273 research outputs found

    Testauksen laadunvarmistaminen : case testauksen mittarit

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    Tämä opinnäytetyö tehtiin suomalaisessa pankki- ja rahoitusalan yrityksen ICT-palveluyksikössä, joka kehittää itse tai jolle ulkopuolinen toimittaja tuottaa muutoksia ja uusia ominaisuuksia käytössä oleviin järjestelmiin. Tapaustutkimuksessa tutkittiin erisuuruisten kehitysprojektien testauksen seurannalle määriteltyjä mittaristoja ja niiden antamien tulosten merkitystä testattavan järjestelmän laadulle. Ennen tutkimuksen alkua määriteltiin käytettävät mittarit ja testauksen läpiviennin aikana analysoitiin mittareiden tuloksia. Tulosten perusteella pyrittiin määrittelemään käytettävien mittareiden luotettavuutta määriteltäessä testauksen laatua ja testauksen aikaisen prosessin tehokkuutta. Testausprosesseina tutkittiin sekä perinteisellä vesiputousmallilla, että ketterällä mallilla tehtävää tuotekehitystä. Kummallakin mallilla toteutettujen testattavien projektien testauksen seuranta tehtiin samalla työvälineellä Quality Centerillä. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, mitkä määritellyistä mittareista antavat luotettavinta tietoa testauksen aikana, jotta testattavan järjestelmän tuotantoon viemisen kypsyys saadaan mahdollisimman luotettavasti todennettua. Analyysi perustuu tutkimuksen tekijän omakohtaisiin analyyseihin saaduista tuloksista. Parhaiksi mittareiksi organisaation testausyksikön laadun varmistukseen valittiin kolme mittaria,jotka todentavat järjestelmätestauksen kattavuuden, seuraavat testauksen etenemistä ja keräävät tietoa testauksen suorittamisen aikana havaituista virhekirjauksista. Valitut mittarit on tarkoitus edelleen esittää testausyksikön yhteisesti noudatettaviksi mittareiksi. Niiden käyttöönotosta yksikön mittaristoissa päätetään erikseen riippumatta tämän tutkimuksen antamista analyyseistä yksikön johdon toimesta.Quality assurance in testing: a case study of metrics in testing This research was carried out in a Finnish banking and financial company which maintains and develops new features to systems itself or by using an outside contractor. This case study describes metrics defined for monitoring of testing and the implications metrics can give to the quality of testing. Prior to starting the study, the metrics used were defined and during the testing process the results given by the metrics were analysed. Based on the measurement results the purpose was to evaluate the reliability of the metrics used in defining the quality and effectiveness of the testing process. Both agility and traditional waterfall models of testing were studied. The testing process carried out with either of the models was executed using the same tool: Quality Center. The main objective of the study was to figure out, which of the defined metric s will give the most reliable information during the testing process in order to verify the maturity of the system tested. The analysis is based on the writer’s own results. As the best metrics for quality in testing process were chosen metrics measuring requirements coverage, progression of test execution and the number of defects detected. The three best metrics are supposed to be recommended for common use in the testing organization. Introduction of the presented metrics will be determined separately despite of this research by the management of the testing organization, regardless of this research

    Profiles and Developmental Goals in Different Families of Rio de Janeiro

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    O estudo das metas de desenvolvimento infantil tem sido alvo de interesse na psicologia há décadas, no entanto, pouco se sabe sobre as metas de famílias não nucleares. O objetivo desse estudo foi analisar diferenças inter e intragrupos nos perfis de autonomia, interdependência e autonomia relacionada de casais em diferentes arranjos familiares na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, assim como investigar a associação destes perfis com as metas de desenvolvimento que estes possuem para os seus filhos. Foram entrevistados pais e mães de crianças de até dois anos em 50 famílias (10 monoparentais, 20 reconstituídas e 20 nucleares). Os resultados indicaram associação entre autonomia e valorização de metas de heteronomia em famílias reconstituídas e os escores mais elevados de interdependência em famílias não nucleares. Conclui-se que a configuração familiar pode influenciar a relação entre autonomia e metas, e que as trajetórias de autonomia variam entre os arranjos familiares.The study of child development goals has been of interest in psychology for decades, however, little is known about the goals of non-nuclear families. The objective of this study was to analyze inter and intragroup differences in the profiles of autonomy, interdependence and related autonomy of couples in different family arrangements in the city of Rio de Janeiro, as well as to investigate the association of these profiles with the development goals they have for their families’ children. Fathers and mothers of children up to two years old were interviewed in 50 families (10 single-parent, 20 reconstituted and 20 nuclear). The results indicated an association between the autonomy and valorization of heteronomy goals in reconstituted families and higher interdependence scores in non-nuclear families. It is concluded that the family configuration can influence the relationship between autonomy and goals, and that the autonomy trajectories vary between family arrangements.El estudio de las metas de desarrollo infantil ha sido objeto de interés en la psicología desde hace décadas, sin embargo, se sabe poco sobre las metas de familias no nucleares. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar diferencias inter e intragrupos en los perfiles de autonomía, interdependencia y autonomía relacionada de parejas en diferentes tipos familiares en la ciudad de Río de Janeiro, así como investigar la asociación de estos perfiles con las metas de desarrollo que poseen para sus niños. Se entrevistaron a padres y madres de niños de hasta dos años en 50 familias (10 monoparentales, 20 reconstituidas y 20 nucleares). Los resultados indicaron asociación entre autonomía y valorización de metas de heteronomía en familias reconstituidas y las puntuaciones más elevados de interdependencia en familias no nucleares. Se concluye que la configuración familiar puede influenciar en la relación entre autonomía y metas, y que las trayectorias de autonomía varían entre los arreglos familiares


