434 research outputs found

    Verbal Learning and Memory in Cannabis and Alcohol Users: An Event-Related Potential Investigation

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    Aims: Long-term heavy use of cannabis and alcohol are known to be associated withmemory impairments. In this study, we used event-related potentials to examine verballearning and memory processing in a commonly used behavioral task.Method: We conducted two studies: first, a small pilot study of adolescent males,comprising 13 Drug-Naive Controls (DNC), 12 heavy drinkers (HD) and 8 cannabis users(CU). Second, a larger study of young adults, comprising 45 DNC (20 female), 39 HD (16female), and 20 CU (9 female). In both studies, participants completed a modified verballearning task (the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test, RAVLT) while brain electrical activitywas recorded. ERPs were calculated for words which were subsequently rememberedvs. those which were not remembered, and for presentations of learnt words, previouslyseen words, and new words in a subsequent recognition test. Pre-planned principalcomponents analyses (PCA) were used to quantify the ERP components in these recalland recognition phases separately for each study.Results: Memory performance overall was slightly lower than published norms usingthe standardized RAVLT delivery, but was generally similar and showed the expectedchanges over trials. Few differences in performance were observed between groups; anotable exception was markedly poorer delayed recall in HD relative to DNC (Study 2).PCA identified components expected from prior research using other memory tasks. Atencoding, there were no between-group differences in the usual P2 recall effect (larger forrecalled than not-recalled words). However, alcohol-related differences were observed ina larger P540 (indexing recollection) in HD than DNC, and cannabis-related differenceswere observed in a smaller N340 (indexing familiarity) and a lack of previously seen > newwords effect for P540 in Study 2.Conclusions: This study is the first examination of ERPs in the RAVLT in healthycontrol participants, as well as substance-using individuals, and represents an importantadvance in methodology. The results indicate alterations in recognition memoryprocessing, which even if not manifesting in overt behavioral impairment, underline thepotential for brain dysfunction with early exposure to alcohol and cannabis

    Reliability and validity of three questionnaires measuring context-specific sedentary behaviour and associated correlates in adolescents, adults and older adults

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    BACKGROUND: Reliable and valid measures of total sedentary time, context-specific sedentary behaviour (SB) and its potential correlates are useful for the development of future interventions. The purpose was to examine test-retest reliability and criterion validity of three newly developed questionnaires on total sedentary time, context-specific SB and its potential correlates in adolescents, adults and older adults. METHODS: Reliability and validity was tested in six different samples of Flemish (Belgium) residents. For the reliability study, 20 adolescents, 22 adults and 20 older adults filled out the age-specific SB questionnaire twice. Test-retest reliability was analysed using Kappa coefficients, Intraclass Correlation Coefficients and/or percentage agreement, separately for the three age groups. For the validity study, data were retrieved from 62 adolescents, 33 adults and 33 older adults, with activPAL as criterion measure. Spearman correlations and Bland-Altman plots (or non-parametric approach) were used to analyse criterion validity, separately for the three age groups and for weekday, weekend day and average day. RESULTS: The test-retest reliability for self-reported total sedentary time indicated following values: ICC = 0.37-0.67 in adolescents; ICC = 0.73-0.77 in adults; ICC = 0.68-0.80 in older adults. Item-specific reliability results (e.g. context-specific SB and its potential correlates) showed good-to-excellent reliability in 67.94%, 68.90% and 66.38% of the items in adolescents, adults and older adults respectively. All items belonging to sedentary-related equipment and simultaneous SB showed good reliability. The sections of the questionnaire with lowest reliability were: context-specific SB (adolescents), potential correlates of computer use (adults) and potential correlates of motorized transport (older adults). Spearman correlations between self-reported total sedentary time and the activPAL were different for each age group: rho = 0.02-0.42 (adolescents), rho = 0.06-0.52 (adults), rho = 0.38-0.50 (older adults). Participants over-reported total sedentary time (except for weekend day in older adults) compared to the activPAL, for weekday, weekend day and average day respectively by +57.05%, +46.29%, +53.34% in adolescents; +40.40%, +19.15%, +32.89% in adults; +10.10%, -6.24%, +4.11% in older adults. CONCLUSIONS: The questionnaires showed acceptable test-retest reliability and criterion validity. However, over-reporting of total SB was noticeable in adolescents and adults. Nevertheless, these questionnaires will be useful in getting context-specific information on SB

