17 research outputs found

    Recursos TIC como facilitadores de la Educación Intercultural

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    La relevancia del uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) en la actualidad, junto a su potencial para favorecer la interculturalidad, suponen una oportunidad para impulsar la creación y difusión de recursos y herramientas TIC que promuevan la educación intercultural entre todos los miembros de la comunidad educativa. En este estudio se presentan recursos TIC creados y/o impulsados por instituciones públicas, sindicatos y asociaciones españolas con el objetivo de promover la interculturalidad entre la comunidad educativa. La selección de los mismos se realiza en base a los criterios de utilidad y calidad. Como conclusión, destacar que, a pesar de la existencia de diversos recursos TIC, la nueva modalidad educativa imperante no ha derivado en la proliferación de nuevos recursos dirigidos a favorecer la práctica educativa intercultural. En este sentido, se hace primordial aprovechar las oportunidades y potencialidades que brindan las TIC para promover la educación intercultural, favoreciendo tanto el acceso a información como la interacción, la comunicación y la colaboración entre las diferentes personas y colectivos que conforman las comunidades educativas.The current relevance of the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) together with its potential to promote interculturality, represent an opportunity to boost the creation and dissemination of ICT resources and tools that promote intercultural education among all members of the educational community. This study presents ICT resources created and/or promoted by Spanish public institutions, unions and associations with the aim of promoting interculturality among the educational community. Their selection is made based on the criteria of utility and quality. In conclusion, it should be noted that, despite the availability of diverse ICT resources, the new educational modality has not led to the proliferation of new resources aimed at promoting intercultural educational practice. In this respect, it is essential to grasp the opportunities and potentialities that ICTs provide to promote intercultural education by favouring just as the access to information as interaction, communication and collaboration between the different people and groups that shape the educational communities


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    La presente investigación se centra en la descripción y el análisis de la formación inicial que recibe el profesorado de Educación Primaria en Andalucía, con relación al trabajo en contextos de diversidad cultural. Para ello optamos por un diseño metodológico cualitativo de corte descriptivo-interpretativo, empleando el análisis documental y de contenido como técnica de investigación. Ello permite detectar y estudiar las referencias a la diversidad cultural, tanto explícitas como implícitas, presentes en las distintas dimensiones de análisis: Objetivos, Competencias, Contenidos, Resultados de Aprendizaje, Estrategias Formativas y Sistemas de Evaluación. Los resultados apuntan que, a pesar de que la totalidad de los diseños curriculares analizados incluyen referencias a la diversidad cultural, observamos que dichas referencias son escasas. Asimismo, no se aprecia planificación ni coordinación en relación con el proceso de adquisición de competencias interculturales, ni se detecta un tratamiento transversal de las mismas a lo largo de los planes de estudio.This research is focused on the description and analysis of the initial training received by primary education teachers in Andalusia in connection with work in culturally diverse contexts. To this end, a qualitative method design with a descriptive and interpretive approach was chosen, using documental and content analysis as a research technique. This allows the identification and study of references to cultural diversity, explicit and implicit, present in the different dimensions of analysis: objectives, competencies, contents, learning outcomes, formative strategies and evaluation systems. The results indicate that, although all the curricular designs examined include references to cultural diversity, these references are scarce. Additionally, planning and coordination in relation to the intercultural competencies acquisition process is not observed, nor their crosswise treatment along the curriculum.Esta pesquisa centra-se na descrição e análise da formação inicial recebida pelos professores no ensino primário na Andaluzia em relação ao trabalho em contextos de diversidade cultural. Para este fim, optou-se por uma concepção metodológica qualitativa de corte interpretativa descritiva, utilizando a análise documental e de conteúdo como técnica de pesquisa. Isto permite detectar e estudar as referências à diversidade cultural, tanto explícita quanto implícita, presentes nas diferentes dimensões de análise: objetivos, competências, conteúdo, resultados da aprendizagem, estratégias de formação e sistemas de avaliação. Os resultados mostram que, apesar de todos os currículos analisados incluírem referências à diversidade cultural, nota-se que tais referências são escassas. Também não se observa nem planejamento nem coordenação em relação à aquisição das competências interculturais, nem é se detecta do um tratamento transversal delas em todo o currículo

    Teachers and Cultural Diversity: Analysis of initial teacher training in interculturality

