27 research outputs found

    Diversité floristique du Parc National du Haut Atlas Oriental et des Massifs ayachi et Maâsker (Maroc).

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    Diversité floristique du Parc National du Haut Atlas Oriental et des massifs Ayachi et Maâsker (Maroc). Etant donné la rareté des études sur le Parc National du Haut Atlas Oriental et les massifs Ayachi et Maâsker, les connaissances sur la diversité floristique de ces régions, très accidentées, étaient très insuffisantes et fragmentaires. Actuellement la flore vasculaire du Parc, jbels Ayachi et Maâsker est estimée respectivement à 227, 140 et 96 espèces; la flore rare, menacée et/ou endémique constitue une part importante. Le nombre d�endémiques dans le Parc (espèces et sous espèces) représente 6.8 % de l�ensemble des endémiques marocaines. Ce nombre est très important dans l�Ayachi avec 7.5 %. Dans le Maâsker, le nombre d�endémiques est évalué à 3.9 % de l�ensemble des endémiques marocaines. La flore rare (espèces et sous-espèces) est représentée par 3.6 % de la flore totale du Parc, 4 % de la flore totale du jbel Ayachi et 4 % de la flore totale du jbel Maâsker. Par contre le taux de la flore très rare est faible, respectivement de l�ordre de 1.9 %, 2 % et 2.4 %.Flora diversity of the National Park of the Eastern High Atlas and the massifs Ayachi and Mâasker (Morocco). Considering the rare studies on the Eastern High Atlas National Park, Ayachi and Mâasker mountains, the knowledge on the flora diversity of these regions were very insufficient.Their flora is estimated currently 227, 140 and 96 species. The rare flora, threatened and/or endemic constitutes an important part. The number of endemics in the Park (species and subspecies) represents 6.8% of the endemics of Morocco. This number is very important in Ayachi (7.5%). In Maasker, the number of endemics is about 3.9% of the endemic of Morocco. The rare flora (species and subspecies) in the Park, Ayachi and Maasker is represented respectively by 3.6%, 4%, and 4%. On the other hand the very rare flora is poor respectively 1.9%, 2% and 2.4%

    Labiatae checklist for Andalusia (Southern Spain) and Rif (Northern Morocco)

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    . Labiatae checklist for Andalusia (Southern Spain) and the Rif (Northern Morocco). The taxa of Labiatae from Andalusia (Southern Iberian Peninsula) and the Rif (Northern Morocco) are included in a checklist, which has about 262 taxa, belonging to 28 genera and 5 subfamilies, representing almost 25% of total Mediterranean Labiatae taxa and c. 70% of total strict Labiatae Mediterranean genera. Nepetoideae with 17 genera is the richest subfamily; Ajugoideae (Ajuga genus), Teucrioideae (Teucrium genus) and Scutellarioideae (Scutellaria genus) are monogenerics. In this biogeographical region, 23 genera and about 70 species are common to both Andalusia and the Rif (about 88% of all genera and 30% of all taxa). Teucrium, Sideritis Satureja and allied genera, Salvia and Mentha, are the most widespread, representing almost 50% of the total taxa. The importance of the Labiatae family in the Andalusia and the Rif regions is reflected by the fact that they make up c. 20% of all taxa, while 25 of the total number of genera are distributed in the Betic-Rif Mountains. In addition, these mountains, are themselves the richest and best endowed regions of the Andalusia and the Rif, with the greatest concentration of endemic species (c. 65% of total endemisms)

    Nouveaux materiaux pour la flore de Maroc: Fascicule 5

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    Twelve floristic notes are given here. Six species are indicated in Morocco forthe first time: Isoetes setacea, Gymnostylesstolontfera, Narcissus cuatrecasii, Teucriumbotrys, Artemisia sp. and Sorbus. The presenceof three others need to be confirmed: Clematisvitalba, Persicaria senegalensis and Brassicabarrelieri subsp. barrelieri.Douze notes floristiquesprincipalement d'ordre chorologique ousystématique sont données. Six d'entre ellesconcernent des taxons nouveaux pour le Maroc:Isoetes setacea, Gymnostyles stolonifera,Narcissus cuatrecasii, Teucrium botrys et deuxautres espéces appartenant aux genresArtemisia et Sorbus, la valeur systématique deces derniéres reste á étudier. La présence auMaroc de Clematis vitalba, Persicariasenegalensis et Brassica barrelieri subsp.barrelieri demande á étre confirmée