    Factors affecting innovation and imitation of ICT in the agrifood sector

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    Diffusion of innovations has gained a lot of attention and concerns different scientific fields. Many studies, which examine the determining factors of technological innovations in the agricultural and agrifood sector, have been conducted using the widely used Technology Accepted Model, for a random sample of farmers or firms engaged in agricultural sector. In the present study, a holistic examination of the determining factors that affect the propensity of firms to innovate or imitate, is conducted. The diffusion of ICT tools of firms which are engaged in the NACE 02/03 as well as in the NACE 10/11 classifications for 49 heterogeneous national markets is examined, using the Bass model. The innovation parameter is positively associated with rural income, female employment, export activity and education of farmers, while the imitation parameter is increased in countries whose societies are characterized by uncertainty avoidance

    Age-dependent effects of low-dose nicotine treatment on cocaine-induced behavioral plasticity in rats

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    Epidemiological evidence of early adolescent tobacco use, prior to that of marijuana and other illicit drugs, has led to the hypothesis that nicotine is a “gateway” drug that sensitizes reward pathways to the addictive effects of other psychostimulants. To test this hypothesis, we have compared the effect of a brief, low-dose nicotine pretreatment of adolescent and adult rats on subsequent locomotor response to acute and chronic cocaine. Adolescents, aged postnatal day (P) 28, and adults, aged P86, were given four daily injections of saline or nicotine (0.06 mg/kg, i.v.). At P32 and P90, rats were given acute injections of cocaine (0, 0.4 or 1.0 mg/kg, i.v.) and monitored for locomotor activity in either a habituated or novel test environment. To examine cocaine sensitization, rats were treated for 3 days with saline or cocaine (0.4 mg/kg, i.v.), and, after 1 day of withdrawal, were given a challenge dose of cocaine (0.4 mg/kg, i.v.). Nicotine pretreatment did not affect acute, drug-induced locomotor activity at either age. However, age differences in cocaine response were observed, with adolescent animals showing enhanced locomotor activity in the novel environment. Adolescent controls did not exhibit cocaine-induced locomotor sensitization, whereas adults did. Nicotine pretreatment during adolescence promoted the development and expression of a sensitized response to repeated cocaine exposure similar to that observed in saline-pretreated adult controls. These findings show that brief pretreatment with nicotine, in a low dose comparable to that inhaled in 2–4 cigarettes, enhances cocaine-induced behavioral plasticity in adolescent rats

    Revisiting the Myths of Protein Interior: Studying Proteins with Mass-Fractal Hydrophobicity-Fractal and Polarizability-Fractal Dimensions

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    A robust marker to describe mass, hydrophobicity and polarizability distribution holds the key to deciphering structural and folding constraints within proteins. Since each of these distributions is inhomogeneous in nature, the construct should be sensitive in describing the patterns therein. We show, for the first time, that the hydrophobicity and polarizability distributions in protein interior follow fractal scaling. It is found that (barring ‘all-α’) all the major structural classes of proteins have an amount of unused hydrophobicity left in them. This amount of untapped hydrophobicity is observed to be greater in thermophilic proteins, than that in their (structurally aligned) mesophilic counterparts. ‘All-β’(thermophilic, mesophilic alike) proteins are found to have maximum amount of unused hydrophobicity, while ‘all-α’ proteins have been found to have minimum polarizability. A non-trivial dependency is observed between dielectric constant and hydrophobicity distributions within (α+β) and ‘all-α’ proteins, whereas absolutely no dependency is found between them in the ‘all-β’ class. This study proves that proteins are not as optimally packed as they are supposed to be. It is also proved that origin of α-helices are possibly not hydrophobic but electrostatic; whereas β-sheets are predominantly hydrophobic in nature. Significance of this study lies in protein engineering studies; because it quantifies the extent of packing that ensures protein functionality. It shows that myths regarding protein interior organization might obfuscate our knowledge of actual reality. However, if the later is studied with a robust marker of strong mathematical basis, unknown correlations can still be unearthed; which help us to understand the nature of hydrophobicity, causality behind protein folding, and the importance of anisotropic electrostatics in stabilizing a highly complex structure named ‘proteins’