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    URL del artículo en la web de la Revista: https://www.upo.es/revistas/index.php/IJERI/article/view/2508Con la implantación del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, las Universidades españolas asumen nuevas responsabilidades dirigidas a promover la adquisición de competencias cívicas que favorezcan la ciudadanía intercultural. En este estudio describimos y analizamos la titulación de Grado en Educación Primaria en Andalucía con el objetivo de identificar aquellos aspectos que favorecen la adquisición de competencias interculturales. Abordamos este objetivo desde un diseño metodológico cualitativo de corte descriptivo-interpretativo. Utilizamos como técnica de investigación el análisis documental estructurado en 6 dimensiones. En base a los resultados obtenidos concluimos que las referencias a la diversidad cultural en los diseños curriculares son escasas, no se aprecia un tratamiento transversal de las competencias interculturales, ni una planificación y coordinación en relación al proceso de adquisición de las mismas.With European Higher Education Area implementation Spanish universities take on new responsibilities aimed at promoting the acquisition of civic competences that favor intercultural citizenship. In this study, we describe and analyze the Degree in Primary Education in Andalusia with the aim of identifying and analyzing those aspects related to work in contexts of cultural diversity. We have addressed this goal since a qualitative methodological design (descriptive and interpretive). We used as research technique the documentary analysis structured in 6 dimensions (Objectives, Competences, Contents, Learning Outcomes, Training Strategies and Evaluation Systems). Based on the results obtained, we conclude that references to cultural diversity in curriculum designs are scarce. There isn't transversal treatment of intercultural competences, neither a planning or coordination in relation to the process of acquiring from the sameUniversidad Pablo de Olavid

    La formación inicial del profesorado español para educación inclusiva

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    El profesorado, como uno de los principales agentes educativos, determina en gran medida la puesta en práctica de la educación inclusiva. En este sentido, resulta fundamental proporcionar al profesorado una formación que le permita adquirir las competencias necesarias (cognitivas, procedimentales y actitudinales) para atender a las diversas necesidades que puedan presentar cada uno de los estudiantes, garantizando que todos y todas alcancen los objetivos propuestos para cada nivel y etapa educativa.Con los cambios acaecidos en los planes de formación inicial del profesorado español tras la implantación del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES), resulta interesante reflexionar acerca de cómo es actualmente promovida la educación inclusiva desde la formación inicial del profesorado. En esta línea, a lo largo de este trabajo se revisa y estudia el marco legal que regula la formación inicial del profesorado español, así como, los planes de estudio de los nuevos títulos de Grado en Educación Infantil y en Educación Primaria, con el objetivo de conocer cuáles son las disposiciones y los elementos curriculares que se establecen en materia de educación inclusiva desde la implantación del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior


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    This research aimed to analyze the perception of students on educational inclusion of people with disabilities, in public universities of Paraguay, with a quantitative focus, non-experimental design and descriptive level, with a sample of 2744 participants. The survey was at 2018, through the use of a questionnaire aimed at students in general, adapted from Sánchez-Palomino (2009); Guzmán-Zamora and Sánchez-Palomino (2011). The results show that, although universities still have a few specific actions to eliminate existing barriers to favor accessibility, students in general have a positive predisposition towards the inclusion of people with disabilities and openness to receiving information about it. Likewise, they consider that the necessary attention must be provided for students with disabilities, the appropriate adjustments must be made to guarantee the acquisition of knowledge, competences and achievement of graduation, with adequate training of educators and the proper resources for the teaching - learning process, guaranteeing their right to a quality education with equal opportunities. Account the gender of the students, differences have been found in the factors of perception, teaching and learning, the perception of students varies taking into account whether they have shared or not with a partner with disabilities. Important efforts have been made by the state bodies and quality indicators have been incorporated regarding educational inclusion for the accreditation of careers. The students state that it is important to have a department responsible for inclusion, from where the guidelines emanate and appropriate adjustments are made in higher education.Esta investigación tuvo por objetivo analizar la percepción de estudiantes sobre la inclusión de personas con discapacidad, en universidades públicas del Paraguay, con enfoque cuantitativo, diseño no experimental, nivel descriptivo, y una muestra de 2744 estudiantes. La encuesta data del 2018, dirigido a estudiantes en general, adaptado de Sánchez-Palomino (2009); Guzmán-Zamora y Sánchez-Palomino (2011). Los resultados muestran que, si bien las universidades cuentan con acciones poco específicas para eliminar las barreras existentes favoreciendo la accesibilidad, los estudiantes en general tienen una percepción positiva hacia la inclusión de personas con discapacidad y apertura a recibir información; consideran que debe proporcionarse la atención necesaria para los estudiantes con discapacidad, realizar las adecuaciones pertinentes que garantice la adquisición de las competencias y el logro del perfil de egreso de las carreras, con la formación adecuada de docentes y la proporción de recursos para el proceso de enseñanza – aprendizaje, que garantice su derecho a una educación de calidad en igualdad de oportunidades. Acorde al género de estudiantes, se encontraron diferencias en los factores de percepción, profesorado y aprendizaje, la percepción de estudiantes varía teniendo en cuenta si han compartido o no con un compañero con discapacidad. Se desplegaron esfuerzos importantes desde los órganos estatales y se incorporó indicadores de calidad referente a la inclusión educativa para la acreditación de carreras. Los estudiantes manifiestan que es importante contar con un centro responsable de inclusión, desde donde emanen las orientaciones y se realicen las adecuaciones pertinentes en educación superior