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    ! e positive e" ect of bilingualism on the development of chil-dren’s cognitive functions has been shown across many recent studies inthe # eld. ! e present study had two main objectives: (1) to replicate previ-ous # ndings in the literature by showing bilinguals’ enhanced inhibitioncontrol processes and, (2) to add new evidence to the # eld by demon-strating that school-based bilingualism can also enhance the process ofinhibition control. To test these hypotheses, 59 students, ages 9 and 12,who were either monolingual, home-based bilinguals or school-based bi-linguals, completed the arrow version of the Simon task, which assesseschildren’s ability to deal with con$ icting information, and thus, taps ontoinhibition control processes. Results supported both hypotheses, such thatschool-based bilinguals performed better than monolinguals. Interest-ingly, school-based bilingual children also performed better than home-based bilinguals on the Simon task. ! ese new # ndings are discussed interms of the importance of a strong context for the onset of a bilingualadvantage in cognitive functioning

    Environmentally Friendly Production of D(−) Lactic Acid by Sporolactobacillus nakayamae

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    The interest in the production of lactic acid has increased due to its wide range of applications. In the present study, the variables that affect fermentative D(−) lactic acid production were investigated: neutralizing agents, pH, temperature, inoculum percentage, agitation, and concentration of the medium components. An experimental design was applied to determine the optimal concentrations of the medium components and fermentation was studied using different feeding strategies. High production (122.41 g/L) and productivity (3.65 g/L·h) were efficiently achieved by Sporolactobacillus nakayamae in 54 h using a multipulse fed-batch technique with an initial medium containing 35 g/L of yeast extract (byproduct of alcohol production), 60 g/L of crystallized sugar, and 7.5 mL/L of salts. The fermentation process was conducted at 35°C and pH 6.0 controlled by NaOH with a 20% volume of inoculum and agitation at 125 rpm. The production of a high optically pure concentration of D(−) lactic acid combined with an environmentally friendly NaOH-based process demonstrates that S. nakayamae is a promising strain for D(−) lactic acid production

