22 research outputs found

    Multi-functionality of the few: Current and past uses of wild plants for food and healing in LiubaÅ\u84 region, Belarus

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    Background: This study examined the use of wild plants in the food, medicinal and veterinary areas within a small territory limited to one village council in the LiubaÅ\u84 district of Belarus. The objectives of the research were to document the current and past uses of wild plants in this region for food and human/animal medication; to analyse the food, medicinal and veterinary areas in the context of wild plants; and to qualitatively compare the results with relevant publications concerning the wild food plants of Belarus. Methods: Fieldwork was carried out as a practical part of a development cooperation project in May 2016 in 11 villages of the LiubaÅ\u84 district. One hundred thirty-four respondents were selected randomly. Information about local uses of wild plants was obtained via semi-structured interviews and the folk-history method. Interview records were digitalized and the data structured in Detailed Use Records (DUR), which were divided into food, medicinal and veterinary areas and then analysed to ascertain local perceptions. Results: A total of 2252 DUR of wild plants were recorded. Eighty-eight wild plant taxa belonging to 45 plant families were used across all three areas. Of these, 58 taxa were used in the food, 74 in the medicinal and 23 in the veterinary areas. A relatively high percentage of the taxa were used in both the food and medicinal areas (55%) and an even greater percentage in both the medicinal and veterinary areas (87%). Comparison with earlier research on wild food plants shows the considerable difference among seldom-mentioned taxa or uses, showing possible regional differences despite the homogenization of the population during the Soviet era. Conclusions: As the majority of taxa with overlapping uses belonged to the most utilized plants, there appears to be clear a tendency to use plants in several different areas once they are brought into the home. This may be due to the need to maximize the versatility of limited resources. While the number of wild taxa used is relatively high, the mean number of taxa used per person is quite low, which indicates the relatively minor importance of wild plants in the respective areas in the study region. The low importance of snacks signals that unintended contact with nature has been lost

    Highlights of the 2009 scientific sessions of the European Society of Cardiology

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    The annual congress of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) was held in Barcelona, Spain, August 29 to September 2, 2009. The total attendance was 31,323 participants from 136 different countries. Excellent congress facilities hosted 237 pre-arranged sessions in 30 meeting rooms running in parallel, including several joint sessions in collaboration with other societies (e.g., the American College of Cardiology, the American Heart Association, and the World Heart Federation). A total of 9,848 abstracts from 96 different countries was submitted, and 4,085 (42%) abstracts were selected for presentation

    Lud okolic Żarek, Siewierza i Pilicy, jego zwyczaje, sposób życia, obrzędy, podania, gusła, zabobony, pieśni, zabawy, przysłowia, zagadki i właściwości mowy. T. 1

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    Zawiera Ex Libris Biblioteki Publicznej imienia Stefana Hempla Sejmiku Radomskiego w Radomiu

    High anxiety level in patients with suspected but excluded vasovagal syncope

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    Wstęp. Pacjenci kierowani na test pochyleniowy, u których wykluczono omdlenia wazowagalne, są grupą mało poznaną. Objawy zaburzeń lękowych i prodromalne objawy omdlenia wazowagalnego nakładają się na siebie, co może utrudniać rozpoznanie. Cel pracy. Ocena poziomu lęku w grupie młodych kobiet, u których na podstawie wywiadu i wyniku testu pochyleniowego wykluczono występowanie omdleń wazowagalnych. Materiał i metody. Grupa badana składała się z 14 kobiet, które pochodziły z grupy 55 kobiet kierowanych na test pochyleniowy w wieku 21–40 lat, u których na podstawie wywiadu i wyniku testu pochyleniowego wykluczono występowanie omdleń wazowagalnych. Przed wykonaniem testu pochyleniowego u badanych kobiet przeprowadzono badanie z użyciem kwestionariusza Spilbergera i oceniono poziom lęku jako stanu (KS1) i jako cechy (KS2). Grupę kontrolną stanowiły 124 kobiety, które zaprzeczały występowaniu omdleń w wywiadzie, które anomimowo wypełniły kwestionariusz Spilbergera oraz kwestionariusz dotyczący stanu zdrowia. Wyniki. Stwierdzono: 1) istotnie wyższy poziom lęku jako cechy i stanu (KS1 i KS2) w grupie badanej niż w grupie kontrolnej, 2) wartość poziomu lęku jako stanu (KS1) ponad 32 ze 100% czułością i 34,7% swoistością pozwala odróżnić pacjentów z grupy badanej od osób z grupy kontrolnej, 3) wartość poziomu lęku jako cechy (KS2) ponad 44 ze 64,3% czułością i 74,2% swoistością pozwala odróżnić pacjentów z grupy badanej od osób z grupy kontrolnej. Wnioski. 1. U około 20% pacjentek kierowanych na test pochyleniowy wykonanie badania i ocena zgłaszanych dolegliwości oraz reprodukcji objawów spontanicznych podczas testu pochyleniowego pozwala na wykluczenie omdleń wazowagalnych jako przyczyny zgłaszanych dolegliwości. 2. U pacjentek w grupie badanej stwierdza się wysoki poziom lęku jako cechy i jako stanu, co wskazuje na możliwość występowania zaburzeń lękowych jako podłoża zgłaszanych dolegliwości. 3. Wykluczenie rozpoznania omdleń wazowagalnych u młodych kobiet kierowanych z takim podejrzeniem na test pochyleniowy powinno zwrócić uwagę na możliwość występowaniu u nich zaburzeń lękowych.Background. Patients referred for tilt test, who did not have vasovagal syncope are little known group. Symptoms of anxiety disorders and prodromal symptoms of vasovagal syncope overlap which can make it difficult to recognize. Objectives. The aim of the study is to assess the level of anxiety in a group of young women with excluded vasovagal syncope on the basis of medical history and tilt test results. Material and methods. The study group consisted of 14 women who came from a whole group of 55 women at the age of 21–40 years referred for tilt testing, who were excluded the presence of vasovagal syncope. Before performing the tilt test at the women were surveyed using a questionnaire Spielberg and rated the level of state anxiety (KS1) and the trait anxiety (KS2). Control group consisted of 124 women who had denied the occurrence of syncope. Results. 1. Results found significantly higher levels of trait anxiety and state anxiety (KS1 and KS2) in the study group than in the control group: 2. It was found that the value of the level of state anxiety (KS1) over 32 with 100% sensitivity and 34.7% specificity allows to distinguish case patients from the control group. 3. It was found that the value of the level of trait anxiety (KS2) over 44 with 64.3% sensitivity and 74.2% specificity allows to distinguish case patients from the control group. Conclusions. 1. Approximately 20% of patients referred for tilt testing have excluded vasovagal syncope as the cause of reported problems. 2. Patients in the study group found a high level of anxiety as a trait and as a state which indicates the possibility of anxiety as substrate of their complaints. 3. Exclusion of vasovagal syncope diagnosis in young women should pay attention to the possibility of the occurrence of anxiety disorders in them