8 research outputs found

    Problemas de la audición y su repercusión en el habla

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    Tecnólogo Médico en Terapia del LenguajeCuenc

    Camera settings and biome influence the accuracy of citizen science approaches to camera trap image classification

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    Scientists are increasingly using volunteer efforts of citizen scientists to classify images captured by motion-activated trail cameras. The rising popularity of citizen science reflects its potential to engage the public in conservation science and accelerate processing of the large volume of images generated by trail cameras. While image classification accuracy by citizen scientists can vary across species, the influence of other factors on accuracy is poorly understood. Inaccuracy diminishes the value of citizen science derived data and prompts the need for specific best-practice protocols to decrease error. We compare the accuracy between three programs that use crowdsourced citizen scientists to process images online: Snapshot Serengeti, Wildwatch Kenya, and AmazonCam Tambopata. We hypothesized that habitat type and camera settings would influence accuracy. To evaluate these factors, each photograph was circulated to multiple volunteers. All volunteer classifications were aggregated to a single best answer for each photograph using a plurality algorithm. Subsequently, a subset of these images underwent expert review and were compared to the citizen scientist results. Classification errors were categorized by the nature of the error (e.g., false species or false empty), and reason for the false classification (e.g., misidentification). Our results show that Snapshot Serengeti had the highest accuracy (97.9%), followed by AmazonCam Tambopata (93.5%), then Wildwatch Kenya (83.4%). Error type was influenced by habitat, with false empty images more prevalent in open-grassy habitat (27%) compared to woodlands (10%). For medium to large animal surveys across all habitat types, our results suggest that to significantly improve accuracy in crowdsourced projects, researchers should use a trail camera set up protocol with a burst of three consecutive photographs, a short field of view, and determine camera sensitivity settings based on in situ testing. Accuracy level comparisons such as this study can improve reliability of future citizen science projects, and subsequently encourage the increased use of such data

    Substituição da Proteína do Farelo de Soja pela Proteína do Farelo de Canola em Rações para Alevinos de Curimbatá (Prochilodus lineatus V.) Replacement of Soybean Meal Protein by Canola Meal Protein in "Curimbatá" (Prochilodus lineatus V.) Fingerling Diets

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    Objetivando verificar a influência da substituição da proteína do farelo de soja (FS) pela proteína do farelo de canola (FC), em rações para alevinos de curimbatá, foram utilizados 120 animais com peso médio de 1,88 ± 0,82 g e comprimento total médio de 5,40 ± 0,99 cm, distribuídos em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado com seis tratamentos e quatro repetições em aquários de vidro (50 L), com cinco alevinos por unidade experimental. As rações foram formuladas para serem isoprotéicas (26,00%), isocálcicas (0,90%) e isofosfóricas (0,70%), com níveis crescentes de substituição da proteína do FS pela do FC (0,00; 20,00; 40,00; 60,00; 80,00 e 100,00%), o que correspondeu a 0,00; 8,03; 16,10; 24,10; 32,15 e 43,12% de inclusão do FC nas rações e fornecidas por um período de 30 dias. Os parâmetros físico-químicos da água foram medidos a cada sete dias. Observou-se redução linear do ganho de peso e da taxa de eficiência protéica e aumento linear da taxa de conversão alimentar, com aumento da inclusão do FC nas rações. A taxa de sobrevivência e o custo de ração/kg ganho não foram afetados com o uso do FC nas rações. Os valores da temperatura da água, do pH e da condutividade elétrica permaneceram dentro dos níveis adequados. Concluiu-se que o aumento dos níveis de inclusão da proteína do farelo de canola nas rações para alevinos de curimbatá acarretou redução no desempenho dos mesmos.<br>The influence of the substitution of soybean meal protein (SM) by canola meal protein (CM) in Prochilodus lineatus fingerling diets was verified. One hundred and twenty specimens, averaging weight 1.88±0.82g and total length 5.40±0.99cm, was assigned to a completely randomized randomized design, with six treatments and four replicates, in a 50 L glass aquarium, with five fingerlings in each experimental unit. Isoprotein (26.00%), isocalcium (0.90%) and isophosphorus (0.70%) diets were formulated with increasing replacement levels of SM protein by CM protein (0.00, 20.00, 40.00, 60.00, 80.00, and 100.00%). Values correspond respectively to 0.00, 8.03, 16.10, 24.10, 32.15 and 43.12% of CM inclusion in diets for 30 days. Physical and chemical parameters of water were measured every seven days. Through an increase in CM inclusion in diets, a linear decrease in weight gain and protein efficiency rate was reported; a linear increase in food conversion has also been recorded. There was no influence of CM inclusion in diets on survival rate and feed costs/kg gained. Water temperature, pH and electrical conductivity remained within proper limits. Increase in levels of protein inclusion of CM in diets for Prochilodus lineatus fingerlings caused a decrease in their performance

    Farinha de vísceras de aves em rações para alevinos de tilápia do Nilo,Oreochromis niloticus (L.) Poultry by-product meal in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fingerlings diets

