25 research outputs found
Carel, Marion (dir.). 2012. Argumentation et polyphonie. De Saint Augustin à Robbe-Grillet (Paris : L’Harmattan)
Le titre de l’ouvrage fait surgir d’emblée une multitude de questions relatives à la démarche et aux finalités des études ici recueillies. La conjonction « et » que relie « argumentation » et « polyphonie » isole-t-elle deux objets d’étude distincts ou suggère-t-elle plutôt que les phénomènes polyphoniques et argumentatifs seront traités conjointement ? Les noms du philosophe chrétien et du chef de file du Nouveau Roman sont-ils évoqués simplement pour préciser l’étendue chronologique couver..
Soil microbial CNP and respiration responses to organic matter and nutrient additions: evidence from a tropical soil incubation
Soil nutrient availability has a strong influence on the fate of soil carbon (C) during microbial decomposition, contributing to Earth's C balance. While nutrient availability itself can impact microbial physiology and C partitioning between biomass and respiration during soil organic matter decomposition, the availability of labile C inputs may mediate the response of microorganisms to nutrient additions. As soil organic matter is decomposed, microorganisms retain or release C, nitrogen (N) or phosphorus (P) to maintain a stoichiometric balance. Although the concept of a microbial stoichiometric homeostasis has previously been proposed, microbial biomass CNP ratios are not static, and this may have very relevant implications for microbial physiological activities. Here, we tested the hypothesis that N, P and potassium (K) nutrient additions impact C cycling in a tropical soil due to microbial stoichiometric constraints to growth and respiration, and that the availability of energy-rich labile organic matter in the soil (i.e. leaf litter) mediates the response to nutrient addition. We incubated tropical soil from French Guiana with a ¹³C labeled leaf litter addition and with mineral nutrient additions of +K, +N, +NK, +PK and +NPK for 30 days. We found that litter additions led to a ten-fold increase in microbial respiration and a doubling of microbial biomass C, along with greater microbial N and P content. We found some evidence that P additions increased soil CO² fluxes. Additionally, we found microbial biomass CP and NP ratios varied more widely than CN in response to nutrient and organic matter additions, with important implications for the role of microorganisms in C cycling. The addition of litter did not prime soil organic matter decomposition, except in combination with +NK fertilization, indicating possible P-mining of soil organic matter in this P-poor tropical soil. Together, these results point toward an ultimate labile organic substrate limitation of soil microorganisms in this tropical soil, but also indicate a complex interaction between C, N, P and K availability. This highlights the difference between microbial C cycling responses to N, P, or K additions in the tropics and explains why coupled C, N and P cycling modeling efforts cannot rely on strict microbial stoichiometric homeostasis as an underlying assumption
Work, document, source. Photography in art historical photo archives
The paper touches upon some issues that have filled the critical debate raised around the art historical photo collections in the era of the “digital revolution” and of the progressive abandonment of analogical photo collections as study places.These contents were repeatedly recalled during the study day about the Fototeca Supino.What kind of work is photography? What kind of document is photography? What kind of source is photography, in relation to art-historical practice? The contribution tries to give simple answers to these questions by presenting concrete examples: single photographs, photographic campaigns, folders included in the Zeri Photo Library. Starting from the author's working experience in this archive, considerations are provided hopefully useful in the setting up of other cataloging projects, in particular those devoted to photographic collections of art historians and connoisseurs
Modellare il mercato dell'arte nel Web semantico. Un'analisi preliminare
The paper presents the current stage of an ongoing project at the Fondazione Federico Zeri, aimed at the modelling of the art market starting from the recognition of the peculiarities of this sector and relying on the data collected by this institute during its research activities on its documentary collection. Specifically, this essay provides a preliminary analysis of the domain, aimed at guiding in the development of an ontology able to describe agents, events and sources which define the art market and enable its investigation. The recognition of existing conceptual models is hence followed by a reconstruction of the studied domain thanks to motivating scenario, examples and competency questions collected during the first iteration of the SAMOD methodology. For each scenario, the paper will provide the most relevant entities and will draft an alignment with existing ontologies, as well as propose necessary integrations.Il seguente articolo presenta lo stadio attuale di un progetto in corso presso la Fondazione Federico Zeri volto alla modellizzazione del mercato dell'arte a partire dal riconoscimento delle specificità che caratterizzano questo settore e dai dati raccolti dall’istituto di ricerca bolognese nel corso del trattamento delle proprie collezioni documentarie. In particolare, il saggio fornisce un'analisi preliminare del dominio volta a guidare la definizione di un'ontologia che sia in grado di descrivere i principali agenti, eventi e fonti che lo definiscono e che ne permettono l’indagine. Dopo aver fornito i riferimenti ad altre ontologie e modelli presi in esame nel corso del progetto, l’articolo indaga in profondità il mondo del mercato utilizzando la metodologia SAMOD: per ognuno dei tre moduli in cui è stata suddivisa l’ontologia vengono quindi proposti scenari, esempi e domande di competenza, elencate le entità più rilevanti e proposti sia un allineamento con le ontologie esistenti, sia alcune necessarie integrazioni
Exploratory methods for relation discovery in archival data
In this article, we propose a holistic approach to discover relations in art historical communities and enrich historians’ biographies and archival descriptions with graph patterns relevant to art historiographic enquiry. We use exploratory data analysis to detect patterns, we select features, and we use them to evaluate classification models to predict new relations, to be recommended to archivists during the cataloguing phase. Results show that relations based on biographical information can be addressed with higher precision than relations based on research topics or institutional relations. Deterministic and a priori rules present better results than probabilistic methods
Zeri & Lode. Il patrimonio della Fondazione Zeri in Linked Open Data
“The first and no doubt the most important photograph database on Italian art is the one at the Zeri Foundation”. Con queste parole, nel 2010, “The Art Tribune” descriveva il catalogo della Fototeca Zeri ( 1) frutto del progetto di schedatura e digitalizzazione dello straordinario archivio fotografico che Federico Zeri ha lasciato all’Università di Bologna. Tale progetto, iniziato nel 2003 grazie al supporto della Regione Emilia-Romagna e di altri sponsor pubblici e privati, nasceva dalla convinzione che un database liberamente accessibile su internet fosse lo strumento più efficace per assicurare visibilità ai documenti iconografici raccolti da Zeri e alle informazioni sulle opere da essi veicolate
Zeri & LODE. Il catalogo della Fondazione Zeri a 5 stelle
Presentation slides for #ODS2016 describing the conversion of the Zeri Foundation Catalog to Linked Open Data
Zeri Photo Archive RDF Dataset
The Zeri Photo Archive RDF dataset represents a considerable subset of data already available at Zeri Catalog web site and discoverable through the Europeana Portal, mostly regarding works of Modern Art (15th-16th centuries): about 19.000 works of art and more than 30.000 photographs depicting such works are accurately described by means of like 10 million of RDF triples
« La raccoltà Parker dell’INHA nella gestione di Pompeo Molins (post 1879) e la produzione forografica romana »
International audienc
La natura morta di Federico Zeri
Il volume raccoglie circa quindici contributi di vari studiosi che esaminano vari temi della pittura di natura morta italiana del Sei e Settecento, pubblicando fra l'altro numerose opere inedite. Il volume scatursice dalla catalogazione delle oltre 13.000 fotografie di opere di natura morta conservate nell'archivio fotografico di Federico Zer