    Achievement Goals of Youngsters in Rio de Janeiro in Different Contexts

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    Este estudo teve por objetivo comparar as metas de realização de jovens de dois contextos distintos: universitários e moradores de favela. Participaram 160 jovens do Rio de Janeiro: estudantes universitários ( n = 80) e jovens moradores de duas favelas cariocas (Rocinha, n = 40 e Vigário Geral, n = 40), de ambos os sexos, com idades entre 16 e 30 anos. Os participantes responderam ao questionário sociodemográfico, questões referentes à família e duas perguntas abertas: “O que você pretende realizar em sua vida que considera muito importante?” e “Você acredita que conseguirá realizar isso? Por quê?”. Por meio da análise de conteúdo temático-categorial observou-se uma diferença significativa entre os grupos no número de metas relatadas, esperança de realizá-las e justificativas referentes à esperança de realização. A partir da Teoria Evolucionista das Estratégias de História de Vida, conclui-se que para jovens de diferentes contextos os modos de planejar o futuro tendem a variar em função das limitações e possibilidades presentes.La finalidad en este estudio fue comparar las metas de rendimiento de jóvenes de dos contextos distintos: estudiantes universitarios y jóvenes que viven en barrios pobres. Participaron 160 jóvenes de Rio de Janeiro: estudiantes universitarios ( n = 80) y jóvenes que viven en dos barrios pobres (Rocinha, n = 40 y Vigário Geral, n = 40), ambos sexos, entre 16 y 30 años de edad. Los participantes respondieron un cuestionario sociodemográfico, cuestiones relacionadas con la familia y dos preguntas abiertas: “¿Qué es lo que quiere lograr en su vida que considera muy importante?” y “¿Usted cree que puede lograr esto? ¿Por qué?”. Aplicando el análisis de contenido temático-categorial, se identificó una diferencia significativa entre los grupos en el número de objetivos reportados, en la esperanza de alcanzarlos y en las justificaciones relativas a esta esperanza. Con base en la Teoría de la Evolución de las Estrategias de Historia de Vida, se concluye que, para los jóvenes en contextos diferentes, las maneras de planificar el futuro varían de acuerdo a las posibilidades y limitaciones actuales.In this study, we compared the Future Goals of 160 youngsters (16-30 years-old; 71 female and 89 male). University students and slum-dwelling youth were compared. Participants completed a sociodemographic questionnaire, information about their families and two open questions: “What do you expect to do in your life that you consider very important?” and “Do you believe you’ll achieve that? Why?” Predicted differences in the participants’ answers between the two groups were observed. Favela youth showed higher levels of uncertainty while describing their goals and also presented lower scores of objectives. From an Evolutionary perspective of Psychology, through the Life Story Strategies Theory, we concluded that, for young people from different social contexts, the ways of planning the future tend to vary depending on the adaptability of achievement due to the present constraints in the youth’s realities

    Homoparentalidade masculina e os sistemas de cuidados parentais

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    Com o surgimento de novos modelos de configurações familiares, dentre eles as famílias homoparentais, a parentalidade surge para se repensar a família, indo além dos vínculos biológicos, considerando a importância do aspecto social nas funções parentais. Acredita-se que os seres humanos possuem uma predisposição a um conjunto de sistemas parentais independentes e a mecanismos interacionais que formam alianças sociais. Esses sistemas podem ser definidos como conjuntos de comportamentos que podem ser desempenhado por qualquer pessoa, são eles: cuidado primário, contato corporal, estimulação corporal, estimulação por objeto, contato face a face e o envelope narrativo. O objetivo da presente pesquisa consistiu em investigar a valorização dos sistemas de cuidado parental em homens cuidadores residentes da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, que estejam em relações homoafetivas e que possuam filhos com idade até 11 anos. A partir de uma entrevista semi-estruturada, o presente estudo apontou para uma valorização dos sistemas de cuidados parentais de contato corporal e contato face-a-face, ressaltando a importância do afeto na constituição dessas famílias, descrito, por alguns entrevistados, como essencial para a construção da homoparentalidade. Os achados contribuem, ainda que de maneira preliminar, aos estudos das famílias homoparentais, possibilitando reflexões e discussões à temática.

    Sobre a “mundiça” e as “bichas cocotes”: georreferenciação e classe social nos circuitos gay do Recife

