14 research outputs found

    Factor Varieties and Symbolic Computation

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    We propose an algebraization of classical and non-classical logics, based on factor varieties and decomposition operators. In particular, we provide a new method for determining whether a propositional formula is a tautology or a contradiction. This method can be autom-atized by defining a term rewriting system that enjoys confluence and strong normalization. This also suggests an original notion of logical gate and circuit, where propositional variables becomes logical gates and logical operations are implemented by substitution. Concerning formulas with quantifiers, we present a simple algorithm based on factor varieties for reducing first-order classical logic to equational logic. We achieve a completeness result for first-order classical logic without requiring any additional structure

    First Report of Circulating MicroRNAs in Tumour Necrosis Factor Receptor-Associated Periodic Syndrome (TRAPS)

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    Tumor necrosis factor-receptor associated periodic syndrome (TRAPS) is a rare autosomal dominant autoinflammatory disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of long-lasting fever and inflammation in different regions of the body, such as the musculo-skeletal system, skin, gastrointestinal tract, serosal membranes and eye. Our aims were to evaluate circulating microRNAs (miRNAs) levels in patients with TRAPS, in comparison to controls without inflammatory diseases, and to correlate their levels with parameters of disease activity and/or disease severity. Expression levels of circulating miRNAs were measured by Agilent microarrays in 29 serum samples from 15 TRAPS patients carrying mutations known to be associated with high disease penetrance and from 8 controls without inflammatory diseases. Differentially expressed and clinically relevant miRNAs were detected using GeneSpring GX software. We identified a 6 miRNAs signature able to discriminate TRAPS from controls. Moreover, 4 miRNAs were differentially expressed between patients treated with the interleukin (IL)-1 receptor antagonist, anakinra, and untreated patients. Of these, miR-92a-3p and miR-150-3p expression was found to be significantly reduced in untreated patients, while their expression levels were similar to controls in samples obtained during anakinra treatment. MiR-92b levels were inversely correlated with the number of fever attacks/year during the 1st year from the index attack of TRAPS, while miR-377-5p levels were positively correlated with serum amyloid A (SAA) circulating levels. Our data suggest that serum miRNA levels show a baseline pattern in TRAPS, and may serve as potential markers of response to therapeutic intervention

    Territori creativi. L'organizzazione delle politiche a supporto della creatività

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    Negli ultimi anni il termine creatività è stato sempre più utilizzato non solo in relazione alle attività artistiche e culturali, ma anche allo sviluppo economico di aziende e di aree geografiche (quartieri, città, regioni). Se, dunque, alla creatività è attribuita una grande importanza sia per il valore economico e sociale prodotto dalle industrie creative sia per gli effetti di spillover che è in grado di generare anche nei confronti di settori economici più tradizionali, diventa critico riflettere sulle modalità con cui sia le organizzazioni che gli enti pubblici territoriali possono sfruttarne appieno il potenziale. Questo libro cerca di contribuire a questa riflessione sia sviluppando il contenuto specifico – quali modalità possono innalzare la soglia di creatività di un territorio – sia mostrando come una visione interdisciplinare possa fare emergere nuove prospettive di studio e di azione nella collettività. L’obiettivo è quello di fornire un utile strumento per quanti si avvicinano al tema sia come accademici sia come pubblici amministratori. Coerentemente, ogni capitolo non solo presenta un inquadramento teorico che ha l’obiettivo di fare il punto della situazione sulla letteratura scientifica esistente, ma introduce anche alcuni casi pratici utili per coloro che vorranno replicare nel loro territorio buone strade già praticate