6,136 research outputs found

    Utilización de freidora doméstica entre universitarios madrileños. Aceptación de alimentos congelados fritos en aceite de oliva virgen extra, girasol y girasol alto oleico

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    The goal of this study was to get information about the use of domestic fryers, type of oil used for frying, kind of food fried in it, and number of frying until rejection of oil. To this aim, a preliminary survey was performed in 50 persons belonging to the Madrid University to know which kind of food and oils they used for frying. None of them used other oils for frying than olive or sunflower oils. Afterwards, another survey was performed between 250 university students, belonging to the Madrid University, in which homes the domestic fryer was used. Information was obtained about kind of oil used, food usually fried, and frying number when the oil used in successive frying was discarded. Most of them employed olive oil and used the same oil 11-20 times, and about the half of them fried only one type of food in the same oil. The most frequent food fried were potatoes, frozen pre-fried potatoes and fish. Fresh foods were preferentially fried in pans while the frozen pre-cooked ones were fried without any priority. Taking into account results of the second survey, 20 frying of frozen foods in extra virgin olive oil, sunflower oil and high oleic acid sunflower oil were performed using domestic fryers. With the aim to analyse the effect of oil used on fried croquette palatability, identifying and punctuation triangular tests were used. The effect of the frying modality (with and without oil reposition) and type of oil used on croquette acceptability were also tested. Croquettes were well accepted obtaining an average score of 6.8 in a scale range from 1 to 10. The organoleptic quality of this food did not change with the number of frying. Nevertheless, the panel was able to identify croquettes fried in sunflower oil from the 6th frying. Croquettes fried in oils with a frequent replenishment obtain a higher organoleptic score than those fried without oil replenishment. Then it should be considered the convenience to perform frying with a frequent replenishment with unused oil.La finalidad del estudio fue obtener información sobre el uso de freidoras domésticas, tipo de aceite utilizado para freír, alimentos que se fríen y número de frituras tras el que se elimina el aceite. Para ello se realizó una encuesta preliminar en 50 personas pertenecientes a la Universidad Complutense de Madrid para conocer qué tipo de aceite y qué alimentos se emplean en fritura doméstica. Ninguna de ellas usaba un aceite diferente del de oliva o girasol. Con estos datos se realizó otra encuesta entre 250 universitarios en cuyos hogares se empleaba freidora acerca del aceite empleado, los alimentos que se fríen más habitualmente y el número de fritura tras el que se desecha el aceite usado. Los resultados señalan que en los hogares de estos universitarios, el aceite más utilizado para freír es el de oliva. La mayoría de ellos usa el aceite de 11 a 20 veces y aproximadamente la mitad de los encuestados fríen sólo un tipo de alimento en el mismo aceite. Los alimentos que se fríen con más frecuencia en sartén eran las patatas, las patatas prefritas congeladas y el pescado, observándose una preferencia al uso de la sartén respecto al de la freidora para los alimentos frescos, mientras que no había preferencias respecto a los precocinados. Teniendo en cuenta los resultados de la segunda encuesta se realizaron un total de 20 frituras de alimentos congelados en freidoras domésticas en aceite de oliva virgen extra, girasol y girasol con alto contenido en ácido oleico. Las croquetas fritas se valoraron mediante cata, realizándose pruebas triangulares de identificación y de puntuación con la finalidad de estudiar el efecto del aceite empleado en su fritura. También se evaluó la calidad organoléptica global de las croquetas fritas en función de la modalidad de fritura (con o sin adición de aceite sin usar) y del tipo de aceite. La aceptación de las croquetas fue bastante buena, con una puntuación de 6,8 sobre una escala de 1-10. No se encontró una influencia del número de frituras en la valoración de la calidad organoléptica de las mismas. El panel de catadores únicamente encontró diferencias significativas entre el aceite de girasol y el de oliva virgen extra, pero sólo para las croquetas provenientes de la 6ª fritura. La aceptación de las croquetas fritas en las freidoras donde se mantuvo el nivel inicial de aceite fue superior a la de las obtenidas en frituras sin reponer las pérdidas de aceite, señalando la conveniencia de freír adicionando frecuentemente aceite sin usar

    On the limits of Brans-Dicke spacetimes: a coordinate-free approach

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    We investigate the limit of Brans-Dicke spacetimes as the scalar field coupling constant omega tends to infinity applying a coordinate-free technique. We obtain the limits of some known exact solutions. It is shown that these limits may not correspond to similar solutions in the general relativity theory.Comment: LaTeX, 16 pp, report DF/UFPB/02-9