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    This article is about the georeferencing of the sociability of men with homosexual practices in the metropolitan region of Recife (RMR), resulting from an ethnography produced with participant observation, interviews, and behavioral survey. The most mentioned places are nightclubs and bars and are located in the center of the capital of Pernambuco. The frequentation of spaces shows marks of age, marital status, religion, work, and social class. We emphasize social class and take as our object the two most cited nightclubs: MKB and Metrópole. The first is described as dirty and disgusting, frequented by ‘promiscuous’ people, who enjoy the darkroom (for sex), by people badly dressed, unhygienic and poor (‘mundiça’), by ‘pocs’– poor and effeminate gays. The Metrópole is described as the elite, luxurious and well frequented by elegant gays (‘bichas cocotes’). The stigmatization process that gives meaning to places has to do with the components of schooling, of social class and uses stigmatized category markers in two other systems – ‘poc’/effeminate/gender and dark room/promiscuous/sexuality.Este artículo realiza una georreferenciación de la sociabilidad de hombres con prácticas homosexuales en la región metropolitana de Recife (RMR), resultado de una etnografía producida mediante observaciones participantes, entrevistas y encuesta comportamental. Los lugares más mencionados son discotecas y bares, que están ubicados en el centro de la capital pernambucana. La frecuencia de visita de los espacios tiene marcas de edad, estado civil, religión, trabajo y clase social. Se toma como foco la clase social y como objeto de estudio las dos discotecas más citadas: MKB y Metrópole. MKB es descrita como sucia y repugnante, frecuentada por “promiscuos”, que disfrutan del darkroom (cuarto oscuro para el sexo), por la “mundiça” (pobres) mal vestida y con mala higiene, por ‘pocs’ –‘maricones’ pobres y afeminados. La Metrópolis es considerada como la élite, lujosa y muy frecuentada por “bichas cocotes” (gays elegantes). El estigma que da sentido a los lugares tiene que ver con la variable nivel de estudios y clase social, y utiliza marcadores de categorías estigmatizadas en otros dos sistemas: ‘poc’/afeminado/género y darkroom /promiscuo/sexualidad.Este artigo se trata da georreferenciação da sociabilidade de homens com práticas homossexuais na região metropolitana do Recife (RMR), fruto de etnografia produzida por meio de observações participantes, entrevistas e inquérito comportamental. Os lugares mais referidos são boates e bares e estão localizados no centro da capital pernambucana. A frequentação dos espaços apresenta marcações de idade, estado civil, religião, trabalho e classe social. Demos ênfase à classe social e tomamos como objeto as duas boates mais citadas: MKB e Metrópole. A primeira é descrita como suja e nojenta, frequentada por ‘promíscuos’, que curtem darkroom (quarto escuro para sexo), pela ‘mundiça’ (pobres) mal vestida e de precária higiene, por ‘pocs’ – ‘bichas’ pobres e efeminadas. A Metrópole como da elite, luxuosa e bem frequentada por ‘bichas cocotes’ (elegantes). O processo de estigmatização que confere sentido aos lugares tem a ver com os componentes de escolarização de classe social e se utiliza de marcadores de categorias estigmatizadas em dois outros sistemas – ‘poc’/efeminados/gênero e darkroom/promíscuos/sexualidade


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    This longitudinal study aimed to analyze characteristics of maternal speech directed to children, identifying transitions of mother-child communication settings. Four children from 13 to 24 months old and their mothers were observed longitudinally. The instances of maternal speech were classified as affirmative, negative, imperative and interrogative sentences and the mother-child communication settings were classified as attentional, conventional or symbolic. The percentage of time in attentional and symbolic settings showed a linear relation with the increase of baby’s age in all mother-child dyads. Different types of maternal sentences presented diverse patterns of development across time and in the four dyads. The study offers a contribution to the literature on maternal speech and initial language development with data from a Brazilian context.Esse estudo longitudinal analisa as características da fala materna dirigida à criança, identificando a transição de cenários comunicativos específicos. Quatro díades mães-bebê foram filmadas dos 13 aos 24 meses da criança. As instâncias de fala materna foram classificadas em sentenças afirmativa, negativa, imperativa e interrogativa. A transição do cenário comunicativo atencional para o cenário comunicativo simbólico foi também identificada. Percebeu-se que há uma tendência do cenário atencional diminuir e do simbólico aumentar sua percentagem de tempo ao longo do desenvolvimento da criança em todas as díades observadas. Tipos específicos de sentenças maternas predominaram em determinados períodos do desenvolvimento. Acredita-se que este estudo traz uma contribuição para a literatura relativa à fala materna no desenvolvimento inicial, com dados do contexto brasileiro

    Changes in the color and sensitivity of the tongue in adult women after COVID-19 treatment

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    Objectives: to describe the changes in color and sensitivity of the tongue in adult women, in the period after the treatment of COVID-19 and explain the dental conduct for treatment. Case report: there was a request for dental evaluation by a public and reference University Hospital in the city of Recife, northeast of Brazil. The patient in question was a 33 years-old white female. There was a history of diagnosis and treatment for COVID-19, with antibiotic, antipyretic and medication for worms, with the complaint of much sensitivity and change in language. The physical examination showed gingivitis in the lower sextant, with spontaneous gingival bleeding and dark spots on the dorsum of the tongue, associated with increased discomfort in the region. It was observed that the patient did not receive any orientation about oral hygiene, even with the report of pain in this region. It was opted for the orientation of the hygienization, with the reinforcement of the cleanness of the tongue, cheeks with hydrogen peroxide or oxygenated water to 10 volumes and the reinforcement for the ingestion of vitamin C, beyond the control of the biofilm, for the treatment of the gingivitis in the anterior and inferior sextant. Conclusions: this report covers the control made in seven days, being the images referring to the third day after the guidelines. There was a change in the color of the tongue and sensibility, with regular ingestion of food and liquids. There was also an improvement in gingivitis, but control is necessary.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio