11 research outputs found

    Karjalan PyhÀjÀrven vesienhoitosuunnitelma ja Natura 2000 -alueen hoito- ja kÀyttösuunnitelma

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    TÀhÀn vesienhoitosuunnitelmaan on koottu tietoa Karjalan PyhÀjÀrven valuma-alueesta, nykytilasta ja seurannasta, alueen Natura 2000 -suojelutilanteesta, vesistön tilaan vaikuttavista tekijöistÀ, sekÀ jo toteutuneista vesiensuojelutoimenpiteistÀ. Karjalan PyhÀjÀrvi on EtelÀ-Karjalan, Pohjois-Karjalan ja VenÀjÀn tasavallan rajalle sekÀ Salpausselkien vÀliin sijoittuva karu suurjÀrvi. PyhÀjÀrvi on sekÀ maakunnallisesti ettÀ valtakunnallisesti arvokas vesistö, joka on sisÀllytetty mm. Pohjoismaiden ministerineuvoston esittÀmiin suojeluvesiin sekÀ Suomen erityistÀ suojelua vaativiin arvokkaisiin vesistökohteisiin. PyhÀjÀrven alueen luontokokonaisuus on liitetty Euroopan laajuiseen Natura 2000 -suojelualueverkostoon. PyhÀjÀrvi kuuluu luontotyypiltÀÀn niukkaravinteisiin nuottaruohotyypin jÀrviin (Littorelletalia uniflorae), joille on ominaista kirkas, vÀhÀravinteinen vesi ja runsas pohjaversoiskasvillisuus. PyhÀjÀrvellÀ tavoitteena on vesistön erinomaisen ekologisen tilan ja PyhÀjÀrven alueen luontokokonaisuuden suojeluarvojen turvaaminen sekÀ virkistyskÀyttömahdollisuuksien ja muun vastuullisen kÀytön edistÀminen. Tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi suunnitelmaan on koottu toimenpide-esityksiÀ, joista useat liittyvÀt valuma-alueelta tulevan hajakuormituksen hallintaan

    Requirements and characteristics of materials for functional impressions in complete dentures: a literature review

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    Functional impression is one of the fundamental steps for the success of the rehabilitation treatment. Therefore, the objective of this work is, by means of a literature review, characterized as the main characteristics of the materials used in the functional impression in total prosthesis. The review was carried out through research in the database PubMed, Google AcadĂȘmico, Lilacs and Scielo between the months of May to July 2020. Were used for the search of descriptors such as total prosthesis, materials for dental impression and dental materials. Secondary impression is divided into two stages: peripheral sealing and functional impression. The materials are classified as elastic and anelastic and must be used according to each clinical situation. To guarantee the quality of the functions, it is essential that all necessary steps are followed. In this context, being a functional molding conditioned according to the mucosa resilience, the present study was linked to describe the different materials, in order to ascertain their specificities according to the conditions of each individual. The professional must understand the characteristics of functional impression materials to develop better results in prosthetic rehabilitation, obeying the criteria obtained from the clinical examination of the patient, respecting the recommendations of each manufacturer of the material, and presenting the technique in which the dentist dominates and feel able to perform the procedure

    Risk factors associated with adverse fetal outcomes in pregnancies affected by Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): a secondary analysis of the WAPM study on COVID-19.