    TELMA: Technology enhanced learning environment for minimally invasive surgery

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    Background: Cognitive skills training for minimally invasive surgery has traditionally relied upon diverse tools, such as seminars or lectures. Web technologies for e-learning have been adopted to provide ubiquitous training and serve as structured repositories for the vast amount of laparoscopic video sources available. However, these technologies fail to offer such features as formative and summative evaluation, guided learning, or collaborative interaction between users. Methodology: The "TELMA" environment is presented as a new technology-enhanced learning platform that increases the user's experience using a four-pillared architecture: (1) an authoring tool for the creation of didactic contents; (2) a learning content and knowledge management system that incorporates a modular and scalable system to capture, catalogue, search, and retrieve multimedia content; (3) an evaluation module that provides learning feedback to users; and (4) a professional network for collaborative learning between users. Face validation of the environment and the authoring tool are presented. Results: Face validation of TELMA reveals the positive perception of surgeons regarding the implementation of TELMA and their willingness to use it as a cognitive skills training tool. Preliminary validation data also reflect the importance of providing an easy-to-use, functional authoring tool to create didactic content. Conclusion: The TELMA environment is currently installed and used at the Jesús Usón Minimally Invasive Surgery Centre and several other Spanish hospitals. Face validation results ascertain the acceptance and usefulness of this new minimally invasive surgery training environment

    Effects of carbohydrate–protein beverages on recovery of the exercise

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    Este artículo aporta una revisión del efecto de la coingesta de la proteína de suero de leche y proteína caseína administradas en bebidas carbohidratadas, sobre la recuperación y los parámetros del daño muscular en ejercicios de larga duración. La búsqueda se ha realizado en abril de 2013 en las bases de datos del ISI Web of Knowledge, SCOPUS, Sport Discuss, PubMed, Medline Sportdiscus, y en las bases de datos CINDOC en las redes CTI-CSIC, RESH, DICE y DIALNET cruzando los descriptores “Exercise”, “Resistance training” y “Recovery” con los términos “Ergogenic beverage”, “Casein Protein” y “Whey Protein”. La estrategia nutricional más respaldada es la ingesta de un preparado líquido carbohidratado en donde se combinan proteínas de diferentes fuentes sobre pruebas de esfuerzos prolongados similares a la competición tanto en deportes individuales como en colectivos, con resultados discrepantesThis manuscript shows a review about the effects of the whey and casein protein on recovery and parameters of muscle damage in long-term exercise. The search was conducted in April 2013 in the databases of ISI Web of Knowledge, SCOPUS, PubMed, Medline, SportDiscus, and databases on Spanish networks CINDOC CTI-CSIC, RESH, DICE, and DIALNET crossing the descriptors "Exercise", "Resistance training" and "Recovery" with the terms "Ergogenic Beverage", "Casein Protein" and "Whey Protein". The most used nutritional strategies are based in a carbohydrate beverage which combines different protein sources on prolonged exercise tests similar to sports competition, in both individual and collective sports, with discrepant result

    Sub-arcsecond radio and optical observations of the likely counterpart to the gamma-ray source 2FGL J2056.7+4939

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    We have searched and reviewed all multi- wavelength data available for the region towards the gamma-ray source 2FGL J2056.7+4939 in order to con- strain its possible counterpart at lower energies. As a result, only a point-like optical/infrared source with flat-spectrum radio emission is found to be consistent with all X-ray and gamma-ray error circles. Its struc- ture is marginally resolved at radio wavelengths at the sub-arcsecond level. An extragalactic scenario appears to be the most likely interpretation for this object.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Breathers in a system with helicity and dipole interaction

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    Recent papers that have studied variants of the Peyrard-Bishop model for DNA, have taken into account the long range interaction due to the dipole moments of the hydrogen bonds between base pairs. In these models the helicity of the double strand is not considered. In this particular paper we have performed an analysis of the influence of the helicity on the properties of static and moving breathers in a Klein--Gordon chain with dipole-dipole interaction. It has been found that the helicity enlarges the range of existence and stability of static breathers, although this effect is small for a typical helical structure of DNA. However the effect of the orientation of the dipole moments is considerably higher with transcendental consequences for the existence of mobile breathers.Comment: 4pages, 5 eps figure

