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    5424 research outputs found

    Knee joint contact forces predicted via an EMG-assisted approach and Static Optimization vs in vivo data from an instrumented implant

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    This dataset contains data generated as part of a study aimed to assess the predictive accuracy of two common approaches, i.e. Static Optimization and EMG-assisted approach, to estimate knee joint contact forces during an overground walking task, using musculoskeletal models. The analyses are based on publicly available data collected as part of the last four editions of the Grand Challenge Competition to Predict In Vivo Knee Loads (Fregly et al., 2012), which can be accessed and downloaded at this link:

    Niki de Saint Phalle. La sfida di esporre un'eroina

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    Niki de Saint Phalle è una delle artiste più conosciute della seconda metà del XX secolo, celebre in tutto il mondo per avere rielaborato i propri traumi personali attraverso i colori sgargianti e le forme prorompenti delle sue Nanas. Le gioiose e sfacciate figure femminili non esauriscono tuttavia la complessità del lavoro dell’artista, profondamente intriso di questioni sociopolitiche dalla portata universale: l’opera di Saint Phalle, per quanto abbia attirato nel tempo molta attenzione e curiosità, non è ancora pienamente compresa né dal pubblico né dalla critica, restia a collocarla legittimamente all’interno di una storia dell’arte impegnata. Il presente lavoro intende indagare i motivi di questa parziale ricezione, aggiungendo al già corposo panorama di studi dedicato a Saint Phalle un tassello ancora non esplorato, ovvero quello di un’analisi della pratica curatoriale che ha veicolato e continua a veicolare la comprensione della sua opera. L’obiettivo è mostrare come sia necessario dare il giusto peso ed il giusto spazio – tanto a livello critico, quanto istituzionale e mediatico - alle molteplici lotte che l’artista ha da sempre posto al centro della propria opera, tutt’oggi estremamente significative: la necessità di sovvertire le dinamiche di potere del patriarcato, di schierarsi contro l’aggressività politica ed economica, a favore della liberazione del corpo, del multiculturalismo, dell’ambiente. Attraverso l’analisi incrociata di pubblicazioni e preziosi documenti d’archivio, si evidenzierà come un lavoro così articolato e stratificato possa parlare alla e della contemporaneità

    L'infermiere di famiglia e comunità: una lettura economico-aziendale delle cure

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    Il contributo propone una lettura economico aziendale delle cure infermieristiche di famiglia e comunità come inserite nel più ampio sistema delle aziende sanitarie

    NPN discontinuous reduplications in Italian: dataset

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    The dataset contains 1297 instances (types) of the Italian Noun-Preposition-Noun (NPN) discontinuous reduplication construction (e.g., "giorno dopo giorno", "pagine su pagine"). The examples come from the CORIS corpus, 2021 version, 165Mw (

    I costi dell'assistenza domiciliare integrata

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    Il contributo tratta della costruzione delle configurazioni di costo degli oggetti di riferimento dell'assistenza domiciliare (prestazioni, accessi, episodi di cura, assistiti) soffermandosi sulle scelte metodologiche relative alle figure di costo, alla loro composizione, alle loro determinanti ed all'utilizzo delle determinazioni di costo per le scelte gestionali delle cure territorial

    Diritto e letteratura autobiografica: un infinito tornare a «esperienza giuridica»

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    [Law and autobiographical literature: an infinite return to «legal experience»] The essay reflects on the relationship between law and a particular field of literature, the autobiographical one, to investigate its long-neglected links. Moving fromg the theory of Capograssi on «legal experience», the core content of the essay is that there is a physiological relationship between legal reflection and the narration of experiences, and that today the ability to open up to the autobiographical perspective is one of the main opportunities for legal credibility. Indeed, in autobiographical literature, law and life are forced to dialogue, especially when the autobiographical register is used by scholars, and the questions that emerge recall the more delicate issues that underlie contemporary legal thought and constitutionalism. Autobiographical literature can bring the law back to its most authentic being, that is “legal experience”. By emancipating the story of experiences from the private dimension and turning it into public reasoning, it offers precious horizons for verifying the state of health of democracy and its rules

