesat format
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