68 research outputs found

    Synthesis Paper: Targeted Livestock Grazing: Prescription for Healthy Rangelands

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    Targeted livestock grazing is a proven tool for manipulating rangeland vegetation, and current knowledge about targeted livestock grazing is extensive and expanding rapidly. Targeted grazing prescriptions optimize the timing, frequency, intensity, and selectivity of grazing (or browsing) in combinations that purposely exert grazing/browsing pressure on specific plant species or portions of the landscape. Targeted grazing differs from traditional grazing management in that the goal of targeted grazing is to apply defoliation or trampling to achieve specific vegetation management objectives, whereas the goal of traditional livestock grazing management is generally the production of livestock commodities. A shared aim of targeted livestock grazing and traditional grazing management is to sustain healthy soils, flora, fauna, and water resources that, in turn, can sustain natural ecological processes (e.g., nutrient cycle, water cycle, energy flow). Targeted grazing prescriptions integrate knowledge of plant ecology, livestock nutrition, and livestock foraging behavior. Livestock can be focused on target areas through fencing, herding, or supplement placement. Although practices can be developed to minimize the impact of toxins contained in target plants, the welfare of the animals used in targeted grazing must be a priority. Monitoring is needed to determine if targeted grazing is successful and to refine techniques to improve efficacy and efficiency. Examples of previous research studies and approaches are presented to highlight the ecological benefits that can be achieved when targeted grazing is applied properly. These cases include ways to suppress invasive plants and ways to enhance wildlife habitat and biodiversity. Future research should address the potential to select more adapted and effective livestock for targeted grazing and the associated animal welfare concerns with this practice. Targeted livestock grazing provides land managers a viable alternative to mechanical, chemical, and prescribed fire treatments to manipulate rangeland vegetation

    Transgenerational Social Stress, Immune Factors, Hormones, and Social Behavior

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    A social signal transduction theory of depression has been proposed that states that exposure to social adversity alters the immune response and these changes mediate symptoms of depression such as anhedonia and impairments in social behavior. The exposure of maternal rats to the chronic social stress (CSS) of a male intruder depresses maternal care and impairs social behavior in the F1 and F2 offspring of these dams. The objective of the present study was to characterize basal peripheral levels of several immune factors and related hormone levels in the adult F2 offspring of CSS exposed dams and assess whether changes in these factors are associated with previously reported deficits in allogrooming behavior. CSS decreased acid glycoprotein (α1AGP) and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) in F2 females, and increased granulocyte macrophage-colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) in F2 males. There were also sex dependent changes in IL-18, tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases 1 (TIMP-1), and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). Progesterone was decreased and alpha melanocyte stimulating hormone (α-MSH) was increased in F2 males, and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) was decreased in F2 females. Changes in α1AGP, GM-CSF, progesterone, and α-MSH were correlated with decreased allogrooming in the F2 offspring of stressed dams. These results support the hypothesis that transgenerational social stress affects both the immune system and social behavior, and also support previous studies on the adverse effects of early life stress on immune functioning and stress associated immunological disorders, including the increasing prevalence of asthma. The immune system may represent an important transgenerational etiological factor in disorders which involve social and/or early life stress associated changes in social behavior, such as depression, anxiety, and autism, as well as comorbid immune disorders. Future studies involving immune and/or endocrine assessments and manipulations will address specific questions of function and causation, and may identify novel preventative measures and treatments for the growing number of immune mediated disorders

    Lack of trade-offs between the male and female sexual functions in the gynodioecious herb Geranium sylvaticum

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    Resource allocation trade-offs between sexual functions are predicted, but these are usually measured only at the whole plant level. In some gynodioecious species, individuals with partially restored male fertility exist providing an opportunity to investigate whether the costs associated with male fertility restoration are linked to seed production. In this study, we examined whether there is a relationship between the numbers of stamens and seeds produced both at the flower level and at the plant level in the gynodioecious herb Geranium sylvaticum. We individually marked flowers in plants varying in the degree of male sterility in the field and counted the number of seeds produced. There was no significant correlation between the numbers of stamens and seeds produced at the flower level suggesting an absence of resource trade-off between female and male functions. Furthermore, the numbers of stamens and seeds were positively correlated at the plant level. The lack of trade-offs between the two sexual functions in this species indicates that relative sex allocation was not affected by resources within a single season and/or that the male costs were relatively small

    Concurrent Session 4A

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    Panel: Using the APPE Ethics Bowl formats to Create an Applied Ethics Final Exam / Bailey Elzinga (E-Sinc and Indigenous Affairs, Canada); Megan O’Neill (E-Sinc and Alberta Health); Elizabeth Quinn (E-Sinc and Concordia University of Edmonton); Glenn Sinclair (E-Sinc) Session Chair: Mark Doorley, Villanova University The Panel Presentation will include an overview of the evolution of this process from a doctoral dissertation, which occurred prior to the concept of applied ethics being commonly used, to today. Then four participants will provide their assessments of the value of this format as an evaluative device re the learning of applied ethics: Elizabeth Quinn will discuss her recent experience during the pandemic when classes and evaluations were conducted in on-line formats only (thus there was no role play component yet had final debates). Bailey Elzinga will comment on her experience first as student in an earlier setting wherein all was conducted live and in-class and then as judge in the on-line Final Debates portion of the final exam, coming as she does now as a Public Health Officer in the federal government (of Canada). Megan O’Neill will also give a student’s perspective from a live and in-class setting and her involvement as judge in those years where judging had to occur remotely relative to the participants, coming as she does now as an Environmental Health Officer in the provincial government (of Alberta). She will highlight the importance of the shift to the proponent & commentary design when training Environmental Health Officers to present on ethical dilemmas. The panel will enter into conversation with attendees, answering questions and otherwise discussing possibilities going forward for such approaches to be utilized more broadly in education
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