    Le ispirazioni del giurista. Storie, miti, favole, archetipi e altre dimensioni della narratività. Atti del IX Convegno Nazionale della ISLL - Campobasso, 30 giugno e 1° luglio 2022

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    [The jurist's inspirations. Stories, myths, fables, archetypes, and other dimensions of narrativity. Proceedings of the IX National Conference of the ISLL]. On June 30 and July 1, 2022, the University of Molise at Campobasso hosted the 9th national convention of the Italian Society for Law and Literature (ISLL), titled “The jurist's inspirations. Stories, myths, fables, archetypes, and other dimensions of narrativity”. From Philosophy to the Sociology of Law, from Criminal Law to the History of Italian Law, from Constitutional Law to Comparative Law, from Medieval Philology to the Opera house, from Cinema to New Media, scholars of the literary culture of law have offered narratives and questions that agitate the conscience of the contemporary jurist

    Tra letteratura e politica: note su alcuni temi di dibattito culturale nell’Italia liberale

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    Le vicende dell’Italia liberale, particolarmente per il periodo che va tra la fine del XIX e gli inizi del XX secolo, sono di grande interesse da molti punti di vista: tra questi, spicca l’ampio tema del rapporto tra cultura e politica, che a sua volta riconduce alla questione del ruolo pubblico degli intellettuali italiani: letterati, in primis, ma anche esponenti di un variegato campo di altre aree disciplinari. In queste pagine, facendo riferimento a stampa dell’epoca e ad alcune classiche interpretazioni storiografiche, si discutono alcuni aspetti del rapporto tra intellettuali e politica nel cruciale arco di tempo che conduce dall’età crispina all’età giolittiana, attraversando la cosiddetta “crisi di fine secolo” e la successiva fase di apertura politica, di riforme sociali e di graduale modernizzazione del Paese

    Connections. Collaborative imaginaries of territories in change across Europe. An itinerant book

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    Hillside and mountain villages, green fields and endless plains with scattered settlements, post-industrial medium-sized towns constitute Europe as much as the big cities we all know. These places have long been considered peripheral in opposition to the large urban centres and have often been associated with a certain passivity, stagnation and resistance to change. Yet, within their interstices, inlets and plains, a closer look into these places shows that they also move, live and transform. And, they are also continuously enriched with new voices and new stories. This exhibition intends to start precisely from these stories to tell the everyday life of Europe's shrinking areas, where the narratives of old and new inhabitants, but also of returnees, come together. In this way, the stories of those who leave, those who arrive and those who return intertwine in a new rhythm of life that over time transforms and is transformed by the space in which these new communities settle. Through an itinerant research, travelling photography workshops were carried out in Italy, Poland, Spain, the Netherlands and Germany in spring and summer 2022, following the traces of these changes outside the spaces of urbanity. We have listened to the voices of those who live in the so-called peripheries of Europe, starting from a simple question: what makes the place where you live welcoming and how would you capture this in an image? The exhibition shows the stories, the photographs and the emotional maps created directly by those who live the everyday life in these communities - The result is the co-construction of a different, new imaginary, anchored in the time and space of lesser-known Europe. The images that follow are full of hopes for the future, desire for change, complex encounters, collective utopias. We invite you to immerse yourself in this itinerant exploration, to get to know through their eyes the life in a lesser-known but fascinating Europe, the Europe of outskirts

    Berlin Alexanderplatz: paradigma narrativo della crisi costituzionale di Weimar

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    [Berlin Alexanderplatz: narrative paradigm of the constitutional crisis of Weimar] Berlin Alexanderplatz deeply reveals the landscape of the human society from where this novel originates, with its anxieties, ambitions and deceptions, but, at the same time, it expresses universal contents, capable of surviving its own time and becoming an admonishment for the next generations and a source of inspiration for the jurists of our time. Our paper explores the relationship between social crisis and constitutional crisis of Weimar, scrutinizing narration and law on the trail of Döblin and highlighting how the literary legacy of this author shows all its newness in the current time of accelerated transformations, encouraging the interpretative sensibility of the jurist in the direction of an aware defense of constitutional solidarity as an antidote to the new threat of an imminent barbarity


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