    XMM-Newton detection of the supernova remnant G304.6+0.1 (Kes 17)

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    Aims. We report the first detailed X-ray study of the supernova remnant (SNR) G304.6+0.1, achieved with the XMM-Newton mission. Methods. The powerful imaging capability of XMM-Newton was used to study the X-ray characteristics of the remnant at different energy ranges. The X-ray morphology and spectral properties were analyzed. In addittion, radio and mid-infrared data obtained with the Molonglo Observatory Synthesis Telescope and the Spitzer Space Telescope were used to study the association with the detected X-ray emission and to understand the structure of the SNR at differents wavelengths. Results. The SNR shows an extended and arc-like internal structure in the X-ray band with out a compact point-like source inside the remnant. We find a high column density of NH in the range 2.5-3.5x1022 cm-2, which supports a relatively distant location (d \geq 9.7 kpc). The X-ray spectrum exhibits at least three emission lines, indicating that the X-ray emission has a thin thermal plasma origin, although a non-thermal contribution cannot be discarded. The spectra of three different regions (north, center and south) are well represented by a combination of a non-equilibrium ionization (PSHOCK) and a power-law (PL) model. The mid-infrared observations show a bright filamentary structure along the north-south direction coincident with the NW radio shell. This suggests that Kes 17 is propagating in a non-uniform environment with high density and that the shock front is interacting with several adjacent massive molecular clouds. The good correspondence of radio and mid-infrared emissions suggests that the filamentary features are caused by shock compression. The X-ray characteristics and well-known radio parameters indicate that G304.6+0.1 is a middle-aged SNR (2.8-6.4)x104 yr old and a new member of the recently proposed group of mixed-morphology SNRs.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures; Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Técnicas para el levantamiento de requerimientos en el desarrollo de un sistema de información

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    El levantamiento de requerimientos es una de las etapas iniciales y primordiales para el desarrollo de un sistema de información. Un buen levantamiento conlleva a desarrollar un sistema lo más apegado posible a los requerimientos del usuario final. Para poder llevar acabo esta etapa, en el desarrollo se deben seleccionar y aplicar algunas de las técnicas existentes para el levantamiento de requerimientos. En este artículo se presentan algunas técnicas para el levantamiento de requerimientos de tal forma que puedan ser utilizadas en otros sistemas de información.Palabras Clave: Análisis, Involucrados, Reglas de negocio, Requerimientos, Sistema de información

    Analytical model to predict the effect of a finite impedance surface on the propagation properties of a 2D Sonic Crystal

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    The use of Sonic Crystals as environmental noise barriers has certain advantages from the acoustical and the constructive point of view with regard to conventional ones. One aspect do not studied yet is the acoustic interaction between the Sonic Crystals and the ground due to, up to now, this latter is not included in the analytical models used to characterize these Sonic Crystals. We present here an analytical model, based on multiple scattering theory, to study this interaction considering the ground as a finite impedance surface. Using this model we have obtained interesting conclusions that allow to design more effectively noise screens based on Sonic Crystals. The obtained results have been compared with experimental and numerical, finding a good agreement between them

    On the performance of SQL scalable systems on Kubernetes: a comparative study

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    The popularization of Hadoop as the the-facto standard platform for data analytics in the context of Big Data applications has led to the upsurge of SQL-on-Hadoop systems, which provide scalable query execution engines allowing the use of SQL queries on data stored in HDFS. In this context, Kubernetes appears as the leading choice to simplify the deployment and scaling of containerized applications; however, there is a lack of studies about the performance of SQL-on-Hadoop systems deployed on Kubernetes, and this is the gap we intend to fill in this paper. We present an experimental study involving four representative SQL scalable platforms: Apache Drill, Apache Hive, Apache Spark SQL and Trino. Concretely, we analyze the performance of these systems when they are deployed on a Hadoop cluster with Kubernetes by using the TPC-H benchmark. The results of our study can help practitioners and users about what they can expect in terms of performance if they plan to use the advantages of Kubernetes to deploy applications using the analyzed SQL scalable platforms.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBUA. This work has been partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation via Grant PID2020-112540RB-C41 (AEI/FEDER, UE), Andalusian PAIDI program with grant P18-RT-2799, and by project ”Evolución y desarrollo de la plataforma DOP de Big Data” (702C2000044) under Andalusian “Programa de Apoyo a la I+D+i Empresarial”