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    Objectives To evaluate the strength of association between maternal and pregnancy characteristics and the risk of adverse perinatal outcomes in pregnancies with laboratory confirmed COVID-19. Methods Secondary analysis of a multinational, cohort study on all consecutive pregnant women with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 from February 1, 2020 to April 30, 2020 from 73 centers from 22 different countries. A confirmed case of COVID-19 was defined as a positive result on real-time reverse-transcriptase-polymerase-chain-reaction (RT-PCR) assay of nasal and pharyngeal swab specimens. The primary outcome was a composite adverse fetal outcome, defined as the presence of either abortion (pregnancy loss before 22 weeks of gestations), stillbirth (intrauterine fetal death after 22 weeks of gestation), neonatal death (death of a live-born infant within the first 28 days of life), and perinatal death (either stillbirth or neonatal death). Logistic regression analysis was performed to evaluate parameters independently associated with the primary outcome. Logistic regression was reported as odds ratio (OR) with 95% confidence interval (CI). Results Mean gestational age at diagnosis was 30.6+/-9.5 weeks, with 8.0% of women being diagnosed in the first, 22.2% in the second and 69.8% in the third trimester of pregnancy. There were six miscarriage (2.3%), six intrauterine device (IUD) (2.3) and 5 (2.0%) neonatal deaths, with an overall rate of perinatal death of 4.2% (11/265), thus resulting into 17 cases experiencing and 226 not experiencing composite adverse fetal outcome. Neither stillbirths nor neonatal deaths had congenital anomalies found at antenatal or postnatal evaluation. Furthermore, none of the cases experiencing IUD had signs of impending demise at arterial or venous Doppler. Neonatal deaths were all considered as prematurity-related adverse events. Of the 250 live-born neonates, one (0.4%) was found positive at RT-PCR pharyngeal swabs performed after delivery. The mother was tested positive during the third trimester of pregnancy. The newborn was asymptomatic and had negative RT-PCR test after 14 days of life. At logistic regression analysis, gestational age at diagnosis (OR: 0.85, 95% CI 0.8-0.9 per week increase; pPeer reviewe

    Maternal and perinatal outcomes of pregnant women with SARS-CoV-2 infection.

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    OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the maternal and perinatal outcomes of pregnancies affected by SARS-CoV-2 infection. METHODS: This was a multinational retrospective cohort study including women with a singleton pregnancy and laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection, conducted in 72 centers in 22 different countries in Europe, the USA, South America, Asia and Australia, between 1 February 2020 and 30 April 2020. Confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection was defined as a positive result on real-time reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assay of nasopharyngeal swab specimens. The primary outcome was a composite measure of maternal mortality and morbidity, including admission to the intensive care unit (ICU), use of mechanical ventilation and death. RESULTS: In total, 388 women with a singleton pregnancy tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 on RT-PCR of a nasopharyngeal swab and were included in the study. Composite adverse maternal outcome was observed in 47/388 (12.1%) women; 43 (11.1%) women were admitted to the ICU, 36 (9.3%) required mechanical ventilation and three (0.8%) died. Of the 388 women included in the study, 122 (31.4%) were still pregnant at the time of data analysis. Among the other 266 women, six (19.4% of the 31 women with first-trimester infection) had miscarriage, three (1.1%) had termination of pregnancy, six (2.3%) had stillbirth and 251 (94.4%) delivered a liveborn infant. The rate of preterm birth before 37 weeks' gestation was 26.3% (70/266). Of the 251 liveborn infants, 69/251 (27.5%) were admitted to the neonatal ICU, and there were five (2.0%) neonatal deaths. The overall rate of perinatal death was 4.1% (11/266). Only one (1/251, 0.4%) infant, born to a mother who tested positive during the third trimester, was found to be positive for SARS-CoV-2 on RT-PCR. CONCLUSIONS: SARS-CoV-2 infection in pregnant women is associated with a 0.8% rate of maternal mortality, but an 11.1% rate of admission to the ICU. The risk of vertical transmission seems to be negligible. © 2020 International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology

    The Helicobacter pylori Genome Project : insights into H. pylori population structure from analysis of a worldwide collection of complete genomes

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    Helicobacter pylori, a dominant member of the gastric microbiota, shares co-evolutionary history with humans. This has led to the development of genetically distinct H. pylori subpopulations associated with the geographic origin of the host and with differential gastric disease risk. Here, we provide insights into H. pylori population structure as a part of the Helicobacter pylori Genome Project (HpGP), a multi-disciplinary initiative aimed at elucidating H. pylori pathogenesis and identifying new therapeutic targets. We collected 1011 well-characterized clinical strains from 50 countries and generated high-quality genome sequences. We analysed core genome diversity and population structure of the HpGP dataset and 255 worldwide reference genomes to outline the ancestral contribution to Eurasian, African, and American populations. We found evidence of substantial contribution of population hpNorthAsia and subpopulation hspUral in Northern European H. pylori. The genomes of H. pylori isolated from northern and southern Indigenous Americans differed in that bacteria isolated in northern Indigenous communities were more similar to North Asian H. pylori while the southern had higher relatedness to hpEastAsia. Notably, we also found a highly clonal yet geographically dispersed North American subpopulation, which is negative for the cag pathogenicity island, and present in 7% of sequenced US genomes. We expect the HpGP dataset and the corresponding strains to become a major asset for H. pylori genomics