    The Vascular Flora of Tetraclinis Ecosystem in the Moroccan Central Plateau

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    The main objective of this study is to quantify the floral richness and diversity of Tetraclinis ecosystem in the Moroccan Central Plateau. The approach was based on over 300 floristic surveys covering the different parts of the Moroccan Central Plateau forests. It also entails the analysis and processing of data from studies in the region. The results indicate that there are 233 taxa belonging to 56 families

    Phytosociological study of the presteppic groups ofthe National Eastern High Atlas Park and surrounding areas (Morocco)

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    The presteppic vegetation of the National Eastern High Atlas Park and surrounding areas (Ayachi and Masker mountains) shows 12 associations organized in 2 alliances, 2 orders and 1 class. Ephedro-Juniperetalia is the most important order with one alliance Junipero-Quercion and 12 associations. Pistacio-Rhamnetalia has one alliance Junipero oxycedri-Rhamnion atlanticae and 1 association. Phytosociological, ecological and chorological details are given for each association. Three new associations are represented for the first time; these are Buxo balearicae-Juniperetum phoeniceae, Berberido hispanicae-Ribesetum uva-crispae and Junipero communi-Prunesetum prostratae. A new status is offered for Bupleuro spinosae-Juniperetum thuriferae which was considered by Achhal (1986) to be a juniperetosum sub-association of Bupleuro spinosae-Juniperetum phoeniceae. The study shows and confirms wealth and diversity of the dition plant structures, a part of which is rightfully classified as national park. The authors also recall the problem of strong human pressure on all studied habitats and give concrete proposals for the management of the ParkLa végétation présteppique (s.l.) du Parc National du Haut Atlas Oriental et ses bordures (jbels Ayachi et Masker) montre de nos jours 12 associations qui se rattachent à 2 alliances, 2 ordres et une classe. L'ordre des Ephedro-Juniperetalia est très largement en tête avec une alliance Junipero-Quercion représentée par 12 associations. L'ordre des Pistacio-Rhamnetalia n'est représenté que par une seule association qui se rattache à l'alliance Junipero oxycedri-Rhamnion atlanticae. Pour chaque association, les aspects phytosociologiques, dynamiques et chorologiques sont présentés et discutés. Trois associations nouvelles sont décrites pour la première fois, ce sont Buxo balearicae-Juniperetum phoeniceae, Berberido hispanicae-Ribesetum uva-crispae et Junipero communi-Prunesetum prostratae. Un nouveau statut est proposé pour Bupleuro spinosae-Juniperetum thuriferae qui a été considéré par Achhal (1986) comme une sous-association juniperetosum du Bupleuro spinosae-Juniperetum phoeniceae. L'étude met ainsi en lumière et confirme la richesse et la diversité des strutures végétales de la dition dont une partie est classée à juste titre comme parc national. Les auteurs évoquent également le problème de la forte pression anthropozoogène sur tous les milieux étudiés et donnent des propositions concrètes pour la gestion du parc

    Chorological and conservation status of the endemic cypress, Cupressus atlantica Gaussen, in the High Atlas (Morocco)

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    18 p. ; tablas, mapas, gráf.We present a study of the distribution, ecology and conservation status of Cupressus atlantica, an endemic tree of the High Atlas (Morocco). The main populations of this species grow in a reduced area along the N’Fiss valley in the Central High Atlas and are gradually receding. Particular populations are increasingly fragmented and the total area covered by the cypress woodland has decreased to less than a third of the surface occupied in the 1930s. Overgrazing reduces the woodlands’ regenerative capacity, and the exploitation of the wood, linked to traditional uses by the rural society of the N’Fiss valley, directly reduces the number of trees. Great efforts being made to protect the species by the Haut Commissariat aux Eaux et Forêts are having some effect in recent years.This research was partially funded by the cooperation between the Spanish Research Council (CSIC) and the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAS).Peer reviewe

    Analyse de la Biodiversité floristique des zones humides du maroc. Flore rare menacée et halophile

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    Analysis of the moroccan wetlands floristical diversity: rare, threatened and halophilous flora. The moroccan wetlands flora shows a great floristical richness of these ecosystems, estimated at more than 670 species and subspecies (83 families) which can be supplemented by at least 272 others taxa considered rather as terrestrials but can colonize periodically these biotopes. This flora shows a rate of endemism close to 6,5 %, but the most fact is the great proportion of rare or threatened taxa (estimated at 34%). The halophilous flora was a subjet of particular comment considering the prevalence of the salt biotopes in Morocco, either by the number or the extent of the sites. It counts 115 species and subspecies distributed among 20 families

    Labia/ac checklist for Andalusia (Southern Spain) and the Rif (Northern Morocco).

