9 research outputs found

    A neurophysiological deficit in early visual processing in schizophrenia patients with auditory hallucinations: Visual N1 and auditory hallucinations in schizophrenia

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    Existing 67-channel ERPs, obtained during recognition and working memory paradigms with words or faces, were used to examine early visual processing in schizophrenia patients prone to auditory hallucinations (AH, n = 26) or not (NH, n = 49) and healthy controls (HC, n = 46). Current source density (CSD) transforms revealed distinct, strongly left- (words) or right-lateralized (faces; N170) inferior-temporal N1 sinks (150 ms) in each group. N1 was quantified by temporal PCA of peak-adjusted CSDs. For words and faces in both paradigms, N1 was substantially reduced in AH compared with NH and HC, who did not differ from each other. The difference in N1 between AH and NH was not due to overall symptom severity or performance accuracy, with both groups showing comparable memory deficits. Our findings extend prior reports of reduced auditory N1 in AH, suggesting a broader early perceptual integration deficit that is not limited to the auditory modality

    Effectiveness of a Group-based Educational Program on Physical Activity among Pregnant Women

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    Background & Objective: Appropriate physical activity help to promote women's health during pregnancy. Providing appropriate educational programs for pregnant women seems to be necessary. This study was carried out to assess the effectiveness of a group educational program on pregnant women's physical activity. Methods & Materials: This clinical trial was conducted among 280 nulliparous women. The participants were randomly divided into two experimental and control groups. Women in the experimental group participated in eight 90-minute group-based educational classes. Those in the control group received routine care. Data were collected at baseline and at the end of the educational program. Data were analyzed using the Chi-squared test and the t-test in the SPSS. Results: There were no statistical differences on age, body mass index, education level, employment status, and physical activity between the two groups at baseline. The physical activity score was more in the experiment group (37.38±14.89) in compare with the control group (13.7±11.12) after the intervention (P<0.001). Conclusion: The group-based educational program seems to promote physical activity during pregnancy. These kinds of programs should be implemented in prenatal clinics. &nbsp

    Comparison of brain activation patterns during executive function tasks in hoarding disorder and non-hoarding OCD

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    We examined differences in regional brain activation during tests of executive function in individuals with Hoarding Disorder (HD), Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and healthy controls (HC) using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Participants completed computerized versions of the Stroop and Go/No-Go task. We found that during the conflict monitoring and response inhibition condition in the Go/No-Go task, individuals with HD had significantly greater activity than controls in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC). HD also exhibited significantly greater right DLPFC activity than OCD. We also observed significant differences in activity between HD and HC and between HD and OCD in regions (ACC, anterior insula, orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), and striatum) involved in evaluating stimulus-response-reward associations, or the personal and task-relevant value of stimuli and behavioral responses to stimuli. These results support the hypothesis that individuals with HD have difficulty deciding on the value or task relevance of stimuli, and may perceive an abnormally high risk of negative feedback for difficult or erroneous cognitive behavior