    MakroÀyriÀisten (Gammaracanthus lacustris, Mysis relicta, Monoporeia affinis, Pallaseopsis quadrispinosa) vuorokausivaellukset Saimaan PaasivedellÀ; Diel vertical migrations of the macroscopic crustaceans Gammaracanthus lacustris, Mysis relicta, Monoporeia affinis and Pallaseopsis quadrispinosa in Lake Paasivesi, Saimaa

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    We examined the diel vertical migrations of the macroscopic pelagic relict crustaceans Gammaracanthus lacustris, Mysis relicta, Monoporeia affinis and Pallaseopsis quadrispinosa in the deep Lake Paasivesi basin of the Saimaa lake complex. The samples were collected in October 2006 and 2007 using a Hydro-Bios Multi Plankton Sampler onboard the research vessel R/V Muikku. The study provides information about the day-and-night and year-to-year changes in the vertical distribution of these crustaceans. Regarding G. lacustris we explored if body size (length), sex or maturity have bearing on the individuals' depth preference or possible diel migrations. We noticed that G. lacustris females occur, with very few exceptions, in the deepest waters at 50—60 m, while the individuals occuring in the depth range of 25—45 m are almost exclusively males. Our results did not indicate any diel vertical migration behaviour in G. lacustris. In contrast, 24 % of M. relicta were observed to ascend to the depths of 1—20 m during the night time. The migrant M. relicta are mainly young individuals, less than 14 mm long. A night-time ascent pattern, on the average by about 10 metres, was also observed in M. affinis and P. quadrispinosa.peerReviewe


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    Resumo: Introdução: O acompanhamento dos pacientes portadores de HipertensĂŁo Arterial Ă© realizado pela equipe de saĂșde nos diferentes nĂ­veis de atendimento da rede de Sistema Único de SaĂșde (SUS). Na gestĂŁo e/ou na execução das prĂĄticas assistenciais, educativas e preventivas, no nĂ­vel da atenção bĂĄsica, o trabalho dos profissionais de saĂșde Ă© estratĂ©gico e indispensĂĄvel, sendo assegurada sua inserção nas equipes e nos territĂłrios por meio dos marcos programĂĄticos e legais do SUS. Objetivo: O presente trabalho tem como objetivo proporcionar uma melhor compreensĂŁo acerca da atuação do profissional de saĂșde na Atenção PrimĂĄria em SaĂșde, com o enfoque no controle da hipertensĂŁo arterial. Metodologia: Este estudo, Ă© do tipo RevisĂŁo da Literatura, que Ă© um mĂ©todo que tem como finalidade sintetizar resultados obtidos em pesquisas sobre um tema ou questĂŁo, de maneira sistemĂĄtica, ordenada e abrangente. É denominada integrativa porque fornece informaçÔes mais amplas sobre um assunto/problema, constituindo, assim, um corpo de conhecimento. Resultados: ConsideraçÔes Finais: A partir do exposto no trabalho, percebe-se que a intervenção realizada pela equipe multiprofissional, na Atenção PrimĂĄria em SaĂșde, repercutindo de forma significativa na vida dos usuĂĄrios, por meio da educação em saĂșde, trabalhando a arte do cuidado de forma preventiva, controlada por meio acompanhamento de pacientes hipertensos

    Maternal and Perinatal Outcomes of Pregnant Women with SARS-COV-2 infection

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    To evaluate maternal and perinatal outcomes of pregnant women affected by SARS-COV-2