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    Este estudo foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar o desempenho e as características de carcaças de alevinos de tilápia do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus) submetidos a rações com níveis de inclusão de farinha de vísceras (FV), assim como os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente (CDA) dos nutrientes deste alimento. Para o experimento de desempenho, foram utilizados 300 alevinos, com peso inicial médio de 0,35 &plusmn; 0,01 g, distribuídos em trinta tanques-rede (120 L), instalados em cinco tanques (1000 L). Foram utilizados seis níveis de inclusão de FV nas rações (0,00; 4,00; 8,00; 12,00; 16,00 e 20,00%), em um delineamento experimental, em blocos casualizados com seis tratamentos e cinco repetições. Realizou-se um ensaio de digestibilidade, com rações contendo 0,00 e 20,00% de FV, fornecidas a peixes com peso médio de 47,81 &plusmn; 9,97 g. Observou-se aumento linear da porcentagem de ganho de peso e taxas de eficiência protéica e de retenção de nitrogênio, com o aumento nos teores de FV nas rações, e efeito quadrático para conversão alimentar, taxa de retenção de extrato etéreo e porcentagens de proteína bruta e extrato etéreo na carcaça. Em relação à digestibilidade, a ração com 20,00% de FV apresentou menores CDA para a matéria seca, proteína bruta e energia bruta e maiores para extrato etéreo. Entretanto, maiores valores de extrato etéreo e energia digestíveis foram obtidos na ração com 20,00% de FV, embora a proteína digestível tenha sido inferior com 0,00% de FV. Os CDA do extrato etéreo, proteína bruta e energia bruta da farinha de vísceras foram de 70,45; 63,93 e 55,89%, respectivamente. A inclusão de 20,00% de FV na ração promoveu melhor desempenho, porém aumentou o teor de extrato etéreo e reduziu o de proteína bruta na carcaça, ocorrendo, ainda, diminuição dos CDA da matéria seca, proteína e energia bruta das rações.<br>Performance, carcass characteristics and coefficients of apparent digestibility of Nile tilapia fingerlings (Oreochromis niloticus) fed diets with increasing levels of poultry by-product meal (PM) were evaluated. Three hundred fingerlings with average initial weight of 0.35&plusmn;0.01 g were placed in thirty 120 L net ponds in five cement 1000 L tanks. Six levels of PM inclusion (0.00, 4.00, 8.00, 12.00, 16.00 and 20.00%) were used in the diets, in an experimental randomized blocks desing with six treatments and three replicates. An experiment of diet digestibility was undertaken with 0.00 and 20.00% PM diets on fish of average weight 47.81&plusmn;9.97 g. A linear improvement was observed at PM inclusion levels with regard to final weight, percentage of weight gain, protein efficiency rate, nitrogen retention and quadratic effect for food conversion, ether extract retention and percentages of crude protein and carcass ethereal extract. Concerning to the digestibility experiment, the 20.00% PM diet showed lower coefficients of apparent digestibility for dry matter, crude protein, crude energy and higher coefficients for ether extract. However, higher values of digestible ether extract and energy were obtained with 20.00% PM diet, even though digestible protein was lower than the 0.00% PP diet. Apparent digestibility coefficients of the ether extract, crude protein and crude energy of PM for the Nile tilapia were 70.45, 63.93 and 55.89% respectively. Thus, the inclusion of 20.00% PM in diet improved performance, however increased ether extract content and decreased crude protein levels in carcass and dry matter, crude protein and energy digestibility coefficients of the diets

    Precision measurement of the e(+)e(-) -> K+K-(gamma) cross section with the initial-state radiation method at BABAR

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    A precise measurement of the cross section for the process e(+)e(-) -> K+K-(gamma) from threshold to an energy of 5 GeV is obtained with the initial-state radiation (ISR) method using 232 fb(-1) of data collected with the BABAR detector at e(+)e(-) center-of-mass energies near 10.6 GeV. The measurement uses the effective ISR luminosity determined from the e(+)e(-) -> mu(+)mu(-)(gamma)gamma(ISR) process with the same data set. The corresponding lowest-order contribution to the hadronic vacuum polarization term in the muon magnetic anomaly is found to be a(mu)(KK,LO) = (22.93 +/- 0.18(stat) +/- 0.22(syst)) x 10(-10). The charged kaon form factor is extracted and compared to previous results. Its magnitude at large energy significantly exceeds the asymptotic QCD prediction, while the measured slope is consistent with the prediction

    Precision measurement of the e(+)e(-) -> K+K-(gamma) cross section with the initial-state radiation method at BABAR

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    Precision measurement of the e(+)e(-) -> K+K-(gamma) cross section with the initial-state radiation method at BABAR

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    A precise measurement of the cross section for the process e+e−→K+K−(γ) from threshold to an energy of 5 GeV is obtained with the initial-state radiation (ISR) method using 232  fb−1 of data collected with the BABAR detector at e+e− center-of-mass energies near 10.6 GeV. The measurement uses the effective ISR luminosity determined from the e+e−→μ+μ−(γ)γISR process with the same data set. The corresponding lowest-order contribution to the hadronic vacuum polarization term in the muon magnetic anomaly is found to be aKK,LOμ=(22.93±0.18stat±0.22syst)×10−10. The charged kaon form factor is extracted and compared to previous results. Its magnitude at large energy significantly exceeds the asymptotic QCD prediction, while the measured slope is consistent with the prediction