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    AB S TR ACT. Labia/ac checklist for Andalusia (Southern Spain) and the Rif (Northern Morocco). The taxa of Labiatae from Andalusia (Southern Iberian Peninsula) and the Rif (NorthernMorocco) are included in a checklist, which has about 262 taxa, belonging to 28 genera and 5 subfamilies, representing almost 25% of total Mediterranean Labiatae taxa and c. 70% of total strict Labiatae Mediterranean genera. Nepetoideae with 17 genera is the richest subfamily; Ajugoideae (Ajuga genus), Teucrioideae (Teucriunt genus) and Scutellarioideae (Scutellaria genus) are monogenerics. In this biogeographical region, 23 genera and about 70 species are common to both Andalusia and the Rif (about 88% of all genera and 30% of all taxa). Teucrium, Sideritis Satureja and allied genera, Salvia and Mentha, are the most widespread, representing almost 50% of the total taxa. The importance of the Labiatae family in the Andalusia and the Rif regions is reflected by the fact that they make up c. 20% of all taxa, while 25 of the total number of genera are distributed in the Betic-Rif Mountains. In addition, these mountains, are themselves the richest and best endowed regions of the Andalusia and the Rif, with the greatest concentration of endemic species (c. 65% of total endemisms).Key words. Labiatae, checklist, biogeography, Betic-Rif Mountains, Andalusia (Southern Iberian Peninsula), Rif (Northern Morocco).RESUMEN. Labiatae de Andalucía (Sur de la Península Ibérica) y el Rif (Norte de Marruecos). Se presenta una lista de los taxones de la familia Labiatae de Andalucía (sur de la Península Ibérica) y del Rif ( norte de Marruecos), que incluye alrededor de 262 taxones pertenecientes a 28 géneros y 5 subfamilias, representando c. del 25% del total de las especies y c. del 70% de los géneros de la familia Labiatae en el Mediterráneo. Nepetoideae, con 17 géneros, es la subfamilia más ampliamente representada. Ajugoideae (género Ajuga), Teucrioideae (género Teucritan) y Scutellarioideae (género Scutellaria) son monogenéricas. Un total de 23 géneros y cerca de 70 especies son comunes para Andalucía y el Rif (c. 88% del total de géneros y c. 30% del total de taxónes). Teucriton„Sideritis, Satureja y géneros afines, Salvia y Mentha, son los más ampliamente distribuidos y, en su conjunto, representan más del 50% del total de táxones. Las montañas Bético-Rifeñas constituyen el territorio biogeográfico de más riqueza florística de la familia Labiatae en Andalucía y el Rif, estando representados en ellas más del 20% del total de los taxónes y 25 del total de los géneros, es así mismo, la región que concentra más número de especies endémicas (c. 65% del total de endemismos).Palabras clave. Labiatac, checklist, biogeografía, Montañas Bético-Rifeñas, Andalucía (sur de la peninsula Ibérica), Rif (norte de Marruecos)

    Using complementary techniques to distinguish cryptic species: A new Erysimum (Brassicaceae) species from North Africa

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    • Premise of the study : Cryptic species are superfi cially morphologically indistinguishable and therefore erroneously classifi ed under one single name. The identifi cation and delimitation of these species is usually a diffi cult task. The main aim of this study is to provide an inclusive methodology that combines standard and new tools to allow accurate identifi cation of cryptic species. We used Erysimum nervosum s.l. as a model system. • Methods : Four populations belonging to E. nervosum s.l. were sampled at their two distribution ranges in Morocco (the Atlas Mountains and the Rif Mountains). Fifteen individuals per population were collected to assess standard taxonomic traits. Additionally, corolla color and shape were quantifi ed in 30 individuals per population using spectrophotometry and geometric morphometrics, respectively. Finally, we collected tissue samples from each population per species to study the phylogenetic relationships among them. • Key results : Using the standard taxonomic traits, we could not distinguish the four populations. Nonetheless, there were differences in corolla color and shape between plants from the two mountain ranges. The population differentiation based on quantitative morphological differences were confi rmed and supported by the phylogenetic relationships obtained for these populations and the rest of the Moroccan Erysimum species. • Conclusions : The joint use of the results obtained from standard taxonomic traits, quantitative analyses of plant phenotype, and molecular data suggests the occurrence of two species within E. nervosum s.l. in Morocco, one located in the Atlas Mountains ( E. nervosum s.s.) and the other in the Rif Mountains ( E. riphaeanum sp. nov.). Consequently, we suggest that combining quantitative and molecular approaches with standard taxonomy greatly benefi ts the identifi cation of cryptic species