    Teachers’ Perceptions of the Use of ICTs in the Educational Response to Students with Disabilities

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    The educational response to students with specific needs for educational support associated with disability could not be understood within the current educational landscape without addressing how Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is used within those responses. ICT support is not a matter of fashion or one-off use due to the current circumstances brought about by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Programmes and materials are already being developed to enable such application. Even from the Universal Learning Design approaches, it is precisely the use of technologies in learning processes, with special emphasis on educational inclusion processes, which are a key focus. This study deals with the perception that teachers have of this use of ICT with students with disabilities: How are the resources available to them and how good is their training in this respect? To do this, a section of a questionnaire was used, which forms part of the R + D + I project awarded under a national call in Spain, and which in one of its categories precisely focuses attention on this use of ICT. In turn, this category, according to the confirmatory factor analysis carried out, is subdivided into three subcategories: didactic use, spaces and resources, and finally teacher training. We are also interested in knowing if there are differences of opinion between population groups grouped according to sex, ownership of the education centre and location of the centre (urban, or rural). The results indicate that although there is good use and good preparation of teachers, the level of resources is low and teacher training needs to be reinforced

    Implementation of an Intervention Plan for Emotional Development in People with Down Syndrome

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    The importance of music, as well as the different and diverse possibilities that it offers, favors the emotional development of any person. This research is based on the development and application of a set of activities, whose transversal axis is the use of music, to favor and promote the emotional development of people with Down syndrome. This application of activities was developed with a group of eight participants, between the ages of twenty and forty-five years old. Additionally, under a total duration of eight working sessions. In these sessions, listening, vocal, instrumental, and movement activities were developed. For each of the emotions worked on; joy, fear, anger, sadness, calm, and love, a story and a song from the story were selected for each one of them. The methodology used was qualitative, using program evaluation. For this purpose, on the one hand, the data obtained during the different sessions were analyzed, and on the other hand, the data collected in the two discussion groups carried out were analyzed. Finally, the data obtained were organized into six categories: image recognition, observation of emotions, experience of emotions, identification of emotions, recognition of emotions, and finally, enjoyment of emotions. It could be seen that, after the sessions, there was a significant improvement in the different categories. However, in the categories of identification of emotions and recognition of emotions, the results were more favorable compared to the rest

    Teacher Training in Intercultural Education: Teacher Perceptions

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    Background: The aim of the present study was to evaluate teacher perceptions on the training received in intercultural education. Methods: The article presents a quantitative, non- experimental and ex-post-facto type of research; directed to inquire about the perceptions of the teachers of primary education in Andalusia (Spain) in relation to the intercultural training received. Based on the descriptive survey method, two questionnaires were administered to a sample composed of 320 students and 80 teachers. Results: The results show certain strengths of the training teacher programs in the field of interculturality (encouragement of reflection, participation and collaboration …), as well as weaknesses (decontextualization, inflexibility, primacy of theoretical learning, non-transversal character, etc.). Conclusions: Despite strengths, intercultural teacher training continues to be a challenge in Andalusia

    The teacher's perspective on inclusion in education : an analysis of curriculum design

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    The study we present is based on the responses given to students with specific educational support needs in compulsory education stages. Focused from the perspective of teachers within the framework of educational inclusion. To this end, the role of teachers and their influence on curriculum design, methodology, and assessment is taken into account. A descriptive and inferential methodological approach is used, with a sample of 2457 teachers from the Spanish context, applying an ad-hoc questionnaire. The results indicate the influence of teachers' socio-demographic variables on the implementation of curriculum design, methodology, and assessment strategies in line with educational inclusion. The conclusions highlight the reactive versus proactive nature of teaching, although the suf-ficiency of educational practice is considered, characterised by differences according to age, gender, experience, or location of educative centre, among other variables analysed. It is established that im-provements can be identified that can be strengthened. Specifically those related to the interests and motivations of students with SEN and their participation in assessment processes

    Impactos del confinamiento por el COVID-19 entre universitarios: Satisfacción Vital, Resiliencia y Capital Social Online

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    La excepcionalidad derivada de la situación de confinamiento por la pandemia del COVID-19 ha afectado a todos los ámbitos de nuestro funcionamiento como sociedad: el relacional, el sanitario, el económico, etc. y, por supuesto, el educativo. Este estudio se centra en el impacto en dichos ámbitos y el papel jugado por aspectos como la resiliencia, el capital social online y la satisfacción vital. Para ello se llevó a cabo un estudio cuantitativo de carácter exploratorio sobre 343 estudiantes universitarios. La conclusión más destacada es constatar el fuerte impacto que el confinamiento ha tenido sobre la situación vital del estudiantado en el ámbito psicológico y académico, principalmente, y el importante papel de la relación con la satisfacción vital y la resiliencia, fundamentalmente. Se concluye con la necesidad de trabajar la cuestión de la resiliencia desde la universidad y se dan una serie de claves a tal fin