Concurrent Session 4A


Panel: Using the APPE Ethics Bowl formats to Create an Applied Ethics Final Exam / Bailey Elzinga (E-Sinc and Indigenous Affairs, Canada); Megan O’Neill (E-Sinc and Alberta Health); Elizabeth Quinn (E-Sinc and Concordia University of Edmonton); Glenn Sinclair (E-Sinc) Session Chair: Mark Doorley, Villanova University The Panel Presentation will include an overview of the evolution of this process from a doctoral dissertation, which occurred prior to the concept of applied ethics being commonly used, to today. Then four participants will provide their assessments of the value of this format as an evaluative device re the learning of applied ethics: Elizabeth Quinn will discuss her recent experience during the pandemic when classes and evaluations were conducted in on-line formats only (thus there was no role play component yet had final debates). Bailey Elzinga will comment on her experience first as student in an earlier setting wherein all was conducted live and in-class and then as judge in the on-line Final Debates portion of the final exam, coming as she does now as a Public Health Officer in the federal government (of Canada). Megan O’Neill will also give a student’s perspective from a live and in-class setting and her involvement as judge in those years where judging had to occur remotely relative to the participants, coming as she does now as an Environmental Health Officer in the provincial government (of Alberta). She will highlight the importance of the shift to the proponent & commentary design when training Environmental Health Officers to present on ethical dilemmas. The panel will enter into conversation with attendees, answering questions and otherwise discussing possibilities going forward for such approaches to be utilized more broadly in education

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