40 research outputs found

    Children of Few Words: Relations Among Selective Mutism, Behavioral Inhibition, and (Social) Anxiety Symptoms in 3- to 6-Year-Olds

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    Children with selective mutism (SM) fail to speak in specific public situations (e.g., school), despite speaking normally in other situations (e.g., at home). The current study explored the phenomenon of SM in a sample of 57 non-clinical children aged 3-6 years. Children performed two speech tasks to assess their absolute amount of spoken words, while their parents completed questionnaires for measuring children's levels of SM, social anxiety and non-social anxiety symptoms as well as the temperament characteristic of behavioral inhibition. The results indicated that high levels of parent-reported SM were primarily associated with high levels of social anxiety symptoms. The number of spoken words was negatively related to behavioral inhibition: children with a more inhibited temperament used fewer words during the speech tasks. Future research is necessary to test whether the temperament characteristic of behavioral inhibition prompts children to speak less in novel social situations, and whether it is mainly social anxiety that turns this taciturnity into the psychopathology of SM

    Flow dependent processes in settlement of intertidal bivalve larvae

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    In estuariumgebieden ontwikkelen schelpdierlarven zich door middel van een planktonisch stadium, waarin zij vrij zwemmen in de waterkolom. Tijdens deze fase worden de larven verspreid door waterstromingen. Op een gegeven moment vestigen zij zich op de bodem. Dit belangrijke vestigingsproces is een korte fase, waarover weinig bekend is. Zowel voor, na als tijdens dit proces kan veel sterfte optreden en een beter inzicht hierin kan er onder meer aan bijdragen dat de aanwezigheid van toekomstige jaarklassen van commercieel beviste soorten (zoals kokkels) beter voorspeld kan worden. Promovendus Iris Hendriks onderzocht in hoeverre het vestigingsproces van de schelpdierlarven door waterstroming wordt bepaald. Zij voerde hiertoe experimenten uit in het veld en in het laboratorium, met stroomgoot en het kweken van larven. Haar onderzoek toont onder andere aan dat turbulentie, veroorzaakt door bodemstructuren, een belangrijke rol kan spelen in het vestigingsproces. Het wegvissen van deze bodemstructuren zou in dat geval de mate van vestiging van larven kunnen beïnvloeden

    Development of Tests for Arm Coordination Impairment in Paralympic Classification

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    BackgroundIn Paralympic sport, classification of impairment with the ability to detect misrepresentation of abilities is mandatory. In wheelchair rugby, there is currently no objective method to classify arm coordination impairment. In previous research, sufficient correlation between the spiral test (ST) and activity in wheelchair rugby was found in athletes with coordination impairment. However, the ST depends on maximum voluntary effort.PurposeTo assess if the ST is an objective test for arm coordination impairment, in which maximum voluntary effort can be distinguished from intentional misrepresentation. The aims of this study were to (1) assess the test-retest reliability of the ST and (2) assess if Fitts's law is applicable to the ST.MethodsNineteen volunteers without impairments performed two sessions with three STs per arm. The STs were projected and measured on a tablet and had three different indices of difficulty based on differences in spiral width. The time to complete the spiral was measured and a penalty time was added for each time the borderline of the spiral was touched (3 s) or crossed (5 s).ResultsTest-retest reliability was assessed using a Bland-Altman analysis and showed limits of agreement that were wider than the margins of 2SD from the group mean. Repeated measurement correlation coefficients between the index of difficulty according to Fitts's law and the movement time were > 0.95 (p-value < 0.001) for both test and retest. A post-hoc optimisation of penalty times revealed an optimum penalty time of 2.0 s for the dominant arm and 2.5 for the non-dominant arm for any contact with the margins of the spiral.ConclusionsThe ST has sufficient test-retest reliability and Fitts's law is applicable. Therefore, it is a promising option for classification of arm coordination impairment with the option to distinguish intentional misrepresentation from maximum voluntary effort

    Genetics and Not Shared Environment Explains Familial Resemblance in Adult Metabolomics Data