    Towards a framework for attention cueing in instructional animations: Guidelines for research and design

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    This paper examines the transferability of successful cueing approaches from text and static visualization research to animations. Theories of visual attention and learning as well as empirical evidence for the instructional effectiveness of attention cueing are reviewed and, based on Mayer’s theory of multimedia learning, a framework was developed for classifying three functions for cueing: (1) selection—cues guide attention to specific locations, (2) organization—cues emphasize structure, and (3) integration—cues explicate relations between and within elements. The framework was used to structure the discussion of studies on cueing in animations. It is concluded that attentional cues may facilitate the selection of information in animations and sometimes improve learning, whereas organizational and relational cueing requires more consideration on how to enhance understanding. Consequently, it is suggested to develop cues that work in animations rather than borrowing effective cues from static representations. Guidelines for future research on attention cueing in animations are presented

    Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and mortality of HIV, 1980–2017, and forecasts to 2030, for 195 countries and territories: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2017

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    Background Understanding the patterns of HIV/AIDS epidemics is crucial to tracking and monitoring the progress of prevention and control efforts in countries. We provide a comprehensive assessment of the levels and trends of HIV/AIDS incidence, prevalence, mortality, and coverage of antiretroviral therapy (ART) for 1980–2017 and forecast these estimates to 2030 for 195 countries and territories. Methods We determined a modelling strategy for each country on the basis of the availability and quality of data. For countries and territories with data from population-based seroprevalence surveys or antenatal care clinics, we estimated prevalence and incidence using an open-source version of the Estimation and Projection Package—a natural history model originally developed by the UNAIDS Reference Group on Estimates, Modelling, and Projections. For countries with cause-specific vital registration data, we corrected data for garbage coding (ie, deaths coded to an intermediate, immediate, or poorly defined cause) and HIV misclassification. We developed a process of cohort incidence bias adjustment to use information on survival and deaths recorded in vital registration to back-calculate HIV incidence. For countries without any representative data on HIV, we produced incidence estimates by pulling information from observed bias in the geographical region. We used a re-coded version of the Spectrum model (a cohort component model that uses rates of disease progression and HIV mortality on and off ART) to produce age-sex-specific incidence, prevalence, and mortality, and treatment coverage results for all countries, and forecast these measures to 2030 using Spectrum with inputs that were extended on the basis of past trends in treatment scale-up and new infections. Findings Global HIV mortality peaked in 2006 with 1·95 million deaths (95% uncertainty interval 1·87–2·04) and has since decreased to 0·95 million deaths (0·91–1·01) in 2017. New cases of HIV globally peaked in 1999 (3·16 million, 2·79–3·67) and since then have gradually decreased to 1·94 million (1·63–2·29) in 2017. These trends, along with ART scale-up, have globally resulted in increased prevalence, with 36·8 million (34·8–39·2) people living with HIV in 2017. Prevalence of HIV was highest in southern sub-Saharan Africa in 2017, and countries in the region had ART coverage ranging from 65·7% in Lesotho to 85·7% in eSwatini. Our forecasts showed that 54 countries will meet the UNAIDS target of 81% ART coverage by 2020 and 12 countries are on track to meet 90% ART coverage by 2030. Forecasted results estimate that few countries will meet the UNAIDS 2020 and 2030 mortality and incidence targets. Interpretation Despite progress in reducing HIV-related mortality over the past decade, slow decreases in incidence, combined with the current context of stagnated funding for related interventions, mean that many countries are not on track to reach the 2020 and 2030 global targets for reduction in incidence and mortality. With a growing population of people living with HIV, it will continue to be a major threat to public health for years to come. The pace of progress needs to be hastened by continuing to expand access to ART and increasing investments in proven HIV prevention initiatives that can be scaled up to have population-level impact