9 research outputs found

    Von der Idee zum Deutschschulbuch

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    Touha po znalostech, vědění a porozumění pohání dnešní svět kupředu. Jedním z prostředků, který nám k tomuto vytyčenému cíli může dopomoci, je učebnice, potažmo učebnice cizích jazyků. Ta totiž otevírá dveře do světa poznání, jelikož propojuje nejen učební osnovy v mateřském jazyce, ale i znalosti cizích kultur a světa jako celku. Učebnice jsou fenomén, který provází učitele po celém světě a ačkoli jsou široce rozšířeny, mnoho lidí si ani nedovede představit, jakým způsobem taková učebnice vzniká. Cílem této bakalářské práce je demonstrovat profesionální tvorbu učebnic v oboru Němčina pro základní školy a víceletá gymnázia. Příkladem je podrobný rozbor tvorby učebnice Deutsch mit Max od nakladatelství Fraus. Teoretická část se věnuje obecnému pojmu učebnice, její modernizaci a kritériím, dle kterých se potencionální uživatelé rozhodují, zda-li je určitá učebnice pro výuku vhodná. Třetí kapitola této části ukazuje pozici výuky německého jazyka v České republice. Praktická část se skládá z analýzy dvou rozhovorů, které mi poskytly Mgr. Jitka Staňková, redaktorka učebnice Deutsch mit Max, a PaedDr. Milena Zbranková, autorka stejné publikace.ObhájenoThe desire for knowledge and understanding drives today's world forward. One of the means that can help us to this goal is a textbook, or even a textbook of foreign languages. It opens the door to the world of knowledge, as it connects not only the curriculum in the mother tongue, but also knowledge of foreign cultures and the world as a whole. Textbooks are a phenomenon that accompanies teachers around the world, and although they are widespread, many people cannot even imagine how such a textbook is created. The aim of this bachelor's thesis is to demonstrate the professional creation of textbooks in the field of German language for primary schools. An example is a detailed description of the creation of the textbook Deutsch mit Max by Fraus publishing house. The theoretical part deals with the general concept of the textbook, its modernization and the criteria according to which potential users decide whether a particular textbook is suitable for teaching. The third chapter of this part shows the position of German language teaching in the Czech Republic. The practical part consists of analysis of two interviews provided by Mgr. Jitka Staňková, editor of the textbook Deutsch mit Max, and PaedDr. Milena Zbranková, author of the same publication

    Clinical Features, Outcomes, and Response to Corticosteroid Treatment of Acute Tubulointerstitial Nephritis: A Single-Centre Retrospective Cohort Study in the Czech Republic

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    Introduction: Acute tubulointerstitial nephritis (ATIN) is a well-recognized cause of acute kidney injury (AKI) due to the tubulointerstitial inflammation. The aim of this study was to explore the clinical features, outcomes, and responses to corticosteroid treatment in patients with ATIN. Methods: Patients with biopsy-proven ATIN, who were diagnosed between 1994 and 2016 at the Department of Nephrology, Charles University, First Faculty of Medicine, and General University Hospital in Prague, were included in the study. Patient demographics, the aetiological and clinical features, the treatment given, and the outcome at 1 year of follow-up were extracted from patient records. Results: A total of 103 ATIN patients were analysed, of which 68 had been treated with corticosteroids. There was no significant difference in the median serum creatinine 280 (169–569) µmol/L in the conservatively managed group versus 374 (249–558) µmol/L in the corticosteroid-treated group, p = 0.18, and dependence on dialysis treatment at baseline at the time of biopsy (10.3 vs. 8.6%). During the 1 year of follow-up, those ATIN patients who had been treated with corticosteroids did better and showed greater improvement in kidney function, determined as serum creatinine difference from baseline and from 1 month over 1-year period (p = 0.001). Conclusions: This single-centre retrospective cohort study supports the beneficial role of the administration of corticosteroid therapy in the management of ATIN

    Vinařství v kontextu novely zákona o vinohradnictví a vinařství

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    Frausová A. Viticulture in the context of the amendment to the Act on viticulture. Diploma thesis. Brno: Mendel University, 2019. The diploma thesis deals with viticulture in the context of the amendment to the Act on viticulture. The aim of the thesis was to formulate proposals and recommendations for strategic alternatives for domestic winemakers in connection with the aforementioned amendment to the Act on Viticulture. The first part of the thesis contains an overview of the literature, ie basic terms and knowledge that describe the given issue. The work itself is based on the analysis of the external and internal environment of winegrowing enterprises. Furthermore, the collection of primary and secondary data was conducted. Primary data were collected using a questionnaire survey and indepth interviews. On the basis of the marketing research, opportunities and threats and strengths and weaknesses were formulated, from which a SWOT matrix was subsequently drawn up. Based on the SWOT analysis, strategies were formulated that could be used by domestic winemakers in the future

    Syntax of the legal texts in diachronic point of view

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    The thesis deals with the language of legal documents and i t provides i ts readers wi th a description of i ts syntactic ::levelopment since 1918 up to now. On the background of the nethod by M . Těšitelová et al. Three text form three periods ~re analysed (about the years 1920, 1960 and 2000); their total range being 27000 word. The research results in the finding that the style of legal texts had its specific features at the beginning of the examined period allready. The sentences as a unit of predication gets longer. Further, the 1umber of nominal construction grows as one of the basic :haracteristics of the legal language. In the texts dated 2000 3. wider scale of analytic predicates is used. The vocabulary )f nonverbal clauses is impowerished. On the other hand, the 1umber of uses of postponed adj ecti ves grows considerabely, Lnfluencing the length of nominal groups. The thesis also )ffers a surwey of means of expressing intrinsic modality