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    Metabolites are small molecules involved in cellular metabolism where they act as reaction substrates or products. The term 'metabolomics' refers to the comprehensive study of these molecules. The concentrations of metabolites in biological tissues are under genetic control, but this is limited by environmental factors such as diet. In adult mono- and dizygotic twin pairs, we estimated the contribution of genetic and shared environmental influences on metabolite levels by structural equation modeling and tested whether the familial resemblance for metabolite levels is mainly explained by genetic or by environmental factors that are shared by family members. Metabolites were measured across three platforms: two based on proton nuclear magnetic resonance techniques and one employing mass spectrometry. These three platforms comprised 237 single metabolic traits of several chemical classes. For the three platforms, metabolites were assessed in 1407, 1037 and 1116 twin pairs, respectively. We carried out power calculations to establish what percentage of shared environmental variance could be detected given these sample sizes. Our study did not find evidence for a systematic contribution of shared environment, defined as the influence of growing up together in the same household, on metabolites assessed in adulthood. Significant heritability was observed for nearly all 237 metabolites; significant contribution of the shared environment was limited to 6 metabolites. The top quartile of the heritability distribution was populated by 5 of the 11 investigated chemical classes. In this quartile, metabolites of the class lipoprotein were significantly overrepresented, whereas metabolites of classes glycerophospholipids and glycerolipids were significantly underrepresented

    Ocean acidification research in the Mediterranean Sea : status, trends and next steps

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    Ocean acidification (OA) is a serious consequence of climate change with complex organism-to-ecosystem effects that have been observed through field observations but are mainly derived from experimental studies. Although OA trends and the resulting biological impacts are likely exacerbated in the semi-enclosed and highly populated Mediterranean Sea, some fundamental knowledge gaps still exist. These gaps are at tributed to both the uneven capacity for OA research that exists between Mediterranean countries, as well as to the subtle and long-term biological, physical and chemical interactions that define OA impacts. In this paper, we systematically analyzed the different aspects of OA research in the Mediterranean region based on two sources: the United Nation’s International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) Ocean Acidification International Coordination Center (OA-ICC) database, and an extensive survey. Our analysis shows that 1) there is an uneven geographic capacity in OA research, and illustrates that both the Algero-Provencal and Ionian sub-basins are currently the least studied Mediterranean areas, 2) the carbonate system is still poorly quantified in coastal zones, and long-term time-series are still sparse across the Mediterranean Sea, which is a challenge for studying its variability and assessing coastal OA trends, 3) the most studied groups of organisms are autotrophs (algae, phanerogams, phytoplankton), mollusks, and corals, while microbes, small mollusks (mainly pteropods), and sponges are among the least studied, 4) there is an overall paucity in socio-economic, paleontological, and modeling studies in the Mediterranean Sea, and 5) in spite of general resource availability and the agreement for improved and coordinated OA governance, there is a lack of consistent OA policies in the Mediterranean Sea. In addition to highlighting the current status, trends and gaps of OA research, this work also provides recommendations, based on both our literature assessment and a survey that targeted the Mediterranean OA scientific community. In light of the ongoing 2021-2030 United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, this work might provide a guideline to close gaps of knowledge in the Mediterranean OA research.peer-reviewe

    A genome-wide association study of anorexia nervosa suggests a risk locus implicated in dysregulated leptin signaling

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    J. Kaprio, A. Palotie, A. Raevuori-Helkamaa ja S. Ripatti ovat työryhmän Eating Disorders Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium jäseniä. Erratum in: Sci Rep. 2017 Aug 21;7(1):8379, doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-06409-3We conducted a genome-wide association study (GWAS) of anorexia nervosa (AN) using a stringently defined phenotype. Analysis of phenotypic variability led to the identification of a specific genetic risk factor that approached genome-wide significance (rs929626 in EBF1 (Early B-Cell Factor 1); P = 2.04 x 10(-7); OR = 0.7; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.61-0.8) with independent replication (P = 0.04), suggesting a variant-mediated dysregulation of leptin signaling may play a role in AN. Multiple SNPs in LD with the variant support the nominal association. This demonstrates that although the clinical and etiologic heterogeneity of AN is universally recognized, further careful sub-typing of cases may provide more precise genomic signals. In this study, through a refinement of the phenotype spectrum of AN, we present a replicable GWAS signal that is nominally associated with AN, highlighting a potentially important candidate locus for further investigation.Peer reviewe